Monday, January 25, 2010

From JMG: Obama To Make DADT Announcement At State Of The Union Address?

The Marine Corps Times is reporting that the White House has delayed the announcement of congressional hearings about the repeal of DADT because President Obama may reveal his intentions on the issue during Wednesday's State Of The Union address.
The Senate Armed Services Committee expects to have a series of hearings, one focusing on the views of military leaders, another on the views of outside witnesses and possibly panels of junior officers and noncommissioned officers, said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., the committee chairman. Levin said Monday that an announcement of the hearings has been delayed at the request of senior Defense Department officials until after President Obama’s speech. Levin said he does not know what Obama might say, but he expects it will be an announcement of the administration’s intentions. Hearings were supposed to start with military leaders, Levin said, but he might change the order to get hearings underway if senior military officials need more time to prepare. “I am willing to switch things up,” he said. “I am committed to starting the hearings in February.”
Earlier today many progressive blogs were critical of the lack of announced dates for the DADT hearings. Can we hope that this is the reason?

Another great heads up from JMG

From JMG: On Cyberbullying

Just go watch this.

From JMG: Exposing The Lies About Gay Pedophilia

JMG: Rob Tisinai sends us another of his excellent videos, this one prompted in part by the Prop 8 trial lies of Hak-Shing William Tam, who infamously claimed that the ultimate goal is gay activists is to legalize sex with children. Read Rob's accompanying post and watch this excellent deconstruction of the lies used against us.

thanks for this great post from JMG

From JMG: Prop 8 Film Debuts At Sundance

Yesterday the documentary 8: The Mormon Proposition debuted at the Sundance film festival in Utah as two dozen anti-LDS protesters rallied outside the venue.
The activists were there to show their support for the film and to protest the efforts of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to pass Proposition 8, the successful 2008 California ballot initiative that eliminated the right of same-sex couples to marry in the state. Conservative Christian groups opposed to the film also had been expected to demonstrate, but none showed up. "We are not here to be anti-LDS," rally organizer Eric Ethington said Sunday, outside the documentary's premiere at the Racquet Club venue in Park City. "We are here to share our own stories." During the 2008 election season, the LDS Church was part of a coalition of religious groups that pushed the "Yes on 8" campaign. The church encouraged its members in California to donate time and money to the effort, sparking protests near LDS temples after the measure passed. "We think it's a shame -- a very big shame," demonstrator Joe Baker-Gorringe said Sunday. "If [Mormons] would have channeled [their time and money] into something more constructive, they would have helped a lot of people."

lifted from JMG

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Quote of the Day

Who has time to attack bigots when there is so much decorating, shopping, clothing designing, and hair cutting to do! Landsakes!!!

found on JMG

From JMG: Olsen & Boies To Rest Case Monday

Perry vs. Schwarzenegger lawyer David Boies tells the Wall Street Journal today that his side will rest their case tomorrow.
"We're pleased with the way it has gone," said David Boies, an attorney for the gay couples who want to wed. He said he set out to prove that marriage was an important right, that gays were harmed by being denied that right and that marriage wouldn't be hurt by extending it to same-sex couples. "We've proven all three of those," he said. Judge Vaughn Walker will decide whether the 2008 voter initiative that limited marriage to a man and a woman codified discrimination or protected a legitimate state interest. This is the first federal challenge to state gay-marriage bans. Defense lawyer Andrew Pugno said his side would present evidence from experts that traditional definitions of marriage between heterosexual couples have special benefit for children and for society.
The bigots are expected to present a short defense as four of their six witnesses have withdrawn over claims that violent homosexuals will attack their families if they do.

Thanks to JMG for this heads up

What's Morally Wrong With Homosexuality?

Dolly Parton says gay rights are a 'human' issue

Dolly Parton has said she believes gay rights are "human rights", rather than being a political issue.

The singer told The Times: "I'm not a poster child for gay rights by any means.

"But I have so many gay and lesbian friends and they’re just so pure and so true. That's not politics to me. That's human rights."

jump here to read the "full" article

Former Ex-Gay Leaders Apologize

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Odd how the USA is the same Color as Africa...

From Belirico: Subject: Long Hair, Rifle Sights, & Gay Corporations

The Prop 8 trial continued this week and we kept up our daily coverage and live multi-source Twitter feed. That wasn't the only major story this week though. Check out some of the great posts we ran this week:


A Problem and a Proposal

Filed by: D Gregory Smith;

Hair, gender, and power

Filed by: Alex Blaze;


Donor-Turned-Boyfriend after Break-Up

Filed by: Michele O'Mara;

Educating Congress

Filed by: Dr. Jillian T. Weiss;


Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition... Literally Filed by: Waymon Hudson;

Caster Semenya: Sports Authorities in Gender Gridlock Filed by: Patricia Nell Warren;


IN Marriage Amendment Moves Forward

Filed by: Bil Browning;

Massachusetts Is Not Invincible

Filed by: Sara Whitman;


Iowa Catholic Church Fires Woman Over Transgender Counseling Filed by: Betty Greene Salwak;

More Queer/Trans Maine Activists Speaking Out Against Equality Filed by: R. Conrad;


Now That Corporations Are People, Can They Marry Each Other? What If They're Gay?

Filed by: David Badash;

Rep Paul Scott Blows Smoke on Transgender Michigan Filed by: Keri Renault;

Don't forget:

Subscribe to the Bilerico Project Report to get all of the previous day's posts sent to you every night at midnight Eastern time.;

Friday, January 22, 2010

Balls Beer for Health Care Reform, the Full Version

A Message from PFAW

Subject: Stop the Hostile Takeover of the Constitution

Yesterday, by a single vote, the conservative majority in the Supreme Court staged a hostile takeover of American democracy on behalf of corporations.

Alternatives like public financing can help a little, but no matter how many tax payer dollars the government uses to try to offset corporate influence it will never be enough to compete with the bottomless coffers of corporations. For this reason and many more, we must amend the Constitution.

As you may know, People For the American Way has spent many years fighting against destructive amendments to the Constitution proposed by the Right Wing around issues like flag burning, school prayer and banning gay marriage, (you remember those) so our decision to support an amendment to the Constitution in this instance was not taken lightly. As you also know, People For the American Way has spent almost 30 years fighting hard for freedom of speech. But yesterday's decision is a perversion of the First Amendment and a departure from over 100 years of established legal precedent. The very foundation of our democracy could depend on our ability to overturn it.

Here's what you can do to help:

1. Help build the petition calling on congressional leaders to pass a Constitutional amendment:;

2. Become a "fan" of our effort on Facebook and tell your friends about it:

3. Donate to the campaign to overturn this radical decision:;

Thank you for standing with us. Together we can stop corporations' hostile takeover of our democracy.


Michael B. Keegan, President

Thom Hartmann's "Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights" (Paperback) The Seminal Book on How Corporations C

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Click to sign and Share

Quote of the Day: Stuart Gaffney

"We are putting discrimination against gays and lesbians on trial. We are showing what the human costs of that discrimination are," said David Boies, one of the lawyers representing the pro-gay-marriage side. "Every citizen has the right to decide for themselves what is moral, but no group of citizens has the right to ...discriminate against a minority."

From France: SIDA (HIV)- AIDES Graffiti.mp4

From the dailykos: Kudos To Cindy McCain

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Thu Jan 21, 2010 at 11:18:03 AM PST

Credit where credit is due:

Cindy McCain, the wife of 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain, has posed for an ad endorsing pro-gay marriage forces in California.


Her husband responded by having his staff issue a statement.

Senator McCain respects the views of members of his family. The Senator chaired the effort to successfully pass Arizona Proposition 102, the Marriage Protection Amendment, and his opposition to gay marriage remains the same. Senator McCain believes the sanctity of marriage is only defined as between one man and one woman.

The first Mrs. McCain was unavailable for comment.

carefully lifted from DailyKos

From JMG: Prop 8 Trial "Explosion": Mormon Church Tried To Cover Up Its Involvement

Calling it an "explosive afternoon" the Courage Campaign's Prop 8 live blog reported late today that according to documents revealed to the court, the Mormon Church labored hard behind the scenes to cover-up their involvement in the campaign. That's not surprise to any of us, but it's the first time physical evidence has been produced to substantiate this.

For example, one letter indicated that the LDS church had identified a volunteer for the campaign in every single zip code. This was a church document that was in the hands of a Prop 8 campaign official, and thus was discoverable. Andy Pugno, the general council for tried his darnedest to get Judge Walker to exclude it, but failed. From Rick’s liveblog:
Pugno: Objects because document will be revealing. Judge: Not to make light of this, but the reason people want to produce documents is that they are revealing. Boutrous: It’s from an outsider to the core group. We are attempting to show the level of coordination with groups that Protect Marriage says were not even affiliated with the campaign.
This is perhaps the most explosive bit of all, from a document between the LDS Church and the campaign:

With respect to Prop. 8 campaign, key talking points will come from campaign, but cautious, strategic, not to take the lead so as to provide plausible deniability or respectable distance so as not to show that church is directly involved.

Get that? The LDS Church intentionally worked to hide behind the scenes to disguise their involvement in the public realm. The LDS Church is well aware that the general public does not have the most favorable opinion of them. Attention on their involvement could have hurt their cause, namely passing Prop 8.

Freshly lifted from JMG