Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma May 16, 2012

Buddhanature Mind

What is the Buddha-nature? It is a mind that is open and completely unencumbered. It is empty. And it gives birth to warmth and compassion for other people.
- Reginald Ray, "The Power of Solitude"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Via Nalanda LGBT Buddhist Cultural and Resource Center/ Facebook:

‎"We know that all is impermanent; we know that everything wears out. Although we can buy this truth intellectually, emotionally we have a deep-rooted aversion to it. We want permanence; we expect permanence. Our natural tendency is to seek security; we believe we can find it. We experience impermanence at the everyday level as frustration. We use our daily activity as a shield against the fundame...ntal ambiguity of our situation, expending tremendous energy trying to ward off impermanence and death. We don't like it that our bodies change shape. We don't like it that we age. We are afraid of wrinkles and sagging skin. We use health products as if we actually believe that OUR skin, OUR hair, OUR eyes and teeth, might somehow miraculously escape the truth of impermanence".
-Pema Chodron

Via Follower of the Buddha / Facebook:

November 27, 2010

I am the owner of my karma .
I inherit my karma.
I am born of my karma.
I am related to my karma.
I live supported by my karma.
Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit.
The Buddha, Anguttara Nikaya V.57 - Upajjhatthana Sutta

Like many others, politicians are less influenced by party, faith or color on the question of favoring greater legal protections for gays, both liberals and conservatives say.
“If you don’t know anyone who’s gay, then it’s an alien lifestyle,” said Theodore Olson, the former solicitor general for President George W. Bush who supports same-sex marriage. But, he added, when “you realize that that’s Mary from down the street, she’s a lesbian and she’s with Sally, what would it be like if they couldn’t be together?” people come around.

Via AmericaBlogGay:

GOP, religious right scared about backlash on marriage debate

It's fascinating when both the lead religious right hate group and the head of the Republican party play nice on same-sex marriage. LA Times: Sen. Rand Paul, who said he wasn't sure President Obama's views on marriage "could get any gayer," was rebuked by an influential evangelical leader Sunday. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, appearing onCBS' "Face the Nation," strongly...

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma May 15, 2012

Participate Fully

Cleaning the bathroom or chopping the onions is no less important than sitting in deep meditation. Grasping this and acting on it is called waking up.
- Janet Jiryu Abels, "Participate Fully"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

CREDO Mobile and The Other 98% shared The 99 Uniting's photo on FB:

Monday, May 14, 2012

Harvey Milk Anthem - "I Have Tasted Freedom"

Via Gay Marriage USA Facebook:

My Two Moms with Zach Wahls

Via JMG: Breaking News From World Net Daily

World Net Daily today provides the breathless news that Starbucks has endorsed same-sex marriage. Note how the linked item carefully avoids mentioning any dates on a story that is months old. Wanna bet NOM paid for this?

Reposted from Joe

Aziz Ansari on Gay Marriage

Via JMG: CBS Poll: 62% Of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage Or Civil Unions

According to a just-published CBS poll, almost two-thirds of all Americans support some form of relationship recognition for same-sex couples. The real number to watch is that 18-44 age range. Time is on our side, always.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Gallup: Gay Is The New Normal

Gallup reports today:
The slight majority of American adults, 54%, consider gay or lesbian relations morally acceptable. Public acceptance of gay/lesbian relations as morally acceptable grew slowly but steadily from 38% in 2002 to 56% in 2011 and is now holding at the majority level. This Gallup trend mirrors the growth in public support for legalizing gay marriage, which has risen from 42% support in 2004 to 50% or greater support in the last two years. Americans' support for gay rights on both questions leveled off in this year's Values and Beliefs poll, conducted May 3-6.

reposted from Joe

Obama's Effect on National Marriage Fight: May 14 Marriage News Watch

Via JMG: Rhode Island To Recognize Gay Marriages

Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee today ordered all state agencies to officially recognize same-sex marriages legally performed in other jurisdictions.
The executive order is expected to have many real-world implications. Same-sex spouses of state employees and anyone covered by an insurance company regulated in Rhode Island will be entitled to health and life insurance benefits, gay rights advocates say. Both partners in a same-sex couple will be able to list their names as parents on a child’s birth certificate, and same-sex couples will be entitled to sales tax exemptions on the transfer of property including vehicles. One couple who attended the signing ceremony — married in neighboring Massachusetts — described their disappointment of not being able to list both their names on their son’s birth certificate. “For our next child, we won’t have to go through the same kind of turmoil,” Martha Holt Castle said.
Yay, guv!

RELATED: Civil unions have been legal in Rhode Island since last year.

Reposted from Joe

Baha'i Rants: Pathology of Homosexuality

bacha bazi afghanistan 
Image credit: Barat Ali Batoor

Pathology of Homosexuality

This is another in a series of articles exploring homosexuality within the Baha’i Faith. The first was delving into the historical and semantic context of the infamous excerpt in the Aqdas where Baha’u'llah refers reluctantly to the “subject of boys”.

Unfortunately the exact practice that Baha’u'llah was referring to cryptically is still being practiced today in Afghanistan. You can watch the PBS domentary following the above link as well as find a brief update on the situation from this recent Washington Post article.

Make the jump here to read the full article

Via Practicing the Presence through Mind and Meditation / Facebook:

By Practicing the Presence through Mind and Meditation
Daily Mantra:
"Every day, think as you wake up, "Today I am fortunate to have woken up. I am alive, I have a precious human life. I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry, or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can."
- His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma May 14, 2012


Using All Available Emotions

There’s no such thing as never getting angry. Enlightenment can and does use all the available emotions. The idea that enlightenment means sitting around with a beatific smile on our faces is just an illusion.
- Adyashanti, "The Taboo of Enlightenment"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection