Saturday, September 2, 2023

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 Por Jeanny Chen, Saratoga, California.

''Cada vez que abro meu butsudan (oratório) para recitar Daimoku perante o Gohonzon, na minha mente certifico-me de que também abra minha budicidade. Imagino que abro a porta para ingressar ao mundo da budicidade. Tomando de maneira consciente tal iniciativa, coloco-me exatamente na posição de ser capaz de comunicar-me livremente com o Gohonzon. Minha vida se fusiona com o Gohonzon e meu estado de vida começa a corresponder-se com o de Nitiren Daishonin.

O presidente Ikeda compara a prática do Gongyo de cada dia com um "treinamento espiritual". E diz: "O Gongyo e o Daimoku são uma cerimônia na qual nossas vidas se comunicam com o universo.

Durante o Gongyo, mediante nossa fé no Gohonzon, vigorosamente fusionamo-nos com microcosmos de nossa existência individual com a força vital do macrocosmo, do universo inteiro. Se o fazemos regularmente, cada manhã e cada noite, nossa força vital fortalece-se".

(Fé na Ação, pág. 120)

Além da minha cerimônia de abertura da budicidade, ponho em ação sua orientação durante minha recitação de Daimoku. Minha mente constantemente trabalha para expandir minha vida para penetrar o universo inteiro e abarcá-lo também. Parece abstrato mas vívido. Agora, com toda esta preparação, estou no meu mais elevado estado de vida, armada com o fácil acesso ao mundo da budicidade. Estou pronta para experimentar, mais uma vez, o apaixonante e gratificante aspecto fascinante da minha prática diária.

"Se exercer cem milhões de aeons de esforço num só instante da vida as três propriedades iluminadas do Buda aparecerão ao senhor a cada instante. Nam-myoho-rengue-kyo significa justamente tal prática diligente".

No Gosho Zenshu, pág. 790 (ainda não editado em português), Nitiren Daishonin brindou esta orientação.

Conseqüentemente, começo exercendo todos os esforços combinados que posso utilizar durante cem milhões de aeons da minha vida em cada Daimoku. Ao mesmo tempo, percebo que cada Nam-myoho-rengue-kyo que recito, contém inerentemente o resultado de tais magníficos esforços. Junto com a minha recitação sincera, continuo recebendo seu imensurável poder e benefícios, para nutrir e adornar minha vida. Quando minha mente trabalha desta maneira, simplesmente não quero parar de recitar.

a sua escritura "Resposta à Dama Nitinyo"" (END, vol. 1, pág. 324), Nitiren Daishonin descreve assim o Gohonzon:

"Incluídos no Gohonzon estão todos os Budas, Bodhisattvas e os grandes veneráveis (na tradução brasileira consta "santos"), juntamente com os oito grupos de seres sensíveis dos dois reinos que apareceram no primeiro capítulo do Sutra de Lótus. Banhados pela brilhante luz dos cinco caracteres da Lei Mística, todos manifestaram a natureza intrinsecamente iluminada dentro de si".

Não significa isto que no Gohonzon há centenas de milhões de Budas através das três existências e das dez direções?

Enquanto meu estado de vida está elevando-se ao mundo do Buda, só posso sentir que me elevo à par deles. É razoável, portanto, que mediante meu Daimoku sincero, possa convocar toda sua proteção, sabedoria e coragem, enquanto trabalho pelos meus ideais.

Além do mais, não juraram proteger aos Bodhisattvas da Terra como eu?

Pensando nisto, não posso evitar sentir meu máximo otimismo e júbilo a respeito da realização da minha oração. Desta maneira, a crescente intensidade e profundidade do meu Daimoku continuam acelerando-se mais e mais.

O presidente Ikeda diz que o ambiente que nos rodeia está cheio de ondas de rádio de várias freqüências. Mesmo sendo invisíveis, uma televisão pode captá-las e convertê-las em imagens visíveis. Sabendo isto, enviarei minha oração e todo meu ser, junto com meu Daimoku para que penetrem os três mil mundos; através das três existências de todos os seres, sensíveis e insensíveis. Farei que meu Daimoku inunde o universo inteiro, assim como também os trilhões de células do meu corpo. Milhões de Daimoku são recitados em todo momento pelos membros da SGI do mundo. Garantirei que a qualidade do meu conste entre os 50 melhores. Aplico resoluta determinação e toda minha energia positiva, e direciono meu Daimoku para trabalhar diligentemente pelos meus objetivos, sem um momento de descanso.

Não há dúvida de que meu Daimoku pode alcançar ou viajar a qualquer lugar. Portanto, como pode não acertar o alvo que determinei? Tento recitar Daimoku com uma forte determinação (itinen), como uma afiada e poderosa espada, com a força do rugido de um leão, confiando em fazer estremecer, movimentar e tocar o universo. Sem ter encontrado um problema verdadeiro e devastador, nunca é fácil para mim recitar Daimoku com o sentimento de extrema urgência de uma situação de vida ou morte. Percebo de que só mediante tal sentimento de extrema urgência posso experimentar o tipo de Daimoku profundo que move o céu e a terra. Mas, nem por toda a minha vida, quero trocar meu bem-estar e saúde por esta experiência, ainda que realmente necessito saber como é e como orar dessa maneira.

Faz quatro anos, fiquei sabendo por um jornal da televisão que quatro estudantes universitários tinham ficados soterrados numa avalanche. Três deles foram resgatados três horas mais tarde, mas um morreu. Mantendo a tragédia na minha mente, durante minha oração, comecei a visualizar o acidente. Imaginava-me aprisionada dentro da espessa neve. Não estava certa se alguém sabia onde eu estava quando ocorreu a avalanche. Tinha pouco ar e podia congelar-me até morrer em pouco tempo. O que podia fazer para sair daí antes de que fosse tarde de mais? Era agora ou nunca.

Pensando assim, finalmente pude recitar um Daimoku capaz de derreter a neve em segundos. Estava emocionada pelo descobrimento. A partir desse momento soube que, sem necessariamente ter que experimentar pessoalmente uma circunstância difícil, podia imaginá-la nitidamente para experimentar como extrair o resultado ideal de qualquer situação. Que conveniente!

Os ensinamentos e orientações de eterno valor são abundantes na nossa prática da fé. Estando limitada pela minha habilidade a respeito do idioma inglês, não podia ler o vasto número de publicações, nem sequer uma pequena parcela referida a este Budismo. Para compensar este ponto fraco, sem importar o pouco que possa ser compreendida, preocupo-me em personificar a tinta preta no papel branco. A saber: dedico minha vida a estudar, entender, absorver e aplicar tudo para obter resultados. Recitar Daimoku é sempre minha ferramenta perfeita e preferida para realizar tal maravilha:

"Sua mente, agora desnorteada pela escuridão inata da vida, é como um espelho embaçado, mas, se o polir, é certo que tornar-se-á claro como cristal da iluminação das verdades imutáveis. Manifeste-se fortemente na prática da fé, polindo seu espelho incessantemente, dia e noite. Como deve poli-lo? Não há outro modo a não ser devotar-se à recitação do Nam-myoho-rengue-kyo".

Nitiren Daishonin na sua escritura "Sobre atingir o estado de Buda" (END, vol. 1, pág. 109)

Baseada neste ensinamento em particular, olho minha vida como um espelho embaçado.

Minha mente, coração e boca continuamente produzem o máximo detergente de Daimoku. Seguro um suave pano polindo o espelho incansavelmente com cada Nam-myoho-rengue-kyo que recito. Finalmente, o espelho chega a ser tão cristalino que compreendo o verdadeiro aspecto de todos os fenômenos. Minha vida também acaba sendo brilhante e clara como resultado de trocar veneno em remédio. O processo de treinamento não toma muito tempo. Mas a recompensa é surpreendente.

De acordo com a simultaneidade de causa e efeito, no momento que reproduzo a imagem e a fixo na minha mente, seu efeito já existe. Portanto, a crescente sabedoria de sempre buscar a verdade fundamental para resolver da melhor maneira qualquer situação, converte-se num piloto automático para dirigir minha vida. Funciona como uma maravilha. Sobretudo, sinto-me tão aliviada e tranqüila ao desfrutar o sentimento de ter uma vida fresca e pura, sem culpa, tristeza, vergonha nem sujeira, e sem importar quão terrível e feia tenha sido antes.

No que refere-se a recitar Daimoku, sou bastante detalhista. Como meu plano e investir uma grande parte da minha vida realizando-o, melhor certifico-me de estar no caminho correto. No início da minha prática, recitar Daimoku durante quinze minutos parecia-me uma eternidade. Mais adiante, devido à necessidade de cumprir meu objetivo impossível, comecei a orar de quatro a cinco horas. Gradualmente, tenho alcançado uma média de uma hora e vinte minutos ou duas horas por dia.

Um dia percebi que, se recitasse Daimoku duas horas por dia, significava que em doze meses, seria como estar recitando Daimoku sem parar as 24 horas do dia, os 7 dias da semana, durante um mês inteiro. A amplidão da tarefa era bastante. Era demasiado grande de compreender. Afortunadamente, fui capaz de encontrar uma maneira de justificar meu comportamento valente: gerar o valor equivalente ou ainda maior ao dos esforços.

Sendo um membro de menor antigüidade nesta prática budista, se desejo não ficar para atrás, tenho que ter um correto empurrão inicial para obter sólidos resultados, sem demora. Portanto, além de assistir às reuniões de diálogo (palestra) da SGI, de ler as publicações da SGI e de procurar orientação dos meus veteranos na fé, dependo profundamente da minha fé pura para direcionar meu caminho. Os ensinamentos documentados de Nitiren Daishonin são um dos meus indicadores.

Conseqüentemente, recito Daimoku com forte determinação, paciência, persistência e otimismo. Quando realmente queria superar um desafio, era natural que recitar Daimoku fosse o primeiro. Na atualidade, recitar Daimoku sempre é minha primeira prioridade, aconteça o que acontecer. Também aprendi dos goshos como orar.

Oro Daimoku com sincero sentimento desculpa (zangue), agradecimento e alegria. Também o faço louvando o Sutra de Lótus. Sinceramente, não quero omitir nada. Minha postura de penetrar em diferentes aspectos do Daimoku contribui a concretizar meus explosivos benefícios. Cada vez que leio o Gosho, esses ensinamentos me mostram a melhor maneira de praticar.

Uma vez que os compreendo, os aplico na minha vida:

"O senhor deve crer no Sutra de Lótus da mesma maneira como tem fome do alimento, sede da água, saudade da sua amada ou desejo pelo remédio quando está enfermo, ou como uma bela mulher deseja os cosméticos. Caso contrário, arrepender-se-á mais tarde". (END, vol. II, pág. 332)

"Todavia, mesmo uma grande ofensa pode ser erradicada se a pessoa arrepender-se dela sinceramente". (END, vol. IV, pág. 139)

"Portanto, aquele que deseja pagar a sua dívida ao Buda deve primeiro saldar o débito que possui para com a Lei". (END, vol. V, pág. 133)

"Portanto, quando recitar o Daimoku deste sutra, deve estar consciente de que é algo mais reconfortante do que para um cego de nascença, recobrar a visão e ver seu pai e sua mãe". (WND, pág. 143) (trecho de "O Daimoku do Sutra de Lótus", END, vol. III, pág. 185, ainda não traduzido ao português)

"Enquanto mais apreciar os benefícios do Sutra de Lótus, eles incrementar-se-ão. Leve em consideração que os vinte e oito capítulos do Sutra de Lótus contêm só umas poucas passagens elucidando a verdade, mas possuem muitas palavras de louvor". (esta frase da "Carta a Koniti-bo" [END, vol. IV, pág. 133] não foi traduzida ao português e consta no WND, pág. 673)

Este ensaio resume vários "treinamentos espirituais" que implementei na minha recitação através dos meus treze anos de prática.

Como um mortal comum, minha mente divaga muito. Nem sempre posso concentrar-me totalmente enquanto oro. Também não posso exercitar todos estes treinamentos ao mesmo tempo. Porém, acabei reparando que, quando sou extremamente séria, orando pelo meu objetivo de cumprir uma determinada missão reconheço e me encarrego da aplicação de algum deles e funciona às mil maravilhas.''

Via Daily Dharma: Navigating Conversation

Navigating Conversation

Navigating conversation successfully calls for showing up in our entirety and inviting our dialogue partner to do the same—which means putting background assumptions on the table.

Linda Heuman, “A New Way Forward”


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Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Effort: Maintaining Arisen Healthy States


Maintaining Arisen Healthy States
Whatever a person frequently thinks about and ponders, that will become the inclination of their mind. If one frequently thinks about and ponders healthy states, one has abandoned unhealthy states to cultivate healthy states, and then one’s mind inclines to healthy states. (MN 19)

Here a person rouses the will, makes an effort, stirs up energy, exerts the mind, and strives to maintain arisen healthy mental states. One maintains the arisen awakening factor of joy. (MN 141)
Maintaining healthy mental and emotional states that have arisen in experience sometimes takes effort. It is worthwhile effort, because the mind will incline in the future toward whatever states are most often manifesting in the present. By sustaining healthy states as often as you can for as long as possible, you are not only blocking unhealthy states but creating the conditions for a healthier mind in the future.

Daily Practice
When you are joyful in a healthy way, find ways to sustain that joy. One way to do that, when the joy comes from noticing the good fortune of another, is to remind yourself of it continuously. Repeating to yourself phrases like “May they be happy” and “May their good fortune continue” is a simple way to reinforce the basis upon which the joy is established. Remember, it is good for you to feel joy, so cultivate it as much as you can. 

Tomorrow: Establishing Mindfulness of Mental Objects and the Fourth Jhāna
One week from today: Restraining Unarisen Unhealthy States

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Friday, September 1, 2023

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Living: Abstaining from Intoxication



Undertaking the Commitment to Abstain from Intoxication
Intoxication is unhealthy. Refraining from intoxication is healthy. (MN 9) What are the imperfections that defile the mind? Negligence is an imperfection that defiles the mind. Knowing that negligence is an imperfection that defiles the mind, a person abandons it. (MN 7) One practices thus: “Others may become negligent by intoxication, but I will abstain from the negligence of intoxication.” (MN 8)

There are these two worldly conditions: pleasure and pain. These are conditions that people meet—impermanent, transient, and subject to change. A mindful, wise person knows them and sees that they are subject to change. Desirable conditions do not excite one’s mind nor is one resentful of undesirable conditions. (AN 8.6)
We have within us a natural instinct to pursue pleasure and avoid pain. One of the Buddha’s great insights is that both are hardwired into our minds and bodies and are thus an inevitable aspect of the human condition. Knowing this and accepting it as true allows us to watch the interplay of the two without needing to change what is happening. A wise person is mindful of both pleasure and pain, regarding them evenly.

Daily Practice
Practice becoming aware of feeling tones, both pleasant and painful, as they arise accompanying all experience. Cultivate a posture of noticing each one, acknowledging how it feels, and letting it change into something else, as it will naturally do. Give up the hopeless task of chasing after pleasure and fleeing pain and simply appreciate, with equanimity rather than excitement or resentment, the changing nature of experience.

Tomorrow: Maintaining Arisen Healthy States
One week from today: Abstaining from Harming Living Beings

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© 2023 Tricycle Foundation
89 5th Ave, New York, NY 10003

Via Tricycle // ¿Qué Color es el Buda?

¿Qué Color es el Buda?
By Ayya Dhammadīpā
Buda proviene de la raíz Pali “budh” que significa “despierto o con comprensión.” Todas esas palabras apuntan a lo mismo. Describen el despertar o la iluminación.
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Via Daily Dharma: Hope and Movement


Hope and Movement

Hope opens the door to possibility and allows us to envision change, particularly change that we desire. But hope alone will not affect change—that requires movement.

Andrew Mellen, “UnStuff Your Life” 


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Via White Crane Institute // JOHN BOSWELL & John McNeill with some Lily


JOHN BOSWELL'S Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality debuts in book stores. The groundbreaking work which, according to Chauncey et al. (1989), "offered a revolutionary interpretation of the Western tradition, arguing that the Roman Catholic Church had not condemned gay people throughout its history, but rather, at least until the twelfth century, had alternately evinced no special concern about homosexuality or actually celebrated love between men." The book won a National Book Award and the Stonewall Book Award in 1981.  The historical breadth of Boswell’s research (from the Greeks to Aquinas) and the variety of sources consulted make this one of the most extensive treatments of any single aspect of Western social history.

The Church and the Homosexual, by John McNeill
2017 -

John McNeill was a pioneer of Gay spirituality and stood up to the Vatican and then Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, on many an occasion with brave, intellectual force. His was one of the first and most important voices for Roman Catholic Gay men and Lesbians. This excerpt is from the Preface to the Fourth Edition of his groundbreaking 1993 work, The Church and The Homosexual (Beacon Press ISBN-10: 0807079316):


I still remember our joy that Sunday in 1976 when I announced at the New York Dignity liturgy that I had received an official Imprimi Potest, the approval for the publication of my book The Church and the Homosexual  from my superiors in the Society of Jesus. It was, I believe, one of the first theological works in recent times that called for a revision of the traditional Catholic Church teaching on homosexuality.

After more than four years of exhaustive research to write the book, the Imprimi Potest was obtained only after an additional two years of intense review by leading moral theologians both in the United States and in Rome. They were unanimous in recommending that the book be published. I naively assumed that by granting me an Imprimi Potest, the Church, in the liberating spirit that followed Vatican II, was ready and willing to reexamine its teaching on homosexuality and that approving my book for publication was the first step in that process. The theologians who reviewed the manuscript believed, as I did, that the new evidence coming from the fields of scriptural studies, history, psychology, sociology, and moral theology seriously challenged every premise on which the traditional teaching was based. They anticipated, as I did, that my book would begin a public debate on Church teaching that would eventually lead to the Church's revision of its understanding of homosexuality. I had hoped that my book would lead to a revision of teaching on homosexuality not only in the Roman Catholic Church but also in the entire Christian community.

From the beginning, I envisioned the personal witness of Gay and Lesbian Catholics and other Christians to be an essential contribution to that debate. They could testify about what happened to them when they strove to live both as Gays and according to Church teachings. My own work in the Gay community as priest and psychotherapist and as one of the founders of Dignity/New York, an organization for Gay and Lesbian Catholics, made me keenly aware of the enormous amount of pain, psychological trauma, and potential emotional breakdown there. Because this unnecessary suffering was caused by the interiorization of Church teaching, I felt a certain urgency for the need of public debate. What was bad psychology had to be bad theology and vice versa.

Our early joy was short-lived, however. One year later, in 1977, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) ordered the removal of the Imprimi Potest from my book. Because of my appearances on popular television programs such as "Today" and "The Phil Donahue Show," they accused me of violating a nonexistent agreement that the public discussion would take place only among my peers in the theological community. A blanket silence was imposed on me by the CDF and I was forbidden to discuss the issue of homosexuality and morality in the public arena.

Instead of allowing public debate on homosexuality, the Church fell back on its "creeping infallibility," claiming that its teaching was based on "divine revelation" and, therefore, was not open to change, regardless of any new evidence to support that change. (In fact, no moral teaching on sexuality is infallibly defined.) They justified their silencing me by claiming that I had created the false impression that the Church had changed or was about to change its teaching on homosexuality. The CDF hastened to assure the world that no matter how much evidence supported the argument for change, the Church would never alter its teaching in this matter. "This is true because we say it is true. Don't bother us with the facts!"

From that day to this, for nearly seventeen years, the hierarchical Church has used its power and influence to silence any critic of its teaching on homosexuality. The dismissal of Charles Curran from the theology faculty at the Catholic University of America is another example. The debate has continued, however, among the laity. There has been such a massive shift of opinion in the pews that now more than 84 percent of Catholics support Gay civil rights.

For ten years, until 1987, I observed the silence imposed on me by not speaking in public. During that period, my book was published around the world in five different languages. I had agreed to observe the silence, again in the hope that over time the Church would consider the evidence and begin a process of reevaluation. The American bishops did take several progressive steps toward liberalizing pastoral practice based on the distinction between homosexual orientation, which is neither chosen nor changeable, and homosexual behavior, which they continued to judge as contrary to God's will. They also called for legislation protecting the civil rights of Gay people. But every time any move was made toward a better understanding and spiritual care of Gay people, the Vatican intervened demanding that the Catholic Church in the United States maintain a homophobic stance on all Gay issues. The best example of that interference is the Vatican demand in 1987 that all Dignity chapters be denied their right to meet on Church grounds.

One major event in the struggle between Gay Catholics and the Vatican was the release of the Vatican "Halloween" letter by Cardinal Ratzinger, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on 31 October 1986: "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons." Rome took a giant step backward when it asserted that homosexual orientation was not a natural condition but represented an "objective disorder" and was an 'orientation to evil." Since most Gay people experience their homosexual orientation as a part of creation, if they accept this Church teaching, they must see God as sadistically creating them with an intrinsic orientation to evil. Most Gays would prefer to see the Church teaching as wrong, rather than believe God is sadistic.

The Vatican document went so far in its hatred of all things Gay as to assert that if homosexuals continue to claim "unthinkable" civil rights, then they should not be surprised by the violence inflicted upon them by Gay-bashers and have only themselves to blame. This statement has been interpreted in some quarters as encouraging violence against Gay people. Cardinal Ratzinger's letter even suggested that it is Gay activists and the professionals who try to help Gays achieve self-acceptance who are responsible for the AIDS epidemic: "Even when the practice of homosexuality may seriously threaten the lives and well-being of a large number of people, its advocates remained undeterred and refused to consider the magnitude of the risks involved."

In my more than twenty years' experience of pastoral care with thousands of Gay Catholics and other Christians, the Gay men most likely to act out their sexual needs in an unsafe, compulsive way and, therefore, to expose themselves to the HIV virus, are precisely those persons who have internalized the self-hatred that their religions impose on them. They are precisely the ones who, while they find it impossible to suppress and deny their sexual needs totally, cannot enter into a healthy and committed intimacy with anyone because of this self-hatred.

In a recent letter to the New York Times (September 2, 1992), Richard Isay, chairman of the American Psychiatric Association committee on Gay, Lesbian, and bisexual affairs, points out that the suppression of sexuality, whether by religion, the state, or therapists who claim they can change homosexuals into heterosexuals, significantly damages the self-esteem of Gay men and Lesbians. It subverts their capacity to express their sexuality in mutually loving relationships. Interiorized self-hatred contributes to the extraordinarily high suicide rate of Gay and Lesbian youth, estimated at more than 30 percent of all youth suicide.

In perhaps one of the strongest statements ever against a Vatican document, the Major Superiors of Religious Men said:

We view ["Some Considerations Concerning... Homosexual Persons"] as a hindrance to the Church leaders of the United States in this most difficult and sensitive area of human living. It is particularly open to misrepresentation and confusion during the present political campaign in the United States.

We are shocked that the statement calls for discrimination against Gay men and Lesbian women. We find the reasoning for supporting such discrimination to be strained, unconvincing and counterproductive to our statements and actions to support the pastoral needs and personal dignity of such persons. Far from a help to the Bishops and other religious leaders in the United States Catholic Church, the statement complicates our already complex ministry to all people. Moreover, we find the arguments used to justify discrimination based on stereotypes and falsehoods that are out of touch with modern psychological and sociological understandings of human sexuality. We regret such actions by the CDF and we reaffirm our support for the human rights of all our brothers and sisters.

As a Gay Catholic theologian and psychotherapist, I am fully aware of the enormous destruction recent Vatican documents will cause in the psychic life of young Catholic Gays, and of the violence they will provoke against all Gay people. I find myself in a dilemma; What kind of faith and trust can I place in a teaching authority that I see clearly acts in an unloving, hateful, and destructive way toward my Gay family?

At this point, the ignorance and distortion of homosexuality, the use of "stereotypes and falsehoods" in an official Vatican document, leads us who are Gay Catholics to issue the Vatican a serious warning. Your ignorance can no longer be excused as inculpable; it has become of necessity a deliberate and malicious ignorance.

In the name of all Catholic Gays, and Gays and Lesbians everywhere, I cry out "Enough!" Enough of your distortions of Scripture that make homosexuals the scapegoats of every disaster! Jesus himself in Luke 10:10 recognized the sin of Sodom as inhospitality to the stranger, yet you support the interpretation of that sin as homosexual activity. Through the centuries you have supported sodomy laws that have sent thousands of Gays to their deaths. You continue to claim that a loving homosexual act is condemned in Scripture, when competent scholars are nearly unanimous in admitting that nowhere in Scripture is there a clear condemnation of sexual acts between two Gay men or Lesbians who love each other.

"Enough!" Enough of your effort to reduce all homosexual acts to expressions of lust, and of your refusal to see them as expressions of deep, genuine human love! Enough of your effort to lead young Gays to internalize self-hatred with the result that they are able to relate to God only as a God of fear and hate, and lose all hope in a God of love! Enough of your recent efforts to foster hatred and discrimination against us in the human community! Enough of an ignorance for which there is no excuse. Enough of driving us from the home of our mother, the Church, and denying us the fullness of human life and sexual love. Enough of fostering discrimination against us, even violence and Gay-bashing. We cried out to you for bread, you gave us a scorpion instead!

Obviously, you could enter into dialogue with the rest of the human community, especially the Gay members of that community, to search for the truth under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the complex issue of homosexuality. But never was there a mandate from Jesus Christ for you to create the truth by fiat.

At this point the words of Ezekiel apply to you Catholic shepherds:

Trouble for the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Shepherds ought to feed their flock.... You have failed to make weak sheep strong, or to care for the sick ones, or bandage the wounded ones. You have failed to bring back strays or look for the lost.

On the contrary, you have ruled them cruelly and violently. For lack of a shepherd they have scattered, to become the prey of any wild animal; they have scattered far.... Well then, shepherds, hear the word of Yahweh. As I live, I swear it -it is the Lord Yahweh who speaks.... I am going to call my shepherds to account.

I am going to take back my flock from them and I shall not allow them to feed my flock.... I shall rescue my sheep from their mouths; they will not prey on them anymore.  (Ezekiel 34:2-10)

We Gay and Lesbian Catholics pray daily that the Holy Spirit will lead you into a spirit of repentance. Just as you apologized to the Jews for supporting anti-Semitism for centuries, so today you must repent and apologize for the centuries of support you have given homophobia. We pray that the Holy Spirit will strengthen you so that you can let go of the hubris that does not allow you to admit past errors. We pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to search humbly for the truth concerning homosexuality through dialogue with your Gay brothers and Lesbian sisters.

The only consolation I can offer Gays and Lesbians in the meantime is the profound hope that the very absurdity and hateful spirit of the Vatican documents will lead lay Catholics to refuse them and to recognize the contradiction between their message and that of Jesus, who never once spoke a negative word concerning homosexuality.

I work, hope, and pray that Lesbian and Gay Catholics and other Christians will exercise their legitimate freedom of conscience, discerning what God is saying to them directly through their Gay experience. I hope, too, that they will be able to defang the poisons of pathologically homophobic religion, accepting the good news that God loves and accepts them as Gay and refusing to be caught in the vortex of self-hatred vis-à-vis a God of fear.

I am aware of hundreds of Gay people who have found peace and self-acceptance in part because of this book. I hope and pray that God will continue to use my work as an instrument of peace and reconciliation for hundreds of others.

John McNeill’s books include The Church and the Homosexual, Taking a Chance on God, Freedom, Glorious Freedom, and Both Feet Firmly Planted in Midair. His latest book is Sex the Way God Meant it to Be was published in 2008

Today's Gay Wisdom
2017 -

The Wit and Wisdom of Lily Tomlin

Years ago, this writer did a bit of acting and appeared with Ms. Tomlin on a KPFK radio play called The Gay Liberation Follies written by Len Richardson. We did some silly skits, but Tomlin did her famous character, Edith Ann.

Her bit went something like this: “My name is Edith Ann and there are these two ladies who live down the block from me and they don’t have a daddy. So I asked my mama and she told me about them. So…I’ve decided to change my name…from Edith Ann to Lesbi Ann. And that’s the truth!

  • Don't be afraid of missing opportunities. Behind every failure is an opportunity somebody wishes they had missed.
  • For fast-acting relief try slowing down.
  • I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.
  • I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.
  • I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.
  • I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain.
  • I worry that the person who thought up Muzak may be thinking up something else.
  • I've always wanted to be somebody, but I see now I should have been more specific.


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