Sunday, September 4, 2016

(A Response to 'One Man, One Woman') GOD LOVES LGBT+

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Via Ram Dass

September 4, 2016

Grace is something that an individual can see about their own suffering and then use it to their advantage. It is not something that can be a rationalization for allowing another human being to suffer. And you have to listen to the level at which another person is suffering. And when somebody is hungry you give them food. As my guru said, "God comes to the hungry person in the form of food." You give them food and then when they’ve had their belly filled then they may be interested in questions about God. Even though you know from, say, Buddhist training, or whatever spiritual training you have had, that the root cause of suffering is ignorance about the nature of dharma. To give somebody a dharma lecture when they are hungry is just inappropriate methodology in terms of ending suffering...

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día- Flower of the day - 04/09/2016

“É preciso ter firmeza para evitar que as forças contrárias ao amor destruam as coisas boas que conseguimos construir na nossa vida. Nossas escolhas precisam vir do coração, que é o Divino em nós, e não do ego obcecado pelo poder e viciado em machucar e destruir. Será que não estamos suficientemente cansados do sofrimento? Precisamos nos comprometer com a Luz, o que significa trabalhar para criar união, prosperidade, construção, paz e alegria, na mente e no coração.”

“Es necesariotenerfirmeza para evitar que las fuerzas contrarias al amor destruyan las cosas buenas que pudimos construir en nuestra vida. Nuestras eleccionesprecisan venir del corazón, que es lo Divino en nosotros, y no del ego obsesionado con el poder y adicto a lastimar y destruir. ¿Será que no estamos lo suficientemente cansados del sufrimiento? Necesitamos comprometernos con la Luz, que significa trabajar para crear unión, prosperidad, construcción, paz y alegría en la mente y en el corazón.”

"Firmness is necessary so that we don't let the opposing forces to love destroy all the good things we have built in our lives. Our choices need to come from our hearts, which is the Divine in us, and not our egos that are obsessed by power and addicted to causing pain and destruction. Have we not had enough of suffering? We need to commit ourselves to the light, working in order to create union, prosperity, construction, peace, and happiness in our minds and in our hearts."

Via Daily Dharma / September 4, 2016: The River of Ourselves

Practicing Buddhism is about discovering ourselves to be in a great, flowing river of continuities.

—Joan Halifax, "Giving Birth to Ancestors"