Sunday, May 3, 2020

CBeebies Bedtime Stories - Tom Hardy - Odd Dog Out by Rob Bidduph 15/05/2017

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation / Words of Wisdom - May 3, 2020 💌

"The left hand is caught and the right-hand pulls it out. The left-hand turns to the right and says ‘thank you.’ It doesn’t work because they are both parts of the same body. Who are you thanking? You’re thanking yourself. So on that plane, you realize it’s not her suffering, his suffering, or their suffering.
You go up one level, it’s our suffering. You go up another level, it’s my suffering. Then as it gets de-personalized, it’s the suffering. Out of the identity with the suffering comes compassion. It arises in relation to the suffering. It’s part and parcel of the whole package. There is nothing personal in this at all.

In that sense, you have become compassion instead of doing compassionate acts. Instead of being compassionate, you are compassion."

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: Realizing Our Ever-Present Connection

No matter how despairing or cut off we can feel at any given time, we are not actually severed from the essential flow of life or from one another. If we get quiet for a while and pay careful attention, this is what we realize.

—Sharon Salzberg, “Forever Connected”


Saturday, May 2, 2020

Lama Surya Das – Awakening Now – Ep. 91 – The Golden Eternity

Via FB // Mensagem de Dra Paula Loureiro - 28/04/2020


Pelo que os especialistas afirmam a partir de amanhã teremos no mínimo 30 dias difíceis, de muita dor para muitos... de muitas perdas e só temos um remédio para tentar diminuir tudo isso... realizando de forma séria e muito cuidadosa o isolamento social... conversem com os amigos... os familiares... com os mais jovens, o contágio é gigantesco... pode vir no ar.... na tosse... espirro... sola dos sapatos... em sacos de supermercado... embalagens etc... vamos juntos vencer esse vírus... vai passar... mas precisamos fazer que passe sem tantas perdas e sofrimento. Vamos fazer uma grande campanha a partir de hoje...envie sua mensagens para todos os amigos e familiares... vamos ter nos próximos dias a maior taxa de isolamento social do Brasil... juntos somos mais fortes... não esqueça envie agora mesmo sua mensagem em todas as redes sociais... cuidem da higiene pessoal... lavem as mãos sempre e evitem tocar no rosto. Fé em Deus! Esperamos que depois disso tudo passar... possamos voltar melhores... muita coisa precisa mudar dentro de nós e no mundo!

Mensagem de Dra Paula Loureiro - 28/04/2020

Via White Crane Institute / This Day in Gay History - BENJAMIN SPOCK

Dr. Benjamin Spock and a child who will, no doubt, Live Long and Prosper
1903 -
The go-to pediatrician BENJAMIN SPOCK was born (d: 1998). Before there was Vulcan "Spock" there was Dr. Spock. His book, Baby and Child Care, published in 1946, is one of the biggest best-sellers of all time. Its revolutionary message to mothers was that "you know more than you think you do."
Spock was an early advocate for the rights of LGBT people. He was also the People's Party candidate in the 1972 United States presidential election on a platform which called for free medical care, the repeal of "victimless crime" laws, including the legalization of abortion, homosexuality, and marijuana, a guaranteed minimum income for families and the immediate withdrawal of all American troops from foreign countries. He died in 1998.

Via Daily Dharma: An Antidote to Fear

[One] way to think about lovingkindness is as the absence of fear, because when we think of times when lovingkindness is not our first impulse… usually fear is present.

—Vanessa Zuisei Goddard, “The Four Immeasurables: A Science of Compassion”


Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Via Daily Dharma: How to Suffer Less

You eliminate an enormous amount of suffering by concentrating on the suffering that is actually present instead of creating more with your thinking. It is the difference between discomfort and torment.

—Larry Rosenberg,“When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Bites”