Monday, September 14, 2015

New at Tricycle: On What Is Most Important

On What Is Most Important
Contemplative traditions are in steep decline—or so we're told. Nobody meditates anymore. They're too busy playing Candy Crush or writing screeds in the comments section below YouTube videos. As Tricycle readers, you know better. This week we look at how Buddhist teachings and rituals remain vibrant in our time. 
Before we examine the teachings that thrive today, however, we must get a sense of the ones from the past that are worth holding onto. We offer a perfect example in our latest magazine piece, "On What Is Most Important," in which the Tibetan master Kenchen Thrangu elaborates on eight classical Indian verses from the yogi Padampa Sangye. Together they emphasize practicing the dharma in every moment, no matter the circumstance. Then, and only then, they say, can we make the most of our lives. 
In "A Quiet Subversion," we hear from a modern-day Buddhist trying to do just that. By romanticizing the cave-dwelling recluse, says writer Leath Tonino, we perceive his lifestyle as an exotic one far different from our own. In this humorous yet insightful piece, Tonino erases that divide by showing us how a solitary spiritual life is possible even for a young city-dweller with a job, a girlfriend, and an obsession with Seinfeld.
Both of those magazine articles are available to everyone this week, but join as a Supporting or Sustaining member to read the entirety of our latest issue. In it, find out how to escape from jealousy's clutches, feel good about what you've got, and actually celebrate your friends' success with the issue's special section on jealousy and envy. It features a Zen teacher who cops to those green feelings, a writer who says they don't deserve such a bad rap, and a Tibetan Buddhist who offers five steps to free yourself from them for good.
As the Buddhists know, nothing lasts forever. That makes our choices about which teachings to hold onto and which to leave behind all the more important. In a provocative blog interview with longtime Vajryana teacher and practitioner Sangye Khandro, "No Adaptation Required," she speaks candidly about this tension between tradition and renewal. 
Every generation—every person—resolves that tension differently. There's no easy answer. But by virtue of our mere rumination, perhaps we invent the teachings anew.

Was Dr. Smith Gay?...Yep, says Lost in Space's June Lockhart

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Via Janis Ian / FB:

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination (HBO)

Via United Americans / FB:

Via Instinct Magazine: Did They Just Find That Homophobia Is A Disease?

I think they just found that homophobia is a disease?  Here's an excerpt from the longer article.  

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 13/09/201

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
“Embora a diferença entre homem e mulher seja algo bem definido, no que tange a interação entre eles, os contrastes se equilibram na balança. Tanto o homem como a mulher carregam dentro de si um masculino e um feminino positivo e um masculino e um feminino negativo ou distorcido. A facilidade ou dificuldade se dá na interação: se o meu masculino ou feminino distorcido se relaciona com o masculino ou feminino distorcido de outra pessoa é sempre difícil, independentemente do gênero.”

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
“Aunque la diferencia entre hombre y mujer sea algo bien definido, con respecto a la interacción entre ellos, los contrastes se equilibran en la balanza. Tanto el hombre como la mujer llevan dentro de sí un masculino y un femenino positivo y un masculino y un femenino negativo o distorsionado. La facilidad o dificultad se da en la interacción: si mí masculino o femenino distorsionado se relaciona con el masculino o femenino distorsionado de otra persona es siempre difícil, independientemente del género.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
“Although it seems like men and women are very different, in taking a closer look at their interactions, it becomes clear their qualities counter-balance each other. Just as both men and women carry distorted masculine and distorted feminine qualities, they both carry the positive qualities as well. Human interactions can be more or less challenging based on how one person’s distorted masculine and feminine qualities relate with another’s, regardless of gender.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Prayer for Its Own Sake

“Prayer just for itself, just for the act of praying . . . is a way of connecting to the deep ocean of being that we all are. It is a way of offering our bows, our incense, our flowers, to the ineffable reality of the moment, to the absolute reality of this experience.”

Ian Shoales: Dualism

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Via WGB: New York Man Accused of Torching Gay Pride Bench

Police say they've have charged a 47-year-old man with a hate crime for torching an outdoor bench that had been painted in rainbow colors by members of a northern New York group to show support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Authorities in Ogdensburg say Francis Solis was charged Wednesday with arson and criminal mischief as a hate crime. Full story here!

WGB :: I am so glad he got caught but I am not surprised he did this after reading THIS ARTICLE.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Kim Davis Controversy – Sept. 11, 2015 (HBO)

Via Lizzy the Lezzy / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 12/09/201

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
"Uma completa renovação na educação se faz necessária, pois é através dela que um novo ser humano, mais consciente e responsável, surgirá. A criança é sábia e traz com ela dons e talentos a serem compartilhados com o mundo. Nós precisamos criar espaço para que isso aconteça, incentivando o empoderamento da criança. Para isso, uma educação baseada em valores humanos espirituais precisa se tornar política pública.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
"We are in need of a complete educational reform, for it is through education that a new kind of human being will emerge, more conscious and responsible. Children are wise; and they bring to the world gifts and talents to be shared. We need to create space for this by encouraging people to empower children. For this to occur, an education based on spiritual human values must become public policy."

Project Everyone - Global Goals
"Una completa renovación en la educación es necesaria, ya que es a través de ella que un nuevo ser humano, más consciente y responsable, surgirá. El niño es sabio y trae dones y talentos a ser compartidos con el mundo. Precisamos crear espacio para que esto suceda, incentivando el empoderamiento del niño. Para ello, una educación basada en valores humanos espirituales precisa convertirse en política pública.”

Via Te Greko - konstantin dimopoulos / FB:

Konstantin Dimopoulos’s The Barbed Wire Buddha is a fresh addition to his thought-provoking public art interventions in urban and landscape environments, yet it is not simply just a tool for public engagement. The sculpture also raises key formalist art questions of materiality and technique. At Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney Contemporary.

Today's Daily Dharma: Violence Begets Violence

“Hostilities aren't stilled through hostility, regardless. Hostilities are stilled through non-hostility: this, an unending truth.”
—Shakyamuni Buddha, "September 11: Practice and Perspectives"
Read More

Today's Daily Dharma: Doubt Brings Depth.

“Doubt in itself is not [a] problem. The problem comes from identifying with the doubting 'me' and believing that this is who we really are. But if seen for what it is, doubt can even be a positive force in practice. Provided we don’t get lost in the negative beliefs that arise with it, it can lead to a deepening of our quest.”
—Ezra Bayda, "Breaking Through"
Read More

Friday, September 11, 2015

Via Tricycle: Simply Stop

Simply Stop

Thich Nhat Hanh elucidates the no-frills wisdom of 9th-century Chinese Zen teacher Master Linji, founder of the Rinzai school of Zen.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Filed in Zen (Chan), Insight (vipassana)

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 11/09/201

Project Everyone - Objetivos Globais
“Aprendemos a buscar saúde fora de nós, e assim buscamos soluções para nossas mazelas na medicina. Normalmente não cultivamos uma vida saudável, simplesmente tratamos dos sintomas que surgem através das soluções criadas pela ciência. Mas a ciência não tem tido sucesso em construir uma sociedade saudável porque desconsidera a existência daquilo que é a fonte da cura. Ela desconsidera a existência do espírito.”

Project Everyone -Objetivos Globales
“Aprendemos a buscar salud fuera de nosotros, y así buscamos soluciones a nuestros males en la medicina. Normalmente no cultivamos una vida saludable, simplemente tratamos los síntomas que surgen a través de soluciones creadas por la ciencia. Pero la ciencia no ha tenido éxito en construir una sociedad saludable, porque no considera la existencia de aquello que es la fuente de la cura. Ella desconsidera la existencia del espíritu.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
“We have learned to seek health outside of us, turning to the medical field to cure all our illnesses. Instead of cultivating a healthy lifestyle from the start, we end up focusing on just treating the symptoms that arise. Even with all the solutions science gives us, we are still not a healthy society because we disregard the source of all healing, which is the spirit.”