“¿Quién eres tú?
¿Eres tu nombre, tu historia o tu cuerpo? Al estar identificado con eso
que es pasajero, siempre estás girando en el círculo del sufrimiento.
Estás siempre corriendo, o para huir del sufrimiento o para obtener una
alegría pasajera (que es la misma cosa). Siempre estás haciendo algo y
siempre te sientes insatisfecho. Pero cuando te permites parar de
correr, experimentas la calma y el silencio; sientes la fragancia de la
paz y de la alegría sin causa. Y es solamente en este estado que las
respuestas a las cuestiones más profundas de la existencia surgen.”
“Who are you? Are you your name, your story or your body? When we are identified with that which is fleeting, we will always be caught in the cycle of suffering. We will always be either running away from suffering, or running towards some transitory joy. Both of these scenarios are just different sides of the same coin. We are always doing something and continuously feeling unsatisfied. But when we allow ourselves to stop running and experience calmness and silence, we will sense the fragrance of peace and joy without a cause. Only in this state can the answers to the deeper questions of existence arise.”
“Who are you? Are you your name, your story or your body? When we are identified with that which is fleeting, we will always be caught in the cycle of suffering. We will always be either running away from suffering, or running towards some transitory joy. Both of these scenarios are just different sides of the same coin. We are always doing something and continuously feeling unsatisfied. But when we allow ourselves to stop running and experience calmness and silence, we will sense the fragrance of peace and joy without a cause. Only in this state can the answers to the deeper questions of existence arise.”