Monday, April 25, 2016

Via BBC: Bangladesh LGBT editor hacked to death

Police in Bangladesh say two people including a leading gay rights activist and editor at Bangladesh's only LGBT magazine have been hacked to death.

The US ambassador to Bangladesh condemned the killing of Xulhaz Mannan, who also worked at the US embassy.

Another person was also injured when the attackers entered a Dhaka flat.

Since February last year suspected militants have killed several secular or atheist writers and members of religious minority groups.

The two men were murdered two days after a university teacher was hacked to death by suspected Islamist militants.

So-called Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility - but the Bangladeshi government insists there is no IS presence in the country.

Make the jump here t read the full article and more 

Via Daily Dharma / April 25, 2016: Mind and the Weather

Ordinarily, our minds are like flags in the wind, fluttering this way and that, depending on which way the wind blows. Even if we don’t want to feel angry, jealous, lonely, or depressed, we’re carried away by such feelings and by the thoughts and physical sensations that accompany them. We’re not free; we can’t see other options, other possibilities.

—Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, "The Aim of Attention"

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 24/04/2016

“A liberdade é possível somente através do desapego. Somente quando desapega do que é velho você se coloca disponível e aberto para receber o novo. O apego envelhece porque te mantém preso ao velho. Ele gera a ilusão de que a vida não tem graça porque você já conhece tudo. O apego gera a ilusão da certeza e o desapego permite a experiência da aventura da incerteza.”

“La libertad es posible solamente a través del desapego. Solamente cuando te desapegas de lo que es viejo te colocas disponible y abierto para recibir lo nuevo. El apego envejece porque te mantiene preso a lo viejo. Éste genera la ilusión de que la vida no tiene gracia porque ya conoces todo. El apego genera la ilusión de la certeza y el desapego permite la experiencia de la aventura de la incertidumbre.”

“Freedom is only possible through detachment. Only when we let go of the old can we make room for the new. Attachments cause us to age faster because they keep us imprisoned in the past. They create the illusion that life is no longer enjoyable because we already know what life holds. On the other hand, detachment allows us to experience the adventure of uncertainty.”

Via Ram Dass

April 24, 2016

As we grow in our consciousness, there will be more compassion and more love, and then the barriers between people, between religions, between nations will begin to fall. Yes, we have to beat down the separateness.

Via Daily Dharma / April 24, 2016: Using Identity as a Vehicle

Awareness has no race or gender or IQ. It is only when we fall out of awareness that we grasp onto these characteristics. Still, these particularities are part of the vehicle through which we experience our lives, and we have to use the vehicle.

—Gina Sharpe, "Does Race Matter in the Meditation Hall?"

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Via FB:

Via The Physics arXiv Blog: Why Physicists Are Saying Consciousness Is A State Of Matter, Like a Solid, A Liquid Or A Gas

A new way of thinking about consciousness is sweeping through science like wildfire. Now physicists are using it to formulate the problem of consciousness in concrete mathematical terms for the first time

There’s a quiet revolution underway in theoretical physics. For as long as the discipline has existed, physicists have been reluctant to discuss consciousness, considering it a topic for quacks and charlatans. Indeed, the mere mention of the ‘c’ word could ruin careers.

That’s finally beginning to change thanks to a fundamentally new way of thinking about consciousness that is spreading like wildfire through the theoretical physics community. And while the problem of consciousness is far from being solved, it is finally being formulated mathematically as a set of problems that researchers can understand, explore and discuss.

Today, Max Tegmark, a theoretical physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, sets out the fundamental problems that this new way of thinking raises. He shows how these problems can be formulated in terms of quantum mechanics and information theory. And he explains how thinking about consciousness in this way leads to precise questions about the nature of reality that the scientific process of experiment might help to tease apart.

Tegmark’s approach is to think of consciousness as a state of matter, like a solid, a liquid or a gas. “I conjecture that consciousness can be understood as yet another state of matter. Just as there are many types of liquids, there are many types of consciousness,” he says.

He goes on to show how the particular properties of consciousness might arise from the physical laws that govern our universe. And he explains how these properties allow physicists to reason about the conditions under which consciousness arises and how we might exploit it to better understand why the world around us appears as it does.

Interestingly, the new approach to consciousness has come from outside the physics community, principally from neuroscientists such as Giulio Tononi at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

In 2008, Tononi proposed that a system demonstrating consciousness must have two specific traits. First, the system must be able to store and process large amounts of information. In other words consciousness is essentially a phenomenon of information.

And second, this information must be integrated in a unified whole so that it is impossible to divide into independent parts. That reflects the experience that each instance of consciousness is a unified whole that cannot be decomposed into separate components.

Both of these traits can be specified mathematically allowing physicists like Tegmark to reason about them for the first time. He begins by outlining the basic properties that a conscious system must have.
Given that it is a phenomenon of information, a conscious system must be able to store in a memory and retrieve it efficiently.

It must also be able to to process this data, like a computer but one that is much more flexible and powerful than the silicon-based devices we are familiar with.

Tegmark borrows the term computronium to describe matter that can do this and cites other work showing that today’s computers underperform the theoretical limits of computing by some 38 orders of magnitude.

Clearly, there is so much room for improvement that allows for the performance of conscious systems.

Next, Tegmark discusses perceptronium, defined as the most general substance that feels subjectively self-aware. This substance should not only be able to store and process information but in a way that forms a unified, indivisible whole. That also requires a certain amount of independence in which the information dynamics is determined from within rather than externally.

Finally, Tegmark uses this new way of thinking about consciousness as a lens through which to study one of the fundamental problems of quantum mechanics known as the quantum factorisation problem.

This arises because quantum mechanics describes the entire universe using three mathematical entities: an object known as a Hamiltonian that describes the total energy of the system; a density matrix that describes the relationship between all the quantum states in the system; and Schrodinger’s equation which describes how these things change with time.

The problem is that when the entire universe is described in these terms, there are an infinite number of mathematical solutions that include all possible quantum mechanical outcomes and many other even more exotic possibilities.

So the problem is why we perceive the universe as the semi-classical, three dimensional world that is so familiar. When we look at a glass of iced water, we perceive the liquid and the solid ice cubes as independent things even though they are intimately linked as part of the same system. How does this happen? Out of all possible outcomes, why do we perceive this solution?

Tegmark does not have an answer. But what’s fascinating about his approach is that it is formulated using the language of quantum mechanics in a way that allows detailed scientific reasoning. And as a result it throws up all kinds of new problems that physicists will want to dissect in more detail.

Take for example, the idea that the information in a conscious system must be unified. That means the system must contain error-correcting codes that allow any subset of up to half the information to be reconstructed from the rest.

Tegmark points out that any information stored in a special network known as a Hopfield neural net automatically has this error-correcting facility. However, he calculates that a Hopfield net about the size of the human brain with 10^11 neurons, can only store 37 bits of integrated information.

“This leaves us with an integration paradox: why does the information content of our conscious experience appear to be vastly larger than 37 bits?” asks Tegmark.

That’s a question that many scientists might end up pondering in detail. For Tegmark, this paradox suggests that his mathematical formulation of consciousness is missing a vital ingredient. “This strongly implies that the integration principle must be supplemented by at least one additional principle,” he says. Suggestions please in the comments section!

And yet the power of this approach is in the assumption that consciousness does not lie beyond our ken; that there is no “secret sauce” without which it cannot be tamed.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of young physicists embarked on a quest to explain a few strange but seemingly small anomalies in our understanding of the universe. In deriving the new theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, they ended up changing the way we comprehend the cosmos. These physcists, at least some of them, are now household names.

Could it be that a similar revolution is currently underway at the beginning of the 21st century? Consciousness as a State of Matter

Via Towleroad: President Obama Explains What Changed His Mind on Marriage Equality to Youth Town Hall in London

 Barack Obama marriage equality LGBT London
President Obamaheld a town hall before 500 young leaders in London today and much of it focused on social issues. Obama took questions from the crowd.

One young activist asked Obama which social activist campaigns have caused him to change his mind on issues. President Obama brought up marriage equality, and partly credited his daughters, as well as marriage equality activists and gay couples for explaining to him why marriage, rather than civil unions, were necessary.

aid Obama (Towleroad's transcript):

“In the United States what has been remarkable is the rapidity with which the marriage equality movement changed the political landscape and hearts and minds and resulted in actual changes in law. It’s probably been the fastest set of changes that, in terms of the social movement, that I’ve seen. On issues of LGBT rights generally I didnt need a lot of pressure. I came in working on ending a policy called Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell that was preventing LGBT citizens from serving in our military openly. We did that very systematically. Policies in terms of those who had HIV AIDS being able to emigrate to our country, hospital visitations, there were a whole host of things that we were already doing.

“But on marriage equality I was in favor of what’s called civil unions. My notion was initially that labeling those partnerships as marriage wasn’t necessary as long as people were getting the same rights and it would disentangle them from some of the religious connotations that marriage had in the minds of a lot of Americans.

“And that’s where I think…I have to confess that my children generally had an impact on me. People I loved who were in monogamous same-sex relationships explained to me what I should have understood earlier. Which is it was not simply about legal rights but about a sense of stigma – that if you’re calling it something different it means less in the eyes of society. I believe that the manner in which the LGBT community described marriage equality as not some radical thing but actually reached out to people who said they care about family values and said ‘if you care about everything that families provide – stability and commitment and partnership – then this is actually a pretty conservative position to take, that you should be in favor of this.’ I thought there was a lot of smarts in reaching out and building and framing the issue in a way that could bring in people who initially didn’t agree with them.”

Obama then continued with his answer, talking about Black Lives Matter, how activism should work, and getting people to the table.

Make the jump here to read the full original and more here

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 23/04/2016

“Nós estamos dentro de uma grande batalha. Estamos trabalhando para despertar o amor em meio a um oceano de ódio. Minha missão é acordar a lembrança de que você é um guerreiro da luz e que, nessa batalha, a espada que mais corta é feita de perdão; e o escudo mais protege é feito de gratidão. Somente através dessas expressões do amor poderemos vencer.”

“Estamos dentro de una gran batalla. Estamos trabajando para despertar el amor en medio de un océano de odio. Mi misión es despertar la memoria deque eres un guerrero de la luz y que, en esta batalla, la espada que más corta está hecha de perdón; y el escudo que másprotege está hecho de gratitud. Solamente a través de estas expresiones del amor podremos vencer".

“We are in the middle of a great battle in which we are working to awaken love within an ocean of hatred. My mission is to remind you that you are a warrior of the light, in a battle where the most powerful and effective weapon is forgiveness, and the best armor is gratitude. Only through these expressions of love will we be able to win the battle.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 23, 2016: Tread Lightly

The path of enlightenment is what is underneath our feet.

—Douglas Penick, "What Are You Meditating For?"

Friday, April 22, 2016

Via NASA: Happy Earth Day!

Happy #EarthDay! Here's an image of our fragile home in space. Celebrate it with us today:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 22/04/2016

“Estamos aqui para nos alinharmos com o dharma, o propósito da alma. Esse alinhamento nos leva a manifestar as fragrâncias do Divino que nos habita. O nosso mais profundo Eu se manifesta nesse alinhamento. Alinhar-se com o dharma significa mover-se em direção ao propósito maior, compreendendo que isso envolve também a aceitação do karma – dharma e karma andam juntos. Por isso, se você está sempre brigando com as situações que a vida lhe traz, esse alinhamento não é possível.”

“Estamos aquí para alinearnos con el dharma, el propósito del alma. Esta alineación nos lleva a manifestar las fragancias delo Divino que nos habita. Nuestro más profundo Yo se manifiesta en esta alineación. Alinearse con el dharmasignifica moverse hacia el propósito mayor, comprendiendo que esto también implica la aceptación del karma;dharmay karmavan juntos. Por eso, si siempre estás luchando con las situaciones que la vida te trae, esta alineación no es posible.”

"We are here to align ourselves with our dharma, our soul’s purpose. This alignment allows us to spread the fragranceof the Divine that inhabits us. Our deepest self also manifests through this alignment with our purpose. Aligning ourselves with ourdharma means moving towards a greater purpose, understanding that this also involves accepting our karma. Karma and dharmawalk hand-in-hand. If we are always fighting with the situations that life brings to us, we will not be able to create this alignment in our lives."

Via Daily Dharma / April 22, 2016:

The Zen poem, as I see it, functions much like the koan—it is just a point of departure. The reader is eliminated, the ego drops, and what’s left is just the farmer pointing the way with a radish.

—Seido Ray Ronci, "No Words"

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Gay Turtle [ENG]

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 21/04/2016

“Se há repetições negativas acontecendo na sua vida, isso quer dizer que, por trás delas, há um pacto de vingança inconsciente. Existem páginas do livro da sua vida que você ainda não compreendeu. Em outras palavras, você ainda guarda mágoas e ressentimentos e por isso vibra na tônica do medo e do ódio. Mas, através da identificação das causas geradoras dessas frequências de energia negativa no seu sistema, você abre espaço para ressignificar o passado, o que possibilita a transformação no momento presente.” 

“Si hay repeticiones negativas sucediendo en tu vida, eso quiere decir que, detrás de ellas, hay un pacto de venganza inconsciente. Hay páginas del libro de tu vida que todavía no comprendiste. En otras palabras, todavía guardasheridas y resentimientos ypor eso vibras en la tónica del miedo y del odio. Peroa través de la identificación de las causas generadoras de estas frecuencias de energía negativa en tu sistema, abres espaciopara resignificar el pasado, lo que posibilita la transformación en el momento presente.”

“If there are any negative repetitions happening in our lives, then there are certainly unconscious pacts of revenge operating behind the scenes. There are pages of the book of our life that have not yet been understood. In other words, we are still holding onto hurts and resentments that are causing us to continue vibrating in fear and hatred. If we can identify what is generating the negative energy frequencies in our systems, we make room to be able to redefine the past. Consequently, this makes it possible for us to transform the present moment."

Via Daily Dharma / April 21, 2016: Motivation to Awaken

We do have the potential to awaken, but we must do the hard work of distinguishing when we are motivated by greed, hatred, and delusion, and when we are motivated by their opposites—generosity, kindness, and wisdom.

—Lynn Kelly, "First Thought, Worst Thought"

Via Antinous the Gay God / FB:

There are two ways to live your life:

One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Remember that Antinous works his miracles through dreams and visions. That is his specialty, according to the Obelisk of Antinous which now stands in a park in Rome .... Bust of Antinous from Patras ... National Archaeological museum in Athens ...

Há duas maneiras de viver a sua vida :
Um é como se nada é um milagre.
O outro é como se tudo é um milagre.
Lembre-se que Antinous trabalha seus milagres através de sonhos e visões. Essa é a sua especialidade, de acordo com o Obelisco de Antinous que agora está em um parque em Roma .... Busto de Antinous de Patras ... Museu Nacional de Arqueologia , em Atenas.

Hay dos maneras de vivir tu vida :
Una es como si nada es un milagro.
La otra es como si todo es un milagro .
Recuerde que Antinoo trabaja sus milagros a través de sueños y visiones. Esa es su especialidad, de acuerdo con el Obelisco de Antinoo , que ahora se encuentra en un parque en Roma .... Busto de Antinoo de Patras ... Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Via Ram Dass:

April 20, 2016

How do you know that what you are doing is from a level of evolving consciousness and not just an ego trip? Until the final moment before enlightenment, I can guarantee that everything is an ego trip. Even spiritual practices are all ego trips. They’re all ego trips because it’s you being somebody thinking you’re doing something. That’s an ego trip.

Via Daily Dharma / April 20, 2016: Innocent Consciousness

The work of Zen is to reach the ground of being, to perceive the true nature of the self, which, as it turns our, is a phantom. This is also the work of poetry, at least for me: to erode the membrane between self and the world, so that a newly innocent consciousness can emerge, one that sees what it sees without commentary, analysis, or judgment.

—Chase Twichell, "Second Innocence: With Basho at Sesshin"

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Via Lion's Roar: Sayadaw U Pandita, influential Burmese meditation master, dead at 94

Sayadaw U Pandita

The modern Vipassana meditation teacher Sayadaw U Pandita has died, at the age of 94.

A highly influential Theravada teacher, U Pandita was, at the time of his death, the abbot of Paṇḍitārāma Meditation Center in Yangon, Myanmar, which he founded in 1991. He had himself been trained by the famed Mahasi Sayadaw, and took over the Mahasi Meditation Center after Mahasi’s death in 1982.

U Pandita’s influence in the West was strong with students and teachers alike, due in part to his time teaching at Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts in 1984. (Read IMS teacher Sharon Salzberg’s account of training with U Pandita.) The talks he gave there were later collected in the book In This Very Life: Liberation Teachings of the Buddha. He also authored several other writings, including the book The State of Mind Called Beautiful.

Make the jump here to read the full article and more at  Lions Roar

also see:

How to Practice Vipassana Insight Meditation by

Via JustaBahai: Jake Sasseville’s dilemma

I have just read Jake's blog “Baha’i Curious? Religion & Sexuality” who wrote: “Aside from my parents, the Baha’i Faith has cultivated and shaped who I’ve become in my life, and it is the most consistent community to which I’ve belonged. That’s why it’s so heart-breaking that I’m considering leaving the Baha’i Faith.” “Many Baha’is […]

Via Sri Prem BabaFlor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 19/04/2016

“Somos levados a acreditar que sucesso significa realizar-se na matéria. Somos bem sucedidos quando produzimos uma bela obra de arte, desenvolvemos um sofisticado projeto, ocupamos um cargo importante ou quando ganhamos uma alta quantia de dinheiro. Eu não condeno esse tipo de conquista; isso faz parte da vida, mas o verdadeiro sucesso é quando tomamos consciência daquilo que nos aprisiona; quando tomamos consciência da nossa insanidade. Ao perceber a nossa insanidade, começamos a nos tornar sãos. Ao perceber o que está inconsciente, expandimos a consciência e podemos perceber o que está além da matéria - o espírito.”

“Somos llevados a creer queéxito significa realizarseen la materia. Somosexitosos cuando producimos una bella obra de arte, desarrollamos un proyecto sofisticado, ocupamos un cargo importante o cuando ganamos una alta cantidad de dinero. No condeno a este tipo de conquista; esto es parte de la vida, pero el verdadero éxito es cuando tomamos consciencia de aquello que nos aprisiona; cuando tomamos consciencia de nuestra locura. Al percibir nuestra locura, comenzamos a volvernossanos. Al percibir lo que está inconsciente, expandimos la conciencia y podemos percibir lo que está más allá de la materia - el espíritu.”

“We are led to believe that success means manifesting something in the material world. We think we are successful if we create a beautiful piece of art, develop a sophisticated project, have an important position, or if we earn a lot of money. I do not condemn this kind of achievement; it is part of life. However, true success is when we become conscious of what imprisons us and aware of our own insanity. When we are able to identify our insanity, we move towards sanity. As we develop our capacity perceive the unconscious, we begin to expand our consciousness so that we can perceive what lies beyond the material world: our spirit.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 19, 2016: The Happiest Mind

The Buddha discovered that the happiest mind is the nonattached one. This happiness is of a radically different order than what we’re used to.

—Cynthia Thatcher, "What’s So Great About Now?"

Monday, April 18, 2016

Via Thich Nhat Hanh - Pema Chödrön - Dalai Lama / FB:

Spike Lee's "Wake Up" | Bernie Sanders

Via JMG: Ted Cruz Dodges Question From Gay Republican During Good Morning America Town Hall [VIDEO]

ABC News reports:
Sen. Ted Cruz today invoked the protections included in the Constitution when a gay man asked the Republican presidential candidate about his work protecting the rights of gay voters. Responding to a question from Todd Calogne, a married gay man who is a registered Republican and owner of a pizza parlor in New York City, Cruz said the Constitution protects the rights of all citizens equally.
“When it comes to religious liberty, religious liberty is something that protects all of us; it applies to Christians, it applies to Jews, it applies to Muslims, it applies to atheists,” Cruz said during a “Good Morning America” town hall at ABC News’ Times Square studios. “That freedom ultimately protects each and every one of us.”
When asked further about the Supreme Court decision allowing gay marriage nationally and what would happen to gay people who are already married, Cruz said marriage laws should be settled on the state level rather than the federal level.
As you’ll see, panel member Robin Roberts points out that Cruz didn’t actually answer the question.

Via Huffington Post Queer Voices: Every LGBTQ+ Person Should Read This

Dearest Queer Person,

Chances are you don’t even know that you are holy, or royal or magic, but you are. You are part of an adoptive family going back through every generation of human existence.

Long before you were born, our people were inventing incredible things. Gifted minds like the inventor of the computer Alan Turing and aviation pioneer Alberto Santos-Dumont live on in you. 

The imprint that bold and brilliant individuals like Lynn Conway and Martine Rothblatt (both transgender women alive today) made on modern technology is impossible deny as present-day engineers carry their torch in the creation of robots and microprocessors. More recently speaking, one of the co-founders of Facebook publicly acknowledged his identity as a gay man, as did the current CEO of Apple.

We were so often gods and goddesses over the centuries, like Hermaphrodite (the child of Hermes and Aphrodite), and Athena and Zeus, both of whom had same-sex lovers. In Japan it was said that the male couple Shinu No Hafuri and Ama No Hafuri, “introduced” homosexuality to the world. The ability to change one’s gender or to claim an identity that encompasses two genders is common amongst Hindu deities. The being said to have created the Dahomey (a kingdom in the area now known as Benin) was reportedly formed when a twin brother and sister (the sun and the moon) combined into one being who might now identify as “intersex.” Likewise, the aboriginal Australian rainbow serpent-gods Ungud and Angamunggi possess many characteristics that mirror present-day definitions of transgender identity. 

Our ability to transcend gender binaries and cross gender boundaries was seen as a special gift. We were honored with special cultural roles, often becoming shamans, healers and leaders in societies around the globe. The Native Americans of the Santa Barbara region called us “jewels.” Our records from the Europeans who wrote of their encounters with Two-Spirit people indicates that same-sex sexual activity or non-gender binary identities were part of the culture of eighty-eight different Native American tribes, including the Apache, Aztec, Cheyenne, Crow, Maya and Navajo. Without written records we can’t know the rest, but we know we were a part of most if not all peoples in the Americas.

Your ancestors were royalty like Queen Christina of Sweden, who not only refused to marry a man (thereby giving up her claim to the throne), but adopted a male name and set out on horseback to explore Europe alone. Her tutor once said the queen was “not at all like a female.” Your heritage also includes the ruler Nzinga of the Ndongo and Matamna Kingdoms (now known as Angola), who was perceived to be biologically female but dressed as male, kept a harem of young men dressed in traditionally-female attire and was addressed as “King.” Emperors like Elagalabus are part of your cultural lineage, too. He held marriage ceremonies to both male-identified and female-identified spouses, and was known to proposition men while he was heavily made-up with cosmetics. Caliphs of Cordoba including Hisham II, Abd-ar-Rahman III and Al-Hakam II kept male harems (sometimes in addition to female harems, sometimes in place of them). Emperor Ai of Han Dynasty China was the one whose life gives us the phrase “the passions of the cut sleeve,” because when he was asleep with his beloved, Dong Xian, and awoke to leave, he cut off the sleeve of his robe rather than wake his lover.

You are descended from individuals whose mark on the arts is impossible to ignore. These influential creators include composers like Tchaikovsky, painters like Leonardo da Vinci and actors like Greta Garbo. Your forebears painted the Sistine Chapel, recorded the first blues song and won countless Oscars. They were poets, and dancers and photographers. Queer people have contributed so much to the arts that there’s an entire guided tour dedicated just to these artists at New York’s Museum of Modern Art.

You have the blood of great warriors, like the Amazons, those female-bodied people who took on roles of protection and had scarce time or interest between their brave acts to cater to the needs of men. And your heart beats as bravely as the men of the Sacred Band of Thebes, a group of 150 male-male couples who, in the 4th century B.C.E., were known to be especially powerful fighters because each man fought as though he was fighting for the life of his lover (which he was). But your heritage also includes peacemakers, like Bayard Rustin, a non-violent gay architect of the Black civil rights movement in the U.S.

We redefined words like bear, butch, otter, queen and femme, and created new terms like drag queen, twink and genderqueer. But just because the words like homosexual, bisexual, transgender, intersex and asexual, have been created in the relatively recent past doesn’t mean they are anything new. Before we started using today’s terms, we were Winkte to the Ogala, A-go-kwe to the Chippewa, Ko’thlama to the Zuni, Machi to the Mapuchi, Tsecats to the Manghabei, Omasenge to the Ambo and Achnutschik to the Konyaga across the continents. While none of these terms identically mirror their more modern counterparts, all refer to some aspect of, or identity related to, same-gender love, same-sex sex or crossing genders.

You are normal. You are not a creation of the modern age. Your identity is not a “trend” or a “fad.” Almost every country has a recorded history of people whose identities and behaviors bear close resemblance to what we’d today call bisexuality, homosexuality, transgender identity, intersexuality, asexuality and more. Remember: the way Western culture today has constructed gender and sexuality is not the way it’s always been. Many cultures from Papua New Guinea to Peru accepted male-male sex as a part of ritual or routine; some of these societies believed that the transmission of semen from one man to another would make the recipient stronger. In the past, we often didn’t need certain words for the same-sex attracted, those of non-binary gender and others who did not conform to cultural expectations of their biological sex or perceived gender because they were not as unusual as we might today assume they were.

Being so unique and powerful has sometimes made others afraid of us. They arrested and tortured and murdered us. We are still executed by governments and individuals today in societies where we were once accepted us as important and equal members of society. They now tell us “homosexuality is un-African” and “there are no homosexuals in Iran.” You, and we, know that these defensive comments are not true—but they still hurt. So, when others gave us names like queer and dyke, we reclaimed them. When they said we were recruiting children, we said “I’m here to recruit you!” When they put pink and black triangles on our uniforms in the concentration camps, we made them pride symbols.

Those who challenge our unapologetic presence in today’s cultures, who try to deprive us of our rights, who make us targets of violence, remain ignorant of the fact that they, not us, are the historical anomaly. For much of recorded history, persecuting individuals who transgressed their culture’s norms of gender and sexuality was frowned upon at worst and unheard of at best. Today, the people who continue to harass us attempt to justify their cruel campaigns by claiming that they are defending “traditional” values. But nothing could be further from the truth. 

But now you know they are wrong. Just imagine the world without that first computer or the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, or a huge part of the music you’ve ever heard from classical Appalachian Spring to classic YMCA (I mean, we’ve held titles from the “Mother of Blues” to the “King of Latin Pop!”). How much less colorful would the world be without us? I’m grateful that you’re here to help carry on our traditions. 

So, happy LGBT History Month! I hope to celebrate with you here at Quist. This list of LGBTQ history online resources is a good place to start in exploring more specifics about this heritage.


Sarah Prager
*Actually a term as a way someone signed a letter for a lesbian organization in Mexico decades ago!
This piece was inspired in part by facts and sentiments from Another Mother Tongue by Judy Grahn (published 1984). Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia edited by Gilbert H. Herdt (published 1993) is also referenced. Many of the referenced facts are cited so many places it has become common knowledge. Christianne Gadd contributed significantly to this piece. This post originally appeared in The Advocate.

Read the original and much much more at Huffington Queer Post here

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 18/04/2016

“Nós somos consciência. Mas quando a consciência toma a forma humana através do ego, nossa tendência é nos identificarmos com a forma. A consciência é percepção pura mas, estando em um corpo, nossa percepção é distorcida pelo ego e acabamos nos identificando com uma interpretação da realidade. Passamos a acreditar que somos a forma. A identificação é tão profunda que acabamos deixando de perceber. Isto é o que chamo de ignorância: uma percepção distorcida da realidade.”

“Nosotros somos consciencia. Pero cuando la consciencia toma la forma humana a través del ego, tendemos a identificarnos con la forma. La conciencia es percepción pura pero, al estar en un cuerpo, nuestra percepción es distorsionada por el ego y terminamos identificándonos con una interpretación de la realidad. Pasamos a creer que somos la forma. La identificación es tan profunda que dejamos de percibir. Esto es lo que llamo ignorancia: una percepción distorsionada de la

“We are consciousness. But when consciousness takes a human form through the ego, our tendency is to become identified with the form. Consciousness is pure perception, but while we are in a bodily form, our perception is distorted by the ego and we become identified with our own interpretation of reality. We believe that we are this form. This identification is so deep that we end up being unable to perceive the true reality. This is what I call ignorance: our distorted perception of reality.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 18, 2016: Thoughts Are Idiosyncratic Visitors

When you stop to examine your thoughts you start to see that they have a life of their own, they come and go, generally in a random, idiosyncratic way. Recognizing the constancy of our endless thinking process is said to be one of the important early steps we take on the meditation path.

—Bob Sharples, "Do the Thoughts Ever Stop"

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Via Ram Dass:

April 17, 2016

If your identification isn’t exclusively with your role, say as parent, your mind doesn’t force the child to be only a child and then the two of you can be God at play. You are just two souls that are meeting in a birth to do some work together.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 17/04/2016

“Estamos trabalhando para acordar a nossa habilidade de criar união. O vício na desunião está tão arraigado que é preciso rever muitas vezes o mesmo conhecimento até que ele possa ser compreendido, ou seja, até que ele se transforme em sabedoria. Se faz necessário aprofundar no conhecimento, mas também na prática. E prática significa mergulhar em si mesmo a fim de encontrar aquilo que joga contra a união e a felicidade, para finalmente ter a coragem de renunciar isso; coragem para entregar as armas e abrir mão da guerra. Mas, para isso, é preciso abrir mão da ideia de que você tem inimigos e de que é uma vítima. É preciso renunciar as crenças,até que aquilo que está além delas possa se manifestar.”

“Estamos trabajando para despertar nuestra habilidad de crear union. El vicio en la desunión está tan arraigado que es necesario revisar muchas veces el mismo conocimiento hasta que pueda ser comprendido, es decir, hasta que se transforme en sabiduría. Se hace necesario profundizar en el conocimiento, pero también en la práctica. Y práctica significa sumergirse en uno mismo para encontrar aquello que juegaen contra de la unión y de la felicidad, para finalmente tener el coraje de renunciar a ello; coraje para entregar las armas y renunciar a la guerra. Pero para eso, es necesario renunciar a la idea de que tienes enemigos y de que eres una víctima. Es necesario renunciar a las creencias, hasta que aquello que está más allá de ellas,se pueda manifestar.”

“We are working in order to awaken our capacity to create union. The addiction to separation is so ingrained that we need to review it over and over again, and continue to observe it so that it may be understood, until it finally transforms into wisdom. It is necessary to deepen our understanding, but it is also necessary to put our knowledge into practice. By practice, I mean to take a look deep within ourselves until we find the part of ourselves that acts contrary to union and happiness, and to finally have the courage to renounce this part of ourselves. We need to have the courage to put down our weapons, and to let go of conflicts. In order to do this, we need to let go of the idea that we have enemies and that we are a victim. It is necessary to renounce our beliefs, until we are able to manifest that which exists beyond separation and beliefs.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 17, 2016: Reacquainting the Mind and Body

Each activity you perform is an opportunity to observe the ways mind and body can work together and how they can sometimes conflict. The mind can spend hours worrying about a simple task that will take the body only minutes to perform. Although the music may be long, the dance itself is short.

—Gary Thorp, "The Dust Beyond the Cushion"

Saturday, April 16, 2016

VIa Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia / Flor del dia / Flower of the Day – 16/04/2016

Às vezes eu chamo o nosso trabalho de “movimento em direção à amizade”, pois compreendo que o maior desafio do ser humano na Terra é criar união. Tudo o que precisamos é nos tornar amigos uns dos outros.”

“A veces llamo nuestro trabajo de "movimiento en dirección a la amistad" porque comprendo que el mayor desafío del ser humano en la Tierra es crearunión. Todo lo que precisamos es volvernos amigos unos de los otros.

“Sometimes I refer to our work as a 'movement towards friendship’, because I understand that our greatest challenge as human beings here on earth is to create union. This is only possible when we truly become friends with one another.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 16, 2016: Try a New Way of Being

The Buddhists say there are 121 states of consciousness. Of these, only three involve misery or suffering. Most of us spend our time moving back and forth between these three.

—Jenny Offill, "Bits of Poetry That Stick Like Burrs"

Friday, April 15, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 15/04/2016

“A prática constante da auto-observação permite que você identifique padrões de pensamento que se repetem na sua mente, às vezes por horas ou dias; e às vezes por meses ou anos. Esses padrões mentais nascem da sua identificação com o passado e se manifestam na sua vida no presente, causando situações de sofrimento. Mas, ao identificá-los, você tem a chance de fazer a relação de causa e efeito para compreender qual situação do passado está gerando determinada situação negativa no presente.”

“La práctica constante de la auto-observación permite que identifiques patrones de pensamiento que se repiten en tu mente, a veces por horas o días, y a veces por meses o años. Estos patrones mentales nacen de tu identificación con el pasado y se manifiestan en tu vida en el presente, causando situaciones de sufrimiento. Pero al identificarlos, tienes la chance de hacer la relación de causa y efecto para comprender cual situación del pasado está generando determinada situación negativa en el presente.”

“The constant practice of self-observation allows us to identify the thought patterns that are repeating in our minds, which sometimes last hours, days, months or even years. These mental patterns arise from our identification with the past and consequently materialize in our present lives, causing many painful situations. When we are able to identify these patterns, we can seek out their cause and effect relationship to better understand which story from our past is creating a current negative situation in our lives.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 15, 2016: The Energy of Awareness

As I enter into my body, I not only see more clearly the force of my automatic judgments but also become more aware of my seeing and the freedom it brings. There is a kind of emptiness and fluidity in this awareness; that which is seen is transformed, revealing an energetic quality.

—Stuart Smithers, "Losing our Bodies, Losing Our Minds"

Via JMG: John Kasich: Let’s Move On From Gay Marriage [VIDEO]


Last night John Kasich reaffirmed his earlier statements that same-sex marriage is a settled issue.
“There could be an effort to pass a Constitutional Amendment. I’m not for doing it. I’m for moving on,” the Republican presidential hopeful said Thursday in a town hall airing on MSNBC. “Exactly where it is now, I’m fine with it,” he said when asked if there are any laws that should be changed to address the issue.
In a landmark decision last year, the Supreme Court ruled same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. Many in the once crowded Republican presidential field opposed the ruling, and while Kasich affirmed he believes marriage should remain between a man and woman, he told Matthews that everyone should be “a bit more tolerant.”
The Ohio governor often talks about how he recently attended a friend’s same-sex marriage ceremony. “I don’t think it’s right and the wedding that I went to, they know that I don’t agree with them,” Kasich said. Asked by Matthews what gay couples who love each other should do, Kasich said: “They should love one another. That’s the end of it.”

Make the jump here to read this and more at JMG

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Via JMG: TEXAS: Centers For Disease Control Identifies First Case Of Male-To-Male Sexually Transmitted Zika Virus


April 14, 2016 LGBT News, Science

STAT News reports:
Men can contract Zika through unprotected sex with other men who are infected with the virus, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday, a finding that adds to experts’ understanding of how Zika can be transmitted.
The CDC said a case of sexual transmission that occurred in Dallas in January — and was reported in the mainstream media in early February — involved two men. It was only the second reported case of sexual transmission of Zika ever, and the first in which sexual spread was observed between two men.
While gay men who want to avoid Zika infection should take note, the lesson here applies to both men and women: Zika infection can be contracted through unprotected anal sex.
The Dallas case involved a man who had been infected with the virus while traveling in Venezuela. Two days after he returned home, his symptoms developed. A week after his return, his longtime partner, who had not traveled outside the country, became ill.
The investigators tried to rule out the possibility that the second man might have been infected locally by a mosquito. Mosquito traps set up around the couple’s home collected some Culex mosquitoes, but no Aedes moquitoes, the type believed to be the main culprit in spread of Zika virus.
Wired has details about zika infection:
The effects and symptoms of Zika virus can vary widely from person to person. In most people, the virus causes a mild disease lasting between two and seven days, with key symptoms including fever, rash, aches, conjunctivitis and eye pain.
However, in a minority of people, Zika has been found to cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, an auto-immune disease which makes the immune system attack the body’s nerve cells, resulting in weakness of the muscles and even paralysis. The effects typically last between a few weeks and a few months, but are sometimes permanent. Other neurological and autoimmune diseases, including acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, have also been linked to Zika.
The most notorious effect of the virus is its now-confirmed ability to cause foetal abnormalities if a pregnant woman contracts it. Following a study published by The New England Journal of Medicine, Dr Tom Frieden, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said that “it is now clear that the virus causes microcephaly.”
(Tipped by JMG reader Michael)

Via Daily Dharma / April 14, 2016: Spiritual Activism

Mahatma Gandhi said that mute prayer was his greatest weapon and that we must ourselves embody the changes we want to see in the world. To me, that means we can work from the inside out to make a better world. I call this spiritual activism.

—Lama Surya Das, "Why Sit?"

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

More Thoughts On Pie Fights and Politics

Brazilian footballer Gérson

More than a few years ago, a film I dearly love "Moon over Parador" was filmed mostly here in Ouro Preto. It is one of those very silly-everyone-is-in-it over the top films with a message - mostly how the CIA messed up much of Latin America by supporting some very nasty dictatorships. For those of us who have lived and worked in Latin America it is a very poignant parody of the 80’s.

I recently wrote a posting here about the current pie fights and shenanigans in politics  and how I am morphing, spiritually speaking. The political stress here has been giving me not a few nightmares about things that I saw and experienced living under martial law in Guatemala.

Yesterday on our way home from work, M & I stopped off at the farmácia, and with out thinking, stepped into a lively discussion re: the impeachment proceedings going on. One guy in line told me “You know the CIA is behind it.” 

And I thought, with a big sigh, oh no, here we go again... 

Steady as she goes, gringo.

Milton immediately, and very, very calmly began to talk to him… tactfully showing him that he was off by quite a few meters. I finally entered into it, and said, 

"Look, its 2016, not 1980… and unfortunately no one in the States really gives a damn about Brasil… most people I know haven’t even bothered to ask me at all what is going on down here. And most estadounidenses are preoccupied by basketball, ISIS and spring…”

Everyone laughed. And I think it all ended well…

I shared this incident with a colleague and he reminded me of the Lei de Gérson (Gérson's law) which is, and I quote Wikipedia,

In Brazilian culture, Gérson's Law (Portuguese: Lei de Gérson) is an adage which reflects the way Brazilians behave towards themselves, immortalizing concepts such as jeitinho and malandragem. In short, Gérson's Law is taking advantage of every thing and every one and having no concern for ethics. This expression came into use since a TV commercial for the cigarette brand Vila Rica, starring Brazilian footballer Gérson, was aired around 1970. While he is a very well known football player in Brazil and worldwide, Gérson had always been a source for controversy. In the commercial, that particular cigarette brand was portrayed as advantageous for being better and cheaper in comparison to other brands, and at the end of the commercial, Gérson says "I like to get an advantage in everything". Later, the player resented having his image connected to the ad, since all kinds of unethical behaviors were linked to his name with reference to the law. (obrigado Charles for the remind!)

The Vila Rica brand uses the old name for Ouro Preto, btw.

To those of my two deeply beloved and dedicated readers, the Lei de Gérson is a big and very obvious part of Brazilian culture, but to be honest, it applies just about anywhere. But we here have made it a true art form... all the way to the current political scandals happening in Brasília at the moment. Rarely do we want to take responsibility for any of own actions, it is far easier to blame the other… it applies in many of the diverse places I have lived, but I digress.

Yesterday's farmácia incident reminded me as well of living in Guatemala or "Parador" in the 80’s. And how I was often approached by locals in a café or market and was asked something like,

“What do you think of our problem?”

Since it was early 80's Guatemala and we were smack dab in the middle of a very, very violent and often scarry US supported military dictatorship, one never really knew who you were talking to. I soon learned to avert disaster with a,

“You know you don’t really need a foreigner’s opinion about the situation. Guatemalans are clearly able to solve this problem. If you came to my house and told me to move the furniture and paint the room a different color, I’d be offended. This is the same thing.”

I always, I mean always got an offer of a free beer or drink or coffee after this. And I used the  opportunity to  tone up my español around lighter subjects related to art, music or futebol.

So maybe, just maybe its time to dust off that old pre Powerpoint presentation, translate it from español to the world’s most beautiful language aka “português mineiro”… uai!

So I leave you dear ones, with the the Paradorian National Anthem here sung by Sammy Davis Jr. with the over the top ending filmed in our Praça Tiradentes of  "Luar sobre Parador":

Via Ram Dass:

April 13, 2016

Which reality do you dwell in? If you stand anywhere, you’re missing part of the show. Don’t stand anywhere. I have no idea who you are or who I am. Then I am free. The minute I get trapped in a label, I have just imprisoned myself. No matter how well I furnish the prison, it’s still a prison.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 13/04/2016

“Quando, através da auto-observação, conseguimos apenas testemunhar o fluxo compulsivo de pensamentos, podemos interromper o mecanismo de projeção, através do qual reagimos a tudo com base nas nossas experiências do passado. Assim como reagimos aos pensamentos que passam por nós, da mesma maneira reagimos diante das situações da vida. Ao aprofundarmos nessa prática, percebemos que a maioria das nossas ações é, na verdade, o resultado de uma projeção.”

“Cuando a través de la auto-observación conseguimos tan solo atestiguar el flujo compulsivo de pensamientos, podemos interrumpir el mecanismo de proyección, a través del cual reaccionamos a todo con base en nuestras experiencias del pasado. Así como reaccionamos a los pensamientos que pasan por nosotros, de la misma manera reaccionamos delante a situaciones de la vida. Al profundizar en esta práctica, percibimos que la mayoría de nuestras acciones son, en verdad, el resultado de una proyección.” 

“When we are able to simply witness our compulsive flow of thoughts by using self-observation, we can put an end to our projection mechanisms. Our projections cause us to react to everything based upon the past experiences we have had. Just as we react to our own thoughts that pass through us, we also react to the situations we encounter in life. As we deepen in this practice of self-observation, we begin to perceive that the majority of our actions are, in truth, the result of a projection.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 13, 2016: Transforming Obstacles into Objects

Learning to transform obstacles into objects of meditation provides a much needed bridge between the stillness of the concentrated mind and the movement of real life.

—Mark Epstein, "Stopping the Wind"

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Via Equality House / FB:

Via Daily Dharma / April 12, 2016: Looking Inward, Holding Forth

Meditation looks inward, poetry holds forth. One is private, the other is out in the world. One enters the moment, the other shares it. But in practice it is never entirely clear which is doing which.

—Gary Snyder, "Just One Breath"

Monday, April 11, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 11/04/2016

“Precisamos focar na educação das crianças. O autoconhecimento precisa tornar-se política pública, ou seja, ele tem que chegar em larga escala para a população. Essa é a única chance que temos de trazer uma nova consciência para esse planeta, caso contrário seguiremos assim: um ou outro desperta do sonho ruim. Porém, para promovermos uma mudança de eixo na consciência planetária, precisaremos trabalhar em larga escala com as crianças. Isso não é trabalho para um homem só - é trabalho para todos nós. A mudança só acontecerá se unirmos nossos dons e talentos em prol dessa meta.”

“We need to focus on our children’s education. Self-knowledge needs to become public policy; it needs to reach a large-scale audience. This is the only way we can bring a new consciousness to the planet. Otherwise, there may only be a small number of people who awaken from this bad dream. In order to create a real shift in the axis of our planet’s consciousness, we need to work on a large scale with the children. This is not one person’s job; rather, this is a task for each one of us. This change can only happen if we unite all our gifts and talents in order to achieve this goal.”

Via Daily Dharma / April 11, 2016: Our Dangerous Romance with Anger

As a culture we swing from being afraid of anger to romanticizing it. I try to see anger for what it is, in myself, and neither fear it nor idealize it.

—Sharon Salzberg, "The Deluding Force"