Monday, December 31, 2012

Via Buddhism on Beliefnet:

Daily Buddhist Wisdom

There is, O monks, a realm, where there is neither earth, nor water, nor fire, nor wind, neither the sphere of boundless consciousness, nor the sphere of nothingness, nor the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, neither this world nor the next world, nor both together, nor moon and sun. This, O monks, I call neither a going, nor a coming, nor a standing, nor dying, nor being born. It is without a foothold, without a beginning, without a foundation. This indeed is the end of suffering.
- Udana 8.1

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma December 31, 2012

Deeper than Thought

It is undeniable that others and the larger world, so beleaguered at this moment in history, need everything that we have to give. But what to give is the problem. It seems finally clear that we cannot find out what to do simply by thinking about it. We need to gain our inspiration and our direction from much deeper sources.
- Reginald Ray, “Looking Inward, Seeing Outward”
Read the entire article in the Wisdom Collection through January 1st, 2013
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Via AmericaBlog Gay:Interview with the gay military couple whose iconic “kiss” photo went viral this year (video)

You may recall the photo of the gay kiss, showing a Marine jumping into his boyfriend’s arms on coming home from Afghanistan. 
Well, DepFox has done a great interview with them, on YouTube. Here’s the description, video is below:


Via Nalanda LGBT Buddhist Cultural and Resource Center / FB:

‎"Buddism is not a spirituality. Buddhism is all about how to balance our social life that comes with a understanding and appreciation to our inner quality." - Kalu Rinpoche
"Buddism is not a spirituality. Buddhism is all about how to balance our social life that comes with a understanding and appreciation to our inner quality." - Kalu Rinpoche