“Estamos aquí para alinearnos con el dharma, el propósito del alma.
Esta alineación nos lleva a manifestar las fragancias delo Divino que
nos habita. Nuestro más profundo Yo se manifiesta en esta alineación.
Alinearse con el dharmasignifica moverse hacia el propósito mayor,
comprendiendo que esto también implica la aceptación del karma;dharmay
karmavan juntos. Por eso, si siempre estás luchando con las situaciones
que la vida te trae, esta alineación no es posible.”
"We are here to align ourselves with our dharma, our soul’s purpose. This alignment allows us to spread the fragranceof the Divine that inhabits us. Our deepest self also manifests through this alignment with our purpose. Aligning ourselves with ourdharma means moving towards a greater purpose, understanding that this also involves accepting our karma. Karma and dharmawalk hand-in-hand. If we are always fighting with the situations that life brings to us, we will not be able to create this alignment in our lives."
"We are here to align ourselves with our dharma, our soul’s purpose. This alignment allows us to spread the fragranceof the Divine that inhabits us. Our deepest self also manifests through this alignment with our purpose. Aligning ourselves with ourdharma means moving towards a greater purpose, understanding that this also involves accepting our karma. Karma and dharmawalk hand-in-hand. If we are always fighting with the situations that life brings to us, we will not be able to create this alignment in our lives."
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