Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 17/03/2015

“Existem muitas práticas que podem te ajudar a fortalecer a sua força de vontade, mas é muito importante que você não se proponha a fazer algo que não vai dar conta. Esse é um aspecto fundamental da prática da austeridade inteligente. Se você sente que não pode se comprometer com nada, tudo bem - talvez sua austeridade nesse momento seja não se culpar, não exigir nada de si mesmo. Porém, procure se observar, pois muito provavelmente você está preso na crença de que não é capaz ou de que não tem poder. Mas, é muito importante ir além disso, pois toda crença é limitante.” 

“Existen muchas prácticas que te pueden ayudar a fortalecer tu fuerza de voluntad, pero es muy importante que no te propongas hacer algo que no vas a poder manejar. Este es un aspecto fundamental de la práctica de austeridad inteligente. Si sientes que no te puedes comprometer con nada, todo bien - tal vez tu austeridad en este momento sea no culparte, no exigirte nada a ti mismo. Sin embargo, trata de observarte, porque muy probablemente estés preso en la creencia de que no eres capaz o de que no tienes poder. Pero es muy importante ir más allá de eso, porque toda creencia es limitan.”

"There are many practices that can help to strengthen our willpower, but it’s crucial that we don’t propose a practice for ourselves that we won’t be able to do. This is a fundamental aspect of the practice of intelligent austerities. If we feel we can’t commit to anything at all, it’s okay – maybe our austerity at that moment is not to blame or demand anything of ourselves. However, we must try to observe ourselves, because it’s likely that we are stuck in the belief that we’re not capable or that we don’t have any power. It’s very important to go beyond this, because every belief is limiting."

O Caminho do Meio // O Caminho do Meio

O Caminho do Meio

Apenas para registro:

Sou a favor do fim da corrupção, para um melhor trânsito e escolas e hospitais, para acabar com a miséria, para encontrar soluções para a nossa crise ambiental e para os projetos que precisam ser concluídos, como prometido! Sou a favor de ruas seguras e limpas e de um melhor planejamento e gestão para os nossos recursos e do meio ambiente.

É possível ser em favor disso e não ser rotulado de racista? Eu não sou a favor de didaturas militares ou impeachment, mas quem sente a liderança (em ambos meus países!) estão precisando de uma palmada firme. Para mim, isto parece adequado, pois é o caminho do meio.

Estou profundamente grato aos meus dois países por tudo o que eles me deram.

Estou dedicado a reembolsá-lo, tornando a vida dos meus alunos e da comunidade um lugar um pouco para todos nós.

Então vamos levar a discussão para fora dos medos e do diálogo de esquerda - direita, culpando os líderes do passado ou quaisquer fantasmas do exterior e vamos assumir a responsabilidade pessoal e o foco no caminho do meio, onde podemos encontrar uma maneira de trabalhar juntos em paz e solidariedade!


The Middle Way

Just for the record:
I am for an end to corruption, for better mass-transit, schools and hospitals, for ending misery, for finding solutions to our environmental crisis... for projects that need to be finished as promised! I am for safe a
nd clean streets, and for better planning and management or our limited resources and environment. 

Is it possible to be for this and not be labeled a racist? I am not for any military solutions or impeachment but one who feels the leadership (in both my countries) are in need of a sound spanking. To me this seems appropriate, and is the middle way. 

I am deeply grateful to both my countries for all that they have given me. I am dedicated to paying it forward and making the lives of my students and community a little bit better place for all of us. 

So lets move the discussion away from fears and a left – right dialogue, from blaming past leaders or any ghosts from abroad, and towards taking personal responsibility and focus on the middle way where we can find a way to work together in peace and solidarity!


Via Daily Dharma

What is Happiness? | March 17, 2015

The search for happiness is not about looking at life through rose-colored glasses or blinding oneself to the pain and imperfections of the world. Nor is happiness a state of exaltation to be perpetuated at all costs; it is the purging of mental toxins such as hatred and obsession that literally poison the mind.

- Matthieu Ricard, "A Way of Being"

Monday, March 16, 2015

Via JMG: Barney Frank: LGBT Folks Are Beating Prejudice Because They Stopped Hiding

Former Rep. Barney Frank was on Meet The Press yesterday where he said this:
“Well, I tell you, our reality as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people beat the prejudice. I mean, the central mechanism is that we stopped hiding. And it turns out we weren't what the stereotype was. But clearly, there was a point when the notion that I could get married to Jim while I was still in Congress would've been the most bizarre possibility. I remember the time I got married, someone said, 'Well, would it be controversial if you got married while you were still in Congress?' And the answer was, yes it was. A lot of my colleagues were mad that they didn't get invited. So our reality is that. On the other side, I think the fundamental issue, and it does go back to a Clinton campaign statement, "It's the economy, stupid."”

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: Equality California Endorses Hillary

Via press release:
California, the nation's second largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender membership organization, has endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. EQCA is the first major LGBT organization in the nation to endorse the former Secretary of State for President. "We want Hillary Clinton to run and are ready to mobilize our 800,000 members to help her win," said Equality California's Executive Director Rick Zbur. "We're enthusiastic about her candidacy because she has the best record of accomplishment on LGBT issues of any potential candidate. Equality California is ready for Hillary!"

As Secretary of State, Clinton championed the rights of LGBT people around the world, making LGBT rights and acceptance a global priority. In 2011, Sec. Clinton gave a historic speech on International Human Rights Day at the United Nations in Geneva, saying: "Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights." Under Sec. Clinton's leadership, the Department of State used its full range of diplomatic and development tools to combat violence and discrimination against LGBT people worldwide. Thanks to her efforts, LGBT rights became a core principle of U.S. foreign policy in an unprecedented way.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 16/03/2015

“Não é possível aprender a amar porque aprender implica em receber alguma coisa de fora. E se o amor é a seiva da vida, a respiração da alma, então não é uma questão de aprender a amar, mas sim de desaprender a odiar. A criança nasce amando, mas logo aprende a odiar. Muito cedo ela aprende a sentir ciúme e a barganhar, o que aciona um círculo vicioso que faz com que ela interrompa o fluxo natural do amor, ou seja, algumas pedras são colocadas no caminho. Então para que o amor seja desvendado, é preciso remover essas pedras que estão encobrindo a fonte do amor que nos habita.”

“No es posible aprender a amar porque aprender implica recibir algo de afuera. Y si el amor es la savia de la vida, la respiración del alma, entonces no es una cuestión de aprender a amar, sino de desaprender a odiar. El niño nace amando, pero luego aprende a odiar. Muy pronto aprende a sentir celos y a regatear, lo que acciona un círculo vicioso que hace que él interrumpa el flujo natural del amor, es decir, algunas piedras son puestas en el camino. Entonces para que el amor sea develado, es necesario remover estas piedras que están cubriendo la fuente del amor que nos habita.”

"It’s not possible to learn how to love, because learning implies receiving something from the outside. If love is the nectar of life, the breath of the soul, then it’s not a matter of learning how to love, but rather an unlearning of hatred. A child is born loving, but soon learns to hate. Early on, we learn to feel jealous and how to bargain, which triggers a vicious circle that makes us break with the natural flow of love. In other words, some stones are placed on our paths. In order to unveil love, we must remove these stones that are covering up the source of love that dwells in each of us."

Via Daily Dharma

Into Emptiness | March 16, 2015

Good and bad, happy and sad, all thoughts vanish into emptiness like the imprint of a bird in the sky.

- Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, "The Dharma in a Single Drawing"

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Via JMG: Cyndi Lauper: The FRC Wants Homeless LGBT Kids Excluded From Federal Act

Via press release from Cyndi Lauper:
Can you believe that there are people actively working to leave youth out in the cold? Don’t they realize it's just going to push us to work even harder to protect our kids?! The Family Research Council is one of those groups. Their target: a clause in the the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act that would specifically protect the 40% of homeless youth who identify as identify as LGBT.

This is what they had to say about the clause: “It contains a definition of gender identity (‘actual or perceived gender-related characteristics’) and sexual orientation that would require special protections for some individuals at the expense of the safety and privacy of all youth served by providers.”

I don’t understand how ensuring welcoming, affirming, and appropriate services for all youth jeopardizes anyone’s safety or privacy. Programs and services receiving federal funding must be inclusive of 100% our youth, not just 60%. This isn’t about protecting some youth, but ALL youth.
You can donate to Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Fund here.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via JMG: RUSSIA: Ikea Closes Website Over Fears About "Gay Propaganda" Laws

Via the BBC:
Ikea is to close down an online magazine in Russia over fears it could flout the country's law banning the promotion of gay values to minors. In a statement, the furniture giant said some articles in Ikea Family Live could be viewed in Russia as gay "propaganda". The controversial law was approved by President Vladimir Putin in 2013, drawing criticism from rights groups. They say it has been used to ban gay rights events, a claim Russia denies.

In the statement (in Russian), Ikea said: "When we do business, we observe the legislation of the countries where we work, therefore to avoid violations, we have taken the decision to stop publishing the magazine in Russia." It said the magazine - which is published in 25 countries - "shows different aspects of people's lives at home, regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality and religion". "The magazine reflects the values ​​of the Ikea company, including equal rights and opportunities for all."
Late in 2013, Ikea removed a story about a British lesbian couple from its Russian website, drawing protests from GLAAD.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 15/03/2015

“A máscara é um mecanismo de defesa que você desenvolve para evitar entrar em contato com as suas feridas infantis. Ela é uma idealização a respeito de si mesmo. E você idealiza porque ouve e assiste muita coisa a respeito do que é certo ou errado, do que é bom ou ruim. Você recebe informações sobre como ser uma pessoa aceita (ou rejeitada), e a partir disso, usando seu repertório mental e suas qualidades de raciocínio, você começa a construir um personagem para poder agradar e receber energia de alguma maneira.”

“La máscara es un mecanismo de defensa que desarrollas para evitar entrar en contacto con tus heridas infantiles. Ella es una idealización al respecto de ti mismo. Y tú idealizas porque oyes y ves muchas cosas al respecto de lo que está bien o está mal, de lo que es bueno o malo. Recibes informaciones sobre cómo ser una persona aceptada (o rechazada), y a partir de eso, usando tu repertorio mental y tus cualidades de raciocinio, comienzas a construir un personaje para poder agradar y recibir energía de alguna manera.” 

“Masks are the defense mechanisms we develop to avoid getting in touch with our childhood wounds. These masks are the idealized versions of ourselves. We create these ideals because we hear and see a lot about what is right or wrong; good or bad. We receive so much information on how to get accepted or rejected. Based on these observations, our mental repertoire, and our ability to rationalize, we begin to create a personality that will please others and receive energy in some way or another.”

Via Daily Dharma

Inner Wealth | March 15, 2015

When we’re in tune with our inner wealth—the qualities of compassion, contentment, patience, and so on—it’s endless, it’s timeless. Those are the qualities that we’re born with. Everybody. The whole process of meditation is all about trying to dig into this inner wealth, to access it.

- Trinley Thaye Dorje, "Diamond-like Resolve"

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor del Día- Flower of the day 14/03/2015

“Desamor é sinônimo de vingança. E a vingança é uma mescla de ira, medo e orgulho. Uma das maneiras mais comuns de se vingar é quando você se fecha para o outro e passa a negar o amor. Muitas vezes você faz isso de forma passiva, simplesmente se isolando, o que pode se transformar em um processo de autodestruição: a energia da vingança se volta contra si mesmo na forma de doenças, fracassos, acidentes, e de uma série de situações negativas. Isso ocorre porque essa energia destrutiva, quando não exteriorizada por conta dos códigos morais sociais, se transforma em auto-ódio e autopunição.” 

“Desamor es sinónimo de venganza. Y la venganza es una mezcla de ira, miedo y orgullo. Una de las maneras más comunes de vengarte es cuando te cierras al otro y pasas a negar el amor. Muchas veces haces eso de forma pasiva, simplemente aislándote, lo que puede transformarse en un proceso de autodestrucción: la energía de la venganza se vuelve contra ti mismo en la forma de enfermedades, fracasos, accidentes, y de una serie de situaciones negativas. Esto ocurre porque esa energía destructiva, cuando no es exteriorizada por cuenta de los códigos morales sociales, se transforma en auto-odio y autocastigo.”

“A lack of love is synonymous with revenge. Revenge is a combination of wrath, fear and pride. One of the most common ways of taking revenge is by closing yourself off to others and beginning to deny them your love. You often do this passively by simply isolating yourself, which can set off a process of self-destruction. The energy of revenge turns against oneself in the form of illnesses, failures, accidents and a series of negative situations. When this destructive energy is not externalized due to social and moral codes, it turns into self-hatred and self-punishment”.

Via Daily Dharma

Returning to Meditation Practice | March 14, 2015

Getting distant from the practice is in some ways a part of it. Don’t let perfectionism drive you to procrastination. The best time to get close again is right now.

- Kate Johnson, "Calming the Not Now Mind"

The Bigotry Map

Friday, March 13, 2015

Via Elephant Journal / FB:

Via Collective Evolution / FB:

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day - 13/03/2015

“Colocar-se a serviço significa colocar seus dons e talentos a serviço do amor. Quando se coloca a serviço, você se sente ocupando o seu lugar no mundo, e percebe que tem muito para dar. Quando começa a dar, você começa a experimentar o sabor e a fragrância da alegria. E é justamente por isso que tenho colocado tanto foco na importância do serviço.”

“Colocarse al servicio significa colocar tus dones y talentos al servicio del amor. Cuando te colocas al servicio, te sientes ocupando tu lugar en el mundo, y percibes que tienes mucho para dar. Cuando comienzas a dar, comienzas a experimentar el sabor y la fragancia de la alegría. Y es justamente por eso que vengo colocando tanto foco en la importancia del servicio.”

“To serve means to put your gifts and talents at the service of love. When you put yourself at service, you feel that you are assuming your place in the world and realize that you have a lot to give. When you start to give, you begin to taste the flavor and smell the fragrance of joy. That is why I have focused so much on the importance of service.”

Via Daily Dharma

Quiet for a Moment | March 13, 2015

We get quiet for a moment in meditation. We sink down to a relaxedness, a calmness, abruptly free from all the crazy dreams we confuse with reality. And in that instant, by mistake maybe, or because we aren’t thinking to stop it from happening—we experience, in a flash, things as they really are.

- William R. Stimson, "My Brief Career Composing Spanish Music"

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 12/03/2015

“O desejar é um poço sem fundo. Ele absorve tudo e nada satisfaz. É como um buraco que drena toda a energia que se aproxima de você, o que faz com que poucas pessoas queiram ficar perto. Porque ao ser tomado pelo desejar compulsivo, você se torna um mendigo, um ladrão de energia, que sem querer (sem ter consciência disso) rouba a energia do outro. Mesmo sem ter consciência, você se torna um especialista nisso, e descobre que a melhor maneira de roubar energia do outro é fazendo com que ele se sinta inferior e inseguro."

“El desear es un pozo sin fondo. Él absorbe todo y nada satisface. Es como un agujero que drena toda la energía que se aproxima a ti, lo que hace que pocas personas quieran estar cerca. Porque al ser tomado por el desear compulsivo, te tornas un mendigo, un ladrón de energía, que sin querer (sin tener consciencia de eso) roba energía del otro. Mismo sin tener consciencia, te vuelves un especialista en eso, y descubres que la mejor manera de robar energía del otro es haciendo que él se sienta inferior e inseguro.”

“Desire is a bottomless pit. It absorbs everything, and nothing satisfies it. It’s like a hole that drains all the energy that comes near us, which makes most people want to stay away from us. When we are consumed by compulsive desire, we become a beggar; an energy thief. Without trying to, we unconsciously rob the other’s energy. Even without knowing it, we become an expert in this area. We discover that the best way to rob the other’s energy is to make them feel inferior and insecure.”