Sunday, July 24, 2016

Via Daily Dharma / July 24, 2016: Humble Awareness, Mindful Engagement

When we are awakened to simplicity and humility and aware of the suffering engendered by greed, hatred, and ignorance, our consciousness is restructured. We become mindful about ourselves and others, and naturally try to restructure society.

—Hozan Alan Senauke, "An Inconvenient Buddhist"

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Via Daily Dharma / July 22, 2016: Wise Laughter

Wisdom sees the joke in everything. Wisdom is never upset. When you see the truth, it’s easy to laugh. You can be going through something really difficult, but when you really understand, you can laugh.

—Sayadaw U Tejaniya, "The Wise Investigator"

Via Sri Prem Baba / Flor do dia - Flor día- Flower of the day - 23/07/2016

“Um mestre autêntico é uma presença, e essa presença acorda a presença em você. Por mais importantes e significativas que sejam as palavras, elas não são o mais importante. O mais importante é a presença; um olhar que pode te transformar. O Mestre é uma porta de acesso aos reinos superiores. Tudo o que a entidade humana em desenvolvimento pode fazer é chegar até essa porta. E quando a graça do mestre te toca, significa que a sua emancipação está próxima.”
“Un maestro autentico es una presencia, y esta presencia despierta la presencia en ti. Por más importantes y significativas que sean las palabras, ellasno son lo más importante. Lo más importante es la presencia; una mirada que te puede transformar. El Maestro es una puerta de acceso a los reinos superiores. Todo lo que la entidad humana en evolución puede hacer es llegar hasta esa puerta. Y cuando la gracia del maestro te toca, significa que tu emancipación está próxima.”

“An authentic master is presence, and his presence awakens the presence in us. Even though his words carry significance and are meaningful, they are not the most important aspect of his work. The deeper aspect of his work is his presence. Just one look is enough to transform us. The spiritual master is a doorway to access the higher realms. Everything the human entity in evolution does is to arrive at this doorway. When the grace of the master touches you, it means that your emancipation is close at hand.”

Via Daily Dharma / July 23, 2016: Meditation, An End in Itself

The only way one really gets any of the most important benefits of meditation practice is by giving up on the notion that there are any benefits to meditation practice.
  — Brad Warner, "Goalless Practice"

Via FB:

"In a time of destruction, create something: a poem, a parade, a community, a school, a vow, a moral principle; one peaceful moment."

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor día- Flower of the day - 21/07/2016

“Tenho dito que o primeiro passo para a sanidade é a consciência da insanidad. E nossa insanidade se manifesta de diversas formas: quando consumimos sem nenhuma necessidade, apenas movidos pelo vício e pela inconsciência coletiva; quando produzimos lixo e mais lixo sem pensar nas consequências disso; quando promovemos a matança animal através dos nossos hábitos alimentares; quando colocamos mais e mais crianças neste mundo sem ao menos questionar porque estamos fazendo isso; quando agimos em interesse próprio, mesmo que essa atitude prejudique muitas outras pessoas.Isso é insano.”

“Dije que el primer paso para la sanidad es la conciencia de la insania. Y nuestra insania se manifiesta de diversas formas: cuando consumimos sin ninguna necesidad,apenas impulsados por el vicio y por la inconsciencia colectiva; cuando producimos basura y más basura sin pensar en las consecuencias de ello; cuando promovemos la matanza animal a través de nuestros hábitos alimenticios; cuando traemos más y más niños a este mundo sin siquiera cuestionar por qué lo estamos haciendo; cuando actuamosen interés propio, aunque esta actitud perjudique a muchas otras personas. Eso es insano.”

“The first step towards sanity is becoming aware of our insanity. Our insanity manifests in different forms, for example when we consume unnecessarily, moved only by our addiction and the unconscious collective. Insanity is producing more and more waste without thinking of its consequences. It is also when we promote animal slaughter through our eating habits or when we put even more children in this world without at least questioning why we are having them. When we act only out of our own self-interest even if this attitude is harmful to others, this is insanity.

Via Daily Dharma / July 21, 2016: Cultivate Right Speech

Whenever we find fault with others, whether through anger, contemptuousness, self-righteousness, or gossip, it is often based in fear. We may not be aware of our fears, but when we look deeply, we may discover the fear of rejection, loss of control, of unworthiness, or the fear of disconnection.

—Ezra Bayda, "Gossip"

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Via FB:

If you have self-hatred, it will define the quality of your love - or lack of love - and it will ultimately manifest in your love for another. You may protest upon hearing this teaching that although you struggle with self-hatred, your love for your spouse is mostly pure, and that certainly your love of your children is pure. I do not doubt the truth of your protestations, but experience has shown me that in the end there is only one love. Love is by its very nature unity, and if you have feelings of self-loathing, those feelings inevitably become part of your relationship with the loved one. 

Via Ram Dass

July 20, 2016

Love is abundant because you are love. As you become love, you get to the point where you walk down the street and someone comes, and it is the most beautiful thing that you have ever seen. You look and look and appreciate and love, your eyes meet, you both recognize the love, and you don’t have to do anything about it.

It’s nothing special to be in love, it’s very ordinary. How alien that is in this culture, to think that being in love with the Universe is ordinary.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor día- Flower of the day - 20/07/2016

“Você se move em direção da liberdade através do amor e da compreensão.Essas são virtudes da alma que desabrocham aos poucos. Para ajudar nesse processo você, ego consciente, precisa querer. Você precisa conscientemente dar alguns passos nessa direção. E o primeiro passo é tomar consciência e olhar de frente para as suas insatisfações, angústias e repetições negativas. Porque só é possível mudar aquilo que você reconhece que existe.”

“Te mueves en dirección a la libertad a través del amor y de la comprensión. Estas son virtudes del alma queflorecenpoco a poco. Para ayudarte en este proceso tú, ego consciente, debes querer. Debes dar conscientemente algunos pasos en esta dirección. Y el primer paso es tomar conciencia y mirar de frente tus insatisfacciones, angustias y repeticiones negativas. Porque sólo es posible cambiar aquello que reconoces que existe.”

“We move in the direction of freedom through love and understanding. These are virtues of the soul that blossom gradually. In order to facilitate this process, we, as the conscious ego, must truly want freedom. We need to consciously take steps in the direction of love and understanding. The first step is to become aware of our dissatisfactions and face them, as well as our anxieties and negative repetitions. It is only possible to change that which we recognize needs to shift.”

Via Daily Dharma / July 20, 2016: Unlimited Buddha-mind

Our hearts and minds change from moment to moment, just as clouds shift in the evening sky as the sun goes down. Who are we to think we have grasped the true nature of our souls? The Buddha-mind within us will not be constrained by the limits of language.

—Abbess Fushimi, "Shedding Light"

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Via JMG: How Laid-Off Gay Journalist Jarrett Hill Realized That Melania Had Plagiarized The First Lady [VIDEO]



Adding extra deliciousness to an already entertaining plagiarism scandal is that journalist Jarrett Hill, who first picked up on it, belongs to two of the GOP’s most-reviled minorities. Via the New York Times:
Mr. Hill, a television journalist who was recently laid off, said in an interview that one of Ms. Trump’s lines — the words “strength of your dreams” — caught his attention as he was watching on his computer from a Starbucks in Los Angeles, juggling Facebook chats and browsing Twitter.
“It kind of made me pause for a minute,” Mr. Hill said. “I remembered that line from Michelle Obama’s speech.”
Mr. Hill, 31, found the clip of Mrs. Obama’s speech online and noticed that parts of the two speeches sounded the same. He then realized that a larger portion appeared to have been borrowed as he continued to examine both.
“I thought, ‘That’s legit plagiarism,’ ” said Mr. Hill, who described himself as a supporter of President Obama. “‘Someone took this piece and plugged in their own information.’”
Hill appeared on CNN this afternoon to defend himself from wingnut claims that he’s a “paid plant from the Clinton campaign.”

Make the jump here to read the full article and see the video and more at JMG

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor día- Flower of the day - 19/07/2016

“Às vezes, o que te impede de manifestar os seus dons e talentos para a realização do seu propósito é o medo da grandeza da sua alma. Muitas vezes, o maior medo não é o de sentir dor, mas simde ir além dela e se deparar com algo que está além dos domínios do ego e da mente, além das suas referências. Você tem medo de se mover em direção ao desconhecido, à algo que você não domina. Embora isso seja tudo o que você quer; embora seja extremamente prazeroso crescer, expandir e desenvolver sua força, você tem medo. Você tem medo de ser livre. Mas a realização do propósito da alma está intrinsicamente relacionada à liberdade.”

“A veces, lo que te impide manifestar tus dones y talentos para la realización de tu propósito es el miedo a la grandeza de tu alma. Muchas veces, el mayor miedo no es el de sentir dolor, sino atravesarla y encontrarse con algo que está más allá de los dominios del ego y de la mente, más allá de tus referencias. Tienes miedo de moverte en dirección a lo desconocido, hacia algo que no dominas. Aunque esto sea todo lo que quieras; aunque sea extremadamente placentero crecer, expandirse y desarrollar tu fuerza, tienes miedo. Tienes miedo de ser libre. Pero la realización del propósito del alma está intrínsecamente relacionada con la libertad.”

“Sometimes, what prevents us from manifesting our gifts and talents to help accomplish our higher purpose is the fear of embracing the greatness ofour soul. Often times, the biggest fear is not of feeling pain, but rather to go past it and to encounter something beyond the dominion of the ego and the mind, surpassing all of our reference points. We are afraid to move in the direction of the unknown, towards something that we have not yet mastered. Even if it is everything we desire. Even though it is extremely pleasurable to grow, to expand and develop our strength, we still fear this. We are afraid of being free. However, fulfilling the purpose of the soul is intrinsically related to freedom.”

Via Daily Dharma / July 19, 2016: Beauty of the Nameless

Taking a walk
I saw
a wildflower.

Not knowing its name
I saw
its beauty only.

—Ok-Koo Kang Grosjean, "Like a Leaping Carp"

What's Next for Gay Men?

Monday, July 18, 2016

I posted this on FB: N E V E R ever… N U N C A!

Because of republican / evangelical opposition to the GLBTq community, I left my own country to stay with my husband. 

>> I will pause here to let that sink in <<

Luckily he is Brazilian and in 2010, Brasil allowed spouses of GLBTq Brazilians to immigrate. In fact, because of our PHD's they wanted us! 

Over 12 years, it cost us well over $30,000.00 for my husband to stay in the USA legally, and it just became too expensive, and to be honest we were tired of being treated as less than 2nd class citizens. So we decided to sell everything (in the process we lost our home - a 22 year investment down the tube - in a short sale because the BUSH government destroyed the economy) and immigrated to a country that, with all its problems, respects marriage equality. 

Thank you / Obrigado Brasil!

As someone who has been traveling and living off and on in Latin America since 1980, and who has lived overseas now for almost 6 years, and has been voting by mail-in ballot... all I can say is shame on the USA for even thinking of this Trump regime! And shame on anyone who enables it! 

Trump-Pence will be the final and complete end to any form of democracy left in the USA. Astonishing how some former Berners and republicans will gladly throw their GLBTQ family, colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances under the bus for this extremist right wing tea party evangelical FoxTV Nazi party! 

As someone who has lived in numerous countries in Latin America, the USA has created shit storm after shit storm here… (creating even more illegal immigration!). The last one being Iran-Contra in Nicaragua and Guatemala, where over a million people died in THAT forgotten republican intervention, and where the instability left from it still lingers. 

I could not, will not, cannot EVER vote for ANY republican… because of their egregious foreign policy - IRAQ being the last time we made this mistake - and because of their homophobia. 

N E V E R ever… N U N C A!

Via Faith in America

Faith In America Supporters,

I want to update you with the work Faith In America accomplished this last week.

California’s SB 1146:

In the last two years, over 70+ Christian Universities and Colleges have submitted for Title IX exemptions. These Title IX exemption requests are in direct response to the Department of Education’s inclusion of transgender students in 2014. This new bill would require three things:

1. Schools must disclose their request for a Title IX exemption to prospective and current students, faculty members, and employees.

2. All schools requesting the Title IX exemption are required to submit all the documents to the Student Aid Commission which will in turn list the schools on their website.

3.  LGBT students at any of these Christian schools would be eligible to file a civil suit for discrimination.

For NBC, I wrote on why these Christian institutions cannot claim their right to discriminate while also attempting to maintain federal funding.

“These schools should have to be transparent with their students and constituency,” I wrote. “If these institutions feel comfortable requesting a right to discriminate then they should also feel comfortable defending their decision publicly. Just as the schools have their legal right to discriminate so should the students have the right to private legal action when discriminated against. This may lead to Christian institutions losing federal funding. That’s a good thing. No private institution should be able to receive government assistance while breaking its nondiscrimination laws.”

You should also read this stunning essay from a Bisexual student on his experience navigating intimate partner violence and his schools Title IX exemption.

GOP’s Platform & Gov. Mike Pence VP Pick:

The GOP continues to push a violate anti-LGBT agenda. First, noted anti-LGBT Tony Perkins influenced the GOP to include conversion therapy in their platform. This adoption of this outdated and explicitly condemned practice should be seen as an act of violence towards LGBT people, especially LGBT youth.

Faith In America told ABC News the following: "The addition of conversion therapy in the GOP’s platform shows they’re far from finished fighting against the LGBT community," Faith in America executive director Eliel Cruz said in a statement. "Conversion therapy has been denounced by all leading medical organizations. The practice stems from a religious-based archaic understanding of sexuality that believes homosexuality is a choice and is sinful."

Next, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump selected Governor Mike Pence as his Vice President running mate. This selection proves what many LGBT advocates have been saying for a while: Donald Trump is just as dangerous for LGBT people as any of the other Republican candidates.

In the Advocate, Faith In America was quoted condemning the decision:

“Governor Mike Pence has an atrocious anti-LGBT record,” said Eliel Cruz, executive director for Faith in America, which fights religious-based bigotry. “His bigoted anti-LGBT law cost the state millions of dollars while allowing businesses to discriminate against LGBT citizens. In choosing him as a VP, Trump is proving what we’ve known all along: He’s no friend to the LGBT community.”

United Methodist Church LGBT Clergy Inclusion:

For some good news! The United Methodist Church made history in electing the first openly gay bishop. Reverend Karen Oliveto was elected by the Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church last Friday evening. This nomination goes in direct conflict with the decision made at the General Conference of the world Church in which the United Methodists voted against allowing openly LGBT clergy to serve.

Faith In America praised the election in LGBTQ Nation:

"The United Methodist Church is the second largest Protestant denomination in the United States. Last night, they became the largest Protestant denomination with an openly gay Bishop. In electing Rev. Karen Oliveto, the Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church performed civil disobedience against the world church. This is historic. It’s also an act of spiritual protest against a homophobic policy that denies openly LGBT clergy from ministry. This election shows the UMC is changing and that the Holy Spirit is moving the church towards justice."

That’s some Holy Trouble!

Eliel Cruz
Executive Director

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Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor día- Flower of the day - 18/07/2016

“Ao identificar um padrão de comportamento negativo que gera conflito através de uma teimosia, de um vício em brigar para defender pontos de vista e da necessidade de sempre ter a última palavra, talvez exista um pacto de vingança inconsciente. Talvez você esteja projetando o seu passado na pessoa com quem está se relacionando; tentando forçar os seus pais a te ouvirem, a te aceitarem – a te amarem. Então, ao observar o sofrimento e a angústia que isso gera na sua vida e na vida dos outros a sua volta, você começa a querer mudar. Aos poucos, antes de brigar, você morde a língua - você escolhe deixar de atuar no padrão.”

“Al identificar un patrón de comportamiento negativo que genera conflicto a través de una terquedad, de un vicio enpelear para defender puntos de vista y de la necesidad de tener siempre la última palabra, tal vez exista unpacto de venganza inconsciente. Tal vez estés proyectandotu pasado en la persona con quien te estás relacionando; intentando forzar a tus padres a que te escuchen, a que te acepten,a que te amen. Entonces,al observar el sufrimiento y la angustia que esto genera en tu vida y en la vida de los demás a tu alrededor, empiezas a querer cambiar. De a poco, antes de pelear, te muerdes la lengua - eliges dejar de actuar en el patrón.”

“When we identify a pattern of negative behavior that creates conflict through stubbornness, an addiction to fighting, defending points of views, and the need to always have the last word, we might see that underlying all of this, exists an unconscious pact of revenge. Perhaps we are projecting our past on the person we are in relationship with, as though trying to force our parents to listen to us, to accept us, to love us. As we observe the suffering and the distress this causes in our life and in the lives of those around us, we begin to want to change. Gradually, before we accept the invitation to war, we hold our tongues and we choose to stop acting out of this pattern.”