Wednesday, November 17, 2021

OM SO HUM Mantra sung by CHOIR ** EXTREMELY POWERFUL ** Mantra Meditatio...

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Speech: Refraining from Harsh Speech



The human capacity for speech is so nuanced and our languages are so varied that we always have a choice about how we express ourselves. Whatever you are about to say harshly, you can say gently instead. Whatever comes to mind as a stinging riposte can be toned down to be less hurtful. Even a cruel remark can be turned around entirely, and you can say something agreeable instead. It’s worth trying to do this as a practice. 

Daily Practice
Take care how you speak. Choose your words wisely and be wary of what you might blurt out without awareness. Right speech is mindful speech. Notice whether or not your words are gentle, spoken with an attitude of affection, and “go to the heart.” Even when others speak harshly to you, commit to being a person who refrains from harsh speech at every opportunity.

Tomorrow: Reflecting upon Mental Action
One week from today: Refraining from Frivolous Speech

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Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - November 17, 2021 💌



Who dwells in the heart cave has no limit. Who dwells in the heart cave is beyond time, beyond space.   

Each time you experience yourself as something or somebody, just notice that it's another thought or sensation drifting across the walls of the cave, and return to the spacious, formless, timeless essence. 

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: Living Fully


To live fully means to be in touch with the impermanence of living in the service of greater compassion and equanimity, like a steady bamboo reed on a windy day.

—Anthony Tshering, “How the Concept of Impermanence Can Help Anxiety-Ridden Millennials”