Friday, December 26, 2014

Via Daily Dharma

See the Suffering | December 26, 2014

By paying attention to sensory experience as it is happening—and not getting caught up in the labels, preferences, thoughts, and emotions that happen in the split seconds after bare sense-data impinge on our awareness—we learn to see the suffering involved in getting caught up. And by seeing that suffering, we learn to free ourselves from it.

- Cynthia Thatcher, "Disconnect the Dots"

Via Freedom to Marry / FB:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Via Healing Light / FB:

Via Daily Dharma

Spirituality Among Family | December 25, 2014

Manifesting a spiritual practice with our family is extremely difficult, but it’s also really simple. We don’t get carried away by our emotions; we don’t affirm our position at the expense of where others are coming from. But we do our best to open our arms, open our heart, and let what we've got inside us flow out into the situation and let the situation outside flow into us. In that process, we lose ourselves.

- Shozan Jack Haubner, "Drama or Dharma"

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Via Just a Bahai: Uganda's anti-gay laws get tougher

In this interview (…/ugandas-anti-gay-laws-get-to…/21003022/) with a Ugandan Gay rights campaigner - one thing he said was "that we need to get religious leaders that are very progressive to also engage in Uganda" - this was in reference to the influence of conservative American Christian groups who had been hosting anti-gay conferences (see:…/Uganda_Anti-Homosexuality_Act,_20…). We are talking about human beings being murdered by mobs as David Kato was (see my blog - The 2014 Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, (it was called the "Kill the Gays bill" until the proposed death penalty clauses were removed), allows for life imprisonment for someone who is declared gay or lesbian. When it was passed, world leaders such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, various Presidents, and religious leaders voiced their protest. The Vatican legal attaché to the United Nations made this statement: "Pope Benedict is opposed to 'unjust discrimination' against gay men and lesbians" (ibid)

On 1 August 2014, the Constitutional Court of Uganda ruled the law invalid because it didn't have the required quorum, and now the interview discusses a new bill that is being promoted by the Ugandan government. I hope that the UHJ's 2010 letter urging the Bahai community to stand up for the rights of those who are oppressed one day bears fruit. I have yet to read or to hear of a single Bahai community making any form of statement in support of human rights for gays and lesbians. I am not suggesting that Bahai communities should get involved in the politics of the day, but like the Vatican statement, it could show a stand against discrimination. In Uganda, most would think the Bahais were against gays and lesbians because of their past involvement in an anti-gay coalition: to undo that, the Bahai community would need to show in deeds that it is against any form of discrimination. But Bahai communities around the world need to show this too, because the only things on the topic of homosexuality that Bahai communities to date have publicized is to diminish the rights of gays and lesbians. How hard would it be for a Bahai community in any other country in the world to make a statement against discrimination against gays and lesbians? Looking the other way, saying nothing, is .... like letting the elephant keep its foot on the tail of the mouse. I thank God for countries around the world who do something about the plight of gays and lesbians and accept them as refugees.

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 24/12/2014

“Jesus é um mestre a quem muitos milagres foram atribuídos. Dizem que ele ressuscitou mortos, transformou água em vinho, multiplicou alimentos e fez cegos enxergarem. Mas isso é pequeno perto do maior milagre que ele realizou; é apenas um jogo para acordar a fé das pessoas. Às vezes somente milagres como esse (que transcendem os limites da mente) podem acabar com o sonho do ceticismo. Porém, o maior milagre de Jesus foi amar e perdoar até mesmo aqueles que o crucificaram. Esse é o verdadeiro milagre: a superação do ódio, da vingança e do medo; é compreender que o ataque, os maus tratos e o ódio do outro são, na verdade, gritos de socorro.”
Confira o satsang completo:

“Jesús es un maestro a quien se le atribuyeron muchos milagros. Dicen que él resucitó muertos, transformó agua en vino, multiplicó alimentos e hizo a los ciegos ver. Pero esto es pequeño cerca del mayor milagro más grande que él realizó, es sólo un juego para despertar la fe de las personas. A veces solo milagros como éste (que trascienden los límites de la mente) pueden terminar con el sueño del escepticismo. Sin embargo, el mayor milagro de Jesús fue amar y perdonar incluso a aquellos que lo crucificaron. Este es el verdadero milagro: la superación del odio, de la venganza y del miedo; es comprender que el ataque, el maltrato y el odio son, en realidad, gritos de socorro.”

“Many miracles were attributed to the master Jesus. They say that he resuscitated the dead, turned water into wine, multiplied food and made the blind see. But that is nothing when compared to the greatest of all his miracles... These other miracles were just a play, meant to awaken people’s faith. Sometimes only miracles like these, which transcend the limits of the mind, can put an end to the illusion of skepticism. Jesus’ biggest miracle was loving and forgiving even the ones who crucified him. This is the true miracle: overcoming hate, revenge and fear, and understanding that the other’s attacks, abuse and hate are all merely cries for help.”

Via Daily Dharma

The Psychology of Awakening | December 24, 2014

In its ability to shine light into the hidden nooks and crannies of our conditioning, psychological inquiry can serve as a powerful ally to spiritual practice. It can help break up the hard, rocky soil of our personality patterns so that this soil becomes permeable, allowing the seeds of spiritual realization to take root and blossom there more fully.

- John Welwood, "The Psychology of Awakening"

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Via JMG: SCOTUS To Consider Four More Marriage Cases At January Conference

We already know about Louisiana and now four more have been added. Via Chris Geidner at Buzzfeed:
The Supreme Court is set to consider on Jan. 9 whether it will hear appeals of same-sex couples’ marriage challenges in cases out of five states, one of the legal teams representing the couples told BuzzFeed News on Monday. “The Tanco [Tennessee case] petition will be considered at the Court’s January 9 conference, along with … petitions filed by the plaintiffs in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Louisiana,” National Center for Lesbian Rights spokesperson Erik Olvera told BuzzFeed News on Monday afternoon. The plaintiffs and marriage equality advocates alike hope the petitions will provide the Supreme Court with the chance to take a case to resolve the issue nationally with a ruling that would apply across the country.
More from SCOTUSblog:
At issue in the Sixth Circuit cases is a ruling by the appeals court for that region, upholding all of the bans on same-sex marriage licensing or recognition in the four states. At issue in the Louisiana case is a decision by a federal trial judge in New Orleans upholding that state’s ban on licensing and recognition. If the Court takes an initial vote on the cases, on the question of granting or denying review, when it returns in January from a winter recess, and ultimately grants review, the cases could be scheduled for briefing, oral argument, and a final decision in the current Term, which runs through late June or early July. The distribution of the four Sixth Circuit cases for the January 9 Conference is not yet reflected on the Court’s electronic docket, but is expected to be entered there on Tuesday. The docket does reflect that scheduling for the Louisiana case.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Tide commercial / advertisement with a Gay Couple

Via JMG: MAP: Our Historic Year For Marriage

Embiggen the above map from Freedom To Marry and marvel at this year's progress. As seen in the graphic below, even more action is coming early in 2015.

Reposted from Joe Jervis  

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 23/12/2014

"O princípio único da vida se expressa de diferentes maneiras através de cada um. Ele nos dá a chance de experimentar a matéria, e ela nos permite conhecer essa tão complexa e misteriosa criação que é o ego humano. E através dessa experiência, dessa grande aventura, amadurecemos e aprendemos a ir além da consciência humana, para alcançarmos a consciência crística.”

“El principio único de la vida se expresa de diferentes maneras a través de cada uno. Él nos da la chance de experimentar la materia, y ella nos permite conocer esa tan compleja y misteriosa creación que es el ego humano. Y a través de esa experiencia, de esa gran aventura, maduramos y aprendemos a ir más allá de la consciencia humana, para alcanzar la consciencia crística.”

“The one and only principle of life is expressed in a number of ways through each one of us. It gives us the chance to experience matter and it allows us to get to know the complex and mysterious creation of the human ego. By experiencing this great adventure, we mature until we are able to go beyond the human awareness to reach the Christ consciousness.”
- Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

What Poetry Needs | December 23, 2014

Poetry needs the breath. It needs the voice. It needs the body. It needs the mind.

- Anne Waldman, "Radical Presence"

Monday, December 22, 2014

Via Daily Dharma

The Second Arrow | December 22, 2014

Our minds are habituated to relate to suffering by resisting it through blame, bitterness, anger, resentment. That resistance is what the Buddha called 'the second arrow,' which follows the first arrow, the direct experience of pain. So much additional suffering comes from believing that 'things shouldn’t be this way'—when in fact they are that way.

- Ronna Kabatznick, "Sea of Sorrow"

Via MISS 103 / FB:

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 21/12/2014

“Se déssemos mais atenção para a educação das nossas criança e adolescentes, o tão extenso, profundo e desafiador processo de cura do eu inferior seria minimizado. Dar atenção significa perceber e compreender o que aquela alma precisa para expandir. Essa compreensão é possível quando você pode ir além de si mesmo, ou seja, ir além do papel de mãe, pai, ou educador, e simplesmente se colocar a disposição para sentir, ouvir e captar o que aquela alma está querendo dizer, por que ela está constantemente te dando sinais. Mas, estando identificado com esses papeis e com a sua ferida infantil, você se irrita e age a partir da sua própria dor. Então, a tendência é repetir a cena do passado.”

Si diéramos más atención a la educación de nuestros niños y adolescentes, el tan extenso, profundo y desafiante proceso de cura del yo inferior sería minimizado. Dar atención significa percibir y comprender lo que aquella alma necesita para expandirse. Esa comprensión es posible cuando puedes ir más allá de ti mismo, o sea, ir más allá del papel de madre, padre o educador, y simplemente colocarte a disposición para sentir, oír y captar lo que aquella alma está queriendo decir, porque ella está constantemente dándote señales. Pero estando identificado con esos papeles y con tu herida infantil, te irritas y actúas a partir de tu propio dolor. Entonces la tendencia es repetir la escena del pasado.”

“If we paid more attention to how we raise our children and teenagers, the extensive, deep and challenging healing process of the lower self would be minimized. Paying attention means noticing and understanding what that soul needs in order to grow. This understanding is possible when you are able to see beyond your self, going beyond your role as mother, father or educator. Be available to feel, hear and recognize what that soul is trying to express, as it is constantly giving you signs. As long as we are still identified with these roles and with our own wounded child, we get irritated and act out of our own pain. Then we continue to endlessly repeat scenes from the past.”

-Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

Gift-giving | December 21, 2014

Gift-giving is a basic lesson in detachment as well as an exercise in metta—lovingkindness. Irrespective of the gift, the act of giving expresses good will.

- Joan Duncan Oliver, "Gifts That Keep Giving"

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Warwick Rowers Holiday Sing-A-Long

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 20/12/2014

“Como curar a relação com seus pais? Olhando de frente e com honestidade para eles. Tendo coragem de admitir aquilo que você ainda não conseguiu superar e perdoar; e expressando seus sentimentos até que possa curar as feridas emocionais, e finalmente renunciar a vítima e seus pactos de vingança. Só você pode fazer isso; só você tem esse poder.”

“¿Cómo curar la relación con tus padres? Mirando de frente y con honestidad hacia ellos. Teniendo coraje de admitir aquello que aún no lograste superar y perdonar, y expresando tus sentimientos hasta que puedas curar las heridas emocionales y finalmente renunciar a la víctima y sus pactos de venganza. Solo tú puedes hacer esto, solo tú tienes ese poder.”

“How can you heal your relationship with your parents? Start by looking directly and honestly at them. Have the courage to admit whatever you have still not overcome and forgiven, and continue expressing your feelings until your emotional wounds are healed. Finally, renounce the victim entirely, along with any pacts of revenge. You alone can do this. You alone have this power.”

Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

Motivation is Vital | December 20, 2014

If we don’t have motivation, of course we’re going to sit there feeling bored, irritated, and in pain. With motivation, we can dedicate our lives: 'I am here, fully present, and I vow to wake up fully so that all beings may be released from suffering.' It’s that simple.

- Roko Sherry Chayat, "Nirvana: Three Takes"

Friday, December 19, 2014

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 19/12/2014

“É preciso haver transparência na relação com as crianças, pois através da transparência, do respeito e do exemplo poderemos ensiná-las sobre os valores da honestidade e da autorresponsabilidade. Você precisa ter coragem de admitir suas falhas e imperfeições quando elas surgem, procurando evitar que a criança se sinta errada, ou inferior, mas sem alimentar a ideia de que ela é uma vítima, pois isso aciona a ingratidão e os pactos de vingança. Ensinar autorresponsabilidade sem cair no jogo de acusações, ou seja, sem fazer a criança sentir-se culpada, é uma grande arte que pais e educadores precisam aprender.”

“Es necesario que haya transparencia en la relación con los niños, porque a través de la transparencia, del respeto y del ejemplo podremos enseñarles sobre los valores de la honestidad y de la autorresponsabilidad. Necesitas tener coraje para admitir tus fallas e imperfecciones cuando éstas surgen, buscando evitar que el niño se sienta equivocado o inferior, pero sin alimentar la idea de que es una víctima, porque eso acciona la ingratitud y los pactos de venganza. Enseñar autorresponsabilidad sin caer en el juego de acusaciones es decir, sin hacer al niño sentirse culpable, es un gran arte que padres y educadores necesitan aprender.”

“Transparency is necessary when relating to children. By being transparent and respectful, and by truly walking our talk, we can teach them about honesty and about taking responsibility for oneself. Some courage is needed to admit our own faults and imperfections as they emerge. Children should not be made to feel wrong or inferior, and any ideas of victimhood should be avoided, as this activates ungratefulness, along with various pacts of revenge. Teaching about taking responsibility for one’s own actions, without falling into blaming games or guilt, is an art that parents and educators need to learn.”

Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

Challenges Unite Us | December 19, 2014

The world is facing unprecedented challenges—environmental, economic, social, and moral—and to successfully rise to meet these challenges we must draw on the wisdom of the East and the West, of the ancient and the modern. The same challenges that imperil our very existence may help us unite in ways never before witnessed in human history.

- B. Alan Wallace, "Six Questions for B. Alan Wallace"

Via Hay House Daily Meditations / FB:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Via JMG: TURKEY: US Diplomat Charles Hunter To Marry Local Musician Boyfriend

Charles Hunter, US Consul General to Turkey, has confirmed to the local press that he will marry his Turkish boyfriend with the ceremony to take place in Wisconsin.
Hunter was at an event at the Dutch consulate the previous day where he sang at an a capella choir. He responded to reporters' questions afterward. Naturally, almost all questions were about his affair with Turkish artist Ramadan Çaysever, and Hunter spoke about the affair for the first time. He said he "confirmed" all the reports in the press about his affair and planned marriage, but avoided elaborating on the matter. Çaysever, who frequently accompanies the Consul General at events, was absent at Tuesday night's event. Meanwhile, rumors made the rounds in the media about the top diplomat's affair. Some media outlets claimed Çaysever converted to Christianity for his partner. Milliyet, a Turkish daily, claimed Hunter asked for assignment of a bodyguard for Çaysever who has moved in with him, but has not been assigned one yet.
Hunter reportedly met Çaysever at one of his concerts. His music sounds quite like 80s Italo.

Reposted from Joe Jervis


"The strangest things happen on the London Underground!"

Sesame Street: Ian McKellen Teaches Cookie Monster to Resist

Via JMG: Tim Cook Gives Big To HRC

The Human Rights Campaign today announced that Apple CEO Tim Cook has made a large donation to help fund LGBT advocacy in southern states including his native Alabama.
The amount of Cook's contribution to the Washington-based Human Rights Campaign wasn't disclosed, but the advocacy organization called it "substantial." Organizers said it would help fund a three-year, $8.5 million campaign launched in April in Alabama, Arkansas and Mississippi. Called Project One America, the goal of the public relations effort is to build acceptance for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people in the states. The campaign includes advertising on TV and elsewhere, direct-mail fliers and staff members hired in each state. "We hope Tim Cook's substantial personal investment inspires others to support this vital and historic project," Jason Rahlan, a spokesman for Human Rights Campaign, said in an email.
Cook formally came out in October, spawning widespread condemnation by anti-gay groups but no organized campaign to boycott Apple has yet developed.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JustaBahai: How is the following statement by the N.S.A. of Guyana not about human rights?

“The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Guyana asks that your Government ensure that any legislation enacted safeguards the rights of all, but only insofar as the limits of morality may not be transgressed. It would not be acceptable for example, if the Constitution implicitly allows same sex persons to demand the right to be married. We do not believe this may have been the intention of the Amendment, but it should be sufficiently carefully constructed that such a situation does not automatically follow.”

Found at:

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 18/12/2014

“A jornada da alma nesse planeta é um movimento em direção à união; essa é a essência do jogo. Mas, como é difícil para o ser humano ser realmente amigo - de si mesmo e do outro. Se a grande meta é criar união porque a humanidade segue criando desunião? Por que você se machuca? Por que cria situações difíceis? Por que não consegue interromper o fluxo do mal através de você? A resposta está na compreensão do casamento da sua energia vital com o sofrimento. Isso quer dizer que você tem prazer na maldade, e é esse prazer que faz com que ela continue existindo.”

“El camino del alma en este planeta es un movimiento en dirección a la unión, esa es la esencia del juego. Pero cómo le es difícil al ser humano ser realmente amigo – de sí mismo y de otro. Si la gran meta es crear unión, ¿por qué la humanidad sigue creando desunión? ¿Por qué te lastimas? ¿Por qué creas situaciones difíciles? ¿Por qué no logras interrumpir el flujo del mal a través de ti? La respuesta está en la comprensión del casamiento de tu energía vital con el sufrimiento. Eso quiere decir que tienes placer en la maldad, y es ese placer que hace que ella continúe existiendo.”

“The journey of the soul on this planet is a movement towards oneness. Union is the essential nature of the game, but still, it is incredibly difficult for human beings to really be there for each other. If the greater goal is to create unity, why does humanity continue to create disharmony? Why do we hurt ourselves? Why do we create difficult situations? Why can’t we stop evil from flowing through us? The answer lies in understanding just how our vital energy has become intrinsically connected to suffering. We take pleasure in evil, and it is this pleasure that keeps it alive.”

- Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

Reversing Our Priorities | December 18, 2014

If we are serious about combating selfishness and promoting compassion in the world, then is it not vital that we develop the tools of intellectual self-defense to deal with these assaults on our minds and hearts? The solution must lie in reversing the priorities, in subordinating dead things—money, capital, profits—to life: people, animals, the planet.

- David Edwards, "Life or Death"

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 17/12/2014

“Quando falo do processo identificação e transformação do eu inferior, me refiro a um processo de cura que às vezes chamo de “ABC da espiritualidade”. Esse é o nome de um dos instrumentos do método Caminho do Coração, mas também é um estágio do processo evolutivo da alma, no qual precisamos lidar com os aspectos sombrios da personalidade: mágoas, vergonhas, sentimentos negados... Sem tomar consciência desses aspectos, não é possível realizar a alquimia do sofrimento para alegria, pois estando relegados ao plano da sombra, eles geram impulsos que agem a revelia da nossa vontade consciente, causando destrutividade.”

“Cuando hablo del proceso de identificación y transformación del yo inferior, me refiero a un proceso de cura que a veces llamo “ABC de la espiritualidad”. Este es el nombre de uno de los instrumentos del método Camino del Corazón, pero también es un estadio del proceso evolutivo del alma, en el cual necesitamos lidiar con los aspectos sombríos de la personalidad: heridas, vergüenzas, sentimientos negados... Sin tomar consciencia de esos aspectos, no es posible realizar la alquimia del sufrimiento a la alegría, porque estando relegados al plano de la sombra, ellos generan impulsos que actúan más allá de nuestra voluntad consciente, causando destructividad.”

“When I speak of the process of identifying and transforming the lower self, I am referring to the healing process known as the ‘ABC of Spirituality’. This is one of the tools of the Path of the Heart method, but it is also a stage in the soul’s evolutionary process. At this stage we deal with the shadowy aspects of our personality, such as grudges, shame, and all sorts of denied feelings. Unless we become aware of these aspects we can't alchemize suffering into joy. When these aspects are relegated to the realm of the shadow they generate reactions which bypass our conscious will, causing destruction.”

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Via JMG: Ferguson Protesters Wed

Via Buzzfeed:
Alexis Templeton and Brittany Ferrell first met while demonstrating in Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of unarmed Michael Brown and a grand jury’s subsequent decision to not indict the police officer who shot him. The two activists were married Tuesday at St. Louis City Hall — months after meeting while demonstrating in Ferguson. Both Templeton and Ferrell are prominently involved in Millenial Activists United, a youth-led organization that focuses on “educating and empowering” communities.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Daily Dharma

Freedom from Dukkha | December 17, 2014

Freedom from dukkha doesn't mean eternal youth, or that we are never going to have a headache, never going to feel irritation, or loss, or get betrayed and hurt by others. Freedom from dukkha is not abdication from the human race, but a deeper acceptance of how we are, an acceptance that brings both equanimity, and also a clearer response.

- Thanissara, "The Grit That Becomes a Pearl"

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Via Codeblack Life / FB:

Via FB:

Flower of the Day: 12/16/14

Flor do Dia - Flor del Día - Flower of the Day - 16/12/2014

“Para haver um intimidador é preciso haver um intimidado. Para que haja alguém que abusa do poder, deve haver alguém permitindo que esse abuso aconteça. A distorção do poder na forma da agressividade e da violência tem o mesmo peso que a distorção do amor, que é a submissão e o vitimismo. A distorção do poder é distorção do masculino; a distorção do amor é a distorção do feminino - uma depende da outra para existir.”

“Para que haya un intimidador es necesario que haya un intimidado. Para que haya alguien que abusa del poder, debe haber alguien permitiendo que ese abuso suceda. La distorsión del poder en la forma de agresividad y de violencia tiene el mismo peso que la distorsión del amor, que es la sumisión y el victimismo. La distorsión del poder es la distorsión de lo masculino; la distorsión del amor es la distorsión del femenino – una depende de la otra para existir.”

“There can’t be someone intimidating without there being someone intimidated in turn. In order for someone to abuse power there has to be someone allowing the abuse to occur. The distortion of power happens when the masculine principle is turned into aggression and violence. The distortion of love occurs when the feminine principle gets twisted into submission and victimhood. Each are equally destructive, and depend on the other in order to exist.”
- Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

Immeasurable Light | December 16, 2014

The historical Buddha, like you and me, had physical form, was born, and was destined to die. But the content of his being did not die and continues to live. And that is immeasurable life. And not only life. Because it brings us to awakening, it is also immeasurable light.

- Taitetsu Unno, "Even Dewdrops Fall"

Monday, December 15, 2014

Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy (1988) HD


"A eternidade pode ser tocado no momento presente, e do cosmos na palma da sua mão."Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay)

Com confiança e amor, Os monges e monjas de Plum Village

Comunicado oficial do Mosteiro de Plum Village

Thay continua a surpreender os médicos com seus fortes sinais vitais e estável, pacífica respiração. Eles ainda estão surpresos que Thay tem sido capaz de sobreviver e até mesmo para mostrar pequenos sinais de progresso.

Há poucos dias, um dos médicos compartilhou que "Thay é um enigma", e outro disse que eles foram "testemunhas de um milagre." Quando um neurocirurgião top dos EUA o visitou na semana passada, ele estava profundamente impressionado com o empenho da equipe médica para dar a Thay todas as chances possíveis de recuperação.

Nos últimos dias Thay foi mostrando algumas indicações de vigília, mas ele continua a permanecer em coma profundo. Houve momentos em que Thay teve os olhos abertos por mais de
duas horas, e é sensível, mas ele ainda não está mostrando sinais claros de comunicação. o médicos lembram-nos que pode ser semanas ou meses antes que possamos entender o dano
causada por hemorragia e descobrir a extensão de cura que pode ser possível.

A equipe médica começou a estimular Thay estar mais em vigília. Todos os dias o enfermeiros ajudam Thay sentar em uma cadeira, e, além de acupuntura e massagem dos assistentes, fisioterapeutas vêm para ativar o corpo de Thay. Cantamos a Thay, e nós também ouvimos os cânticos Sangha e belos sons da natureza.

Queridos e amigos. Encontrar tempo para estar com a natureza, para apreciar as estrelas, e as nuvens brancas e para realmente voltar para casa e estar em casa dentro de nós mesmos, como Thay sempre nos incentiva a fazer. Você pode gostar de escrever cartas de amor, em vez de gastar dinheiro e consumindo mais. O Ano Novo é uma ótima oportunidade para começar de novo com nós mesmos e deixar ir de ressentimentos e pesar.

Vamos publicar outra atualização sobre a saúde de Thay no Ano Novo. Até então, você e sua família podem tocar a verdadeira paz e felicidade. Que você seja capaz de desfrutar de seu verdadeiro lar.
"A eternidade pode ser tocado no momento presente,
e do cosmos na palma da sua mão."Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay)

Com confiança e amor,
Os monges e monjas de Plum Village

Via Daily Dharma

Our Path | December 15, 2014

Repetition and ritual and their good results come in many forms: changing the oil filter, wiping noses, going to meetings, picking up around the house, washing dishes, checking the dipstick . . . such a round of chores is not a set of difficulties we hope to escape from so that we may do our practice, which will put us on the path. It is our path.

- Gil Fronsdal, "Evaluate Your Meditation"

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Via Daily Dharma

Difficult at the Beginning, Easy at the End | December 14, 2014

Worldly life is easy at the beginning and difficult at the end. A spiritual life is difficult at the beginning and easy at the end.

- Ani Chudrun, "Unusual Choices"

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Flower of the Day: 12/13/14

"During a certain phase of the journey, we are not open to understanding the parts of ourselves that play against our own happiness. We are not really willing to get to know ourselves – we just want to get rid of our symptoms that bring suffering. In this phase, prayer and devotion are like a bargain that we use because they meet our needs. It is natural to start off like this, but at some point we must let go of this bargaining in order to continue along the path of love. Devotion is not meant as an occasional practice; only when it is firm and steady can it lead us to the experience of oneness. What builds this steadiness is self-awareness."

Sri Prem Baba

Via Daily Dharma

The First Step | December 13, 2014

For white America, [the] systematic undoing of centuries of racial indoctrination, [the] letting go of the 'conceptual paint' it has uncritically absorbed about black Americans, is the necessary first step toward the epistemological humility and egoless listening we are morally obliged to bring to our encounters with all Others. Another name for such selfless, healing listening is love.

- Charles Johnson, "Every 28 Hours"

Friday, December 12, 2014

Flower of the Day: 12/12/14

"Many people ask for enlightenment, but are not yet ready to abandon their identification with the body, becoming empty vessels. We want to be free, but we still need to be someone special and maintain the idea of ‘me’. We are still attached to the past. As you observe yourself desiring enlightenment, ask yourself, ‘Am I really ready to give up my story? Am I ready to leave the past behind?’ This can happen right now, or it can be in many incarnations from now: the choice is yours."
Sri Prem Baba

Via Daiy Dharma

Avoiding What's Unlovely | December 12, 2014

We instinctively avoid unpleasantness, often without our awareness. When we touch something unlovely in ourselves—fear, anger, jealousy, shame, disgust—we tend to withdraw emotionally and direct our attention elsewhere. But denying how we feel, or projecting our fears and faults onto others, only drives a wedge between us and the people we yearn to be close to.

- Christopher K. Germer, "Getting Along"

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Via JMG: Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) To Introduce Sweeping Federal LGBT Rights Bill

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) today announced that in the next session he will introduce a sweeping federal LGBT rights bill that will cover employment, housing, credit, and public accommodations. Justin Snow reports at MetroWeekly:
Merkley said that while the Senate’s passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in November of last year by a 64-32 vote after the bill failed by one vote in 1996 was a “tremendous victory,” if discrimination is wrong in employment, it also must be wrong in areas such as housing, public accommodations and financial transactions. “Such an act would be a major advance for opportunity and equality for the LGBT community and would be a major stride toward a more just society,” said Merkley, who has been the lead sponsor of ENDA in the Senate since assuming that role from Sen. Ted Kennedy in 2009. Merkley made the announcement during the unveiling of a new report by the Center for American Progress addressing the need for comprehensive LGBT nondiscrimination protections.
Merkley spearheaded the passage of a similar bill while speaker of the Oregon House.
Reposted from Joe Jervis

JMG HomoQuotable - Dan Savage

"Look at Marcus Bachmann, Michele Bachmann’s husband. Anybody who has gaydar—anybody who has eyes—looks at him and sees a tormented closet case who has externalized his internal conflict and is abusing other people, doing his reparative-therapy bullshit. It’s so sad and pathetic. A lot of the self-destructive behaviors gay people are prone to drifting into are directed inward, and then you have these shitbags like Marcus Bachmann for whom it’s all directed outward. Marcus Bachmann is the photo negative of the guy on the last bar stool in the gay bar, drinking and smoking himself to death, except instead of destroying himself, he’s destroying other vulnerable queer people in an effort to destroy the queer inside himself." - Dan Savage, speaking to Playboy. Hit the link and read the full piece - I could have pulled at least a dozen other quotes for this post.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via PnkNews: After half a century of waiting – this gay couple were finally allowed to tie the knot

Percy Steven and Roger Lockyer,
Percy Steven and Roger Lockyer,

While many same-sex couples celebrated as they converted their civil partnerships to marriage starting yesterday, one couple had waited longer than most.

Percy Steven, 75, and Roger Lockyer, 87, became one of the first couples in the UK to convert their civil partnership to a marriage yesterday at Westminster Council.

But having been together for 49 years, it was long overdue.

When they first got together, gay sex was still illegal, and when civil partnerships were introduced in 2005, they were one of the first to enter one.

Lockyer told the Guardian that being able to refer to themselves as married, finally, was “really rather lovely”.

On signing the marriage certificate at Westminster Council, he said: “I feel different already.”

Sur Sudha - Dhyana / Lumbini / Bodhimarga - The Path Of Enlightenment (The Third Eye)