Saturday, September 12, 2009

A great gem from Ms.Spaulding's Most excellent Blogg

Julian Bond's message to LGBTs: 'keep pushing on - victory is just ahead'

by: Pam Spaulding

Fri Sep 04, 2009 at 08:30:00 AM EDT

Reading Alvin's earlier diary ("From 'outside agitators' to 'wealthy gay activists' - Some of us black folks haven't learned a thing" bumped back up below this post), it's good to remind people that there are black folks who DO get it. Rev. Walter Fauntroy may have been director of the DC bureau of Dr. King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference, but that clearly didn't enlighten him to the fact that civil rights are human rights. He has hopped into bed with charlatan Bishop Harry Jackson.

However many others who were part of the black civil rights struggle, like Congressman John Lewis, who will keynote at Equality Alabama's conference later this month, have our backs.

read the rest at: PHB

Gay Bands... hmmm...

The lovely people over at God Hates Fags! Love Gods Way! have taken all the worry out of your music concerns. They have a very useful lsit of bands that they have decided that you ( avoid... I loved the reasons fro some of them. My comments and observations are in red:

Bands to watch out for

  • Ween (Rainbow) What? as in weenie, Oscar Meyer is gay too?
  • Lil'Wayne (I think these folks got size issues)
  • P!nK (gay family) good gawd! a gay family!?
  • The Black Keys (racist and homophobic? what is this a two for one?)
  • Coldplay (well they are kind a hot.. .but I think they be straight dudes)
  • SlipKnot (make-up) (what? style is not Christan too?)
  • RadioHead(h'bout Christan radio head?)
  • Michael Jackson (but he said he wasn't gay... just ask his daddy!)
  • Boredoms (ok, so I can't have fun with these folks, and yet I can't be bored either... no wonder i ended up in therapy)
  • School of Seven Bells (gay twins) (what all twins are gay too?)
  • Jason Mraz
  • Jonas Brothers (Gay people don't kiss their brothers. Normally..)
  • Rilo Kiley
  • Death Cab for Cutie (they are kinda cute... I watched them last night, that would make PBS gay too?)
  • Sarah McLachlan (totally!)
  • George Strait (what Staight is gay now too?)
  • Cold War Kids (that just about rules out most folks my age)
  • Toby Keith (cowboy) (true, after Brokeback Mountain, we all know 'bout 'dem cowboys!... yee haw!)
  • P-Diddy
  • Black People (what all Black Peoole are gay too?)
  • Vampire Weekend (Not sure here, most vampires I know are hetero...)
  • King Crimson (just the name is suggestive)
  • Kate Bush (kissed a girl) (stop that!)
  • Bob Dylan (aw c'mon... Dylan is gay?)
  • Fleet Foxes
  • Sigur Ros (nudists) (most nudists arn ot gay, and most of my gay friends won't get neked in public)
  • Twisted Sister (well... maybe her sister is twisted)
  • The Spores (endorse suicide)suicide is not a gay thing... tho because you assholes have made head-trips out of a lot of kids there ARE a lot of kids who off themselves when they are tryign to come to grips with their sexual orientation)
  • Scissor Sisters (obvious reference to our penchant to sewing and decorating, that would make my mother gay... trust me she's not!)
  • Turbonegro(there you go again... another antiblack refrence again)
  • Rufus Wainwright (an proudly so)
  • Merzbau(really? I kinds thought most glbt folks were better spellers)
  • Ravi Shankar(aw c'mon... he can't be gay... tho his music rocks!)
  • The Butchies (lizbians) (bitch... that's spelled L E S B I A N S)
  • Wilco (Walmart but not Wilco)
  • Bjork (mb)(well SHE IS from Iceland and all..)
  • Tech N9ne
  • Ghostface Killah
  • Bobby Conn
  • Morton Subotnik
  • Cole Porter (WTF?)
  • The String Cheese Incident
  • Eagles of Death Metal
  • Polyphonic Spree
  • The Faint
  • Interpol (Iwoud assume that they supported law and order)
  • Twisted Sister (jj) (What the hell is a jj?)
  • Tegan and Sara
  • Erasure(well I thought for sure the Christians would allow for mistakes)
  • The Grateful Dead (drugs too) (wtf pt 2)
  • Le Tigre(they neverhave liked bilingualism)
  • Marilyn Manson (dark gay) (well that girl is definitely problematic)
  • The Gossip(Yeajh like (Christians don't gossip! My people call it dishing... )
  • The Magnetic Fields
  • The Doors (wtf pt 3)
  • Phish (where's the beef?)
  • Queen (well duh!... but what cha gunna do next tiem they paly We will Rock you @ the ball park, bud?)
  • The Strokes (no comment)
  • Morrissey(?questionable?) (What as in morals?)
  • Metallica (duh!)
  • Judas Priest (duh!)
  • The Village People (double duh!)
  • The Secret Handshake on't tell its a secret!)
  • The Rolling Stones (duh!)
  • David Bowie((triple duh!)
  • Frankie Goes to Hollywood(duh!)
  • Man or Astroman my students ask that about me all the time, "is he a man or is he an astroman?")
  • Richard Cheese what as in head cheese?!)
  • Jay-Z
  • Depeche Mode
  • Kansas (oh now you are getting crazy, the whole barking state of Kansas is gay?)
  • Ani DiFranco
  • Fischerspooner
  • John Mayer
  • George Michael (texan) (All Texans are gay? Well they do have a size issue and all... No wonder DubYah is so messed up,,, he was havign a sexual crisi, and took it our on Iraq! Freud explains everything)
  • Angel Eyes
  • The Indigo Girls
  • Velvet Underground
  • Madonna ( Her holiness Madoona please...)
  • Elton John (His holiness Sir Elton Jon, please)
  • Barry Manilow (duh!)
  • Indigo Girls (repeat!)
  • Melissa Etheridge (duh!)
  • Eminmen which ones the blue or the red ones?!)
  • Nirvana(so I guess Budhists and Hindus are no good either?)
  • Boy George (duh!)
  • Jon Brion
  • The Killers(I can understand this one...)
  • Lou Reed (hmm!)
  • Lil' Wayne (repeat... your issues are showing again!)
  • Motorhead
  • Jill Sobule
  • Wilson Phillips
  • DMX
  • Wesley Willis
  • Lisa Loeb
  • Ted Nugent (loincloth) loin cloths are NOT gay!)
  • Dogstar
  • Thirty Seconds to Mars NASA is gay too!)
  • Lil' Kim(so they don't like short women either?)
  • kd lang (duh!)
  • Frank Sinatra (wtf!)
  • HinderI thought they were in business to hinder...)
  • Nickleback
  • Justus Kohncke
  • Bob Mould
  • Clay Aiken (duh!)
  • Arcade Fire
  • Bright Eyes
  • Corinne Bailey Rae
  • Audioslave
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers (duh!)(duh!)(duh!)(duh!)
  • Panic at the Disco (listen Mary, thats Panic at the GAY Disco!)
  • The Cure (makeup)
  • Spin Doctors
  • The Deers (Os Viados!)
  • Lindsey Lohan
  • The Smiths
  • Beck(I thought they unquestioningly follow Fox TV)
  • Tom Waits
  • The Cramps (what Christians women don't menstruate?)
  • Cannibal Corpse(yeah this one creeps me out too)
  • Britney Spears (kissed Madonna) (OH Dear... she kissed THE Madonna! But really, her music is too bad to be gay... I mean really!)
  • Perfect Sin(ok... well...)
  • The Queers (ok, just the name is a give away)
  • NoFx(gay punk) (you... talk'n to me?)
  • Soup Dragons(wtf is a frick'n Soup Dragon anyway?)
  • Elton John(really gay) (honey that's really really really gay... and damn proud of it!)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Gay Rights on the Double: Bill to Repeal DOMA to Hit Capitol Just as Same-Sex Marriage to Be OK'd in Capital -- BuzzFlash News Analysis

Gay Rights on the Double: Bill to Repeal DOMA to Hit Capitol Just as Same-Sex Marriage to Be OK'd in Capital -- BuzzFlash News Analysis

Gordon Brown Apologizes To Alan Turing

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has issued a posthumous apology to Alan Turing, the brilliant World War II code-breaker and computer scientist who killed himself after being convicted of the "crime" of homosexuality. Turing elected to Turing's decoding of the Nazi's "enigma machine" is credited as one of single-most crucial factors in ending the war.

I am both pleased and proud that, thanks to a coalition of computer scientists, historians and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) activists, we have this year a chance to mark and celebrate another contribution to Britain's fight against the darkness of dictatorship: that of code-breaker Alan Turing. Turing was a quite brilliant mathematician, most famous for his work on breaking the German Enigma codes. It is no exaggeration to say that, without his outstanding contribution, the history of the Second World War could have been very different. He truly was one of those individuals we can point to whose unique contribution helped to turn the tide of war. The debt of gratitude he is owed makes it all the more horrifying, therefore, that he was treated so inhumanely.

In 1952, he was convicted of "gross indecency" – in effect, tried for being gay. His sentence – and he was faced with the miserable choice of this or prison – was chemical castration by a series of injections of female hormones. He took his own life just two years later. [snip] It is thanks to men and women who were totally committed to fighting fascism, people like Alan Turing, that the horrors of the Holocaust and of total war are part of Europe's history and not Europe's present. So on behalf of the British government, and all those who live freely thanks to Alan's work, I am very proud to say: we're sorry. You deserved so much better.

Turing is considered by some to be the "father of computer science." More about him here.

Labels: Alan Turing, computers, Gordon Brown, LGBT History, UK, WW II

Another awesome post lifted from JMG

Remembering Mark Bingham on 911

New website launched for religious gay community

New website for religious gay community launched last week. Founders struggle to juggle both identities, seek to garner legitimacy within the greater religious communit.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Uruguay’s Senate Votes to Allow Gay Adoption

Courtesy if Gay Agenda

Adulterous GOP Defender Of Marriage Michael Duvall Resigns In Shame

The man who vowed to preserve the sanctity of opposite marriage, GOP California Assemblyman Michael Duvall has resigned in disgrace less than 24 hours after he was recorded bragging about two adulterous relationships with young female lobbyists, one of whom works for an electric company under contract to the state public utilities committee which Duvall co-chaired.
Assemblyman Mike Duvall of Yorba Linda said in a statement that the furor over his comments had begun to divert attention from the work his fellow lawmakers were trying to finish during the final week of their session. Duvall, whose is married and has two adult children, said it would not be fair to his family, constituents or friends to remain in office. "I am deeply saddened that my inappropriate comments have become a major distraction for my colleagues in the Assembly, who are working hard on the very serious problems facing our state," he said. "Therefore, I have decided to resign my office, effective immediately, so that the Assembly can get back to work."
Duvall was also recorded bragging about his manly load:
"She wears little eye-patch underwear,” said Duvall, who is married with two 
children. “So, the other day she came here with her underwear, Thursday. And
 so, we had made love Wednesday–a lot! And so she’ll, she’s all, ‘I am going 
up and down the stairs, and you’re dripping out of me!’ So messy!”
Hello, Mrs. Duvall, we have some papers for you to sign.

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Courtesy of JMG

Why I Loved Obama's Health Care Speech

Read the article by Paul Begala on H Post

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Stop Glen Beck!

Dear Friends,

A few loudmouths in the media don’t speak for me or for the majority of Americans. They have turned mainstream television and radio outlets into a megaphone for smear campaigns against public servants and innocent Americans.

They have a First Amendment right to stoke prejudice and intolerance in this way -- and we’re not asking for them to be silenced -- but people of integrity have a responsibility to condemn this repulsive and hysterical behavior that is harming our democracy.

Please urge President Obama to publicly confront such media fear-mongering with reason and to fulfill his campaign commitment to foster a media system where diverse perspectives aren’t drowned out by the ranting of a few.

Visit the URL below to learn more about what's at stake and send a loud message directly to President Obama:

Play it Loud!

another gem from JMG

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Moderate Voice linked Revoked...

The good folks over at The Moderate Voice noticed the other day that I had taken a hanker'n to their awesome site. In fact, Joe the editor was kind enough to warn me from placing two great cartoons I linked to his site, because the authors of the said cartoons are grumpy and like to send out cease and desist letters... thanks again brother!

At any rate, we, the entire staff of one at On Being Notorious and its rabid cousin Revoked, are honored to be linked, to The Moderate Voice, which makes me wonder how moderate their voice is if they include the likes of me there...

Thanks Folks!

Quote of the day

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." T. S. Eliot

Protesters Begin Weekly Vigils Outside Church Of "Obama Should Die" Pastor

This weekend a group called People Against Clergy Who Preach Hate (Facebook group) had the first of their planned weekly protests outside the Phoenix-area storefront church of Pastor Steve Anderson, who has publicly prayed for the death of the president. The 125 protesters waved signs containing scriptural admonitions against hate as well as signs supporting the president.

Reposted from JMG


Thursday, September 3, 2009

VIVA Maine!

courtesy of Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters

We Can´t Afford to Wait

Dear MoveOn member,

Wow. Last night's health care vigils were our biggest event of the year, and they were a scathing indictment of our broken health care system.

Click below to see pictures from the more than 350 vigils:

To hear so many stories, see so many candles, stand shoulder to shoulder with so many other people who care so deeply about health care reform was truly moving.

Remember, it was only three or four weeks ago when it seemed a loud few would overpower the calls for reform from the many.

But throughout August, MoveOn members and other health care supporters turned out in droves to more than 700 town halls and meetings with members of Congress. By the end of the month, most public events were dominated by health care supporters, not the opposition.

And last night we shared stories of people bankrupted by medical bills and shut out by pre-existing conditions. Together with folks from Democracy for America, TrueMajority, Center for Community Change, Doctors for America, Health Care for America Now, and the Service Employees International Union, we helped shift the momentum.

The New York Times wrote, "Under the banner of 'Can't Afford To Wait,' the vigils...put a human face on the need for" health care reform.1 Many local newspapers and TV stations prominently covered the vigils as well (see below for links)—and last night they made it on to the front page of the Washington Post's website.2

Next week, lawmakers will return to D.C. with these vigils fresh in their minds.

Here are a few highlights from MoveOn members:

"Seeing the mix of the crowd, old and young, joining across generational lines to advocate for reform which will make a difference for everyone."

–Phoebe G., Mattapoisett, MA

"Hearing the testimonies of all the people who have suffered under the current health care system—nightmare stories of people sick and dying from being denied care from private insurers, denied coverage, financially bankrupt, foregoing treatment because they can't afford it, etc. It makes you realize even more how crucial it is that we enact health care reform NOW—with a public option!"

–Anna E., New York, NY

These amazing vigils were organized by MoveOn Councils across the country. The Councils are local teams of committed members who go beyond email to run hard-hitting events in their communities. If you're not already part of a Council, click here to find out more and join a local MoveOn Council to plan actions targeting health insurance companies for later this month:

Together, we're reframing the health care debate to focus on the serious needs of real people, not ridiculous political fights. And as we head into this make-or-break fall, we've got momentum on our side.

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Peter, Michael, Kat, and the rest of the team

P.S. While all of us were out sharing stories in person, tens of thousands of other MoveOn members who couldn't make it out gathered online to share photos, stories, and light candles as well, at our virtual vigil. Check it out, here:

P.P.S. We've also posted photo albums from vigils across the country on our Facebook page. Take a look:


1. "Rallying for, and Against, an Overhaul," The New York Times, September 2, 2009

2. "Health care reform advocates rally at Fargo-Moorhead bridge," Grand Forks Herald, September 3, 2009

"1,000-plus rally in Denver in favor of health care reform," Denver Post, September 3, 2009

"Hundreds rally at state house over health care," WPRI-TV Providence, September 3, 2009

"At Vigils, Support Shown for Health-Care Bill," The Washington Post, September 2, 2009

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Daniel Orey on September 3, 2009. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

This from Princess Sparkle Pony...

I Used to be Amused, Now I'm Disgusted

(Photo: H. Armstrong Roberts, "circa 1960s", Getty Images)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Subject: State Fair Observation

Email post from a friend:

I so love this Facebook post from my friend Bill (and his husband Brian):

So I went to the State Fair today (yes, I am one of the three people who actually LOVE going to the State Fair!). I saw many of the things that I had hoped to see...newborn calves, cute little billy goats, beer gardens, agricultural displays, motocross exhibitions, etc. And then I saw the Republican voter registration booth. And I thought, "Oh...I can't resist this one!".

As I walked up to the booth, the most prominent display was the "One Man, One Woman" displays, signifying anti-gay marriage. this point, it was ON! As I walked up to the booth (I couldn't resist), one woman pointed to the "One Man, One Woman" button and said, "Thank God"! The first thing out of my mouth was, "Thank God for what? Discrimination???" She quickly walked away. But the lady in the booth quickly came over and began preaching to me about how the bible says that marriage is "...a contract between a man and a woman". I said, "Really? The bible speaks about contracts?" She said, " says that Jesus only recognizes a man and a woman". I then said, "Really? Where does it say that?" And, in typical "Christian" fashion, she said, "Well, I don't know exactly". I continued, "But you claim to know the bible and what Jesus says, so how can you not know where it says that, or what Jesus actually said about homosexuality?" (By the way, Jesus says NOTHING about homosexuality in the bible).

After this lady stuttered for a few minutes, she began to tell me that she doesn't understand why "the gays" are so adamant about marriage, when they have all of the same rights as heterosexuals. I then explained to her that we don't, in fact, have all the same rights...especially federal rights. She said, "No, you have the same federal rights as everyone else". I explained to her that there are ZERO federal protections/rights afforded to gay couples...including inheritance and income tax. She looked at me, puzzled, and said, "Are you sure?" I asked her where she was getting her information from, and she just said, "Well, a friend of mine said they were able to file for federal income tax returns as a couple". (The federal government DOES NOT recognize gay couples in ANY way, shape, or form as far as tax rights, inheritance rights, social security rights, etc.)

She then quickly moved on to say that she is upset that churches would lose their tax exempt status and be sued by "the gays" if they refused to perform gay marriages. I asked her to give me an example of ONE...JUST that has been sued or has lost their tax exempt status for refusing to perform a gay marriage. She again stuttered and said that she had heard of a church in Auburn, California that had been sued. I said, "Really? Which church?" And, of course, in true "Christian" fashion, she could not answer me. She just said, "I don't remember the name of it". I then told her that marriage has been legal in Massachusetts for several years, and NOT ONE church has lost its tax exempt status, or has been successfully sued by ANYONE for refusing to perform gay marriages. She, of course, just shrugged me off.

(It is important to note that by now, one of the other crusty, white, blue-haired, "Christian" women working the booth had called security to come have us removed from the booth. A man came over to tell us that we had to leave now, at which point I looked at him and said, "I'm not going anywhere. This lady has controversial propaganda displayed, and she has to expect that she'll receive opposing viewpoints." I then looked at his shirt, and noticed that he was a mattress salesman working one of the other booths nearby, so I then instinctively told him to "fuck off". At that point, he just walked away!)

As my conversation with this idiot...errrr...I mean "Christian" Republican...continued, I asked her why she felt that "Separate but Equal" was equal. She said that she did not believe that it was. I asked her if she believed that whites should be allowed to marry blacks. She looked at me and said, "Of course". I then asked if she believed that the court had any business dictating the rights of people, and she explained to me that that was one of her biggest complaints with gay marriage...that the people had spoken and did not want gay marriage, so "the gays" should just leave it alone. I then explained to her that in 1967, despite the popular will of the people, the California Supreme Court ruled that the ban on interracial marriage was unconstitutional. Of course, she did not believe me. (In case you were wondering, the case was decided in the Supreme Court on June 13, 1967). I asked her again if she believed that the will of the people, who at that time STILL overwhelmingly thought that blacks should not be allowed to marry whites, should have prevailed over the law. She didn't have an answer for me (again, in typical "Christian", Republican fashion".

By this time, the mattress salesman, and the other crusty, white, idiots...errrrr...Republicans...had had just about enough of me. So I gave her my email address, and I gave her some homework. I asked her if she could do the following:

1) Send me the quotes from the bible that say what Jesus thought about homosexuality;
2) Send me the name of the church that was "somewhere in Auburn" that was sued because they wouldn't perform gay marriages.
3) Send me the names of ANY churches that have lost their tax exempt status for not performing gay marriages; and
4) Cited the federal benefits that gay couples receive.

She promised me that she would email me with her "research". But I fully anticipate that I will not be hearing from her. In true "Christian" fashion, she knows nothing about what she says...she just spouts off inaccurate bullshit that she hears from other idiots...errr....Republicans. Sad.

Oh...and in case you were wondering...Brian wouldn't let me go back and say goodbye to the mattress salesman who tried to intimidate me from leaving!!! So I simply waived goodbye to him as I left.

The Meaning of Matthew: My Son's Murder in Laramie, and a World Transformed

by Judy Shepard


Meaning of Matthew, cover

Today, the name Matthew Shepard is synonymous with gay rights, but before his grisly murder in 1998, Matthew was simply Judy Shepard’s son. For the first time in book form, Judy Shepard speaks about her loss, sharing memories of Matthew, their life as a typical American family, and the pivotal event in the small college town that changed everything.

The Meaning of Matthew follows the Shepard family in the days immediately after the crime, when Judy and her husband traveled to see their incapacitated son, kept alive by life support machines; how the Shepards learned of the incredible response from strangers all across America who held candlelit vigils and memorial services for their child; and finally, how they struggled to navigate the legal system as Matthew’s murderers were on trial. Heart-wrenchingly honest, Judy Shepard confides with readers about how she handled the crippling loss of her child, why she became a gay rights activist, and the challenges and rewards of raising a gay child in America today.

The Meaning of Matthew not only captures the historical significance and complicated civil rights issues surrounding one young man’s life and death, but it also chronicles one ordinary woman’s struggle to cope with the unthinkable.

Grey Line

Donate Now Button BL Small

This is a limited time premium you will receive when you make a donation of $50 or more through our website.
(Shipping Included)

Now is your chance to obtain a signed copy of this moving book. 100% of the donations via our website will go to support the work of the Matthew Shepard Foundation.

NOTE: Due to Judy's busy schedule, signed books will not be shipped before
September 30, 2009.

Tell a Friend!

The Matthew Shepard Foundation was founded by Dennis and Judy Shepard in memory of their 21-year old son, Matthew, who was murdered in an anti-gay hate crime in Wyoming in October 1998.

Created to honor Matthew in a manner that was appropriate to his dreams, beliefs and aspirations, the Foundation seeks to "Replace Hate with Understanding, Compassion & Acceptance" through its varied educational, outreach and advocacy programs and by continuing to tell Matthew's story.


Timothy Kincaid

September 1st, 2009

David Weekley is a bit unusual for a United Methodist Church pastor. For one thing, he’s a Caucasian pastor of a historic 95% Japanese-American congregation. And for another, he has for the past 27 years kept the secret that he was born female. (WestLinn Tidings)

Standing behind his pulpit, Weekley began his usual worship service. About halfway through, he paused to share a personal message he called “My Book Report.”

He told them that in 1984, just nine years after undergoing extensive sex-reassignment surgeries, he was ordained by the Methodist Church without telling anyone of his original gender at birth.

Following his story, the congregation, who had remained silent throughout his talk, broke into thunderous applause. Church members then proclaimed their support for their pastor.

Days may be difficult ahead for Weekley, as the UMC is one of the more conservative branches of mainline Christianity. But at present he has a supportive family, supportive congregation, and supportive region. And his testimony can perhaps reach hearts that already know and love him and serve to open eyes and expand thinking.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Moderate Muslim Scholars: Homosexuality Is Natural And From Go

At a conference on Islam held in Indonesia, moderate Muslim scholars issued a statement calling homosexuality normal and created by God.
Moderate Muslim scholars said there were no reasons to reject homosexuals under Islam, and that the condemnation of homosexuals and homosexuality by mainstream ulema and many other Muslims was based on narrow-minded interpretations of Islamic teachings. Siti Musdah Mulia of the Indonesia Conference of Religions and Peace cited the Koran's al-Hujurat (49:3) that one of the blessings for human beings was that all men and women are equal, regardless of ethnicity, wealth, social positions or even sexual orientation. "There is no difference between lesbians and nonlesbians. In the eyes of God, people are valued based on their piety," she told the discussion organized by nongovernmental organization Arus Pelangi. "And talking about piety is God's prerogative to judge," she added. "The essence of the religion (Islam) is to humanize humans, respect and dignify them." Musdah said homosexuality was from God and should be considered natural, adding it was not pushed only by passion.
Two conservative Islamic groups at the conference responded by condemning gays.

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posted by Joe

UK Gets Conservative Gay Group

From JMG:

The Log Cabin Republicans now have a counterpart in the United Kingdom.
A Tory-affiliated LGBT group has been officially launched at Manchester Pride. LGBTory had a stall during the bank holiday festivities, while members marched in the parade to showcase the new rainbow Tory logo and the slogan 'Conservative and Proud'. Matthew Sephton, the chairman of LGBTory, said: “The weekend was a tremendous success. We had an excellent team in the parade and had loads of fun doing it.We were flying the flag for the modern Conservatives and for the LGBT community and had lots of attention from the many thousands of people who lined the parade route through the city. “On our stall, we had a great deal of interest in both LGBTory and the Conservatives generally. People were positive about us being there and were very happy to see us. As a group we are looking forward to working with all LGBT groups and other Conservative groups to continue the change needed to stamp out homophobia at all levels of society, once and for all.”
Note how their name, LGBTory, echoes GOProud.

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posted by Joe

“The Impact of Inequality” is one of the most important books you will ever read. -- Thom Hartmann

The Impact of Inequality: How to Make Sick Societies Healthier (Paperback): Thom Hartmann "Independent Thinker of the Month" Review Exclusively for
By Richard Wilkinson's Review (excerpt)
August, 2009

Each month, BuzzFlash is privileged to have nationally syndicated progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann review a progressive book or DVD exclusively for BuzzFlash. See other progressive premiums at The BuzzFlash Progressive Marketplace.

Thom Hartmann's Review -- Exclusively for BuzzFlash -- for August, 2009:

"The Impact of Inequality: How to Make Sick Societies Healthier"

By Richard Wilkinson

Reviewed by Thom Hartmann

If the number of dog-eared pages thickening the upper corner of a book on my bookshelves is any indication of how important that book was to me (and it is), then “The Impact of Inequality” is one of the top ten books in my library (and it is).

Wilkinson has, quite simply, identified the One Single Issue That Drives Everything Else.

Obesity, cancer, infant mortality, homicide, gun violence, imprisonment ratios, depression, drug abuse, teenage pregnancies, venereal disease rates, use of prescription antidepressants, workplace satisfaction, trust of one’s neighbors – pick from the menu. ALL of them are driven by a single variable.

And that variable isn’t wealth. While America is the richest nation in the world with a median income of around $44,000/year, we’re way in the back of the pack in all the indices mentioned above. So is the second richest nation, Great Britain.

And it wasn’t that way in the period from 1940 to 1980.

The reason it is now, it turns out, is pretty straightforward. While most European and developed nations have a ratio of about 3:1 to 5:1 between the wealth of the poorest 20% of the populace and the richest 20%, the UK and US are running in the neighborhood of 8:1.

The more unequal a society is, the more problems it has. Regardless of how rich it is.

Conversely, the more equal a society is the better it does. Regardless of how poor it is (so long as they’re above a baseline survival threshold, which appears to run around $5000/year). Costa Rica, at around $7,000 a year, does better than the US or UK on all of the items on the list above – and more.

And it’s not just differences in these indices between nations: they also occur between states or provinces in nations. Wilkinson documents in his book how the most equal of the states of the US and provinces of Canada have the best outcomes in all the cases listed above, and the most unequal of the states have the worst outcomes. The relationship is absolutely definable, linear, and predictable.

Richard Wilkinson builds a powerful and irrefutable case in this book for a radical re-think of the role of wealth – and government and taxes – in society. Without this incredible piece of the puzzle, no other discussion of tax policy, industrial policy, educational policy, or rules of business can make serious sense.

“The Impact of Inequality” is one of the most important books you will ever read. And as a bonus, it’s also one of the most readable. I started it on a Friday afternoon, and was so stuck to it that I was finished by Sunday afternoon, complete with having made pages of notes and folded over and marked up at least sixty or seventy pages. Buy two or three copies, because this is a book you’ll want to share with everybody you know.

(Note: Wilkinson has published a sequel to “Impact” in the UK, titled “The Spirit Level,” which will become available in the US this winter. Its website is here. I ordered it via a British bookseller and read it cover-to-cover, but found it to be mostly a rehash and update of the contents/statistics/arguments of “Impact.” While “Spirit Level” will definitely be worth buying when it comes out, I recommend you not wait but get “Impact” now and familiarize yourself with what I predict will become the hottest topic of discussion in economic and political circles over the next few years.)

Thom Hartmann is a New York Times bestselling Project Censored Award winning author and host of a nationally syndicated progressive radio talk show. You can learn more about Thom Hartmann at his website and find out what stations broadcast his program. You can also listen to Thom over the Internet.

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Monday, August 31, 2009

Adam & Andy

I I really love the work of James Asal. Go to his site (click the pic above), and click archives to follow the story. Its great fun.

Mary Cheney Donates To Anti-Gay Ohio U.S. Senate Candidate

The openly lesbian spawn of Dick, Mary Cheney has contributed $1000 to the campaign of former U.S. Rep. Rob Portman (R-OH), who is running to replace the retiring Sen. George Voinovich. As a Congressman, Portman voted against same-sex marriage and against allowing gay adoption in DC. Critics consider this donation to be curious as Cheney has spoken out in favor of both issues in the past.

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Courtesy of JMG

Carrie Prejean Sues Pageant Officials For Religious Discrimination

Dethroned homophobe Carrie Prejean has filed suit against her former handlers at the Miss California USA pageant, alleging religious discrimination, libel, and everything else she could think of.

Read more at: JMG

Corvino: Other People’s Judgments

“You don’t just want us to tolerate what you gay people do,” my skeptical questioner announced, “you want us to think that it’s RIGHT.”

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Whenever I hear this point–and it’s pretty often–I always think to myself, “Duh.” Of course I want people to think homosexuality is “right.” Why would anyone think I wouldn’t?

Actually, the latter question is not entirely rhetorical. Even my fellow gays ask me why we should care about other people’s moral approval. Beyond the obvious pragmatic advantages - for example, more moral approval means more favorable voting attitudes means more legal rights means an easier life - why should we give a damn what other people think? And while we’re on the subject, why should THEY care? Why are our lives any of their business?

There’s a myth circulating among well-meaning people that “morality is a private matter,” and that therefore “we shouldn’t judge other people.” This is nonsense of the highest order. Morality is about how we treat one another. It’s about fairness and justice. It’s about what we as a society are willing to tolerate, what we positively encourage, and what we absolutely forbid. It is the furthest thing from a private matter.

There’s a story I always tell in my introductory ethics classes about a freshman who wrote a paper defending moral relativism. His paper was laden with references to what’s “true for you” versus what’s “true for me,” what’s “right for you” versus what’s “right for me” and so on. I gave the paper an F. Surprised and angry, the student came to my office demanding a justification.

“Well,” I carefully explained, “I graded your paper the way I grade all papers. I stood at the top of a staircase and threw a batch of papers down the stairs. Those that landed on the first few stairs got A’s…then B’s, C’s and so on. You wrote a long, heavy paper. It went to the bottom of the stairs. It got an F.”

“That’s not right!” he blurted out.

“You mean, that’s not right…FOR YOU,” I responded, grinning.

The moral of the story (aside from, tenured professors do the darndest things) is this: despite all of our talk of “right for you,” deep down we believe in public moral standards. We may disagree about what those are, and about what actions fall under their purview - but we still believe that right and wrong aren’t entirely relative. (For the record, the grading story is entirely fictional.)

One might object that grading affects other, non-consenting people, whereas relationships affect only the people involved. There are two problems with this objection.

The main one is that the latter point is just false. Unless one endorses a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” secrecy, relationships have a public presence and thus public consequences. Gays aren’t waging the marriage battle just so we can all go back in the closet. Like most people, we want to stand up before family and friends, proclaim our love, have it celebrated for the beautiful thing that it is. (At least, that’s what many of us want.)

We want to send the message to young gays and lesbians that there’s nothing wrong with them; that they, too, deserve to love and be loved, and that there’s nothing sinful or wrong about that. We want to be treated equally in the eyes of the law. All of these aims affect other people in various ways.

Second, the objection invites the response, “Says who?” Who decides that only actions affecting other people are appropriate targets of moral scrutiny? Who decides that that’s the right way to look at morality? And there’s no way to answer such questions without engaging in a bit of moralizing. Value judgments are inescapable that way.

Those who claim that they’re not taking any moral stances about other people’s lives are, by that very claim, taking a moral stance about other people’s lives - a “tolerant’ one, though not necessarily a very admirable one. Sometimes, other people’s behavior really sucks, and we should say so.

“Saying so” is part of the confusion here. There’s a difference between MAKING moral judgments and OFFERING them, not to mention a difference between offering them respectfully and wagging your finger in people’s faces. The latter is not just self-righteous; it’s generally counterproductive. I suspect when people say that “we shouldn’t judge other people,” it’s really the latter, pompous kind of moralizing they’re concerned to avoid. But we shouldn’t confuse the rejection of bad moralizing with the rejection of moralizing altogether.

In short, we should care what other people think, and do, because the moral fabric touches us all.


John Corvino, Ph.D. is an author, speaker, and philosophy professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. His column “The Gay Moralist” appears Fridays on

For more about John Corvino, or to see clips from his “What’s Morally Wrong with Homosexuality?” DVD, visit

Friday, August 28, 2009

VIVA Uruguay!

Uruguay May Allow Gay Adoption

The march for LGBT rights across South America continues as Uruguay prepares to legalize adoption by gay couples.

Read the rest of the article at: JMG

UT Gov. Gary Herbert: It Should Be Perfectly Legal To Discriminate Against Gays

I should have blogged about it at the time, but there was a lot of concern a few weeks ago when President Obama appointed Utah's gay-friendly Gov. Jon Huntsman to be his ambassador to China. It turns out that fears about Huntsman's successor were well founded.

Courtesy of JMG

Friendly Voices - Linda Ronstadt

Another great find from JMG:

"I had moved back to Tucson with my kids because I just thought it was quieter, and my family was there. But Tucson has turned out to be a very conservative place, and I didn’t want my kids coming home from school saying things like ‘That’s so gay.’ So we moved back to San Francisco, and I sent my kids to a school that actively taught that homophobic remarks are just… not OK, and my kids’ attitudes have changed as a result of it.

"Look, my kids are going to be able to form their own ideas, but at least I wanted them to be able to question things. My son is super pro-gay rights, and even though he has a girlfriend, I wanted him to know that as he emerged sexually, he’d be able to do whatever he wanted to do. You know, that it’s not something you have a choice over." - Pop and country music legend Linda Ronstadt, talking to Planet Out. It's a great interview.

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Thanks to JMG

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy: LGBT Activists React

Ted Kennedy: LGBT Activists React

I've reached out to noted LGBT leaders and activists, requesting their reactions to the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy. Below are some of the responses so far, presented in no particular order. Please return to this post later in the day as more messages come in.

John Aravosis, activist and AmericaBlog founder:
"I pretty much came out, politically, thanks to Ted Kennedy. His staff let me work out of his office, evenings and weekends, on gay rights causes (e.g., DADT, ENDA) while I was still closeted and working for a Republican Senator. They then vouched for me to the Children's Defense Fund, landing me a job there, and starting my work in Internet activism. What I'm doing today is a very real result of what Ted Kennedy did for me in 1993-94."
David Mixner, activist and former Clinton advisor:
"As a writer, words simply fail me this morning. The Senator has been a personal friend for over three decades and I am devastated. Heaven is richer today and we all are poorer. Will miss his laughter, his personal teasing and his joy of song. Today, without a doubt, the world lost one of its greatest champions for equality and peace."
Lane Hudson, activist and blogger:
"Ted Kennedy was an old school politician who was forward thinking enough to have been a longtime hero that championed equality long before many others. I was devastated to wake up this morning to a world without him. This nation and its people are substantially better because of Ted Kennedy and he is sorely missed."
Jeremy Hooper, activist and Good As You blogger:
"My first real exposure to Sen. Kennedy was in the early 1990's, when a junior high teacher defined his role in American politics by citing Chappaquiddick, failed presidential aspirations, and controversy. It took me the next decade to fully re-educate myself about Ted's true triumphs, and to realize that those triumphs are the very reason why some conservatives (like my teacher) wanted to mask his worth behind a cloud of scandal. The truth is that our community has never known a greater senatorial ally. And by 'our community,' I mean Americans."
Pam Spaulding, activist and Pam's House Blend editor:
"The lion has passed, but even when ill, Senator Kennedy cared deeply that his legacy as a voice of equality for all will live on in the work of others. My heart goes out to his family."
Peter Staley, AIDS activist and blogger:
"People with AIDS have had very few friends fighting for us on Capitol Hill, but from day one we had its most effective legislator on our side. I'm convinced Ted Kennedy saved many, many lives, and protected all of us from being steamrolled by the hatred others tried to stir up. He saved us from the worst of others' indifference or bigotry, making men like Reagan and Helms seem small. Who will fight for us now?"
Bil Browning, activist and Bilerico Project editor:
"Living in Indiana, I became accustomed to hearing Sen Ted Kennedy cursed as a 'Massachusetts liberal' more often than praised for the tireless work he did on behalf of the poor, the downtrodden, and the powerless. Senator Kennedy's reach extended well beyond the liberal vs conservative dichotomy so pervasive in American politics; he served as a bellwether for the future of our country's support of the common citizen. Indiana's LGBT community joins with the rest of the nation in mourning the loss of a staunch ally and supporter who constantly fought on our behalf."
Michelangele Signorile, activist and SiriusXM host:
"He battled the right-wing vigorously during the 80s in trying to get funding for AIDS/HIV research and basic care, in the face of a negligent government in the grip of religious extremists. He championed LGBT civil rights early on, and whether it was hate crimes laws or marriage, he was always out front in the Senate and in political life, showing leadership and bringing others along. I'm enormously grateful to him for helping to bring our issues into the mainstream and taking the ridicule and attacks from the far right over the years -- almost daily, from hate radio to the Internet -- because he took a courageous stand. Thank you, Senator."
Human Right Campaign president Joe Solmonese:
“The nation has lost its greatest champion and strongest voice for justice, fairness, and compassion. The loss to our community is immeasurable. There was no greater hero for advocates of LGBT equality than Senator Ted Kennedy. From the early days of the AIDS epidemic , to our current struggle for marriage equality he has been our protector, our leader, our friend. He has been the core of the unfinished quest for civil rights in this country and there is now a very painful void. Our hearts go out to the Kennedy family."
NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn:
“He has been called the lion of the Senate and indeed he was just that. The first time I saw him speak in public was in the early 1990’s when we were both at a dinner for the Empire State Pride Agenda. As he had done so many times before, Senator Kennedy was there to offer his voice and his support to a movement for equality. And what a voice. He had a gregarious way about him that brought all in the room to our feet and made us laugh; but, when it came to the matter at hand, his thunderous words echoed throughout the hall with an awesome force. It was one of the rare moments that I found myself speechless. To have Senator Kennedy stand with the LGBT community that night so many years ago, and on countless occasions since then, is an honor that has given me an added determination that I will always carry with me."
Rea Carey, executive director, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force:
“The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force mourns the loss of Senator Edward Kennedy, a true champion of the people and a dear friend to our community. The senator was a hero to many across the country and around the world. He spent his life fighting for justice for working people, people of color, children, women, LGBT people, immigrants, people with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS and so many others who looked to his leadership for a more just society. Senator Kennedy was unmatched in his compassion and in his willingness to stand with those who often lacked a champion. Even after his death, his vision will inspire generations to work for the health, welfare and equality for all he so doggedly pursued. We offer our deepest and most sincere condolences to his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones at this difficult time.”

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Chack back all day at JMG

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Harvey Milk Inducted Into CA Hall Of Fame

Today the Governator inducted Harvey Milk and ten others into the California Hall of Fame. In other news, there is a California Hall of Fame.
The 2009 California Hall of Fame inductees are: entertainer Carol Burnett, former Intel CEO Andrew Grove, governor and U.S. senator Hiram Johnson, decathlete and philanthropist Rafer Johnson, industrialist Henry J. Kaiser, philanthropist and peace activist Joan Kroc, film-maker George Lucas, football commentator John Madden, gay rights advocate Harvey Milk, artist Fritz Scholder, author Danielle Steel, fitness and bodybuilding pioneer Joe Weider, and Air Force test pilot General Chuck Yeager. The 2009 inductees join 38 California Hall of Fame inductees who have made great achievements in science, philanthropy, sports, business, entertainment, literature, fitness, technology, activism and politics. The California Hall of Fame highlights the broad range of California interests by honoring trailblazers who have not broken barriers in just one field or talent, but have impacted the world with their overall courage, determination and creativity.
The Hall of Fame is a project of the California Museum.

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thanks to JMG

Health Care Debate: Iinclude the choice of a Public Option

A whopping 76% of voters want health insurance reform to include the choice of a Public Option. In the words of President Obama, the choice of a Public Option will, "keep the insurance companies honest."

So the insurance companies and right wing are fighting tooth and nail to get Democrats to cave on the public option and vote for fake reform like a "trigger" or co-opts. We can't let Democrats capitulate, we need to support Democrats only passing a bill with a strong public option.

That is why bloggers like FireDogLake have joined forces with Credo Action and Democracy for America to pass Public Option Resolutions at local political groups across the country.

Please join us and forward this email to your friends, chances are they are part of the 76% of Americans who want Democrats to be resolved for a Public Option.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Clustermaps Totals to Date

I am deeply moved by the interest, one could safely say worldwide interest in Revoked. I imagine at least 60% of the USA totals are mine (I log on a lot to post and use my links) otherwise... wow!

Thanks all! Muito obrigado! Merci! Gracias!

Current Country Totals
From 1 Jun 2009 to 21 Aug 2009

United States (US)618
Brazil (BR)45
Canada (CA)35
United Kingdom (GB)26
Netherlands (NL)20
Australia (AU)19
New Zealand (NZ)18
France (FR)11
Germany (DE)7
Israel (IL)6
Belgium (BE)4
Austria (AT)4
Portugal (PT)3
Morocco (MA)3
Taiwan (TW)3
Singapore (SG)3
Japan (JP)2
Afghanistan (AF)2
India (IN)2
Russian Federation (RU)2
Hong Kong (HK)2
Indonesia (ID)2
Italy (IT)2
Switzerland (CH)1
Ukraine (UA)1
Denmark (DK)1
Sweden (SE)1
Poland (PL)1
Argentina (AR)1
Peru (PE)1
Luxembourg (LU)1
Korea, Republic of (KR)1
Puerto Rico (PR)1
Venezuela (VE)1
Jamaica (JM)1
Senegal (SN)1
Barbados (BB)1
Mexico (MX)1
Saudi Arabia (SA)1
Spain (ES)1
Cyprus (CY)1
Nigeria (NG)1
Egypt (EG)1
Malaysia (MY)1

Viva Maine!