Friday, May 23, 2014

The Harvey Milk Forever Stamp Is Dedicated


Nosso diretor Karim Aïnouz fala a O Globo: "A intolerância e o preconceito são manifestações muito tristes da alma humana, e elas em geral são frutos da ignorância, assim como o fascismo e o racismo. Ver um filme onde um monte de gente morre, onde há violência e tiros para cima e para baixo não tem problema. Mas uma história de amor tem? Do que essas pessoas têm medo?". 

Leia a matéria completa aqui:

RuPaul Drives... John Waters Part 2

Via JMG: OREGON: Ballot Measure Dropped

Via press release:
Oregon United for Marriage submitted an amicus brief in the Rummell v Kitzhaber marriage equality case, noting that if the judge ruled in a way that allowed for same-sex couples to marry by May 23, the campaign would not submit the 160,000 signatures gathered to put a marriage equality measure on the ballot. Today is May 23—and following Judge Michael McShane’s ruling that extended the freedom to marry to all loving, committed couples in Oregon, a ballot campaign to address the same issue is no longer needed. “We are confident that the freedom to marry is secure in Oregon and that we do not need to move forward with the ballot measure,” said Oregon United for Marriage deputy campaign manager Amy Ruiz. “It is time to celebrate this victory for Oregon.”

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Lee Dorsey / FB;

Via Daily Dharma

Long Journey to a Bow | May 23, 2014

Learning to make that first bow to ourselves is perhaps a step to realizing that a bow is just a bow, a simple gesture where all ideas of 'self' and 'other,' 'worthy' and 'unworthy,' fall away. It is a step of confidently committing ourselves to realizing the same freedom and compassion that all buddhas throughout time have discovered; it is acknowledging that we practice to be liberated. 
—Christina Feldman, "Long Journey to a Bow"