Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba:Flor do dia - Flor del día- Flower of the day - 17/08/2016

“Tenho visto que muitos buscadores, em momentos de crise, sentem vontade de tornar-se terapeutas ou professores de yoga. Eles visualizam uma vida mais tranquila e acreditam que isso resolverá todos os seus problemas. Isso até pode acontecer mas, na maioria dos casos, esse desejo é a expressão de uma profunda angústia em relação ao propósito da vida, e mudar de atividade seria apenas transferir o problema. Você pode vir a ser um professor de yoga, mas é importante não alimentar falsas esperanças para evitar frustrações. Em momentos como esse, é importante não deixar-se limitar por expectativas. Mantenha-se aberto e trabalhe para ampliar a percepção. A sua alma está em busca de algo; ela busca uma visão. E essa visão indicará o caminho.”

“He visto que muchos buscadores, en momentos de crisis, sienten ganas de convertirse en terapeutas o profesores de yoga. Ellos visualizan una vida más tranquila y creen que esto va a resolver todos sus problemas. Puede que esto suceda pero, en la mayoría de los casos, este deseo es la expresión de una profunda angustia al propósito de vida, y cambiar de actividad sería solamente transferir el problema. Puedes llegar a ser un profesor de yoga, pero es importante no alimentar falsas esperanzas para evitar frustraciones. En momentos como este, es importante no dejarse limitar por expectativas. Permanece abierto y trabaja para ampliar la percepción. Tu alma está en la búsqueda de algo; ella busca una visión. Y esta visión señalará el camino.”

“In moments of crisis, I have seen many seekers wanting to become therapists, or yoga teachers. They imagine this to be a more peaceful way of life and believe it will solve all their problems. Even though this may actually occur, in the majority of cases, this desire to change is the expression of a deep anxiety in relationship to life’s greater purpose. To believe a new job or profession will make a difference is just escaping the problem. You may become a yoga teacher, but it is important not to limit yourself by creating expectations. Keep yourself open and work to increase your perception. Your soul is in search of something; it is seeking a vision. This vision will show you the path.”

Via Daily Dharma / August 17, 2016: Abandoning What Arises

Unwholesome states have already arisen and the work is to abandon them now, rather than to regret that they have arisen at all. To acknowledge deeply held beliefs, passing fantasies, unwholesome thoughts—and to abandon them.

—Leora Fridman, "Notes on Abandon"

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día- Flower of the day - 16/08/2016

“Quem sou eu? Por que estou aqui? Sidarta Gautama, o Buda, dedicou toda sua vida à busca das respostas para essas questões. Ele não poupou esforços; fez tudo que o seu coração determinou que fizesse. Se, ao ouvir os comandos do seu coração, você chegou onde está, esse é o lugar certo, pois somente o coração sabe o caminho. O coração nos leva a diferentes lugares e experiências para nos purificar, até que estejamos prontos para revelar o Buda que nos habita. Ele nos leva à Verdade de quem somos. Mas, para podermos lembrar de quem verdadeiramente somos, precisamos remover as capas que constituem a falsa identidade.”

“¿Quién soy yo? ¿Por qué estoy aquí? Sidarta Gautama, o Buda, dedicó toda su vida a la búsqueda de respuestas a estas cuestiones. No escatimó esfuerzos; hizo todo lo que su corazón determinó que hiciera. Si, al oír a los comandos de tu corazón, llegaste donde estás, este es el lugar correcto, porque solamente el corazón sabe el camino. El corazón nos lleva a diferentes lugares y experiencias para purificarnos, hasta que estemos listos para revelar al Buda que nos habita. Él nos lleva a la Verdad de quienes somos. Pero para poder recordar lo que verdaderamente somos, necesitamos remover las capas que constituyen la falsa identidad.”

“Who am I? Why am I here? Siddartha Gautama, the Buddha,dedicated his entire life to searching for the answers to these questions. He spared no effort and performed everything his heart commanded him to do. If you have arrived to the point where you are in your life by listening to the commands of your heart, then rest assured it is exactly where you need to be because only the heart knows the way. The heart takes us to different places and experiences so that we may purify ourselves until we are ready to reveal the Buddha that inhabits us. The Buddha within leads us to the truth of who we are. In order to remember who we truly are,we need to remove the layers that make up our false identity.”

Via Daily Dharma / August 16, 2016: No Meditation Without Aspiration

Without prayers of aspiration, expressing one’s noble wishes, our meditation lacks something important, a certain vital richness. Your aspirations must be inspired by the altruistic spirit of bodhicitta, awakened heart-mind.

—Tsoknyi Rinpoche, "Noble Wishes"

Monday, August 15, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día- Flower of the day - 15/08/2016

“Sempre digo que a última prova da universidade dos relacionamentos é poder amar, mesmo quando o outro não te ama. O sol te ilumina, independentemente do que você pensa sobre ele. A água sacia a sua sede, independentemente do que você pensa sobre ela. Em algum momento, o ser humano desenvolve essa qualidade e se torna o amor, pois esse é o seu destino. Tornar-se o amor significa ter essa qualidade do sol e da água - significa amar desinteressadamente.”

“Siempre digo que la última prueba de la universidad de las relaciones es poder amar, incluso cuando el otro no te ama. El sol te ilumina, independientemente de lo que piensas sobre él. El agua sacia tu sed, independientemente de lo que piensas sobre ella. En algún momento, el ser humano desarrolla esa cualidad y se vuelve el amor, porque ese es tu destino. Volverte el amor significa tener esa cualidad del sol y del agua – significa amar desinteresadamente.”

“The last exam in the University of Relationships is to be able to love, even when the other does not love you in return. The sun shines on everyone, regardless of what they think about it. Similarly, water quenches everyone’s thirst, independently of what they think about it. At a certain moment, the human being develops this quality and becomes love itself, because love is our destiny. To become love means to have the same qualities of the sun and water- it means to love selflessly.”

Via Daily Dharma / August 15, 2016: Happiness Is the Path

Happiness means feeling you are on the right path every moment. You don’t need to arrive at the end of the path in order to be happy.

—Thich Nhat Hanh, "The Heart of the Matter"

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Via Ram Dass

August 14, 2016

The way we deal with grief has a lot to do with whether or not the grief heals and strengthens us, or ends up depriving and starving us. We’ve learned a lot of things about grief over the years, like that strong “grin and bear it,” stiff upper lip response to grief which involves denial, and is not an optimum strategy for dealing with a mourning period.

My own reaction to people that are grieving is to really give them a lot of support in grieving, and letting the process run its course. That means not just the grief of the loss of the person, but the grief of the loss of any dream in life, of anything that you’ve invested that was lost. There is a reaction to a loss that is a grieving process, and if you don’t deal with the grieving in a way that is true to your being, it’s untrue. It’s just as untrue to grieve when you’re not feeling it, as to not grieve when you’re feeling it.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día- Flower of the day - 14/08/2016

“Espiritualidade significa desapegar dos pensamentos e perceber a natureza do Ser. Quando a mente silencia, o Ser brilha. Quando isso acontece, nos percebemos como fragmentos de luz. E essa luz que somos, se divide em diferentes raios, que são expressões dela mesma. Entre eles, costumo salientar o perdão, a gratidão e amor desinteressado. Essa é a verdadeira natureza do Ser.”

“Espiritualidad significa desapegarse de los pensamientos y percibir la naturaleza del Ser. Cuando la mente se silencia, el Ser brilla. Cuando eso sucede, nos percibimos como fragmentos de luz. Y esa luz que somos, se divide en diferentes rayos, que son expresiones de ella misma. Entre ellos, acostumbro resaltar el perdón, la gratitud y el amor desinteresado. Esa es la verdadera naturaleza del Ser.”

“Spirituality means to detach from thoughts so that we may perceive the nature of the being. When the mind silences, the being shines. As this occurs, we see ourselves as fragments of light. This light that we are divides into different rays that are expressions of the self. Within these rays, we naturally find the essence of forgiveness, gratitude and selfless love. This is the true nature of the self.”

Via Daily Dharma / August 14, 2016: Ask with Your Bones

In Zen they say that you have to ask with the pores of your skin and the marrow of your bones. A Zen saying points out: Great questioning, great awakening; little questioning, little awakening; no questioning, no awakening.

—Martine Batchelor, "What is This?"

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Via JMG: Obama Names Gay US Army Secretary Eric Fanning To Rio Olympics Closing Ceremony Delegation

August 12, 2016 LGBT News, Sports

Via White House press release:
President Barack Obama today announced the designation of a Presidential Delegation to attend the Closing Ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro, Federative Republic of Brazil. The Closing Ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro, Federative Republic of Brazil will be held on August 21, 2016.
The delegation will attend athletic events, meet with U.S. athletes, and attend the Closing Ceremony. The Honorable Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, will lead the delegation.

Members of the Presidential Delegation
The Honorable Liliana Ayalde, U.S. Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil, Department of State
The Honorable Eric Fanning, Secretary of the Army, Department of Defense
Ms. Bess Evans, Senior Associate Director and Senior Policy Advisor, White House Office of Public Engagement and Domestic Policy Council
Ms. Lauren Kelly, Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary, Office of the First Lady
Mr. Jason Collins, Retired NBA Player and Member of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition
Ms. Jackie Joyner-Kersee, three-time Olympic gold medalist, one-time Olympic silver medalist, two-time Olympic bronze medalist, women’s heptathlon and long-jump, and Founder of the Jackie Joyner-Kersee Foundation
You’ll note that openly gay former NBA player Jason Collins is also a member of the delegation. Billie Jean King was named a delegation member for the 2014 Olympics, which were held in the far less gay-friendly Sochi, Russia. King’s selection was considered a message to Putin about LGBT rights.

Make the jump here to read the original and more on JMG

Via Purple Clover / FB:

Via Daily Dharma / August 13, 2016: Cultivating Openness

When we open our hearts and our minds completely, we are in a place where we can experience something new, a new truth, a new reality, a miracle that we haven’t experienced in the past.

—Anam Thubten, "How a Tomato Opened My Mind"

Via Daily Dharma / August 11, 2016: Heedfulness as a Virtue

The Buddha identified the basis for all our good and skillful qualities as heedfulness—not innate goodness or compassion: heedfulness.

—Thanissaro Bhikkhu, "What Is True Safety?"

Friday, August 12, 2016

Via John Ibbitson at The Globe and Mail: Justin Trudeau to apologize for historic persecution of gay Canadians

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks in Aylmer, Que., on July 20. (Adrian Wyld/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

As early as this autumn, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will apologize on behalf of all Canadians to those who were imprisoned, fired from their jobs or otherwise persecuted in the past because of their sexuality.

That apology is a key element in a broad range of reforms that will collectively represent one of the greatest advances for sexual minorities in Canada’s history.

John Ibbitson explains The Globe's focus on Everett Klippert's pardon (The Globe and Mail)
“This is a long-awaited moment and a very emotional moment, to be honest,” said Helen Kennedy, executive director of Egale, a national organization that advocates for the rights of sexual minorities. 

“For the government to recognize the damage that it caused, the harm that it caused, to thousands and thousands of Canadians is a historic moment for our communities.”

The Globe and Mail has learned of the planned reforms from numerous sources within and outside the government.

In essence, the Liberals have decided to act on most or all of the recommendations of The Just Society, a report submitted to the government in June by Egale. The title refers to former prime minister Pierre Trudeau’s program for rights protection and social reform.

Those recommendations include:
  • Apologizing to people who were convicted of gross indecency for committing homosexual acts in the years before 1969, when same-sex acts between consensual adults were decriminalized. Those convictions will be pardoned, expunged or in some other fashion stricken from the records of those convicted;
  • Apologizing to those who were dismissed from the public service, discharged from the military or otherwise discriminated against in government work because they were homosexual. It was only in the 1990s that the federal government ceased efforts to identify and expel homosexuals in the military;
  • Eliminating the difference in the age of consent for sexual acts. The current age of consent is 16, but it is 18 for anal intercourse, which discriminates against and stigmatizes young homosexuals.
  • Examining whether and how to compensate those who suffered past discrimination because of who they were or whom they loved. This could involve individual compensation and/or funding for programs or services;
  • Requiring all police officers or others who work in the justice system to receive human-rights training, with an emphasis on the historic wrong of treating members of sexual minorities as criminals and on the current bias that all too often still exists;
  • Providing similar training to Customs officials, who still are more likely to ban homosexual materials from crossing the border, while permitting their heterosexual equivalents;
  • Implementing procedures to protect the dignity of transgender or intersex persons in prisons or jails;
  • Eliminating laws, such as keeping a bawdy house, that can be used to criminally charge those who visit a bathhouse or who practise group sex.
Follow on Twitter: @JohnIbbitson

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día- Flower of the day - 12/08/2016

“O que podemos considerar como êxito para o ser humano é a capacidade de identificar suas contradições ou insanidades, pois esse é o início da sanidade. A identificação da doença é o início da cura. Mas, entre a identificação e a cura da doença, existe um caminho e, às vezes, é um longo caminho. Às vezes, são necessários muitos procedimentos; às vezes é necessário mudar hábitos e reeducar muita coisa na sua vida. Esse é um processo atemporal, porque a cura depende de muitos fatores. Então, não se preocupe com o tempo, apenas trabalhe para identificar suas contradições.”

“Lo que podemos considerar como éxito para el ser humano es la capacidad de identificar sus contradicciones o insanidades, porque ese es el inicio de la sanidad. La identificación de la enfermedad es el inicio de la cura. Pero entre la identificación y la cura de la enfermedad existe un camino y, a veces, es un largo camino. A veces, son necesarios muchos procedimientos; a veces es necesario cambiar hábitos y reeducar muchas cosas en tu vida. Este es un proceso atemporal, porque la cura depende de muchos factores. Entonces, no te preocupes con el tiempo, solo trabaja en identificar tus contradicciones.”

“What we can consider a success for human beings is our capacity to identify our contradictions and our insanity. This marks the beginning of sanity. The identification of the disease heralds the beginning of the healing process. However, between the diagnosis and the cure, there is a path we must travel, often a very long one. Sometimes we must undergo many procedures. It may be necessary to change our habits or to re-educate ourselves about various things in life. We don’t know how long this process will take because healing depends on many factors. So, we do not need to be concerned about time. We simply work to be able to identify our contradictions.”

Via Daily Dharma / August 12, 2016: Dream Before You Wake

In the beginning, our illusions are important. In some ways, those illusions bring us to practice. Hopefully, in the process of practicing, we wake up to how things really are. But it’s not bad to have some dreams at the beginning.

—Natalie Goldberg, "Beyond Betrayal"

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hillary's America: Loved Ones

Via Ram Dass

August 10, 2016

As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can’t see how it is.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día- Flower of the day - 10/08/2016

“A mente é um fluxo de pensamentos que nasce a partir da ideia de eu. O ego, ao encarnar em um corpo, cria um eu para poder sobreviver; e a partir dessa ideia de eu, pensamentos são criados. A ideia de eu gera a ideia de meu, e a partir desse binômio eu-meu, nascem todas as outras formas de pensamento. Um mundo inteiro é criado para sustentar essa falsa identidade. Por isso, no universo do yoga, costuma-se dizer que é preciso acessar o estado de ‘não-mente’; pois a mente está identificada com esse mundo ilusório criado pelo falso eu.”

“La mente es un flujo de pensamientos que nace a partir de la idea del yo. El ego, al encarnar en un cuerpo, crea un yo para poder sobrevivir, y a partir de esa idea de yo, son creados pensamientos. La idea de yo genera la idea de mío, y a partir de ese binomio yo-mío, nacen todas las otras formas de pensamiento. Un mundo entero es creado para sustentar esa falsa identidad. Por eso, en el universo del yoga, se acostumbra decir que es necesario acceder al estado de ‘no-mente’, porque la mente está identificada con ese mundo ilusorio creado por el falso yo.”

“The mind is a flow of thoughts that is born from the idea of self. The ego, when it incarnates in a body, creates this ‘I’ to survive. From this idea of self, thoughts are created. The idea of ‘me’ creates the idea of ‘mine’ and from this dual role of ‘me’ and ‘mine’, all other forms of thought are born. A whole world is created to sustain this false identity. Therefore, in the world of yoga, it is said that we need to access the state of ‘no-mind’, because the mind is identified with the illusory world created by this false self.”