Saturday, August 2, 2014

Via JMG: HOUSTON: Activists Say Valid Petition Signatures Fall Short Of Number Needed To Place LGBT Rights Repeal On Ballot

From the Houston Chronicle:
City of Houston officials plan to announce Monday whether a petition submitted by opponents of the city's new nondiscrimination ordinance contains enough valid signatures to force a vote on repealing the measure this November. Opponents claimed to have gathered and verified 31,000 names, but City Attorney David Feldman said Friday many of the more than 5,000 pages fall short of legal requirements set out in the city charter. The final tally likely will be closer than many expected to the minimum threshold of 17,269 signatures, Feldman said. "There's an issue there with respect to the validity of pages," Feldman said. "But right now I don't know what the final count is." Feldman provided no numbers, but said his staff had found many invalid pages, most notably because some of the circulators who collected stacks of signatures were not qualified Houston voters, as required by law. In such cases, all the signatures the circulator gathered would be void, Feldman said. Many names on valid pages also did not belong to registered Houston voters, Feldman said, and some signatures were gathered before June 3, when the ordinance was published and the petition drive could begin.
From JMG reader Mike Craig of Out & Equal Houston:
When the Houston Area Pastors Council turned in 7 boxes of petitions to the City on July 3rd, they boasted of gathering more than 31,000 valid signatures. An independent group of concerned citizens has spent the last three weeks independently reviewing each page of that repeal petition in an effort to provide additional accountability to the referendum process. This was a grass-roots effort involving more than 100 volunteers who communicated via social media and participated in a crowd-sourced effort that uncovered fatal flaws with what was turned in. Having finished this exhaustive review, the HERO Petition Review Working Group concluded that the petitioners did not, in fact, turn in enough valid signatures in order to place this issue on the ballot.

The petition rules are really quite simple:
- Petitions must be properly notarized.
- Petitions must have been signed & notarized between June 3rd and July 3rd.
- Petition signers must be registered City of Houston voters.
- Petition circulators must be identifiable and registered City of Houston voters.
- Petition circulators must have signed the petition, not just the notary affirmation, sometime between June 3rd and July 3rd.

Based on these simple criteria, this independent review showed only 16,499 valid signatures were turned in. Additional scrutiny can only lower that number further. A full report detailing these findings has been provided to the City Secretary, City Attorney and Mayor. While it is our hope that the City’s own determination will come to a similar conclusion, we understand that it is ultimately the legal & statutory responsibility of the City Secretary and we will abide by that office’s findings. Should the city come to the same conclusion that our group did, we fully expect the anti-HERO organizers to sue -- and likely drag us to court as well. If the city does certify the petition effort, I believe that it will be by a razor thin margin -- and as I've said before, HERO supporters will work to make sure that this effort is defeated at the ballot box if and when it gets there.
Houston voters rejected similar LGBT rights bills in 1985 and 2001, but local activists are confident that they will prevail should the issue be forced to a public vote for a third time.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Flower of the Day: 08/02/14

“At a certain moment, one’s ability to forgive and love will need to be illuminated. For this to take place, one must renounce the game of accusations, because accusations are what keep our hearts closed. If one’s heart is closed, investigate this, and you will find that there is an accusation.”
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

The Vow Behind Generosity | August 2, 2014

Every act of generosity reminds us of the possibility that we might actually live the bodhisattva's vow, the vow to engage in everyday life as though the well-being of others is just as important as our own.
- Dale S. Wright, "The Bodhisattva's Gift"

Friday, August 1, 2014

[Ensinamentos Budistas 326]

SF Gay Men's Chorus Celebrates the End of Prop 8

A violência invisível - Monja Coen Roshi

Publicado em 05/05/2013
Palestra do ciclo "A Banalização do Mal, Ensaios Sobre Fenômenos Líquidos" da Escola Paulista de Psicanálise. Realizada no auditório da Livraria Martins Fontes de São Paulo. Neste encontro a Monja Coen Roshi, missionária da Tradição Zen Sotoshu do Japão, abordou o tema: "A violência invisível".

Flower of the Day: 08/01/14

“At some point, one tires of walking in the circles of ignorance, because one becomes aware that one’s actions generate more and more suffering each time. One sees oneself stuck in the same place, and feels a sincere willingness to go beyond this place and to free oneself of all lies and self-deceit. So one says: ‘I want to know what my responsibility is in this game. Why do I keep repeating the same negative situations? Why am I always falling in the same hole?’ At this moment, one commits oneself to the truth, as much as it may hurt one’s vanity.”
Sri Prem Baba

Walt Disney - Ferdinand The Bull - 1938

Via Daily Dharma

Ignorance is King | August 1, 2014

Ignorance is like the king, and clinging attachment and hostility are his ministers. To rid ourselves of the king's minions we must get rid of the king. And so it is of greatest importance to identify ignorance properly.
- Geshe Sonam Rinchen, "Like a Pig In..." 

Via Blue Nation Review / FB:

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Via JMG: CHINA: Man Sues Search Engine For Directing Him To "Ex-Gay" Torture Clinic

Via the Associated Press:
A gay Chinese man said Thursday he was suing a psychological clinic for carrying out electric shocks intended to turn him straight, as well as the search engine giant Baidu for advertising the center. The Beijing LGBT Center, which campaigns for gay rights, said it was the first court case involving so-called conversion therapy in China. China declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 2001. The center's executive director, Xin Ying, said some professional hospitals in China, as well as smaller private clinics, still provide conversion therapy and that the group hopes the case at the Haidian District People's Court in Beijing will lead to a ban on the therapy. Yang Teng, 30, told The Associated Press that the therapy given to him included hypnosis and electric shock and he was left physically and mentally hurt. He said he voluntarily underwent the therapy in February following pressure from his parents to get married and have a child.
Local activists demonstrated outside the court today carrying a banner that read: "Homosexuality is not a disease, we don't need to be cured." A judgment in the case is expected by the end of the year.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via FB:

Flower of the Day: 07/31/14

"When you develop the virtue of trust to the point where you are able to surrender yourself to the flow of life, you become a hollow bamboo flute which God’s melody is played through."
Sri Prem Baba

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Via JMG: UTAH: Language School Fires Teacher For Blog Post Explaining Homophones Because There And Their Is Totally Gay

From the you-can't-make-it-up-department in Provo, Utah:
Homophones, as any English grammarian can tell you, are words that sound the same but have different meanings and often different spellings — such as be and bee, through and threw, which and witch, their and there. This concept is taught early on to foreign students learning English because it can be confusing to someone whose native language does not have that feature. But when the social-media specialist for a private Provo-based English language learning center wrote a blog explaining homophones, he was let go for creating the perception that the school promoted a gay agenda. Tim Torkildson says after he wrote the blog on the website of his employer, Nomen Global Language Center, his boss and Nomen owner Clarke Woodger, called him into his office and told him he was fired. As Torkildson tells it, Woodger said he could not trust him and that the blog about homophones was the last straw. "Now our school is going to be associated with homosexuality," Woodger complained, according to Torkildson, who posted the exchange on his Facebook page.
The school has denied the teacher's claim of homophonia - but has also deleted his post from its website. Their clunky mission statement could use some work: "Nomen Global Language Centers substantially helps students from all cultures and walks of life to excel in each aspect of their English acquisition and to obtain their goals for the future. We achieve this goal by means of qualified and experienced faculty, dedicated staff, engaging and challenging curriculum, and professional and ethical student services." (Tipped by JMG reader Joseph)
Reposted from Joe Jervis

Flower of the Day: 07/30/14

"When you fall in love with someone, you project all of your dreams onto them and you start to daydream. The other person does the same thing, and you both go on trying to keep this dream alive while avoiding the truth. You avoid revealing yourself to the other, just as you avoid seeing the other’s revelation because it could be a threat to your dream. Thus, the truth becomes a threat, because you prefer to keep on living in your dreamworld."
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

Romantic Love | July 30, 2014

In Buddhist practice, we discover that mindful attention can reveal a deeper truth in whatever object we are paying attention to. The same is true in romantic love. When we use our attention to touch and open the deeper truth in a person, we not only catalyze the experience of love, we become love. The source of love is revealed to be within us; we no longer have to go looking for it somewhere outside. 
- Nicole Daedone, "Love Becomes Her" 

Via Daily Dharma

Blowin' in the Wind | July 29, 2014

How do we renounce? How do we work with this tendency to block and to freeze and to refuse to take another step toward the unknown? If our edge is like a huge stone wall with a door in it, how do we learn to open the door and step through it again and again, so that life becomes a process of growing up, becoming more and more fearless and flexible, more and more able to play like a raven in the wind? 
Pema Chödrön, "Like a Raven in the Wind" 

Monday, July 28, 2014

There Goes the Gayborhood? By Amin Ghaziani

Flower of the Day: 07/28/14

"We waste a great part of our journey looking for someone to blame for our unhappiness, and believing that we are not good or worthy enough to be happy. This addiction to accusing others is so deeply rooted and can be so subtle that, when you least expect it, you find yourself accusing the other and believing that you are a helpless victim. But when you can transform this victim within you and free yourself from the lenses that distort your perception, you experience a major change in perspective: you stop seeing the glass half empty and start seeing it as half full."
Sri Prem Baba