In recent years, American Baha’is have felt a dilemma between
their identities as Baha’is and their desire to support members of the
LGBTQ community.
Why are some American Baha’is leaving their faith?

In the past two years, three written
pieces by Baha’is who left, or considered leaving their faith have
gained publicity on social media. All three people who published such
pieces left or considered leaving the Baha’i faith due to the faith’s
stance on homosexuality. The Universal House of Justice, the Baha’i
authority of the world, describes homosexuality as similar to issues
such as drinking and doing drugs. While Baha’is are encouraged to be
sympathetic toward LGBT members of the faith, the UHJ considers
homosexuality immoral if expressed in sexual acts. Since April of 2015,
three prominent Baha’is have expressed their struggles and disagreements
with this stance.
Rayshel and George express a sentiment that Baha’i holy texts condemn pederasty, and not homosexuality, as the Universal House of Justice has interpreted them.
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