Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Via Daily Dharma: Appreciating Complexity


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Appreciating Complexity

I see real love as the most fundamental of our innate capacities, never destroyed no matter what we might have gone through or might yet go through. It may be buried, obscured from view, hard to find, and hard to trust . . . but it is there.

Sharon Salzberg, “Real Love”


Putting Spirituality First
Interview with Reverend Ken Yamada by Frederick M. Ranallo-Higgins
In this conversation with Reverend Ken Yamada we explore the life and teachings of Kiyozawa Manshi, a controversial Jodo Shinshu Buddhist and Higashi Honganju priest who emphasized spirituality over worldly concerns.
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The Wisdom of Equanimity in Global Crisis
With Lama Karma
Tibetan Buddhist teacher Lama Karma offers a dharma talk on equanimity as a facet of primordial wisdom, and the basis for an authentic response to both personal and global challenges.
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Via Writing as a Spiritual Practice


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Learn to Write from the Heart in our newest Online Course! 
Do you enjoy creative writing? Are you hoping to or do you already use writing as a tool on your spiritual path? Perhaps you don’t have any experience with writing but are interested in learning how to utilize it on your path to expression and flourishing. 

If any of that resonates with you then our newest online course might be the perfect fit! We’re thrilled to introduce our newest Tricycle online course beginning March 25, 2024, Writing as a Spiritual Practice led by Zen teacher Sallie Tisdale. 
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What does writing as a spiritual practice mean? 

First it means learning to write from the place in which spiritual work happens. This means cultivating an attitude of open heartedness, curiosity, wonder, and fearlessness. 

Second it means creating work that brings expression to those qualities. Human beings have always found ways to express the path of seeking and wonder and these expressions often have much to teach. This class includes a number of examples of spiritual expression and prompts for creating your own.

This course will offer you the chance to: 
  • Bring more creativity to your path
  • Confront deep questions and celebrate fragile beauties
  • Overcome self-censorship by using writing as an act of liberation
  • Seek wholeness in self-expression and open to the joy and freedom that follows
  • Share and celebrate your work with like-minded people
  • Receive feedback and guidance on your work from teacher and expert guide Sallie Tisdale 

Learn more about the course to see if it’s right for you!
Enroll now »

Monday, February 12, 2024

Via GBF: "Navigating Missteps in Our Relationships" with René Rivera

How do we bring our practice into the difficult moments of relationships with others? Can we learn from these and approach them with curiosity and presence as an opportunity to grow?

René Rivera looks at the ways our practice can help us become more aware of when our words or behaviors generate conflict. He shares his approach to mend these transgressions, including: 

  1. Be present with ourselves. Pause and focus on the sensations and emotions we feel when we make a mistake, such as shame, anger, or frustration. 
  2. Open to the other person. Turn with curiosity to understanding the other person, such as acknowledging what has been said and being open to feedback.
  3. Seek to repair the damage; make amends sooner rather than later. 


Listen to the full talk on your favorite podcast player or our website:


Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation \\ Words of Wisdom - February 11, 2024 💌


Either you do it like it’s a big weight on you, or you do it as part of the dance. When you understand the thought is the thought of the thoughtless, your singing and dancing is no other than the voice of the dharma. Singing and dancing - insurance, savings accounts, jobs, responsibilities - Shiva’s dance of life. Do you do from ‘ugh’ or do it like ‘ah?’ Do you surf through it all, or do you carry it around like it's a load? 

- Ram Dass -

From Ram Dass Here & Now Podcast - Episode 23 - Shiva's Dance of Life

Via Daily Dharma: Transforming Through Discomfort


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Transforming Through Discomfort

If we never work with uncomfort, we can never transform.

Scott Tusa, “Cultivating Boundless Equanimity” 


It’s Not Too Late
Rebeca Solnit in Conversation with James Shaheen and Sharon Salzberg
Rebeca Solnit is determined to change the narrative of despair in the face of the climate crisis. In this piece, Solnit explores the dangers of hyperindividualism, the spiritual power of renunciation, and why she believes that beauty is an essential piece of activist work. 
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The Wisdom of Equanimity in Global Crisis
With Lama Karma
Tibetan Buddhist teacher Lama Karma offers a dharma talk on equanimity as a facet of primordial wisdom, and the basis for an authentic response to both personal and global challenges.
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Via Dhamma Wheel | Right View: The Noble Truth of the Way to the Cessation of Suffering



Understanding the Noble Truth of the Way to the Cessation of Suffering
And what is the way leading to the cessation of suffering? It is just this noble eightfold path: that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. (MN 9)

Having heard the Dhamma and trusting the Buddha, one undertakes a commitment to perfect their ethical behavior. (DN 2)
The first step along the path of transformation and healing laid out by the Buddha is not meditation but the cultivation of improved ethical behavior. The practice is to purify your mind of some of the most harmful mental and emotional toxins that obstruct the ability to quiet the mind. This can only be done by making a commitment to a healthier course of action and will in itself greatly contribute to the cessation of suffering. 

Daily Practice
Make a commitment to improving or even perfecting your ethical behavior as a living and active practice. Choose to work toward being a better person, toward treating others with greater care and respect, and toward being truthful and trustworthy. Ethical behavior is not only the result of meditation and wisdom but also the cause of them. As wisdom grows it becomes easier to behave ethically, but you need to begin such behavior on day one.

Tomorrow: Cultivating Equanimity
One week from today: Understanding the Noble Truth of Suffering

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