Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Medicine Buddha Puja for Healing the World

Buddhist Mantra For Healing all Sufferings, Pain and Depression - Tayata Om Mantra

Mantra of Medicine Buddha (108 Times)

Best Medicine Buddha Mantra & Chanting (3 Hour) : Heart Mantra of Medicine Master Buddha for Healing


Praise and mantra of Medicine Buddha (Sangye Menla)

Medicine Buddha Mantra 3 hours

Mantra do Buda da Medicina

O Mantra do Buda da Medicina, cuja função é livrar os seres vivos das doenças exteriores e interiores concedendo-lhes bênçãos. Confiando sinceramente no Buda da Medicina, os seres vivos destes tempos impuros podem ser curados de graves doenças físicas e mentais e encontrar alívio para a dor interior causada pelos três venenos – apego, raiva e ignorância. 
Também podem ser protegidos de muitos outros perigos e obstáculos. Este mantra libera o sofrimento da memória hereditária impregnada de culpa, punição, inveja, raiva, ciúme, ambição... e de desequilíbrio. 
A Mantra do Buda da Medicina é um método para obtermos as realizações deste  ser iluminado. Se praticarmos com sinceridade, receberemos um poder especial de corpo, fala e mente, que poderemos usar para ajudar os outros por meio de ações de cura, conforme o Mantra do Buda da Medicina. No processo de recitar o mantra do Buda da Medicina tente mentalizar a cor azul, mas, a cor que vier primeiro em sua mente é a cor que deve trabalhar. 
Tayatha om bekandze bekandze maha bekandze randze samugate soha 
Além do Visível https://www.facebook.com/allemdovisivel/ #alémdovisível @allemdovisivel 🍀

Via Tricycle // Our World in the Wheel of Life

What can Buddhist cosmology teach us about our current existential anxieties? Curtis White looks to the Tibetan Wheel of Life to find the bigger picture for this moment of crisis.

Via Daily Dharma: Correcting Your Errors

The primary duty of a trustworthy friend is to point out your faults—for only when you see your faults can you correct them; only when you correct them are you benefiting from your friend’s compassion in pointing them out.

—Thanissaro Bhikkhu, “The Power of Judgment”


Monday, May 18, 2020

Via Greater Good // Six Daily Questions to Ask Yourself in Quarantine

Via Querty // British ambassador to Poland wears rainbow face mask for LGBTQ rights

In a statement, Knott said, “While right now we all need to focus on fighting COVID-19, we must not forget to continue protecting the values in which we believe.

“On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, we reaffirm our support for efforts to raise public awareness of issues affecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community, and pay tribute to the hard work of LGBTI people in Poland, the UK and around the world to ensure human rights and dignity for all.

Via Daily Dharma: How to Cultivate a Skillful Mind

Dharma practice is about the development and cultivation of skillful mind states—no matter what the situation. This is not to say difficult mind states don’t arise unbidden, but which ones do you want to hang on to? What kind of mind do you want?

—Diana Winston,“Seven Reasons Why It’s Better Not to Hate Them”


Via FB

Via FB

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Via Ram Dass - Love Serve Remember Foundation // Words of Wisdom - May 17, 2020 💌

"When you stop living by other people's judgments or expectations, you start doing what you need to do. In trying to decide what you want to do with your life, listen to your heart. The program is much farther out than you ever thought it was. I never thought I'd be a Yogi. Each of us has our own unique Karmic predicament; our own unique work to do. Always choose that which you feel is most in harmony with the way of things."

- Ram Dass -

Via Daily Dharma: How Presence Leads to Freedom

With presence, every moment offers a choice. Sometimes the moment of choice races by like a road sign while we are doing 75 miles per hour on the freeway. … This is where mindfulness comes in.

—Oren Jay Sofer, “When to Speak and When to Listen”


Saturday, May 16, 2020

Via KCRW / Foxhole


Via NPR / On His Debut Album, Jonah Mutono Embraces His Identity And His Name

After recording as "Kidepo," Jonah Mutono's switch to his real name coincided with his decision to come out as gay. His debut album GERG is about reconciling that identity with his Ugandan upbringing. 

Jonah Mutono's debut album GERG is really more of a re-entry. Until late last year, Mutono released music under the name "Kidepo." But starting with the single "Shoulders," and now with GERG, he's sharing his real name and story of self-acceptance for the first time.