Friday, July 1, 2016

Via Daily Dharma / July 1, 2016:

Right understanding (and right functioning) of the mind does not come from thinking, but from actively and attentively observing the complex constellation of energies and activities of mind.

—Stuart Smithers, "Minding the Storehouse"

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 01/07/2016

“O corpo, desde o início da encarnação, está em processo de deterioração. A alma busca a vida, mas o corpo naturalmente se move para a morte. Embora o corpo tenha o potencial de viver determinado número de anos, se a alma diz: ‘não quero mais’, ela entrega o corpo à própria sorte; à mercê dos vírus, das bactérias e de todas as influências que conduzem o corpo de volta para a terra.”

“El cuerpo, desde el inicio de la encarnación, está en proceso de deterioro. El alma busca la vida, pero el cuerpo naturalmente se dirige hacia la muerte. Aunque el cuerpo tenga el potencial de vivir determinado número de años, si el alma dice: ‘no quiero más’, entrega el cuerpo a la propia suerte, a merced de los virus, de las bacterias y de todas las influencias que conducen al cuerpo de vuelta a la tierra.”

“From the beginning of its incarnation, the body is in the process of deterioration. The soul seeks life, but the body naturally moves towards death. Even though the body has the potential to live a certain amount of years, if the soul says, ‘I don’t want to be here anymore’, it leaves the body to its own demise. The body is then at the mercy of viruses, bacteria and all the influences that make the body return to the earth.”

Via Pink News: Muslims invite LGBT community to break Ramadan fast

Dublin's Muslim community invites the LGBT community to annual Ramadan meal
Dublin's Muslim community invites the LGBT community to annual Ramadan meal
The LGBT community in Ireland has been invited to a Muslim community meal for Ramadan.

The Irish Muslim Peace and Integration Council has invited LGBT individuals to their second annual community Iftar – the meal which marks the end of the daily Ramadan fast – in Dublin next Saturday. 

Ramadan is the annual month in the Islamic calendar during which Muslims abstain from food, drink and sex between dawn and sunset.

The fast is performed to learn discipline, self-restraint and generosity and is seen one of the “five pillars” of Islam.

Read the full article and more here