Saturday, September 12, 2015

Via Lizzy the Lezzy / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 12/09/201

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
"Uma completa renovação na educação se faz necessária, pois é através dela que um novo ser humano, mais consciente e responsável, surgirá. A criança é sábia e traz com ela dons e talentos a serem compartilhados com o mundo. Nós precisamos criar espaço para que isso aconteça, incentivando o empoderamento da criança. Para isso, uma educação baseada em valores humanos espirituais precisa se tornar política pública.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
"We are in need of a complete educational reform, for it is through education that a new kind of human being will emerge, more conscious and responsible. Children are wise; and they bring to the world gifts and talents to be shared. We need to create space for this by encouraging people to empower children. For this to occur, an education based on spiritual human values must become public policy."

Project Everyone - Global Goals
"Una completa renovación en la educación es necesaria, ya que es a través de ella que un nuevo ser humano, más consciente y responsable, surgirá. El niño es sabio y trae dones y talentos a ser compartidos con el mundo. Precisamos crear espacio para que esto suceda, incentivando el empoderamiento del niño. Para ello, una educación basada en valores humanos espirituales precisa convertirse en política pública.”

Via Te Greko - konstantin dimopoulos / FB:

Konstantin Dimopoulos’s The Barbed Wire Buddha is a fresh addition to his thought-provoking public art interventions in urban and landscape environments, yet it is not simply just a tool for public engagement. The sculpture also raises key formalist art questions of materiality and technique. At Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney Contemporary.

Today's Daily Dharma: Violence Begets Violence

“Hostilities aren't stilled through hostility, regardless. Hostilities are stilled through non-hostility: this, an unending truth.”
—Shakyamuni Buddha, "September 11: Practice and Perspectives"
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Today's Daily Dharma: Doubt Brings Depth.

“Doubt in itself is not [a] problem. The problem comes from identifying with the doubting 'me' and believing that this is who we really are. But if seen for what it is, doubt can even be a positive force in practice. Provided we don’t get lost in the negative beliefs that arise with it, it can lead to a deepening of our quest.”
—Ezra Bayda, "Breaking Through"
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Friday, September 11, 2015

Via Tricycle: Simply Stop

Simply Stop

Thich Nhat Hanh elucidates the no-frills wisdom of 9th-century Chinese Zen teacher Master Linji, founder of the Rinzai school of Zen.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Filed in Zen (Chan), Insight (vipassana)

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 11/09/201

Project Everyone - Objetivos Globais
“Aprendemos a buscar saúde fora de nós, e assim buscamos soluções para nossas mazelas na medicina. Normalmente não cultivamos uma vida saudável, simplesmente tratamos dos sintomas que surgem através das soluções criadas pela ciência. Mas a ciência não tem tido sucesso em construir uma sociedade saudável porque desconsidera a existência daquilo que é a fonte da cura. Ela desconsidera a existência do espírito.”

Project Everyone -Objetivos Globales
“Aprendemos a buscar salud fuera de nosotros, y así buscamos soluciones a nuestros males en la medicina. Normalmente no cultivamos una vida saludable, simplemente tratamos los síntomas que surgen a través de soluciones creadas por la ciencia. Pero la ciencia no ha tenido éxito en construir una sociedad saludable, porque no considera la existencia de aquello que es la fuente de la cura. Ella desconsidera la existencia del espíritu.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
“We have learned to seek health outside of us, turning to the medical field to cure all our illnesses. Instead of cultivating a healthy lifestyle from the start, we end up focusing on just treating the symptoms that arise. Even with all the solutions science gives us, we are still not a healthy society because we disregard the source of all healing, which is the spirit.”

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Via Daily Kos / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 10/09/2015

Projeto Todos - Metas Globais
"Todo filho dessa Terra tem direito de matar sua fome e saciar sua sede com os alimentos que ela própria oferece. A Terra é uma manifestação da Mãe Universal que dá tudo em abundância. E nenhuma mãe quer ver seus filhos passarem fome. Porém, por conta do medo da escassez e da carência, nós transformamos a Mãe em uma mercadoria. Tiramos tudo dela sem dar nada em troca. Precisamos resgatar nossa relação com a Mãe, porque enquanto abusarmos dela, haverá fome neste planeta.”

Proyecto Todos – Objetivos Globales
"Todo hijo de esta Tierra tiene el derecho de quitar su hambre y saciar su sed con los alimentos que ella misma ofrece. La Tierra es una manifestación de la Madre Universal que lo da todo en abundancia. Y ninguna madre quiere ver a sus hijos pasar hambre. Sin embargo, debido al miedo a la escasez y a la carencia, nosotros transformamos a la Madre en una mercancía. Le sacamos todo sin dar nada a cambio. Precisamos rescatar nuestra relación con la Madre porque mientras abusemos de ella, habrá hambre en este planeta.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
“Every child on Earth has the right to satiate their hunger and quench their thirst with the nourishment that the earth itself provides. The earth is an embodiment of the Universal Mother who gives everything with abundance. No mother wants to see her children starve. Due to the fear of scarcity or that something will be lacking, we have turned the Mother into a commodity. We took everything from Her without giving anything in return. We need to rescue our relationship with the Mother, for as long as we continue abusing Her, hunger will prevail on this planet.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Words Lose Their Meaning

Words Lose Their Meaning
“In Master Linji's time [9th-century China], some Buddhist terms were used so often they became meaningless. People chewed on terms like 'liberation' and 'enlightenment' until they lost their power. It’s no different today.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh, "Simply Stop"

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 09/09/2015

Projeto Todos - Metas Globais 

"O sentimento de pobreza é um dos mais nocivos para a alma humana. É um dos principais alimentos para a insegurança. Sentimentos como impotência, fracasso e exclusão estão na mesma frequência. Porém, o desenvolvimento da consciência só é possível se houver autoconfiança. Por isso é preciso acabar com a pobreza (interna e externa). Isso precisa acontecer de dentro para fora, através do autoconhecimento; e de fora para dentro, através de políticas públicas que estejam alinhadas com esse propósito."

Project Everyone - Global Goals
"The feeling of poverty is one of the most harmful sentiments for the human soul. Poverty mentality feeds a sense of insecurity. This mentality also comes with feelings of helplessness, of failure and exclusion. The development of consciousness is only possible if there is trust. Ending poverty, both within and without, is crucial; it happens from the inside-out through self-knowledge, and from the outside-in through public policies that are aligned with this purpose."

Proyecto Todos – Objetivos Globales
"El sentimiento de pobreza es uno de los más nocivos para el alma humana. Es uno de los principales alimentos para la inseguridad. Sentimientos como impotencia, fracaso y exclusión están en la misma frecuencia. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de la conciencia solo es posible si hubiese autoconfianza. Por eso es necesario acabar con la pobreza (interna y externa). Esto necesita suceder de adentro hacia afuera, a través del autoconocimiento; y de afuera hacia dentro, a través de políticas públicas que estén alineadas con este propósito."

Today's Daily Dharma: Knowing Impermanence Directly

Knowing Impermanence Directly

One of the great insights we can get from mindfulness meditation practice is that each moment of experience arises and passes. Having a direct experience of this impermanence, from observing awareness, helps us let go of the attempt to calcify any single moment of time, to try to make something stable that is not.

- Loch Kelly, "When Am I?"

Monday, September 7, 2015

Via WGB:

Guinness Rugby - Never Alone

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 07/09/2015

“A encarnação é uma jornada do falso para o real, da escuridão para a luz, da morte para a imortalidade. O que você pode fazer para auxiliar nesse processo é ampliar a sua percepção, pois a verdade, o real, já está dentro de você, mas encontra-se encoberto por pensamentos e sentimentos que você acredita ser a realidade. Por isso eu lhe convido a se tornar um explorador da consciência; a se tornar senhor de si mesmo. E isso significa não mais identificar-se com aquilo que é transitório.”
Ouça o Satsang completo -

“La encarnación es un camino de lo falso hacia lo real, de la oscuridad hacia la luz, de la muerte hacia la inmortalidad. Lo que puedes hacer para ayudar en este proceso es ampliar tu percepción, pues la verdad, lo real, ya está dentro de ti, pero se encuentra encubierto por pensamientos y sentimientos que crees que son la realidad. Por eso te invito a convertirte en un explorador de la conciencia; a convertirte en señor de ti mismo. Y eso significa no identificarte más con lo que es transitorio.”

“This incarnation is a journey from the false to the real, from the darkness to the light, from death to eternal life. What can help us in this process is to increase our perception, because the truth, what is real, already exists within us. It is only veiled by the thoughts and feelings that we believe to be our reality. For this reason, I invite you to become an explorer of consciousness, and to become Lord of yourself. This means no longer being identified with what is transitory.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Honoring Acceptance.

Honoring Acceptance

It seems too much to hope that right in the heart of our troubled selves there might actually be the healing we seek. But if suffering and awakening form a single weather-system, as many a wise person has come to know, then when storms come, perhaps we can accept them with less dread and aversion, and more trust, and even hope.
- Henry Shukman, "Beautiful Storm"

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Red State Update: KY County Clerk Kim Davis In Jail

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 05/09/2015

“Aquilo que chamamos de ‘problemas’ ou ‘provações’ na realidade são presentes do Universo para que possamos aprender alguma coisa. Neste plano da existência não há outra maneira de se desenvolver se não através de erros e acertos. Através deles vamos tomando consciência daquilo que fecha e daquilo que abre os caminhos para a nossa realização. Seguimos aprendendo até que possamos escolher somente pensamentos, palavras e ações que nos libertam.”

“Lo que llamamos "problemas" o "pruebas" en realidad son regalos del Universo para que podamos aprender algo. En este plano de la existencia no hay otra manera de desarrollarse que no sea a través de errores y aciertos. A través de ellos vamos tomando conciencia de aquello que cierra y de aquello que abre los caminos para nuestra realización. Seguimos aprendiendo hasta que podamos elegir solamente pensamientos, palabras y acciones que nos liberan.”

“What we consider to be problems or challenges are in truth gifts from the universe aimed at teaching us specific lessons. In this realm of existence, there is no other way for us to progress other than through trial and error. Through these challenges, we become aware of what closes or opens up the path towards our own self-realization. We continue to learn until we are able to choose only the thoughts, words and actions that liberate us.”

30 anos de Mosterio Zen Pico de Raios com Mestre Takuda

30 anos de Mosterio Zen Pico de Raios com Mestre Takuda
Namo Buddhaya, namo Dharmaya, namo Sanghaya!
— at Mosteiro Zen Budista pico de Raios.


Today's Daily Dharma: So Simple, So Very Difficult

So Simple, So Very Difficult

I have no doubt about the teachings. To live right here now, moment after moment. So simple, and so very difficult.

- Peter Matthiessen, "Emptying the Bell"

Can Clerks Refuse to Marry Couples They Disapprove Of?

Straight Guys Answer Gay Questions

Pot Noodle | You Can Make It | TV Advert

Dra Yang Project " Namo Buddhaya, namo Dharmaya, namo Sanghaya

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 05/09/2015

“Aquilo que chamamos de ‘problemas’ ou ‘provações’ na realidade são presentes do Universo para que possamos aprender alguma coisa. Neste plano da existência não há outra maneira de se desenvolver se não através de erros e acertos. Através deles vamos tomando consciência daquilo que fecha e daquilo que abre os caminhos para a nossa realização. Seguimos aprendendo até que possamos escolher somente pensamentos, palavras e ações que nos libertam.”

“Lo que llamamos "problemas" o "pruebas" en realidad son regalos del Universo para que podamos aprender algo. En este plano de la existencia no hay otra manera de desarrollarse que no sea a través de errores y aciertos. A través de ellos vamos tomando conciencia de aquello que cierra y de aquello que abre los caminos para nuestra realización. Seguimos aprendiendo hasta que podamos elegir solamente pensamientos, palabras y acciones que nos liberan.”

“What we consider to be problems or challenges are in truth gifts from the universe aimed at teaching us specific lessons. In this realm of existence, there is no other way for us to progress other than through trial and error. Through these challenges, we become aware of what closes or opens up the path towards our own self-realization. We continue to learn until we are able to choose only the thoughts, words and actions that liberate us.”
Buddhism Pushes Back

Buddhism provides us with both the imperative and the tools to challenge the economic structures that are creating and perpetuating suffering. We cannot claim to be Buddhist and simultaneously support structures that are so clearly contrary to Buddha’s teachings, antithetical to life itself.
- Helena Norberg-Hodge, "Economics, Engagement, and Exploitation in Ladakh"

Friday, September 4, 2015

Today's Daily Dharma: Got to Have Faith

Got to Have Faith

Faith in the Buddha’s own awakening is a requisite strength for anyone else who wants to attain awakening. As it fosters persistence, mindfulness, concentration, and discernment, this faith can take you all the way to the deathless.

- Thanissaro Bhikkhu, "Faith in Awakening"

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Via Leonard Pitts: Jimmy Carter’s faith

‘To want what I have, to take what I’m given with grace … for this, I pray.’
— ‘For My Wedding,’ Don Henley

America is a nation of faith. So it is often said.

In faith, a baker refuses to bake a cake for a gay couple’s wedding. In faith, a minister prays for the president to die. In faith, terrorists plant bombs at the finish line of a marathon. In faith, mosques are vandalized, shot at and burned. In faith, a televangelist asks his followers to buy him a $65 million private jet.

And no one is even surprised anymore.

In America, what we call faith is often loud, often exclusionary, sometimes violent and too frequently enamored of shiny, expensive things. In faith, ill-tempered people mob the shopping malls every year at Christmas to have fistfights and gunfights over hot toys and highend electronics.

You did not hear much about faith last week when Jimmy Carter held a news conference to reveal that he has four spots of cancer on his brain. The 39th president made only a few references to it in the nearly 40 minutes he spoke, and they were all in response to reporter’s questions. Yet, you would be hard-pressed to find a more compelling statement of belief in things not seen. Unsentimental, poised and lit from within by an amazing grace, Carter discussed the fight now looming ahead of him, the radiation treatments he will undergo, the need to finally cut back on his whirlwind schedule.

He smiled often. “I’m perfectly at ease with whatever comes,” he said, in such a way that you believed him without question. And it was impossible to feel sorry for him.

Partially, that’s because we all die and if — still only an if — cancer is what takes James Earl Carter Jr. away, well, there are worse things than to go having reached 90 years of age, having been president of the United States, having been married to the love of your life for almost seven decades, having sired a large and sprawling family and having done significant work toward the eradication of disease and the spreading of democracy in the developing world.

But here’s the other reason it was impossible to feel sorry for him. Feeling sorry would have felt like an insult, a denial of the virtues he showed and the faith he didn’t need to speak because it was just … there.

For all its loudness, all its exclusion, violence and ubiquity, the faith that is modeled in the public square is often not particularly affecting. It is hard to imagine someone looking on it from outside and musing to herself, “I’d like to have some of that.” What Carter showed the world, though, was different. Who would not want to be able to face the unknown with such perfect equanimity?

Carter presented an image of faith we don’t see nearly as often as we should. Which is sad, because it is also the image truest to what faith is supposed to be — not a magic lamp you rub in hopes of a private jet, not a license for our worse impulses, but, rather, an act of surrender to a force greater than self, a way of being centered enough to tell whatever bleak thing comes your way, “So be it.” Even fearsome death itself: “So be it.”

The heat and hubris of human life are such that that state is difficult to conceive, much less to reach. Our lives are defined by wanting and by lack — more money, new car, new love — and by the ceaseless hustle to fill empty spaces within. Media and advertising conspire to make you feel ever incomplete. So it is hard to feel whole within yourself, at peace with what is, whatever that turns out to be.

But who, gazing upon the former president, can doubt the result is worth the effort?

In faith, terrorists kill the innocent. In faith, televangelists swindle the gullible. In faith, so many of us hate, exclude, hurt, curse and destroy. And in faith, last week, Jimmy Carter told the world he has cancer in his brain.

And smiled as he spoke.

Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for commentary, is a columnist for the Miami Herald, 3511 N.W. 91 Ave., Doral, FL 33172. Readers may write to him via email

Via FB:

Via Bernie Believers (Bernie Sanders) / FB:

Via WGB: Gay Marriage is Legal. Are the Wedding Bells Ringing?

"In June, the Supreme Court of the United States laid down an historic ruling declaring the ban of same-sex marriages at the state level to be unconstitutional, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage across the country. The change had been a long time coming. The 1970s saw the first wave of legal efforts to recognize same-sex marriage, and yet only in 2004 were the first such marriages performed on US soil, in the state of Massachusetts. Over the next decade, the dominoes began to fall in states across the country, culminating in this year’s landmark Obergefell v. Hodges ruling. But the United States was of course not close to being the first nation to take this step: all the way back in 2001, Netherlands became the first country to allow same-sex marriage, followed in the next several years by Belgium (‘03), Spain (‘05), Canada (‘05) and South Africa (‘06). As of today, 20 nations (and a few jurisdictions in Mexico) permit same-sex marriage.

But after the initial flurry of excitement has died down, and the queues for marriages licenses at city hall have subsided, what happens next? How often are same-sex marriages actually performed in these countries? We dug into the numbers, and discovered that in some nations, like Belgium, same-sex marriages have become remarkably commonplace and are warmly accepted by fellow citizens as part of the cultural fabric of the community. On the other hand, in countries like Portugal and Norway, same-sex marriages remain surprisingly uncommon; for Portugal, this is due in part to the powerful influence of the Roman Catholic church in everyday life, while Norway’s low rate is a result of its longstanding (and popular) civil union laws, as well as the still powerful influence of the country’s Lutheran clergy. As recent court cases in the United States involving Christian wedding bakers and florists suggest, just because same-sex marriage is legal, it doesn’t mean that there is an accepting environment for it." Full story here!

Via Rude and Rotten Republicans / FB:

Via I Support Equal Rights / FB:

Via Democrats Abroad / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 03/09/2015

“Existe um tipo de ceticismo que pode ajudar na ampliação da consciência, porque através dele, você busca as respostas e as encontra através da própria experiência. Eu mesmo já fui um cético. Já fui um cientista da mente humana que queria encontrar Deus através da lógica e da matemática. E essa busca me levou à espiritualidade. Porque, quando você vai fundo na ciência, inevitavelmente ela desemboca na espiritualidade. E quando vai fundo na espiritualidade, ela encontra a ciência. Ambas são extremos da mesma coisa, assim como a meditação e a devoção.” 

“Existe un tipo de escepticismo que puede ayudar en la ampliación de la conciencia, porque a través de él, buscas las respuestas y las encuentras a través de la propia experiencia. Yo mismo ya fui un escéptico. Ya fui un científico de la mente humana que quería encontrar a Dios a través de la lógica y de la matemática. Y esa búsqueda me llevó a la espiritualidad. Porque cuando te adentras en la ciencia, inevitablemente ella termina en la espiritualidad. Y cuando te adentras en la espiritualidad, ella encuentra la ciencia. Ambas son extremos de la misma cosa, así como la meditación y la devoción.”

“There is a certain type of skepticism that helps to increase awareness. This skepticism incites us to seek out answers through what we've experienced ourselves. I was also once a skeptic. I was a scientist of the human mind and I wanted to find God through logic and mathematics. This search led me to spirituality. When we get to the bottom of science, we eventually end up in spirituality. Simultaneously, at the depths of spirituality, we find science. Both are the extreme opposite of the very same thing, just as it is with meditation and devotion.”

Today's Daily Dharma: The Benefit of Awareness

The Benefit of Awareness

The more unified, stable, luminous, and attentive the mind is at this moment, the more profound the experience.

- Andrew Olendzki, "Busy Signal"

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Bernie Sanders on the Obama Presidency

Via Huffington: Glitter in the Woods: A Week at 'Camp' Camp

Nestled in the woods alongside a splendid lake, about 45 minutes outside of Portland, Maine, there emerges once a year the most wonderful LGBT space in the country. No, Disney World hasn't set up a new outpost and no, it's not an Indigo Girls theme park. It's called 'Camp' Camp, a LGBT adult summer camp, and for nineteen years, folks from all over the world who identify with some color on the LGBT gender and sexuality rainbow have been flocking to this Brigadoon-like place for a magical summer experience.

I first heard about 'Camp' Camp five years ago after reading Joel Derfner's wonderful memoir Swish, but the stars didn't align themselves for me to go until this summer. I had never been to overnight camp before and I was hesitant, but from the handful of 'Camp' Camp alumni whom I met over the years, they always spoke about the place as if they had drunk some crazy Kool Aid, returning there summer after summer. Could it really be that good? In the end, I realized, there was only one way to find out, and so, with my single bag packed -- I was a light packer compared to many of the gay men who schlepped two or three suitcases, some with just shoes -- I boarded my flight to Portland, not knowing a single soul and a bit petrified. Would this just be like almost every gay bar experience in my life in which I felt myself standing along the sidelines while cliquely gaggles of gays ignored me?

The answer quickly made itself apparent. As I walked into the lodge at 'Camp' Camp, it was like being welcomed in a big warm embrace, at times, literally so. People couldn't wait to greet me, ask me questions and make me feel right at home. There were over two hundred people there this summer from so many walks of life. Men, women and folks who didn't identify with any one gender category. Folks in their 20s up through those in their 60s and 70s. Teachers, pastors, professional opera singers and retirees. Singles and couples (some with and without their partners present). Urban dwellers and individuals who lived in remote outposts. 

As if I had fallen through Alice's looking glass, the week that followed was one of sublime fun and exuberant liberation, coupled with a profound sense of being accepted for who I am as a gay man. 'Camp' Camp has everything you could imagine at a great summer camp: arts and crafts, sports, boating and swimming, plus some delicious food (don't worry, there's no bug juice or chicken nuggets on the menu). But it's at night when 'Camp' Camp really comes into its own. On the night of the first full day, the camp hosts its Barn Dance and campers, many outfitted in cowboy shirts, boots and bandanas, square danced all night to a live band. As I promenaded and dosey-doed around the room to the caller's instructions (all with a handsome boy on my arm), watching the smiling faces of my fellow campers, I felt like I was having a bit of an out-of-body experience. When was the last time I felt so uninhibited and free? Honestly, I couldn't remember. In the evenings that followed with a game show night and karaoke, I found myself laughing and grinning in ways that I hadn't for a long time. 

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 02/09/2015

“O medo é um portal. Ele pode te levar para outras dimensões - pessoais e transpessoais - já que existe o aspecto individual e o aspecto coletivo dele. Muitas vezes você canaliza um grande medo, que não sabe de onde vem e não consegue relacionar com a sua vida. Mas, se você sente e se identifica, de alguma maneira isso está conectado a sua história pessoal.”
“El miedo es un portal. Él te puede llevar a otras dimensiones - personales y transpersonales - ya que existe el aspecto individual y el aspecto colectivo de éste. Muchas veces canalizas un gran miedo, que no sabes de dónde viene y no consigues relacionarlo con tu vida. Pero si lo sientes y te identificas, de alguna manera esto está conectado a tu historia personal.”

“Fear acts as a doorway. It can take you to other dimensions, both personal and transpersonal, which stem from the individual and collective aspect of fear. Oftentimes, we act as channels of a fear that comes out of the blue and seems to have nothing to do with our own lives. Still, if we feel this fear and get identified with it, then this fear must be connected to our own personal story in one way or another.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Always a Full Moon.

Always a Full Moon

If one seeks understanding with a vacant mind, the moon seems full each and every moment.

- Jiaoran, "A Full Load of Moonlight"
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

JMG Quote Of The Day – John Corvino

“Many have commented on the fact that Davis herself has been divorced several times. As a strategic matter, this makes her a rather poor poster child for ‘traditional Christian marriage’: Jesus himself treats divorce and remarriage as akin to adultery. But the point is not merely ad hominem: Davis’s willingness to impose a standard of marriage on gays that she does not apply to others, herself included, shows that she’s less interested in enforcing a consistent traditional Christian view than in singling out gays for disapproval. In its Obergefell decision, the U.S. Supreme Court rightly rejected such treatment as an affront to dignity and equal treatment under the law. Private citizens are free to express their religious views about homosexuality — however hypocritically and inconsistently — and to practice their faith as they see fit. But religious liberty is not a “get out of your job free” card.” – Wayne University professor John Corvino, writing for the Detroit Free Press.

RELATED: Several years ago Corvino co-authored Debating Same-Sex Marriage with former NOM president Maggie Gallagher.

Make the jump here to read the original on JMG

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 01/09/2015

“O verdadeiro amor só é possível quando nos libertamos do passado. E nos libertamos do passado somente quando nos harmonizamos com ele. Não é fugindo ou fingindo que ele não existe - é olhando de frente e permitindo-se compreender porque as coisas aconteceram como aconteceram. E uma forma de fazer isso é observando e estudando as repetições negativas e fazendo a relação de causa e efeito, ou seja, relacionando o passado com o presente.”

“El verdadero amor solo es posible cuando nos liberamos del pasado. Y nos liberamos del pasado solo cuando nos armonizamos con él. No es huyendo o fingiendo que no existe - es mirándolo de frente y permitiéndose comprender por qué las cosas sucedieron como sucedieron. Y una forma de hacer eso, es observando y estudiando las repeticiones negativas y haciendo la relación de causa y efecto, es decir, relacionando el pasado con el presente.”

“Real love is only possible when we can liberate ourselves from the past. We are only liberated from our past once we have harmonized ourselves with it, which can't happen by running away from it or pretending that it doesn’t exist. We must face our past and allow ourselves to understand why things happened as they did. This understanding dawns as we observe the negative repetitions in our lives, really studying the connection between cause and effect, and thereby relating our past to the present moment.”

Today's Daily Dharma: A Love-Hate Relationship with Our Time

A Love-Hate Relationship with Our Time

There's a tension between the part of us that wants to move along at speed, infatuated with our ever-proliferating array of screens and gadgets, and the part of us that deeply hates them, too. There's the part that doesn't want to be bothered with other people's lives and is therefore comfortable with the false proximity that social media affords. But there's also the part that is heartbroken at the loneliness and isolation of the life we are living—the part that requires medication and constant distraction just to endure it.

- Clark Strand, "A Gleeful Foreboding"

Monday, August 31, 2015

Via Daily Kos / FB:

Ram Dass, Love Serve Rememberia Ram Dass, Love Serve Remember: Remembering Wayne Dyer by Raghu Markus

I met Wayne Dyer soon after Ram Dass was released from the hospital in Maui, when he decided that he was going to remain in Maui to allow the island to renew his healing. But there was the question of how Ram Dass would be able to be sustained when in that moment, after having given away most of his royalties for his books and no longer being able to travel, he had no assets to support himself.

When Wayne heard about Ram Dass’ release from the hospital he asked to pay a visit. I remember clearly how Wayne expressed his gratitude for Ram Dass’ mentorship in the early part of his life as he was transforming into the spiritual teacher he became to so many people.

I met Wayne Dyer soon after Ram Dass was released form the hospital in Maui, when he decided that he was going to remain in Maui to allow the island to rene

The Horrible History of Ex-Gay Cures

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 31/08/2015

“Se existe um remédio para o planeta, esse remédio é a compaixão. A compaixão é um transbordamento de amor. Quando o amor transborda a ponto de você fazer empatia com o outro e verdadeiramente se colocar no lugar dele, você não sente raiva ou trata mal. Mas, o que o ser humano tem feito é justamente o contrário: temos tratado o mal com um mal ainda maior. Essa é a raiz da miséria que vemos no mundo. Miséria é ausência de humanidade, ausência de compaixão.”

“Si existe un remedio para el planeta, ese remedio es la compasión. La compasión es un desbordamiento de amor. Cuando el amor desborda al punto de generar empatía con el otro y verdaderamente colocarse en el lugar de él, no sientes rabia o no lo tratas mal. Pero lo que el ser humano ha hecho es justamente lo contrario: hemos tratado el mal con un mal aún mayor. Esa es la raíz de la miseria que vemos en el mundo. Miseria es ausencia de humanidad, ausencia de compasión.”

“If there is a cure for the planet, the cure is compassion. Compassion is love overflowing. When love overflows to the point where we feel empathy for the other and we truly put ourselves in their shoes, we no longer feel anger towards them or treat them badly. However, human beings tend to do the exact opposite: we treat evil with an even greater evil. This is the root of all the misery we see in the world. Misery is the absence of humanity; it is the absence of compassion.”