Sunday, July 5, 2015

Let Wedding Bells Ring

Via Colgay PRIDE of Columbus Georgia / FB:

Colgay PRIDE of Columbus Georgia's photo.

"People continue to spew Hate upon us. This takes the cake. Truly sad day for LGBT citizens that we must endure this type of disgusting behavior and hatred. To those who say we shouldn't be all up in your face with our "lifestyle" I say to you we have endured your lifestyle for millenia through PDA, Movies, Weddings, Churches, Social media and so on as well as enduring your hatred. So why should we take a "BACKSEAT" for you today?"

Via FB:

Via AlterNet / FB:

Via JMG: A Very Young Gay Human Of New York

"I'm homosexual and I'm afraid about what my future will be and that people won't like me."
Posted by Humans of New York on Friday, July 3, 2015
Mashable reports:
Sometimes the Internet can be a good place filled with good people. On Friday, Humans of New York photographer Brandon Stanton posted a heartbreaking image of a young boy with the caption, "I'm homosexual, and I'm afraid about what my future will be and that people won't like me." Even 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton left a few inspirational words, writing, "Prediction from a grown-up: Your future is going to be amazing. You will surprise yourself with what you’re capable of and the incredible things you go on to do. Find the people who love and believe in you –- there will be lots of them."
Your day will truly be better if you read the comments. And that's a sentence you won't see very often.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Today's Daily Dharma: Wherever the Mind Points, It Goes

Wherever the Mind Points, It Goes
In this historical moment when American democratic ideals of freedom, civility, pluralism, altruism, and individualism make America the most comfortable home on earth for the individual pursuit of enlightenment, it is an essential form of Buddhist practice to participate in politics, to vote, to speak out, to encourage those who agree, to reason with those who disagree. It is wisdom. It is meditation. It is compassion. It is ethics.
Sarah Harding, "Won't It Be Grand"