Friday, July 15, 2011

Robert and Stylianos sent this picture to us last night, upon hearing that after 15 years of DOMA, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold the first-ever hearing on repealing the horrendous law. No matter your marital status or sexual orientation, please follow their lead and click here to send in your "Please repeal DOMA for..." photo for our new video project!
Dear Daniel,
Two years ago, when 18,000 California same-sex couples and their marriages were under attack, we launched "Fidelity," a multimedia video featuring Regina Spector's hit song and photos of members like you. We did it to send the California Supreme Court a message: don't let Prop 8 forcibly divorce same-sex families. It became the most-watched video in California political history, viewed 1.2 million times on YouTube and Vimeo.

Now, we're under attack again: this time by anti-gay activists who want to protect the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Fortunately, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a first-ever hearing next week on repealing DOMA. So it's time for Fidelity II.
Is your family impacted by DOMA? Do you know anyone who pays thousands more in federal taxes or can't sponsor their husband or wife for permanent residency? Or would you just like to express your support for the thousands harmed by this discriminatory law?

If so, please take a picture with a plain 8.5" by 11" piece of paper that sends a special message, like "Please Repeal DOMA for my family," "Please Repeal DOMA for my mothers," "Please Repeal DOMA for my friends, Name and Name," or "Please Repeal DOMA for all happily married couples." Print it out, or write it clearly in big, block letters. Then click here to send us your photo to include in our new video.

The time has come for Fidelity II because the Senate Judiciary Committee has the votes to pass the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal DOMA. Winning in committee -- which we have the votes to do -- would make headlines around the country, educate the public, and inject new momentum into the national movement, helping push more Senators to co-sponsor the bill.

This is your opportunity to play a big role in educating the public, Daniel. Click here to send in your photo, holding up a sign that says "Please Repeal DOMA."

Opportunities to change the hearts and minds of Americans on DOMA don't come along very often. The Senate Judiciary Committee is giving us one. Let's make sure to take it.

Thanks for all you do,

--Rick, Cait, Arisha, Adam, Anthony, and the rest of the team at the Courage Campaign

To power our campaign to repeal DOMA, please chip in what you can today:

Via JMG: Hate Groups React To CA History Bill

Catholics For The Common Good
Claims that this bill is needed to reduce bullying against children that are experiencing gender confusion or take on 'gay' or 'lesbian' identities are absurd. Children must be taught respect for all persons because of their intrinsic value, not because they agree with their behavior or like their characteristics. In fact, reducing people to merely a sexual identity obscures the fact that they are so much more than that.
Traditional Values Coalition
SB 48 was priority number 1 for Traditional Values Coalition. We committed all the resources we had to try to make sure that SB 48 failed. We are talking about molesting the minds of young impressionable youth, as young as Kindergarten, with an agenda and message that is not age-appropriate and that is offensive to the values of a vast majority of California’s families. We have failed at our core educational mission and yet we are now going to inject gay studies into the classrooms. It’s absurd and offensive.
Save California
It's ridiculous that Jerry Brown says he's making history 'honest'. The bill he signed prohibits teachers and textbooks from telling children the facts that homosexuality has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS and other STDs, higher cancer rates, and earlier deaths. These important facts about lifestyles children will being forced to admire will be omitted. And Brown calls this 'honest'? This revisionist history will actually make more children believe a lie -- that homosexuality is biological, which it's not, and healthy, which is isn't."

reposted from Joe


VIVIENNE_VYLE-Islands in the Stream

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Via JMG: LGBT Characters Map

A reader sends us his map of where TV's gay characters live. Can you add more?

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Marcus Bachmann On Homosexuality

JMG Tweet Of The Day - Cher

reposted from Joe


Jerry Brown signs bill requiring schools to teach gay history

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation requiring public schools to include the contributions of gay and lesbian people in their curriculum, making California the first state to adopt such a requirement.
Read more.

SUPPORT EQUALITY - Dave Koz sings "This Guy's in Love With You", directed by Graham Streeter

Thought Becomes Form

The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
The deed develops into habit;
And habit hardens into character;
So watch the thought and its ways with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings...
As the shadow follows the body, as we think, so we become.

— The Dhammapada
(Sayings of the Buddha via Thought Becomes Form)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sassy Gay Friend: The Odyssey

Via JMG: The Real Costs Of "Ex-Gay" Therapy

Think Progress comments on the real cost of "ex-gay" therapy like that performed by Marcus Bachmann:
Beliefs that gay people need to be “cured” of their sexual orientation also contribute to harassment and violence against gay people and anyone else who doesn’t conform to rigid stereotypes of gender and sexuality. In 2008, more than 2,400 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people were victims of crimes perpetrated against them on the basis of their real or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Significant underreporting means that the actual number of hate crimes against gay and transgender people is probably much higher than the statistics show. Ex-gay therapy tears at the mental health of gay people while contributing to the poisonous attitudes that mark them as targets for violence and discrimination. And for this “therapy,” it’s society as a whole that foots the bill: every blow at the ability of gay people to take care of themselves and their families has its costs, whether in the loss of a job because of harassment, days missed at school because of bullying, or medical bills for dealing with depression or the aftermath of violence.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Crazy Eyes: Gays Are Part Of Satan

"Any of you who have members of your family that are in the lifestyle—we have a member of our family that is. This is not funny. It’s a very sad life. It’s part of Satan, I think, to say this is gay. It’s anything but gay. And so we are not here tonight -- in fact, I wish this whole room was filled with the gay community -- because we'd reach our hand out in love. The Love Won Out conference was here not too long ago in the Twin Cities, and it’s profoundly sad to recognize that almost all, if not all, individuals who have gone into the lifestyle have been abused at one time in their life, either by a male or by a female." - Rep. Michele Bachmann, speaking in 2004.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Romney Rejects Iowa Marriage Vow

Mitt Romney has refused to sign the virulently anti-gay pledge that the hate group Iowa Leader is demanding of all GOP presidential candidates.
Andrea Saul, a spokeswoman for Romney, told The Associated Press in a written statement Tuesday that Romney "strongly supports traditional marriage," but that the oath "contained references and provisions that were undignified and inappropriate for a presidential campaign." Bachmann and Santorum have been campaigning hard to court the influential social conservatives in Iowa, which holds the nation's first caucuses. Romney's rejection of the pledge reflects his diminished focus on winning Iowa, where he spent $10 million during his 2008 presidential campaign only to finish second. None of the other GOP presidential hopefuls, including former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have said whether they will sign the pledge.

reposted from Joe

AC360 - Keeping The Bachmann's Honest On Controversial Clinic

Via JMG: Will CA Jerry Brown Sign History Bill?

It remains unclear whether California Gov. Jerry Brown will sign the LGBT history bill approved earlier this month by the state legislature. Brown is under enormous pressure from anti-gay hate groups nationwide. Equality California weighs in:
As a community we must convince Governor Brown to sign the FAIR Education Act (SB 48 - Leno). We don't have a lot of time. Please email him today. . This critical bill would ensure that students in public schools learn about the LGBT civil rights movement and the contributions of LGBT people to other movements and to society. With this bill, we will have the opportunity to define who we are, instead of being defined by harmful messages filled with bigotry that dehumanize us. We believe that learning about the heroic struggles of LGBT individuals and our diverse LGBT communities brings an understanding that prevents violence against our LGBT youth and those perceived as LGBT regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We are shifting the conversation. Instead of being stigmatized, marginalized and demonized, people will understand that we have a proud legacy and heritage of struggle and contribution.
Hit this link to sign Equality California's petition to Brown. Or call his office directly: 916.445.2841.

reposted from Joe

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

BRASIL Sem Homofobia

Jô Soares finge que entrevista Crivella e faz discurso gay

Via JMG: Massachusetts Town To Pay Married Gay Employees To Offset Tax

Marriage gay city employees of Cambridge, Massachusetts will become the first in the nation to be paid a small stipend to cover a federal tax that their heterosexual colleagues don't have to pay.
Like many people, these 22 school and city workers chose to put their spouses on their employer-provided health insurance. Because they're in a homosexual relationship, the value of that health coverage is considered taxable income by the federal government. But starting this month, Cambridge will become what is believed to be the first municipality in the country to pay its public employees a stipend in an attempt to defray the cost of the federal tax on health benefits for their same-sex spouses. The city employees hit by the extra tax pay an additional $1,500 to $3,000 in taxes a year and officials estimate the stipends would cost the city an additional $33,000. "This is about equality," said Marjorie Decker, a Cambridge city councilor. "This is a city that models what equality really means."

reposted from Joe