Saturday, April 2, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 02/04/2016

“O orgulho é o general das matrizes do eu inferior. Ele é um eu muito complexo, muito astuto. Quando falamos do orgulho normalmente lembramos de aspectos como a vaidade, a soberba e a arrogância, mas ele também está por trás do complexo de inferioridade, que se manifesta como vitimismo e submissão. Esse aspecto do orgulho se acha muito humilde; se acha uma pessoa muito pura, às vezes quase santa. Ele inclusive se horroriza com as atitudes violentas dos orgulhosos. Mas isso é um tremendo autoengano.”

“El orgullo es el general de las matrices del yo inferior. Es un yo muy complejo, muy astuto. Cuando hablamos del orgullo normalmente recordamos aspectos como la vanidad, la soberbia y la arrogancia, pero él también está por detrás del complejo de inferioridad, que se manifiesta como victimismo y sumisión. Este aspecto del orgullo se cree muy humilde, se cree una persona muy pura, a veces casi santa. Incluso se horroriza con las actitudes violentas de los orgullosos. Pero esto es un tremendo autoengaño".

“Pride is the general of the matrices of the lower self. It is a very complex and very astute psychological self. When we speak of pride, we usually think of aspects such as vanity and arrogance. However, pride is also an underlying inferiority complex that manifests as victimhood and submission. This aspect of pride believes itself to be very humble, believes itself to be very pure, and in some cases, almost a saint. This particular manifestation of pride can even be horrified by the violent attitudes of proud people. But this is a huge self-deceit.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 2, 2016: The True Essence of Consciousness

The essence of our consciousness is already love and wisdom. Karma, concepts, and emotional patterns are only temporarily preventing our consciousness from unfolding its enlightened nature. Nirvana is nothing more than being awakened to the enlightened nature of our consciousness.

—Gil Fronsdal, "Nirvana: Three Takes"

Friday, April 1, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 01/04/2016

“Eu sou um renunciante e, ao mesmo tempo, um cidadão do mundo. Mas, eu sou um renunciante um pouco diferente, porque trabalho para unir matéria e espírito. Meu trabalho é ensinar as pessoas a viver espiritualmente, não somente no ashram, no monastério ou na caverna, mas também na cidade, usando a tecnologia e a ciência para o desenvolvimento espiritual. Meu trabalho é unir tudo mas, como um renunciante, eu não me apego a nada. Se tem cadeira para sentar, eu sento; se tem carro para andar, eu ando; se não tem eu sento no chão, pego um trem ou um carro de boi, qualquer coisa. Não importa a forma, o que importa é perceber a realidade por trás dela.”
Yo soy un renunciante y, al mismo tiempo, un ciudadano del mundo. Pero soy un renunciante un poco diferente, porque trabajo para unir materia y espíritu. Mi trabajo es enseñar a las personas a vivir espiritualmente, no sólo en el ashram, en el monasterio o en la cueva, sino también en la ciudad, utilizando la tecnología y la ciencia para el desarrollo espiritual. Mi trabajo es unir todo pero, como un renunciante, no me apego a nada. Si hay silla para sentarse, me siento; si hay auto para andar, ando; si no hay, me siento en el piso, tomo un tren o un carro de bueyes, cualquier cosa. No importa la forma, lo que importa es percibir la realidad por detrás de ella.”

"I am a renunciate, but at the same time I am a citizen of the world. But I am not your typical renunciate, because my work is to unite matter with spirit. My work is to teach people how to live spiritually, not just in an ashram, a monastery or a cave, but also in cities, teaching people how to use technology and science for spiritual development. My work is to unite everything, yet as a renunciate, I am not attached to anything. If there is a chair to sit on, I will sit on it; if there is a car to drive in, I will drive – but if there isn't a chair, I can sit on the floor, if there is no car I can take a train, hitchhike, or anything else. It doesn’t matter the form, what is important is to perceive the reality beyond the form.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 1, 2016: Mapping the Present

Poems are maps to the place where you already are.

—Jane Hirshfield, "Poetry Flesh, Zen Bones"

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 31/03/2016

“A paz é um fruto maduro da árvore da consciência. E essa árvore precisa ser plantada e cultivada. Eu posso transmitir instrumentos para esse cultivo, como o silêncio e a repetição de mantras, mas a experiência da paz, que é o saborear da fruta, não é possível controlar. A mente humana não controla essa experiência - ela é um florescimento. Você prepara o campo, planta as sementes e segue cultivando, mas não sabe quando a árvore dará frutos.” 

“La paz es un fruto maduro del árbol de la consciencia. Y este árbol necesita ser plantado y cultivado. Puedo transmitir instrumentos para este cultivo, como el silencio y la repetición de mantras, pero la experiencia de la paz, que es saborear la fruta, no es posible de controlar. La mente humana no controla esta experiencia, es un florecimiento. Tú preparas el campo, plantas las semillas y sigues cultivando, pero no sabes cuándo va a dar frutos el árbol.”

“Peace is the ripened fruit of the tree of consciousness. This tree needs to be planted and cultivated, and I can provide the tools for this planting such as silence and the repetition of mantras. However, the experience of peace, which is when we actually taste this fruit, cannot be predetermined. The human mind does not control when this experience will happen: it is a blossoming. We prepare the field, plant the seeds, and continue farming, but we don’t know when the tree will bear fruit.”

Via Daily Dharma / March 31, 2016: Zen Therapy

Some People think of Zen practice as a kind of therapy. That’s not completely mistaken, of course. Yamada Koun Roshi used to say that the practice of Zen is to forget the self in the act of uniting with something—Mu, or breath counting, or the song of a thrush. That is wonderful therapy. Concern about me and mine disappears.

—Robert Aitken, "Zen Shorts"

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Via United Nations Human Rights / FB:

United Nations Human Rights
We are concerned about the increasingly politicised and heated debate that has engulfed ‪#‎Brazil‬ over the past few days and weeks. We urge the Government, as well as politicians from other parties, to cooperate fully with the judicial authorities in their investigations into allegations of high-level corruption, and to avoid any actions that could be construed as a means of obstructing justice. At the same time, we urge the judicial authorities to act scrupulously within the confines of international and domestic law, and to avoid taking partisan political positions. We are concerned that a vicious circle may be developing that risks discrediting both the executive and the judiciary, thereby doing serious long-term damage to the State, and to the democratic achievements made in the past 20 years during which Brazil has been governed under a Constitution which provides strong human rights guarantees.

Via Ram Dass:

March 30, 2016

If you go out in the woods and look at trees, and some trees are gnarled and some are straight. Some are flowering and some are barren, you just look with appreciation at the differences. You neither judge nor react. You don’t necessarily hate that tree and love that tree. But the minute you get around people it’s all different. So I would suggest you treat people like trees.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 30/03/2016

“O nosso trabalho aqui na Terra é a elevação da consciência, mas essa não é uma tarefa fácil. Como abrir espaço para a verdade dentro de um oceano de mentiras? Como abrir espaço para a confiança dentro de um mar de medo? Alguns têm a sensação de estar numa batalha. E é verdade! Nós somos guerreiros da Luz abrindo fendas na escuridão. E nessa longa guerra você pode ficar cansado e ter a armadura machucada, então, num instante de vacilo, você pode ser contaminado pelo medo que te chama para responder ao mal com um mal ainda maior. Mas eu estou aqui para te lembrar que a sua espada é o perdão e o seu escudo é a gratidão. Somente com essas expressões do amor poderemos vencer essa guerra.”

“Nuestro trabajo aquí en la Tierra es la elevación de la consciencia, pero ésta no es una tarea fácil. ¿Cómo abrir espacio para la verdad dentro de un océano de mentiras? ¿Cómo abrir espacio para la confianza dentro de un mar de miedo? Algunos tienen la sensación de estar en una batalla. ¡Y es verdad! Nosotros somos guerreros de la Luz abriendo grietas en la oscuridad. Y en esta larga guerra puedes estar cansado de tener la armadura dañada, entonces, en un instante de duda, puedes ser contaminado por el miedo que te llama para responder al mal con un mal aún mayor. Pero yo estoy aquí para recordarte que tu espada es el perdón y que tu escudo es la gratitud. Solamente con estas expresiones del amor podremos vencer esta guerra.”

“Our work here on Earth is to elevate consciousness, but this is no easy task. How do we create space for truth and trust within an ocean of lies and fear? Some people feel like they’re in a battle, and it is indeed true. We are the light warriors slicing through the darkness. Within this long battle, we may get tired or damage our armor, and in the blink of an eye we can get contaminated by a fear that lures us to respond to evil with an even greater evil. However, I am here to remind us that our sword is forgiveness and our shield is gratitude. Only with these expressions of love can we win this battle.”

Via Daily Dharma / March 30, 2016: Intention Before Speech

When people are aware of their intention and express their thoughts and feelings truthfully and with kindness, they are likely to achieve their aim and increase compassionate understanding.

—Mudita Nisker, "Right Speech"

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Via Clouds In My Coffee / FB:

Via FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 29/03/2016

“Aquilo que normalmente entendemos como problemas, na verdade, são oportunidades de crescimento. As crises e situações difíceis da vida são como portas de acesso para o inconsciente, onde estão as chaves para a nossa transformação. Através dessas situações, podemos ter acesso a partes da nossa personalidade que, no passado, foram trancadas em negação e ainda hoje exercem influência sobre nossas vidas, sabotando nossa felicidade.”

“Aquello que normalmente entendemos como problemas, en verdad son oportunidades de crecimiento. Las crisis y situaciones difíciles de la vida son como puertas de acceso al inconsciente, donde están las llaves para nuestra transformación. A través de estas situaciones, podremos tener acceso a partes de nuestra personalidad que, en el pasado, fueron trabadas en negación y todavía hoy ejercen influencia sobre nuestras vidas, saboteando nuestra felicidad.”

“The things we usually perceive as problems are, in truth, opportunities for growth. Crises and difficult situations in life are like doorways to the unconscious: they are the keys to our transformation. Through these situations, we may have access to parts of our personality that were locked away in denial in the past. To this day, these parts of ourselves continue to exert their influence over our lives and sabotage our own happiness.”

Via Daily Dharma / March 29, 2016: Emptiness: Digesting Rice

To eat and digest food is natural to us, as we are always changing. This organic process is called “emptiness.” The reason we call it emptiness is that it has no special form. It has some form, but that form is not permanent. While it is changing, it carries on our life energy.

—Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, "Brown Rice Is Just Right"

Via JMG: LGBT Religious Group Faith In America Denounces North Carolina Law: It’s Transphobia, Plain And Simple


The LGBT religious group Faith In America gets to the core of North Carolina’s hate bill:
Yet again, the religious right has hijacked religious narratives to justify their anti-LGBT bigotry. Ill-informed and misguided religious beliefs are being used against the transgender community in North Carolina.
“North Carolina revoked a basic human right for their transgender community — to use public restrooms,” Eliel Cruz, Executive Director of Faith In America said. “Forcing transgender Americans to find the rare single person gender neutral bathrooms or hold it until they’re home takes away their dignity. Waiting longer to use the restroom then when feels natural also can have serious health risks. All around, this piece of legislation is not only absurd but also dangerous.”
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, North Carolina’s Republicans bought and sold a “bathroom sexual predator” narrative that vilified the transgender community. This bathroom predator myth has been debunked again and again with not a single documented time it occurred. In reality, transgender people are more likely to be victims of crimes then the perpetrators. 

Furthermore, this law affects more than the LGBT community. This legislation eliminates recourse from anyone fired from their job based on race, religion, age, or handicap.
“This is not about religious freedom as many have claimed. There is no Christian doctrine that requires binary gendered bathrooms as part of religious practices,’” Cruz said. “As a Christian, I’m ashamed that others are using their religious beliefs as a vehicle to legislate hate. North Carolina’s bill is fueled by transphobia plain and simple.”
Faith In America was founded in 2006 by activist and businessman Mitchell Gold. NOT incidentally, Gold is also the co-founder of the North Carolina-based furniture design and manufacturing company Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams, which has retail showrooms in many states.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: In 2014 Faith In America teamed up with NYC’s Ali Forney Center to publish a full-page ad in the New York Times calling on Pope Francis to stop condemning LGBT people.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 28/03/2016

“Pais e educadores precisam tomar consciência da grande responsabilidade que lhes foi dada: interromper o ciclo da ignorância neste planeta. Porque através da educação das crianças podemos quebrar o ciclo vicioso da destruição e realmente mudar o mundo. Para isso, precisamos fazer nossa parte que é ajudar as crianças a encontrarem seus dons e talentos, e se alinharem com a sua verdadeira missão. Não basta largar a criança na escola, é preciso se responsabilizar e se comprometer com o despertar do amor desse Ser.”
Campanha Escolas em Paz

“Padres y educadores necesitan tomar consciencia de la gran responsabilidad que les fue dada: interrumpir el ciclo de ignorancia en este planeta. Porque a través de la educación de los niños podemos quebrar el ciclo vicioso de la destrucción y realmente cambiar el mundo. Para eso, necesitamos hacer nuestra parte, que es ayudar a los niños a que encuentren sus dones y talentos y se alineen con su verdadera misión. No alcanza con dejar al niño en la escuela, es necesario responsabilizarse y comprometerse con el despertar del amor de ese Ser.”
Campaña Escuelas en Paz

“Parents and educators need to become aware of the great responsibility they have been given: to interrupt the cycle of ignorance on this planet. Through our children’s education we can break the vicious circle of destruction and create a change in the world. We need to do our part in order for this to happen. We must help our children to discover their gifts and talents, and to live in alignment with their true purpose. It is not enough to put your child in a school system – you have to be responsible and committed to awakening the love within this human being.”

Via Daily Dharma / March 28, 2016: Simply Witness

This is maybe the greatest gift we can give another human being—our undivided attention. To listen without judgment or agendas. The great psychologist Carl Rogers once described empathy as “looking with fresh and unfrightened eyes.”

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 27/03/2016

“Esse novo ciclo do tempo nos convida a colocar Deus em primeiro lugar nas nossas vidas. Ele nos convida a nos alinharmos com a espiritualidade para lembrarmos quem de fato somos. Quem sou eu? Quem está nesse corpo vivendo essa aventura na Terra? Trata-se de um profundo ajuste interno mas, como o externo é reflexo do interno, as consequências desse ajuste serão vistas no mundo externo. Isso ocorrerá ao longo do tempo, mas se estiver atento, você poderá ver que esse processo já começou.”

“Este nuevo ciclo del tiempo nos invita a colocar a Dios en primer lugar en nuestras vidas. Nos invita a alinearnos con la espiritualidad para recordarnos quién somos verdaderamente. ¿Quién soy yo? ¿Quién está en este cuerpo viviendo esta aventura en la Tierra? Se trata de un profundo ajuste interno pero como lo externo es reflejo de lo interno, las consecuencias de este ajuste se verán en el mundo externo. Esto ocurrirá a lo largo del tiempo, pero si estás atento, podrás ver que este proceso ya comenzó.”

“This new cycle of time invites us to place God at the forefront of our lives. It invites us to become aligned with spirituality in order to remember who we really are and ask ourselves, ‘Who am I? Who is in this body living this adventure on Earth?’ This is a profound inner adjustment, and since the external is a reflection of the internal, the consequences of this adjustment will be seen in the outer world. This adjustment will take place over time, and if we are attentive enough, we can see that the process has already begun.”

Via Daily Dharma / March 27, 2016: The Self and the Sky

What is the true self? It's brilliantly transparent like the deep blue sky, and there's no gap between it and all living beings.

—Kodo Sawaki Roshi, "The True Self"