Friday, November 15, 2013

Via JMG:Sen. Mark Kirk Cancels Senate Meeting Space For Anti-Gay Christian Groups

Yesterday I reported that a coalition of anti-gay Christian groups would be meeting today in official US Senate office space to discuss how they might copy Russia's anti-gay pogrom here in the United States. After outcry from LGBT groups, Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) has kicked them out of the space. And they are PISSED.
“Shame on you, Senator Kirk, for allowing vocal radical sexual minorities to drown out the voices of the natural family and faith that have made our nation free, prosperous, and stable for more than 200 years,” said Larry Jacobs, managing director of the World Congress of Families in an email to BuzzFeed. “Obviously Senator Kirk doesn’t care about families and children and freedom and has chosen to side with the policies of decline, death and disease promoted by the Sexual Radicals.” A spokesman for Kirk, Lance Trover, told BuzzFeed on Thursday night, “Sen. Kirk doesn’t affiliate with groups that discriminate.”
Late last night the coalition sent out their press release again but with this "correction" at the top: "The Capitol Hill Symposium has been moved to Room #1539 in the Longworth House Office Building (NOT THE Dirksen Senate Office Building, room 562.)" OK, now who's in charge of the Longworth Building? (Tipped by JMG reader Ned)

posted by Joe

Via JMG Boehner Rescues The Hate Groups

A follow-up from Buzzfeed's J. Lester Feder:
The office of House Speaker John Boehner secured meeting space for the World Congress of Families after their original sponsor, Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, canceled their space in a Senate office building following an outcry from LGBT activists, the group’s leader said. World Congress of Families President Allan Carlson praised Boehner’s intervention at in opening remarks at the event, which is focusing on what “pro-family legislators” can learn from foreign laws like Russia’s ban on “promoting non-traditional sexual relationships to minors.” “At least in the House of Representatives people have not succumbed to the great fear” of LGBT activists, Carlson said, likening the situation to developments in Germany, France, and Italy as fascism took hold of Europe. “A great fear seems to be descending over what has been called the world’s greatest deliberative body … ideas are being suppressed, debate is being shut off, and minds are being closed.”
More from Right Wing Watch:
Another speaker, Concerned Women for America’s Janice Shaw Crouse, who is also on WCF’s board of directors, blamed the change of plans on “a group of radicals” – an odd accusation since there had been no organized effort to prevent the event from taking place. Finally, Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute’s Austin Ruse declared that Sen. Kirk’s action made him less friendly to free speech than Russia – whose law criminalizing pro-gay-rights speech has the vocal support of C-FAM and WCF.
RELATED: Ruse, not incidentally, is a columnist for Breitbart, which never identifies his work for anti-gay hate groups. Similarly, Breitbart does not identify columnist Ken Klukowski as a vice president of the KKK-affiliated Family Research Council.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 15, 2013

Transforming Conflict

Learning how to negotiate conflict demands that we become more present, more fearless. We may need to relinquish the hopeful image of ourselves as remaining serene under all circumstances, like sitting buddhas carved from wood or stone. We have to expect our composure to be compromised as we learn about the possibilities and creative solutions of working directly with the conflict in our relationships. Even, and maybe especially, when things don’t turn out as we want, our engagement with discord refines and teaches us something, altering our life’s very course.
- Diane Musho Hamilton, “Transforming Conflict”
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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Via The Gaily / FB:

Via JMG: Missouri Governor Endorses Gay Marriage

Surprising and welcome news out of Missouri.
Gov. Jay Nixon said Thursday that he supports legalizing gay marriage in Missouri during a news conference announcing that homosexual couples married under the laws of other states would be allowed to file combined state tax returns. In an executive order, Nixon directed the Department of Revenue to accept the combined returns as a reaction to the June ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act. That law barred same sex couples who were legally married from receiving any marriage-based federal benefits, such as tax exemptions and Social Security payments. Under state law, couples who file a joint federal return are required to file a combined state tax return. The executive order clarifies that the law applies to all couples, Nixon said.
Nixon: "Many Missourians, including myself, are thinking about these issues of equality in new ways and reflecting on what constitutes discrimination. For me, that process has led to the belief that we shouldn’t treat folks differently because of who they are."

RELATED: Missouri passed a constitutional ban in same-sex marriage in 2004. A total of 21 states passed such bans from 2004-2006 when Ken Mehlman headed the RNC.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 14, 2013

Our Participatory Universe

Mass, energy, space, and time as they are conceived by the human mind have no existence apart from our conceptual awareness of them—no more than our dreams at night. All appearances exist only relative to the mind that experiences them, and all mental states arise relative to experienced phenomena. We are living in a participatory universe, with no absolute subjects or objects.
- Alan Wallace, “Awakening to the Dream”
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Via jMG: No More Mr. Nice Gay: Ender's Game

Clip recap: "In this edition of No More Mr. Nice Gay, Guy explains why he isn't going to see the film adaption of Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. Mr. Card, Guy knows you're homophobic, but he's not boycotting to kill profits; he's doing it for good, old self-respect."

Reposted from Joe

Paul & Trent's Wedding Video - Making History

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Via JMG: LOVE WINS: Marriage For Hawaii!

Photo source.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Hawaii Gov To Sign Marriage Bill Today

Via the Associated Press:
Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie is expected to sign a bill Wednesday legalizing gay marriage, expanding the state's aloha spirit and positioning the islands for more newlywed tourists. Abercrombie was expected to sign the bill Wednesday morning at an invitation-only ceremony at the Hawaii Convention Center, near the tourist heart of Waikiki. The measure will allow thousands of gay couples living in Hawaii and even more tourists to marry in the state starting Dec. 2. Another 14 states and the District of Columbia already allow same-sex marriage, while a bill is awaiting the governor's signature in Illinois. "I look forward to signing this significant piece of legislation, which provides marriage equity and fully recognizes and protects religious freedoms," Abercrombie said.
I'll post a video link to the ceremony this afternoon.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Legalized, But Not Same-Sex Marriage

As of yesterday, it's no longer illegal to stage gay weddings or commitment ceremonies in Vietnam.
The south-eastern Asian country has officially allowed same-sex couples to organize weddings and have the right to live together. While the unions won’t be legally recognized, gay rights campaigners believe it is a large step on the path to equal marriage. The Government has taken this step after two fines were handed out to gay and lesbian couples who chose to have a marriage ceremony in the southern provinces of Kien Giang and Ca Mau.
Last week Vietnam's National Assembly began hearings on removing the ban on same-sex marriage, the first step towards legalization.

Via JMG: POLL: Americans Approve Of Confederate Flag Over Rainbow Flag By 4-1 Margin

Public Policy Polling asked the above questions in a just-released survey that primarily focused on prospective presidential candidates for the 2016 elections. As you can see by the final result, respondents approved of students wearing the confederate flag over the rainbow flag by more than a 4-1 margin. The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart (who is gay and black) goes off:
Folks, the Confederate flag is no better than a Swastika. It is a symbol of white supremacy, hate and oppression that has no place in American political discourse. That Kanye West wants to co-opt the rebel banner is as noble as it is futile. Meanwhile, the rainbow that is the gay pride flag symbolizes inclusion and acceptance. Oftentimes, usually in other countries, the words “pace” or “peace” can be found emblazoned on it. The rainbow flag is the very antithesis of the Confederate flag. That the latter is deemed more acceptable than the former is deplorable.
Defenders of the confederate flag are pouring into the WaPo comments. (Tipped by JMG reader Eric)

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 13, 2013

Abandoning Distraction

Even on a small scale in daily life situations, such as when we feel bored or ill at ease, instead of trying to avoid these feelings by staying busy or buying another fancy gadget, we learn to look more clearly at our impulses, attitudes, and defenses. In this way dukkha guides and deepens our motivation to the point where we’ll say, 'Enough running, enough walls, I’ll grow through handling my blocks and lost places.'
- Ajahn Sucitto, "Commentary on the Buddha's First Teaching"
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 12, 2013

Engagement through Meditation

You know in Vietnam, when you sat during the war, when you sat in the meditation hall and heard the bombs falling, you had to be aware that the bombs are falling and people are dying. That is part of the practice. Meditation means to be aware of what is happening in the present moment—to your body, to your feelings, to your environment. But if you see and if you don’t do anything, where is your awareness? Then where would your enlightenment be? Your compassion? In order not to get lost, you have to be able to continue the practice there, in the midst of all that.
- Thich Nhat Hanh, “Interbeing with Thich Nhat Hanh”
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Monday, November 11, 2013

Via JMG: BRITAIN: Pat Robertson Named Bigot Of The Year By LGBT Rights Group

We'd have chosen Scott Lively, but the AIDS ring thing was too much for Britain's Stonewall group.
Pat Robertson, the US televangelist, was named Bigot of the Year at the Stonewall Awards last night. Robertson, the host of the 700 Club and the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), was given the title after his bizarre theory concerning the transmission of HIV between gay men. In August, he said gay people purposely spread HIV by cutting people with “special rings”. As a response, gay CNN anchor Anderson Cooper criticised Robertson during the ‘Ridiculist’ feature on his show. Robertson beat four nominees for Bigot of the Year including historian Professor Neil Ferguson; Reverend George Gabauer; leading ex-gay activist Scott Lively; and, UKIP Parliamentary candidate Winston McKenzie.
Last year's Bigot Of The Year was disgraced Scottish Cardinal Keith O'Brien, who campaigned against same-sex marriage then resigned when several priests revealed that he'd been sucking their cocks.

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 11, 2013

A Pure Mind

Experiences are preceded by mind, led by mind, and produced by mind. If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness follows like a shadow that never departs.
- Gautama Buddha, "Rethinking Karma"
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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tricycle Daily Dharma

Tricycle Daily Dharma November 10, 2013

Breaking the Sadness Habit

At times our tendency is to indulge in sadness—we don’t want to get rid of it, we want more. But there are many other situations in which we can see clearly how much energy is invested in trying to get rid of sadness. Lots of energy is literally thrown into the desire to get rid of it. Of course, I am not referring to those small acts of wisdom in which one gets together to talk things over with a friend, for example, or goes into nature. I am referring to something compulsive, something obsessive—thinking, judging, reacting about how to get rid of this unpleasant feeling. We might as well talk about total nonacceptance of sadness; we might as well talk about aversion to sadness. A lot of energy goes into this desire.
- Corrado Pensa, “Breaking the Sadness Habit”
Read the entire article in the Wisdom Collection through November 11, 2013
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Friday, November 8, 2013

ia JMG: GM Recognizes Gay Marriages

General Motors will now recognize same-sex marriages for the purposes of insurance and pension benefits.
“GM will recognize a legal marriage for U.S. employees no matter the state of residence,” the automaker said in a statement. “For example, if a GM employee residing in Michigan, where same-sex marriage is not recognized, got married in New York, GM would recognize that marriage.” GM also changed its policies to allow same-sex partners of GM employees to inherit their spouse’s pension when they die. “Because marriage is considered a ‘life event,’ U.S. hourly and salaried employees can add their spouse to their health care coverage at any time within one year from their date of marriage or during the next annual enrollment period with proof of a valid, legal marriage license,” GM said in a statement.
Let's see if this prompts a Dump General Motors boycott by NOM.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Love for Everyone

Freedom To Marry Lights Up Times Square

Via press release:
Celebrating a year of big wins and marking the need to finish the job, Freedom to Marry today announced a new video billboard titled “Love for Everyone” featuring three diverse same-sex families and a message of love and commitment. The billboard will display in Times Square throughout the holiday season up until January 4, 2014. More than 1.5 million people pass through Times Square daily. “With the rapidly expanding importance of digital technology and new media, Freedom to Marry is using every opportunity to communicate our message of fairness for all committed couples and their families,” said Michael Crawford, Freedom to Marry’s digital director.

Reposted from Joe