Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Via Huffington: Marriage Equality Opponents Need to Admit Actual Reason for Their Loss

It is well beyond time that the lgbt community recognize and call out this ridiculous Kim Davis drama for what it is - merely a sideshow to cover up the fact that the overall case against marriage equality was nothing more than a pitiful delusion. It was a sad pursuit run by people who had more money and influence than common sense; more gall than love; and more ways to get their message out, but absolutely no way to make it more palpable or more flavorable than the bland, watery indigestible stew of discrimination that it was.

In the early days of the fight, marriage equality opponents were on an incredible streak via their ability to get state after state to pass anti-marriage equality laws. They, led mostly by the National Organization for Marriage, were riding high in their glory. It didn't matter that their talking points about "marriage uniting the two halves of humanity" was basic balderdash repeated by one spokesperson (NOM president Brian Brown) who spoke out of the side of his mouth in a monotone worthy of a character from an Ed Wood movie. It didn't matter that their other spokesperson (Maggie Gallagher) practically oozed false sincerity and brazenly lied about her anti-gay animus even when confronted with evidence of it.

And it certainly didn't matter that while they whined about falsely being labeled as bigots, they simultaneously ran ads and commercials implying that gays were attempting to corrupt children, even while entities such as Politifact and one of their own supporters called them out on it.

All that mattered were the wins because, as Gallagher once put it, "winning is fun."

But they were so blinded by their wins, they got just a little too overconfident and weren't prepared when the argument shifted away from public votes and into the courtrooms.

I consistently remain amazed about how they were mortified when the courts stepped in. After all, it was the next step. Isn't that how it's done in this country? Laws are passed and if some feel that the laws are unjust, they challenge them in our courts.

It was when gays challenged marriage equality laws via the courts that the masks of false superiority came off and we began to see the true faces of marriage equality foes. They made so many crucial errors and missteps Allow me to address these errors and missteps (and in doing so, I want to speak directly to Brown, Gallagher, other leaders of the anti-marriage equality camp, and possibly anyone else still upset at our victory):

Make the jump here to read the full article

Surprising Reaction to Gay couple SOCIAL EXPERIMENT

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Empathic Civilisation

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 22/09/201

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
“Sabemos que cada forma de vida tem sua função no ecossistema. Tudo que existe se relaciona de forma interdependente, inclusive o que está dentro de nós. O externo é um reflexo do interno. Portanto, a conservação da vida marinha é essencial para preservar o equilíbrio do ciclo maior da vida.”

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
“Sabemos que cada forma de vida tiene su función en el ecosistema. Todo lo que existe se relaciona de forma interdependiente, incluso lo que está dentro de nosotros. Lo externo es un reflejo de lo interno. Por lo tanto, la conservación de la vida marina es esencial para preservar el equilibrio del mayor ciclo de la vida.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
"We know that every life form has its role in the ecosystem. Everything that exists is interdependent, including in our inner world. The external is but a reflection of the internal. The conservation of marine life is essential to preserving balance in the larger cycle of life."

Today's Daily Dharma: With Your Own Eyes

With Your Own Eyes
The most inspiring teaching of the Buddha is: Don’t believe anybody, including the experts, even if they’re angels. Open your eyes and look for yourself.
—Laurie Anderson, "Laurie Anderson Partners with Former Gitmo Detainee in Newest Work"
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Monday, September 21, 2015

Via PinkNews: Prince William condemns homophobia in surprising Royal first

Current Affairs

Prince William condemns homophobia in surprising Royal first

The future King condemned homophobia during the trip (Photos by Matt Dunham - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
The future King condemned homophobia during the trip (Photos by Matt Dunham - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
Prince William has taken part in a session on bullying and homophobia in schools, in which he specifically spoke out against homophobia for the first time.

The future King visited Hammersmith Academy today, to take part in a session with pupils to provide practical tips to prevent anti-LGBT bullying, and cyber bullying.

Make the jump here to red the full story

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 21/09/201

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
"Um dos maiores desafios para a o homem moderno é minimizar o impacto causado pelas mudanças climáticas, cujo sintoma principal é o desequilíbrio do sistema hídrico. As águas estão tentando nos ensinar alguma coisa. Precisamos ouvir e compreender sua mensagem, caso contrário, essa será a maior crise da história humana.”

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
“Uno de los mayores desafíos para el hombre moderno es minimizar el impacto causado por los cambios climáticos, cuyo síntoma principal es el desequilibrio del sistema hídrico. Las aguas están intentando enseñarnos algo. Necesitamos escuchar y comprender su mensaje, de lo contrario esta será la mayor crisis de la historia humana.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
"One of the biggest challenges for modern civilization is how to minimize our impact on climate change, whose main symptom is an imbalance in the water cycle. The waters are trying to teach us something. We need to listen and understand the message, otherwise, this will be the greatest crisis in human history."

Today's Daily Dharma: Always Interdependent with Nature

Always Interdependent with Nature
“Part of what fuels manic consumption is the desire to fill gaps in our lives that emerge because of severed connections of various kinds—with community, with one another, and also with the natural world. We tend to think about connections to nature as something you have to get out of the city in order to build. . . . But I also think that we have to be able to engage with the fact that we are still profoundly dependent on nature even when we are in urban environments.”
—Naomi Klein, "Capitalism vs. the Climate"
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Sunday, September 20, 2015

PWR BTTM - 1994 (Official Music Video)

Boy takes down hate preacher in the most Scottish way possible

Via WGB: Vatican Reportedly Irked by LGBT Guest List at Pope’s White House Ceremony

"Several guests invited to the White House for the welcoming ceremony for Pope Francis are reportedly troubling the Vatican including openly gay Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson, Mateo Williamson, is a former co-leader of Dignity USA Transgender Caucus, and Sister Simone Campbell, the pro-choice nun who is executive director of NETWORK, a 44-year-old national social justice lobbying group. Williamson is the guest of Vivian Taylor, a trans woman who formerly served as executive director of Integrity USA, an Episcopal LBGT advocacy group.

The WSJ reports:

According to a senior Vatican official, the Holy See worries that any photos of the pope with these guests at the White House welcoming ceremony next Wednesday could be interpreted as an endorsement of their activities.

The tension exemplifies concerns among conservative Catholics, including many bishops, that the White House will use the pope’s visit to play down its differences with church leaders on such contentious issues as same-sex marriage and the contraception mandate in the health care law." Full story here via Towleroad!

WGB :: Yet another reason (reason #3,871) why I love the Obama Whitehouse!

Via The Master Shift / FB:

Via Sri Prem BabaFlor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 20/09/201

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
“Para que possamos salvar o planeta, o consumo compulsivo precisa dar lugar ao consumo responsável. E isso só é possível se o ser humano se libertar da carência afetiva que cria a necessidade de agregar valor à falsa ideia de eu. A carência é a maior doença do ser humano. Ela nos faz acreditar que, através do acúmulo de bens materiais, seremos felizes.”

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
“Para que podamos salvar el planeta, el consumo compulsivo necesita dar lugar al consumo responsable. Y esto solo es posible si el ser humano se libera de la carencia afectiva que crea la necesidad de agregar valor a la falsa idea de yo. La carencia es la mayor enfermedad del ser humano. Nos hace creer que, a través de la acumulación de bienes materiales, seremos felices.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
“In order to save the planet, compulsive consumption must give way to responsible consumption. This will only be possible if human beings can become free of the emotional neediness that makes us strive to add value to the false idea of self. Neediness is the greatest disease of mankind, and makes us believe that we can only be happy by accumulating material goods."

Today's Daily Dharma: Awakening from Without.

Awakening from Without
“One is not capable of achieving one’s salvation by one’s own conscious effort. In fact, it is the very realization that one is so incapable that leads to the transformation that constitutes real Buddhist wisdom: namely, the awakening to non-self.
—David Brazier, "Other-Power"
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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Via Truth Teller / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 19/09/201

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
"A vida nas grandes cidades se tornou insustentável. A poluição, a violência, o excesso de pessoas por metro quadrado, a desconexão com a natureza... Tudo isso tem gerado uma tremenda perturbação em nossos corpos e mentes. Por isso, a vida em ecovilas têm apontado boas soluções. Mas, o ponto de equilíbrio só virá quando pudermos unir matéria e espírito, e quando tivermos coragem de olhar com seriedade para o tema do controle da natalidade".

Project Everyone - Metas Globais
“La vida en las grandes ciudades se volvió insustentable. La polución, la violencia, el exceso de personas por metro cuadrado, la desconexión con la naturaleza…Todo esto ha generado una tremenda perturbación en nuestros cuerpos y mentes. Por eso, la vida en eco-villas viene registrando buenas soluciones. Pero el punto de equilibrio solo vendrá cuando podamos unir materia y espíritu, y cuando tengamos coraje para ver con seriedad el tema del control en la natalidad.”

Project Everyone - Global Goals
"Life in big cities has become unsustainable. The pollution, violence, overcrowding, and disconnection with nature have generated tremendous agitation in our bodies and minds. Life in ecovillages shows us good solutions, but the turning point will only come about when we can unite matter and spirit. With such a huge global population, it is also essential that we have the courage to look seriously at the issue of birth control."

Today's Daily Dharma: See Yourself Clearly

See Yourself Clearly
“In meditation we have the opportunity to meet ourselves, to see ourselves clearly for the first time. We have never met ourselves properly or spent this kind of time with ourselves before. . . . We cook, we talk, we take a walk, or we swim. We never just sit with ourselves.
—Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, "Cool Boredom"
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