“La mayor parte de los llamados ‘seres humanos’ aún está transitando
del animal al hombre. Lo que caracteriza el estado de consciencia animal
es la lucha por la supervivencia. Solo es posible anclar la consciencia
humana cuando dejamos de simplemente buscar la supervivencia a través
de la satisfacción de necesidades básicas y comenzamos a manifestar
valores humanos: cooperación, respeto, amor, verdad y así en adelante. Y
solamente cuando consolidamos estos valores y anclamos la consciencia
humana podremos movernos en dirección a la consciencia divina.”
“At the deepest level, most of whom we refer to as 'human beings' are still transitioning from an animalistic consciousness to a truly human one. What characterizes the animal state of consciousness is the struggle for survival. We can only anchor human consciousness when we stop focusing exclusively on our own survival, needing to satisfy our most basic needs, and instead begin to manifest human values such as cooperation, respect, love, truth and so forth. Only when we unite these values and anchor human consciousness can we move toward divine consciousness."
“At the deepest level, most of whom we refer to as 'human beings' are still transitioning from an animalistic consciousness to a truly human one. What characterizes the animal state of consciousness is the struggle for survival. We can only anchor human consciousness when we stop focusing exclusively on our own survival, needing to satisfy our most basic needs, and instead begin to manifest human values such as cooperation, respect, love, truth and so forth. Only when we unite these values and anchor human consciousness can we move toward divine consciousness."