Saturday, September 28, 2013

Via JMG: Quote Of The Day - Guido Barilla

"Yesterday I apologized for offending many people around the world. Today I am repeating that apology. Through my entire life I have always respected every person I've met, including gays and their families, without any distinction. I've never discriminated against anyone. I have heard the countless reactions around the world to my words, which have depressed and saddened me. It is clear that I have a lot to learn about the lively debate concerning the evolution of the family. In the coming weeks, I pledge to meet representatives of the group that best represent the evolution of the family, including those who have been offended by my words." - Guido Barilla, in a video message posted yesterday to the company's Facebook page.

Reposted from Joe

Via The New Civil Rights Movement: United Nations LGBT Meeting Issues ‘In Your Face Russia’ Declaration

The members of the United Nations’ LGBT Core Group held a ministerial level meeting yesterday – the highest level UN meeting ever held concerning LGBT issues  - to discuss violence and discrimination against the LGBT community throughout the world.
According to the Human Rights Campaign blog, Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, reminded Ministers at the meeting that in some places, conditions for LGBT people are deteriorating, not improving.
 “They say that same-sex relationships and transgender identities go against their culture, religious beliefs or traditional values. My answer is that human rights are universal,” Pillay said.
“Our campaign on behalf of marginalized communities will meet resistance, even opposition. We must not be discouraged. We must stay engaged. Let us keep voicing our concerns, let us keep finding new allies, sharing good practice and standing fast alongside local human rights defenders on the front lines of this struggle.”
High level members from Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, The European Union, France, Israel, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and the U.S. who gathered behind closed doors, issued this joint declaration, guaranteed to displease Russia:

End Violence and Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
United Nations, New York, 26 September 2013

1. We, ministers of Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, France, Israel, Japan, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and United States, and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy – members of the LGBT Core Group at the United Nations – hereby declare our strong and determined commitment to eliminating violence and discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity.

2.In so doing, we reaffirm our conviction that human rights are the birthright of every human being. Those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) must enjoy the same human rights as everyone else.

3.We welcome the many positive steps taken in recent decades to protect LGBT individuals from human rights violations and abuses. Since 1990, some 40 countries have abolished discriminatory criminal sanctions used to punish individuals for consensual, adult same-sex conduct. In many countries, hate crime laws and other measures have been introduced to combat homophobic violence, and anti-discrimination laws have been strengthened to provide effective legal protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the workplace and other spheres, both public and private.

4. We also recognize that countering discrimination involves challenging popular prejudices, and we welcome efforts by Governments, national human rights institutions and civil society to counter homophobic and transphobic attitudes in society at large, including through concerted public education campaigns.

5. We assert our support for, and pay tribute to, LGBT human rights defenders and others advocating for the human rights of LGBT persons. Their work, often carried out at considerable personal risk, plays a critical role in documenting human rights violations, providing support to victims, and sensitizing Governments and public opinion.

6. We commend the adoption by the United Nations Human Rights Council of resolution 17/19 on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity, and we welcome the efforts of the Secretary-General and the High Commissioner for Human Rights to raise global awareness of human rights challenges facing LGBT individuals, and to mobilize support for measures to counter violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

7. Nevertheless, we remain gravely concerned that LGBT persons in all regions of the world continue to be victims of serious and widespread human rights violations and abuses.

8. A landmark 2011 study by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, which drew on almost two decades worth of work by United Nations human rights mechanisms, found a deeply disturbing pattern of violence and discriminatory laws and practices affecting individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

9. It is a tragedy that, in this second decade of the 21st century, consensual, adult, same-sex relations remain criminalized in far too many countries – exposing millions of people to the risk of arrest and imprisonment and, in some countries, the death penalty. These laws are inconsistent with States’ human rights obligations and commitments, including with respect to privacy and freedom from discrimination. In addition, they may lead to violations of the prohibitions against arbitrary arrest or detention and torture, and in some cases the right to life.

10. In all parts of the world – including in our own – LGBT individuals are subjected to intimidation, physical assault, and sexual violence, and even murder. Discriminatory treatment is also widely reported, inhibiting the enjoyment of a range of human rights – including the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, and work, education and enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health.

11. We are fully committed to tackling these violations and abuses – both at the domestic level, including through continued attention to the impact of current policies, and at the global level, including through concerted action at the United Nations.

12. We recognize the importance of continued dialogue between and within countries concerning how best to protect the human rights of LGBT persons, taking into account regional initiatives. In this context, we welcome the outcome of a series of recent regional consultations on the topic of human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity that took place in March and April 2013, and encourage the holding of further such meetings at regional and national levels.

13. Key to protecting the human rights of LGBT individuals is the full and effective implementation of applicable international human rights law. Existing international human rights treaties provide legally binding guarantees of human rights for all – LGBT people included. But for these guarantees to have meaning they must be respected by Governments, with whom legal responsibility for the protection of human rights lies.

14. Cognizant of the urgent need to take action, we therefore call on all United Nations Member States to repeal discriminatory laws, improve responses to hate-motivated violence, and ensure adequate and appropriate legal protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

15. We strongly encourage the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue its efforts to increase understanding of the human rights challenges facing LGBT people, advocate for legal and policy measures to meet these challenges, and assist the United Nations human rights mechanisms in this regard.

16. We agree with the United Nations Secretary-General’s assessment that combating violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity constitutes “one of the great, neglected human rights challenges of our time”. We hereby commit ourselves to working together with other States and civil society to make the world safer, freer and fairer for LGBT people everywhere.

Make the jump here to read the full article

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 28, 2013

We Don't Start with a Clean Slate

When we first sit down to meditate—and later when we return to the cushion—we can immediately recognize that we are not starting with a clean slate. Whatever the previous day, week, month, year, decade have brought—it is immediately clear that our minds are already in motion, already have movement and momentum in a particular direction before we sit down. Our experience when we sit down to meditate—whether we’ve been sitting for 30 minutes or 30 years—will often reflect our previous physical and mental 'training.'
- Gaylon Ferguson, "Fruitless Labor"
Read the entire article in the Wisdom Collection through September 29, 2013
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Friday, September 27, 2013

The Flag of Equal Marriage

White House White Board: What ObamaCare Means For You

Via JMG: Athlete Ally Slams IOC

"When given the choice to stand up and affirm Principle 6 of the Olympic charter, the IOC simply backed down. And so we now head into uncharted territory in Sochi, a place where LGBT people - and others trying to support them - will be subject to persecution because of these heinous laws passed after Sochi was named the host city. Ultimately, enduring this travesty may be the great legacy of the 2014 Games because the complete disconnect between the gay propaganda laws and the Olympic charter is galvanizing people to join together. And together, we can change a sports culture, which is apparently not only rife with homophobia, but in need of a serious priority check. Standing up for equality is always the right thing to do." - Hudson Taylor, founder of Athlete Ally, via press release.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: ExxonMobil To Offer Same-Sex Benefits

ExxonMobil, long one of the largest corporate holdouts on LGBT equality, today announced that it will extend spousal benefits to gay employees.
The company says it will recognize "all legal marriages" when it determines eligibility for health care plans for the company's 77,000 employees and retirees in the U.S. That means if a gay employee has been married in a state or country where gay marriage is legal, his or her spouse will be eligible for benefits with Exxon in the U.S. as of Oct. 1. Exxon, which is facing a same-sex discrimination complaint in Illinois, said it was following the lead of the U.S. government. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, which had allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages granted in other states. In recent months, federal agencies have begun to offer benefits to legally-married same sex couples. "We haven't changed our eligibility criteria. It has always been to follow the federal definition and it will continue to follow the federal definition," said Exxon spokesman Alan Jeffers in an interview.
Freedom To Work reacts via press release:
"Today is a victory for the freedom to work. After years of stubbornly refusing, we commend Exxon for joining the majority of the Fortune 500 business leaders that already treat gay and lesbian married couples equally under employee benefit plans," said Tico Almeida, founder and president of the LGBT organization Freedom to Work. "It's a shame Exxon waited until after the Labor Department issued official guidance explaining that their old policy does not comply with American law, and now it's time to move forward."
"We'd like to begin settlement talks next week in our Illinois lawsuit stemming from evidence that Exxon gave hiring preference to a less qualified straight applicant over a more qualified lesbian applicant," added Almeida. "It's time for Exxon to stop wasting its shareholders' money by running up legal bills on discrimination proceedings that can be settled right away if the corporation would simply add LGBT protections to Exxon's official equal employment opportunity document."
The Human Rights Campaign notes that the company still does not include LGBT employees in its official non-discrimination policies.
Granting health benefits to all married couples is a step toward equality but it is certainly not the kind of leadership exhibited by ExxonMobil’s competitors,” said Deena Fidas, director of the HRC Workplace Equality Program. “There is no federal law protecting employees from discrimination against sexual orientation or gender identity and ExxonMobil refuses to join the majority of their Fortune 500 colleagues in adopting their own such policies. One has to wonder, what good are benefits for your same-sex spouse if you risk being fired for disclosing your sexual orientation in order to access them?”

Reposted from Joe

Queer Picks from the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival

SÍGUEME: A short film by Alejandro Durán

Rock Haven (2007)

Vintage Male Lovers.wmv

Notes From the Universe: When the God You Favor Doesn't Favor You


Every letter I wrote in Dear Universe has a story behind it. Some of those stories are funny. Some of those stories are heartbreaking. And some of those stories enrage me. So much that every time I open the book to read them, I remember the pain and hurt that lead to their creation...

"Dear Universe, Today I ask that you help me to remember: God does not favor people..."
This is the beginning of a letter that angers me every time I read it. A young black gay man inspired it. No, wait, that's not true -- a lot of young black gay men inspired it. It was written in response to the things I have heard loving and supporting black gay men throughout my life.

One of the events that inspired this letter happened on a Sunday afternoon at Piedmont Park in Atlanta. In case you don't know, Sundays at Piedmont are a time when many black gay men gather, cruise and flirt. It is also a place where I have had many life-changing conversations on spirituality and love. It was in one of those conversations that a young black gay man, who I only knew in passing, once shared this:
"I have had a lot of stuff happen to me in my life. And I know other folks have too. But I watch folks around me get things. Get better. Have people, family... and even when I try it never works for me. Never. My pastor says that you know when you are in God's favor... and I just... I've just come to understand that God does not favor me. That's the only explanation I can find for why things always seem to be so hard, why my family isn't here for me, why things are always taken away."

When I tell this story, people assume my first response to his story was sadness. But it was not. And thankfully, my mind did not move toward pity either.

No, in that moment, I was furious. I wanted to storm into every church that had dared to teach a person "God had special people" or "favored certain folks" and rip the fans from the ceilings and throw them through the slimy stained glass windows.

Why the rage, you ask? I mean, surely as a black gay person, who at that time lived in the South, I must have been accustomed to this kind of doctrine, right? Well, not exactly. First off, I didn't grow up going to church. And while I did grow up in the South, where Christianity was omnipresent, the experience of being invested in church culture -- or having church culture invested in you -- is not one that I know. So there are many things that black gay men who grew up in the church believe, or have experienced, that seem foreign to me... and in many ways, unfathomable.

Make the jump here to red the full article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Via JMG: Bjorn Borg Launches Russian Retail Site With Rainbow Newspaper Ad In Moscow

Retired tennis superstar Bjorn Borg launched a Russian website for his line of apparel today with a full-page Moscow Times ad that displays men's underwear arranged rainbow-style. Via press release:
“We are opening up for ecommerce on the Russian market. The opening advert is a way for us to reach Russian influencers. Björn Borg as a brand has always advocated equality on all levels. It is a human right to love and to make love to whoever you choose and we want to make a point of that through the advert in the Moscow Times today”, comments Lina Söderqvist, Marketing Director at Björn Borg.
(Tipped by JMG reader Paulo)
Reposted from Joe

Jon Stewart Rips Ted Cruz Over Obamacare Filibuster - 9/25/2013

Via JMG: NEW MEXICO: GOP Lawmakers Join Hate Group In Brief Against Gay Marriage

With the support of the anti-gay hate group Alliance Defending Freedom, two dozen current and former GOP members of the New Mexico legislature have filed a brief against the same-sex marriage case pending before the state Supreme Court.
The Republican lawmakers, represented by a conservative Christian law group called the Alliance Defending Freedom, said anti-discrimination and equal protection guarantees in the state constitution do not provide a legal right to marriage for same-sex couples. The lawmakers said that "the judiciary should exercise caution when asked to divine fundamental and important constitutional rights not expressly provided in the Constitution's text." The gay marriage issue has moved to the political front burner in New Mexico since August when Dona Ana County Clerk Lynn Ellins decided independently to allow marriage licenses for same-sex couples. At least seven other county clerks have followed, some because of rulings in lawsuits brought by same-sex couples.
The ACLU filed a supportive brief on Monday. The case will be heard late next month.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Barilla Doesn't Want Gay Customers

The Italy-based Barilla pasta company has made it clear that they don't want gay customers.
Guido Barilla, whose firm has almost half the Italian pasta market and a quarter of that in the US, told Italy’s La Zanzara radio show last night: “I would never do an advert with a homosexual family…if the gays don’t like it they can go an eat another brand. “For us the concept of the sacred family remains one of the fundamental values of the company.” He added: “Everyone has the right to do what they want without disturbing those around them”. But then the pasta magnate upped the ante by attacking gay adoption. “I have no respect for adoption by gay families because this concerns a person who is not able to choose," he said.
Barilla has already retreated from his remarks, saying that he only wanted to "underline the central role of the woman in the family." Needless to say, the boycott calls have already begun. (Image via Towleroad)

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 26, 2013

Gateway to Compassion

The gateway to compassion and loving kindness is to be able to feel our own pain, and the pain of others. If we are able to open in this way, our hearts can melt, and the healing salve of compassion can anoint all our wounds.
- Lama Palden, "Gateway to Compassion"
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Via David CochranThe Rainbow Rose Society / FB:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Fred Karger

"In a August 22 blog post the National Organization of Marriage wrote, 'What's the best way to weaken and silence those you disagree with? Intimidation and threats, of course.' That statement also went into a NOM email blast to its claimed list of 500,000. NOM and its president, Brian Brown, have been attacking me ever since my sworn complaint against them in Iowa resulted in another ethics’ investigation of NOM. This was just one of Brian’s latest personal attacks against me. He is very upset because Iowa is the third state to conduct an ethics investigation into NOM’s illegal campaign activities. Ongoing investigations are under way in Maine and California as well, because of sworn complaints that I filed in those states. Just go to Google and search 'NOM threats.' There are 1,710,000 results. Trying 'NOM intimidation' will yield about 1,320,000 results. That’s a lot of NOM threats and intimidation." - 2012 GOP presidential candidate and NOM watchdog Fred Karger, writing for the Advocate. Hit the link and read Karger's 20 examples of NOM's threats, all of which have been reported here.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: MAINE: Former President George H.W. Bush Witnesses Same-Sex Wedding


The Washington Post reports:
Another prominent Republican has come out in support of same-sex marriage — or at least, in support of one particular same-sex marriage. Former President George H.W. Bush served as an official witness this past weekend at the Maine wedding of Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen, co-owners of a Kennebunk general store. Thorgalsen posted a photo of the 41st commander-in-chief signing a set of documents for them at an outdoor celebration: “Getting our marriage license witnessed!” No big statement from the ex-prez’s office. His rep Jim McGrath confirmed his and wife Barbara’s presence at the wedding: “They were private citizens attending a private ceremony for two friends.”
WaPo notes that other members of the Bush clan, including former First Lady Laura Bush, have endorsed same-sex marriage. Reaction to today's news should prove amusing on right wing sites.

Reposted from Joe

Touching Gay Story via FB:

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 25, 2013

Rain, the Snow, and Moon

Every day, priests minutely examine the Law
And endlessly chant complicated sutras.
Before doing that, though, they should learn
How to read the love letters sent by the wind and rain,
    the snow and moon. 
- Ikkyu, "Rain, the Snow, and Moon"
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

M5S, Omofobia: "Noi non abbiamo paura"

Some context, for those who don't speak Italian: The person speaking during most of the video is named Silvia Giordano, a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. This protest is happening because, right now, same-sex couples living in Italy have no shared rights to property, social security and inheritance. They also can't get married. A rough translation of what Giordano is saying:

"Mr. President (of the House of Deputies), beyond the thousands of excuses and quibbles, we're talking here of matters of the heart, of feelings, of emotions. Because a kiss and a hug have not and will never hurt anyone. In fact, they are part of what contributes most to making us human. We want to make that clear. And so we're going to pull back the veil and to demonstrate that there is truly nothing to be afraid of. And we, Mr. President, are not afraid."

The deputies, members of the M5S party, then hold up signs protesting a political compromise that's restricting the rights of LGBT Italians — while the rest turn to their colleagues and demonstrate just how unscary a kiss is.

The best line, though, comes from the President of the Chamber at the end. He can be heard saying, "Onorevole Nuti, se ha finito di baciare il collega, faccia ritirare quei cartelli," which translates to:
"Honorable Mr. Nuti, if you've finished kissing your colleague, please take down those signs."

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 24, 2013

Knowing Death

As with many deep truths, people tend to look at the death awareness meditations and say, Yes, I know all of that. I know I'm going to die someday. I know I can't take it with me. I know my body will be dust. And as with other things—as with the law of impermanence itself—I would say we know it and we don't know it. We know it in our heads but haven't taken it into our hearts. We haven't let it penetrate the marrow of our bones. If we had, I can't help thinking we would live differently. Our whole lives would be different. The planet would be different as well.
- Larry Rosenberg, "Only the Practice of Dharma Can Help Us at the Time of Death"
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Via JMG: NEW MEXICO: Attorney General Slams Putting Marriage To A Public Vote

"Here is where some critics have incorrectly interpreted the legal process. Some have said that I am trying to unilaterally disregard state law by not suing county clerks who have elected to issue same sex marriage licenses. Several District Courts have addressed the issue. Two separate judges essentially ordered two different county clerks to begin issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples. Another judge ruled that the state’s prohibitive statutes are unconstitutional, paving the way for another clerk to start issuing the licenses. I maintain that the best way to resolve this issue is for the NM Supreme Court to decide whether our current law is unconstitutional. Finally, some people, including the governor, say that the issue of whether same sex couples should be afforded the same rights as everyone else in our state must be decided by the voters. I urge the reader to consider the following: The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863; The 19th Amendment (Women’s Suffrage) in 1920; the Civil Rights Act of 1964;---none of which were voted upon by the general electorate." - New Mexico Attorney General Gary King, who is expected to run for governor in 2014.  (Via Zack Ford)

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 23, 2013

Spend Some Time with Yourself

I try to encourage my students to encounter the world within themselves, to try to follow the thread as to why they’re writing as deeply as they can into their subconscious. I tell them before they do any research, they should spend time with themselves, however long it takes: it could be a couple of days, or a couple of years. After that, you actually encounter someone else as someone else. You allow the world to enter and to become part of you, to break whatever cage you’ve been rattling around in. That part is interesting, too: we have to see our own cages.
- Nick Flynn, "Real Enough"
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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 22, 2013

Dogen’s Cookbook

When you prepare food, do not see with ordinary eyes and do not think with ordinary mind. Take up a blade of grass and construct a treasure king's land; enter into a particle of dust and turn the great dharma wheel. Do not arouse disdainful mind when you prepare a broth of wild grasses; do not arouse joyful mind when you prepare a fine cream soup. Where there is no discrimination, how can there be distaste? Thus, do not be careless even when you work with poor materials, and sustain your efforts even when you have excellent materials. Never change your attitude according to the materials. If you do, it is like varying your truth when speaking with different people; then you are not a practitioner of the way.
- Zen Master Dogen, “Instructions for the Tenzo”
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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 21, 2013

Wisdom at Work

The desire to know something is wisdom at work. Being mindful is not difficult. But it’s difficult to be continuously aware. For that you need right effort. But it does not require a great deal of energy. It’s relaxed perseverance in reminding yourself to be aware. When you are aware, wisdom unfolds naturally, and there is still more interest.
- Sayadaw U Tejaniya, "The Wise Investigator"
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Friday, September 20, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 19, 2013

A Ladder Up

How our representatives spend our taxes reveals in stark black and white our nation's values and concerns. And how we respond to their decisions reveals, too, our own souls, our own deepest values. These responses show where we stand in relation to our neighbors and to those across the country who share our humanity, who look to us for a ladder up from the pains of poverty, illness, and hunger.
- Bhikkhu Bodhi, "The Attack at Home"
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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 17, 2013

The Virtue of Non-Violence

To face—with open hands—armed, shielded, gas-masked riot police is the greatest form of courage. Non-violence is how you expose the violence of the system, and not seeing as “other” those charged with carrying out physical violence is how you communicate with them directly.
- Paul Hawken, "Upsurge"
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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 15, 2013

It's Nothing Personal

Understanding that there is no solid, singular, or permanent 'me' makes it possible to accommodate whatever arises in life without feeling so intimidated by our experience, without rolling over like a defeated dog in a dogfight. We can see that things arise due to our karma playing itself out and that it does not necessarily have to be so personal.
- Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, “Realizing Guiltlessness”
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Saturday, September 14, 2013


Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 14, 2013

On the Body

The body that we have is a living body. Mostly we were taught that the body is what we leave here when we die. I think that is a terrible mistake. The body that we have is not a dead body. We don’t know exactly how dead bodies come to be, but it is absolutely clear that this body is the living body. So we need to draw the basic concepts about “the body” from the living process.
- Eugene T. Gendlin, “Focusing”
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Friday, September 13, 2013

Via JMG: NBA Commissioner Slams Sports World For Staying Silent On Russia And Gays

"I’m gonna behave myself, for the record here, which is unlike me. But you know, the first phone call to the new head of the Olympics was from President Putin, and everyone wants to talk about the Russian law on homosexuality. Think about the opportunities that sports have to make a continuing statement, and the only thing that we’re saying in that context is ‘Shhhh! No one say anything!’" - NBA Commissioner David Stern, speaking yesterday at the Beyond Sports Summit.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Cher Turns Down Sochi Oympics Gig

Cher, seen above performing in June to 10,000 screaming gay men at the NYC Pride Pier Dance, has rejected an offer to appear at the Sochi Olympics. She tells Maclean's: "I can’t name names but my friend called who is a big oligarch over there, and asked me if I’d like to be an ambassador for the Olympics and open the show. I immediately said no. I want to know why all of this gay hate just exploded over there. He said the Russian people don’t feel the way the government does."

Reposted from Joe

Via GayPolitics Report:

Russian leader criticized by Pelosi

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Thursday that she hoped LGBT people were seen by Vladimir Putin as "God's children," a reference to a line in a New York Times op-ed by Putin this week in which the Russian president stated "God created us equal." Separately, the new president of the International Olympic Committee, who received a call from Putin after his election, said the two did not discuss Russia's new anti-gay laws, adding that the IOC would develop a response to those who seek to protest the laws while participating in the upcoming winter games in Sochi. BuzzFeed (9/12), Chicago Tribune (tiered subscription model) (9/10), The New Civil Rights Movement (9/12)
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Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 13, 2013

Life and Death

Life and death, as my teacher used to point out, are just different names for different states. These are not permanent states. If we have to give it a name, Life with a capital "L" is the basic reality. Ours is not an inert universe, it's an alive universe; so what we call birth and death are just temporary states, temporary transformations, names for our true self at one time, and in one situation.
- Philip Kapleau Roshi, "Life with a Capital ‘L’”
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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 12, 2013

Our Own Salvation

We don’t just seek our own salvation—we are only fully happy when we can be born together with all others. No one is left behind by Amida, no one is left out. This does not sound like the sort of society that we live in today, but it does give us something to aspire to.
- Jeff Wilson, "Come Together"
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma September 11, 2013

Power to Shape the Present

Do what you can to help the living, and dedicate the merit of your practice to the dead. We may be powerless to change the past, but we do have the power to shape the present and the future by what we do, moment to moment, right now. And in maintaining our intention to be as skillful as possible in thought, word, and deed, we’ll find the only true refuge there is.
- Thanissaro Bhikkhu "What We've Been Practicing For"
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Via GayPolitics Report: New Mexico Supreme Court to hear marriage equality case

New Mexico Supreme Court to hear marriage equality case
The New Mexico Supreme Court agreed Friday to hold a hearing next month to consider whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry in the state. Clerks from all 33 of the state's counties requested the court address the matter, which has gained attention since eight counties in the state, including the three most populous, began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The hearing is scheduled for Oct. 23, and a decision is expected shortly thereafter. NBC News/Reuters (9/6), Albuquerque Journal (N.M.) (subscription required) (9/7), Talking Points Memo/TPMLivewire blog (9/9)