“El desear es un pozo sin fondo. Él absorbe todo y nada satisface. Es
como un agujero que drena toda la energía que se aproxima a ti, lo que
hace que pocas personas quieran estar cerca. Porque al ser tomado por el
desear compulsivo, te tornas un mendigo, un ladrón de energía, que sin
querer (sin tener consciencia de eso) roba energía del otro. Mismo sin
tener consciencia, te vuelves un especialista en eso, y descubres que la
mejor manera de robar energía del otro es haciendo que él se sienta
inferior e inseguro.”
“Desire is a bottomless pit. It absorbs everything, and nothing satisfies it. It’s like a hole that drains all the energy that comes near us, which makes most people want to stay away from us. When we are consumed by compulsive desire, we become a beggar; an energy thief. Without trying to, we unconsciously rob the other’s energy. Even without knowing it, we become an expert in this area. We discover that the best way to rob the other’s energy is to make them feel inferior and insecure.”
“Desire is a bottomless pit. It absorbs everything, and nothing satisfies it. It’s like a hole that drains all the energy that comes near us, which makes most people want to stay away from us. When we are consumed by compulsive desire, we become a beggar; an energy thief. Without trying to, we unconsciously rob the other’s energy. Even without knowing it, we become an expert in this area. We discover that the best way to rob the other’s energy is to make them feel inferior and insecure.”
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