Saturday, October 18, 2014

Via Daily Dharma

Defining Emptiness | October 18, 2014

Emptiness simply means an absence of reactivity. When you relate to somebody, there's not you and me and your little mind running its little comparisons and judgments. When those are gone, that is emptiness. 
- Charlotte Joko Beck, "Life's Not a Problem"

Friday, October 17, 2014

Flower of the Day: 10/17/14

“We see reality subjectively, since we look at it through colored lenses that distort our perception. These lenses are our mistaken ideas and false beliefs. For example, say that your mother was betrayed and therefore became resentful. She might have then transmitted her belief to you that ‘men cannot be trusted because they betray you.’ Consequently, you would end up attracting men who cheat on you, because your energy was vibrating at this frequency and these beliefs acted like magnets. When you look at men you always become suspicious, and this activates the worst in them. That’s how we confirm our beliefs and maintain our limited perception of reality.”
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

The Principle of Renunciation | October 17, 2014

The principle of renunciation is not to encourage a state of lack, but to establish as complete a state of simplicity as possible. 
- Ajaan Amaro, "Just Another Thing in the Forest"

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Flower of the Day: 10/16/14

“Maturity comes from comprehension. Growing spiritually means increasing your understanding of things. A mature person is someone who understands, and this understanding allows him or her to accept the game of life. In this way, they can experience peace and silence, calmness and tranquility.”
Sri Prem Baba

A buddy of mine posted this on another post:

In relation to a discussion about the Catholic Church possibly becoming more tolerant my Gay Baha'i amigo, Gary wrote:

In the end, all the very conservative religions and political parties are going to have to make a decision whether they want to cater to old people who are dying off or young people of the progressive future. The answer is, of course, obvious, but not to them. Because until now, the older fearful bigoted population was larger and more powerful. So they unwisely catered to that group (short term thinking, which also infects western capitalists). For greedy short-term easy gain, they made the worst possible long-term choice, to be conservative rather the progressive (which is what religion is supposed to be). And in doing so, they have made themselves irrelevant. And they may very well go out of business because of their refusal to adapt to an evolving world. Just like the guy who refused to stop betting on buggy whips when the automobile was first introduced. My own life is a perfect example of this huge mistake made by religion. My religion belittled and scorned me, despite my lifelong devotion to it. So I drifted away to be my true self, at a time when most of society also scorned me. And now all these years later, much of society has come around to accept me, but not my religion. In the meantime, my ordeal taught me I actually prefer my life without the religion. My life is actually much better. So now, even if the religion were to catch up with society, I would not go back. I am just one example. I can only imagine how many others have been similarly impacted by this process. It's too bad religions and political conservatives got themselves caught up on the wrong side of history in the gay civil rights movement, but they did, and they did knowing full well what the repercussions would be and they were also sufficiently warned; they did it anyway. They now will pay the price.

Dazzled by Technology | October 16, 2014

People today are dazzled by advances in science and technology and take human progress to be identical with scientific discovery. This is the fundamental group stupidity of our modern times. We must clearly distinguish between scientific advancement and human progress. 
- Kosho Uchiyama, "The Chimera of Human Advancement"

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Via Daily Dharma

Touching Enlightenment | October 15, 2014

My sense is that there is a very real problem among Western Buddhist practitioners. We are attempting to practice meditation and to follow a spiritual path in a disembodied state, and our practice is therefore doomed to failure. The full benefits and fruition of meditation cannot be experienced or enjoyed when we are not grounded in our bodies. 
- "Touching Enlightenment," Reggie Ray

Flower of the Day: 10/15/14

"The mantra Prabhu Ap Jago ​​is a ripe fruit from the tree of consciousness. Its power is impressive when it is sung from the heart. It is a fragrance of the Being, imbued with notes of compassion. This is a prayer that comes from the depths of one’s emotional center. It is a request for God to awaken in everyone, everywhere, and to illuminate the game of joy."
Sri Prem Baba

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A ‘Pastoral Earthquake’: Catholic Church Proposes Extraordinary Shift On Gays And Lesbians

Vatican Pope Germany

A panel of high-ranking Catholic officials has proposed a dramatic change in the way the church treats gays and lesbians. The group of Cardinals, known as a synod, suggested the church is capable of “valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine.”

The Cardinals stopped well short of endorsing gay marriage, stating “unions between people of the same sex cannot be considered on the same footing as matrimony between man and woman.” But they also acknowledged, in a section called “Welcoming homosexual persons,” there “are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners.” The Cardinals also suggest that same-sex couples should never be discriminated against in ways that could impact their children. 

The document was called a “pastoral eathquake” by John Thavis, a prominent journalist who covers the Vatican. It was produced by Pope Francis’s ongoing extraordinary synod on the family. That group previously polled Catholics about their opinions on issues including same-sex marriage, divorce, and contraception. The document produced by the synod, however, does not represent a formal change in church policy. 

To read the full article make the jump here

Flower of the Day: 10/14/14

"Sanatana dharma is the path to enlightenment, the way of the eternal religion, which leaves us some inheritances. These act like footprints of love that serve as a map, a guide to the path of the heart. All the names and forms of the Divine I allude to refer to the higher self that inhabits each one of us. They’re like frequencies of light. Just as white light is composed of all the colors of the rainbow, the higher self consists of many aspects that act as virtues or qualities of the Being. Such virtues are emanations of the same Being. They are scents of the fragrance of love."
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

Discovering Truth | October 14, 2014

Trees bend and birds are tossed high. Lives are thrown onto new courses by the spiritual tide. In our ordinary struggles with life and our interminable retreat into the compulsiveness of ordinary being, if we can look honestly, we may experience our religious sense as fully as in many high-flown writings. Looking deeply at our foolishness, we discover truth. 
- Caroline Brazier, "Discovering Truth"

Monday, October 13, 2014

Via Daily Dharma

Not What You Think | October 13, 2014

The early teachings deconstruct many habitual ways of being and seeing. We think we’re permanent, but we’re not. We think that by craving things we’ll find happiness, but we won’t. One after another the Buddha challenges our established views, our ways of constructing our version of the world, and takes them apart: you think it’s one way but it’s not; you want an answer, but the problem is your very wanting of an answer. 
- Henry Shukman, “The Unfamiliar Familiar”

Flower of the Day: 10/13/14

"I have called your attention to this cycle of time we are living in. I have almost no words to express the characteristics of this period; suffice it to say that it’s a very strange or different period. We are entering the peak of Parivartan, the great planetary transformation, so fasten your seatbelts, for we are entering turbulence. Tightening one’s seatbelt means becoming steadfast in one’s sadhana, one’s spiritual practice, because everything will shake. At the same time, we are having wonderful opportunities to serve and to grow in all aspects."
Sri Prem Baba

Via JMG: UPDATED: Wikipedia Marriage Map

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Via JMG/ Comments: 

Top 10 schadenfreude marriage equality states (so far):

1. Utah (LDS)
2. Virginia (Matt Barber, Liberty U., so many others)
3. Oklahoma (Sally Kern)
4. California (Frank Schubert, Randy Thomasson, many others, prop 8 voters)
5. Alaska (Palins)
6. Illinois (Peter LaBarbarian)
7. Massachusetts (MassResistance)
8. North Carolina (a whollllle lotta folks)
9. Hawaii (5000 speakers at the House hearings)
10. Colorado (James Dobson)

More to come, including Mississippi & Texas!

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Via JMG: BREAKING: Alaska! Alaska! Alaska!

State number 30!

Reposted from  Joe Jervis

Why biblical interpretation has no authority on the matter of sexual orientation.

Flower of the Day: 10/12/14

"As you cultivate silence, even if it may be in one-minute intervals, you begin to lord over your mind, until you are able to abandon it and use it only when necessary. You can use the mind to make calculations or plan your day, but should be able to let it rest when it is not needed. This is the key to freedom."
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

What to Do When Anger Gets Hot | October 12, 2014

Americans think it is beneficial to ‘get in touch with’ their anger. That’s just the first step—recognizing your anger. The second step is analyzing and meditating on your anger. 
- Ngawang Gelek Demo Rinpoche, “What to Do When the Anger Gets Hot”

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Via Daily Dharma

The Science of Enlightenment | October 11, 2014

It is tempting for teachers to leverage the prestige and power of science to promote a particular religious view. Scientists used to quote scripture. Now religious leaders quote scientific theories! 
- Brad Marston, “The Science of Enlightenment”

Flower of the Day: 10/11/14

"We want to sustain the idea of ​​'me' and 'mine,' and to maintain what we call the ego. We want to keep our story, however miserable it may be, because it is our story, and gives us some sense of identity. But getting closer to a spiritual master means giving up this story of ours, or at least beginning a new story, which is now based on the present, not the past. Therefore, becoming a disciple actually means being reborn."
Sri Prem Baba

Friday, October 10, 2014

Flower of the Day: 10/10/14

"Transformation refers to a structural change that is possible only when we are able to identify the fragmented parts of our personality. This occurs when we predispose ourselves to studying these parts of our personality, understanding that they are there to protect us from pain. When we realize how attached we are to the negative pleasure they activate, a pleasure that keeps us repeating negative actions, then we create the conditions for the transformation to take place."
Sri Prem Baba

The Moon Reflected on the Water | October 10, 2014

Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken. Although its light is wide and great, the moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in dewdrops on the grass, or even in one drop of water. 
- Eihei Dogen, "Genjokoan"

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Flower of the Day: 10/09/14

"Another way to understand karma is as the traces that we leave behind. It is our open accounts: the words unspoken or feelings unexpressed. Presence is the master key, because only through presence can we act without leaving a trace. If there are still traces left, then it isn’t possible to merge with the ocean and free ourselves. We have to erase all of our traces by settling our open accounts with all others. This is why I have been focusing on the work of reconciliation."
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

The Power of Custom | October 9, 2014

That the Buddhist religion has survived so long in the world is a result not so much of the durability of manuscripts as of the power of ideas embodied in custom; and custom, for all our abundant sources of information, is what we lack and cannot in the long run do without. 
- Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano, "Selective Wisdom"

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Via JMG: xkcd On Same-Sex Marriage

Details.(Tipped by JMG reader Bruce)

Reposted from  Joe Jervis

God Only Knows - BBC Music

Flower of the Day: 10/08/14

"Divine justice makes use of human injustice to bring about the ultimate justice. The human mind, although it is a great power, has its limitations. One of the aspects of the mind is memory, but human memory is flawed. We send out an invitation and forget we sent it, so that when the guests arrive we don’t think we invited them. This limitation prevents us from noticing the relationship between cause and effect. But there is no effect without a cause."
Sri Prem Baba

The Presence of Beauty | October 8, 2014

Thomas Aquinas said that beauty arrests motion. He meant, I think, that in the presence of something gorgeous or sublime, we stop our nervous natterings, our foot twitchings and restless tongues. Whatever that fretful hunger is, it seems momentarily filled in the presence of beauty. 
- Barbara Hurd, "On Silence"

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Via JMG: Human Rights Campaign Inducts 19 Members Of Congress Into Hall Of Shame

The Human Rights Campaign today announced the induction of 19 member of Congress into its Hall Of Shame for anti-LGBT actions.
“If you want to understand why LGBT equality has hit a roadblock in Congress, you don't need to look any further than these leaders of anti-LGBT obstruction and animus,” said David Stacy, HRC’s Government Affairs Director. “These members go out of their way to oppose any step toward equal protection under the law or to protect LGBT Americans from violence, discrimination and harassment. They proactively work to undermine existing legal protections and promote anti-LGBT discrimination.”

Released in advance of the HRC Scorecard for the 113th Congress, HRC identified these elected officials as the most anti-equality members of Congress by looking at their voting records in this and previous Congresses, their introduction and co-sponsorships of anti-LGBT legislation, and their public statements. While there are other anti-LGBT members of Congress, these elected officials’ legislative actions, votes and anti-LGBT vitriol unfortunately marks them with a modern day scarlet letter.
The only Democrat on the list, Rep. Mike McIntrye, has signed Rep. Randy Weber's laughably doomed bill that would limit the federal government to only recognizing same-sex marriages that are legally conducted in the state where the married couple resides. McIntrye is retiring after the current term.

Reposted from  Joe Jervis

Via JMG: UPDATED: Wikipedia Marriage Map

UPDATE: JMG reader Bill directs us to the Flag Of Equal Marriage, which after today will be adding more stars.

Reposted from  Joe Jervis  

Flower of the Day: 10/07/14

"It would be tremendously positive for the evolution of human consciousness if parents were aware of the significance of bringing a child into the world. I have inspired people to see children as Atma, the divine spirit in development. Although the child is in a body, they have the spark of Parmatma, the supreme ineffable Absolute, and they have much to teach us. The child arrives on this plane with a well-defined purpose. They already arrive with their talents, and with a vision to share with the world. What they need is support so that this vision may be revealed."
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

What Haiku Requires | October 7, 2014

[Basho] practiced Zen without insignia or ordination. Every decade he experienced a catastrophic reordering of his life. 'Let my name be "Traveler,"' he implored, following the narrow road of poetry to the far north. He shattered clever wordplay haiku to create a new mosaic of language, solitary and raw. 'The old verse can be about willows,' he observed, 'but haiku requires crows picking snails in a rice paddy.' 
- Wendy Johnson, "Seventeen Syllable Medicine"

Monday, October 6, 2014

Via Freedom to Marry / FB:

Via Vestiário / FB: Luciana Genro

Luciana Genro, você sempre agradece a sua repercussão. Hoje, você teve pouco mais de 1,5 milhão de votos.

Na verdade, somos nós que temos que te agradecer, e muito, por ter olhado com carinho e defendido com amor a gente. Num país tão homofóbico como o Brasil, você foi a nossa esperança.

Valeu! <3

Luciana Genro, você sempre agradece a sua repercussão. Hoje, você teve pouco mais de 1,5 milhão de votos.

Na verdade, somos nós que temos que te agradecer, e muito, por ter olhado com carinho e defendido com amor a gente. Num país tão homofóbico como o Brasil, você foi a nossa esperança.


Via ACLU Nationwide / FB:

Via Daily Dharma

On Transience | October 6, 2014

The photograph reflects a moment that is happening out in the world, and also one that is happening in the minds of the photographer and the viewer. The fact that the moment is fleeting and will never get repeated adds to its appeal. A photograph acknowledges this transience. The best ones attach meaning to it. 
- David Butow, "Seeing Buddha: A Photographic Journey" 

Flower of the Day: 10/06/14

"You are not the body, nor are you the mind. But as long as you are identified with the body and the mind, you become a victim of compulsive desires. Desire is a bottomless pit. The point is not to fulfill one desire or another, but to stop desiring altogether. Satisfying a desire is simple. The question is: how long does the contentment that comes from fulfilling this desire last? Behind that desire is a devouring fire, an unceasing desire. There is a disconnect with the source."
Sri Prem Baba

Via JMG: BREAKING: SCOTUS Denies Review In All Seven Marriage Equality Cases, Marriage Comes To Five More States

Via JMG: TAIWAN: Thousands Of Gay Marriage Supporters Demonstrate In Taipei

Via AsiaOne News:
An alliance of more than one hundred non-governmental organisations yesterday staged a rally outside the Legislative Yuan urging the government to complete the necessary amendments that will pave the way for the legalization of gay marriage. Dubbed the "rainbow siege," reports indicate that more than 4,000 members of the public participated in yesterday's demonstration at the Legislative Yuan. Demonstrators attached 112 padlocks symbolizing the strangleholds of homophobic opinions labelled with the names of lawmakers on the gates of the Legislative Yuan facing Qingdao East Road. In response to the appeals of activists, 21 lawmakers accepted the invitation to unlock and remove the padlocks with "keys of equality." Demonstration organizers stated that among the 21 lawmakers openly expressing their support for equal marriage rights yesterday, four are aligned to the ruling party while 14 are from the opposition party, with two being independent lawmakers.
The leader of Taiwan's opposition party has announced a public hearing on marriage equality later this month. Same-sex marriage is not presently legal anywhere in Asia, unless you count New Zealand. (Tipped by JMG reader Lulu)

RELATED: In December 2013 a massive crowd in the tens of thousands marched against same-sex marriage in Taipei. American anti-gay sites, including NOM, claimed that the crowd numbered as many as 300,000. Homocon Robert Oscar Lopez is praised the protest on his blog, English Manif.

Reposted from  Joe Jervis

Via JMG: BREAKING: SCOTUS Denies Review In All Seven Marriage Equality Cases

Via USA Today:
The Supreme Court refused to get involved in the national debate over same-sex marriage Monday, leaving intact lower court rulings that will legalize the practice in 11 additional states. The unexpected decision by the justices, announced without further explanation, immediately affects five states in which federal appeals courts had struck down bans against gay marriage: Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma and Utah.
It also will bring along six other states located in the judicial circuits overseen by those appellate courts: North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Colorado, Kansas and Wyoming. The action will bring to 30 the number of states where gays and lesbians can marry. Appeals courts in Cincinnati and San Francisco are considering cases that could expand that number further, presuming the Supreme Court remains outside the legal fray.
Story developing...

Via FB: Healthcare / Ebola

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Frank Bruni

"Repeatedly over the last year and a half, I’ve written about teachers in Catholic schools and leaders in Catholic parishes who were dismissed from their posts because they were in same-sex relationships and — in many cases — had decided to marry. Every time, more than a few readers weighed in to tell me that these people had it coming. If you join a club, they argued, you play by its rules or you suffer the consequences. Oh really? The rules of this particular club prohibit divorce, yet the pews of many of the Catholic churches I’ve visited are populous with worshipers on their second and even third marriages. They walk merrily to the altar to receive communion, not a peep of protest from a soul around them. They participate fully in the rituals of the church, their membership in the club uncontested. The rules prohibit artificial birth control, and yet most of the Catholic families I know have no more than three children, which is either a miracle of naturally capped fecundity or a sign that someone’s been at the pharmacy." - Frank Bruni, writing for the New York Times.

Reposted from  Joe Jervis

Via JMG: Engage!

Via Reddit: "I proposed to my boyfriend yesterday on the bridge of the Enterprise, he said yes and I couldn't be happier." (Tipped by JMG reader Ray)

Reposted from  Joe Jervis

Via Daily Kos / FB:

Flower of the Day: 10/05/14

"Devotion is love in its most refined form. Devotion is when we become lovers of the Supreme, lovers of life itself. Devotion happens when the love within us can manifest in this way, establishing communion with the Holy Spirit. This communion feeds us, forming a benign circle. Therefore, it is true to say that love is sufficient unto love."
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

Call It By Its Right Name | October 5, 2014

If you know a view as a view, you can be free of that view. If you know a thought as a thought, you can be free of that thought. 
- Zoketsu Norman Fischer, “Beyond Language”