Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Intention: Cultivating Lovingkindness

Cultivating Lovingkindness
Whatever you intend, whatever you plan, and whatever you have a tendency toward, that will become the basis upon which your mind is established. (SN 12.40) Develop meditation on lovingkindness, for when you develop meditation on lovingkindness, all ill will will be abandoned. (MN 62) 

The far enemy of lovingkindness is ill will. (Vm 9.98)
Ill will is the far enemy of lovingkindness because it is so clearly in opposition to it. These two polar opposites cannot occupy the mind at the same moment. This means that at any point we are are feeling kind or aversive or are experiencing a moment of mindful equanimity. Right intention means learning to use every opportunity to cultivate lovingkindness, since it is such a beneficial mind state.

Daily Practice
You cultivate mental and emotional states by encouraging them to arise and then working to maintain them as much as possible. Practice feeling friendly and kindly, if only in your mind, toward all the people and other beings you encounter each day. The more you do this, the more inclined your mind will be toward friendliness and kindness. One consequence of this is that the tendency toward ill will will diminish.

Tomorrow: Refraining from False Speech
One week from today: Cultivating Compassion

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Via Daily Dharma: Accept What You Feel

 Perhaps the greatest irony of healing is that it occurs when we accept our felt experience, rather than rely on willpower or focused effort to get rid of the unwanted.

Josh Korda, “A Safe Container for Fear”


Via NPR // Bashar Murad


Via LGBTQ Nation / Nurse Logan