Monday, August 9, 2010

Last night was another cornerstone in my ongoing saga for personal reawakening

Last nite I sat at the Sacramento Buddhist Mediation Group (SBMG), it meets in the Congregation B'nai Israel Synagogue. Last night they had a 20 minute (normally 40) but cut it short to have a sharing circle. The sitting had about 45 people, the circle had 30… I didn’t have to, nor did I want to share, this being my first time, I just needed to listen, to be quiet. I was deeply moved by the consultation, love and tolerance – age, gender, race. The way the group shared their ideas on the theme – detachment, was deeply moving to me. They are very, very simple, 3 hits on a bell, and silence…

Since coming out, and doing work with GLBT issues in the Baha’i community, I have hidden under a rock, under a mistaken belief that I could act as a isolated believer in a very hostile country. When they came after me anyway… it gave me great pause.  I dearly love Baha’u’llah, but his community is a mess, and well “by the fruits”.  

Since 1976 I have been told things like don’t judge the revelation by the community, now I wonder what is keeping things from moving, maybe it’s just a nice idea, but it doesn’t work. There really isn’t, after all these years, much at all to show for the effort, (ok some marginally nice gardens here and there) other than a lot of disillusioned former Baha’is and a some very arrogant “much a about do nothings”.  It remains a rather insignificant mean-spirited cult, at least as far as I have experienced it, and if it disappeared (as it has here in Sacramento) wouldn’t be noticed or missed at all.

I thought that by being open and out about my loss of rights something could happen.  Initially I received a lot of encouragement… but it has been counter balanced by the silence, the indifference, arrogance, bigotry and homophobia of the Baha’is themselves. There is so much dysfunction both in the straight Baha’i response, and within the GLBT Baha’is that it has become a real spiritual burden.  I can no longer deal with my anger, pain, the bigotry and the homophobia others have thrown at me.  I am just not strong enough.

I cannot do this alone like this any longer, and on a day to day community level, it’s just not enough to recharge my batteries.  The Baha’i Faith despite asking for a lot, have offered nothing for a very, very long time. It appears that I have been attached to some hope, some pie in the sky dream… and suddenly woke up.  I feel a little silly for having held on to it for so long.

Last nite showed me that I no longer need to do this any longer. I am in need of some community and nurturing, yet not a lot of odd rules or structure.  SBMG has been around for a couple of decades, and does not seem nutty or fanatical, or all “new agey”, or wrapped up in the “how to do it” which is also kind of nice as well. They seem like a diverse bunch of solid, nice people, who enjoy sitting in silence once a week in community.  They rather operate like a feast (but it works!) some news, someone takes a turn at leading the meditation / watching the clock, etc. there is no clergy. They  told the new folks and visitors about themselves briefly – that the tradition is not to approach people unless you invited them to (I did) that they do not want to get bogged down by bowing and stuff… and that they do invite people to come from a number of Buddhist traditions and communities to share technique and ideas.

After it was all over, and we were putting the pillows and chairs back, I approached the man who welcomed us and introduced the timekeeper, and we talked. He asked me if it was my first time with them “yes!” He asked me how I found out about Buddhism, and told him about being attracted to it for many years, and then when I was in Kathmandu living near Boudhanath Stupa I really was able to become quiet… he shared about his wife and his trips there… and we talked a bit about what we both saw and learned. It was very nice. For some odd reason I also added that I had been thrown out of the Baha’i community, and was searching for a quiet place to rid myself of my anger and hurt… He almost started to cry, put his hand on my arm, looked up at me and said, “You will find that you are most welcome here”.

I cried all the way home.

Not sure why I am sharing this, other than I feel I made a major break thru last nite, in so far as healing. And to say, that the Baha’is seem more and more irrelevant to me, and how sad I am about having to let go of it. 

I am going to return to this sangha. I recognize that I am really very damaged and reluctant to be around any organized religious expression.  But for me, and I can only say this works for me, there is something helpful about sitting in silence with 45 other people. I don’t know where this is taking me, but I need to rid myself of the toxic anger that is threatening to consume me re: Baha’i, my family, my work, and the general condition of the country before I move abroad… so who knows, for now I will focus on quieting the voices, and simplifying things a bit.


Maitreya Buddha protect us all!

via JMG: Anne Rice Explains

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Where Do Things Stand On Prop 8?

After Friday's late afternoon filings by Gov. Schwarzenegger and California Attorney General Jerry Brown, many are unsure of what could happen next. Karen Ocamb asks Jon Davidson, legal director for Lambda Legal:
While many legal analysts thought that Judge Walker was likely to grant the stay pending appeal, Friday’s filings have dramatically changed the likelihood of that. The standards for when a stay or a trial court’s order pending appeal are well-settled. In order to be entitled to such a stay, the party seeking the stay has to make a “strong showing” that the party is likely to succeed on the merits of the appeal and also has to show that that party will be irreparably injured if there is no stay. In addition, courts consider whether the issuance of a stay will substantially injure other parties and where the public interest lies. Normally, it is the party ordered to do or not do something that seeks a stay. This is an unusual situation, however, because the parties whom Judge Walker ordered not to enforce Proposition 8 have asked him not to stay his order while the appeal proceeds. [snip]

Even if he denies the proponents’ stay pending appeal, Judge Walker might extend his temporary stay for a brief period of time (a week or so) in order to give the proponents time to ask for a stay from the Ninth Circuit while there’s a temporary stay in place. If he does not do that, the proponents are likely to file a request for an emergency stay from the appellate court. The Ninth Circuit would then apply the same test as Judge Walker did in deciding whether or not to issue a stay of Judge Walker’s order pending the appeal. If they deny a stay as well, the proponents could ask Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy (who reviews such matters arising out of the Ninth Circuit) to issue a stay pending the appeal. If he also denies a stay, the proponents could seek a stay from the full Supreme Court.
The Ninth Circuit Court has tentatively scheduled to hear Protect Marriage's opening appeal brief on November 12th, but that date could be delayed upon request. Davidson questions whether Protect Marriage actually has the legal right to file an appeal at all.
So far, the government-defendants in the case have not appealed. Given what they have said in their oppositions to the stay request, it seems likely that they will not. If that happens, there will be a legal question of whether, when those who are ordered to do something don’t appeal, someone not ordered to do anything has any right to appeal. To understand this, one has to appreciate a few things about federal courts.

Federal courts can only hear cases where there is what’s called a “case or controversy.” They can’t issue advisory opinions about issues just because parties may have an abstract dispute with one another. Rather, in order to be able to pursue an appeal, a party has the burden of showing that it has “a direct stake in the outcome” and has been injured by the ruling in a concrete manner that is particularized to that party and different from citizens at large who may not like the judge’s ruling. In a previous case, the U.S. Supreme Court said it had “grave doubts” about whether proponents of a ballot initiative limiting government action who had been allowed to intervene in a case can pursue an appeal when the initiative has been found unconstitutional and the government does not appeal.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Cartoon Of The Day

reposted from Joe

Via HRC:

Human Rights Campaign
Dear Daniel,
The right-wing is taking hypocrisy to new heights – and their sights are set on this do-or-die election.
We need to raise $100,000 by Wednesday to fight for marriage equality – time is running out.
Just when you thought they couldn't stoop any lower...
At one of 20 rallies on their anti-equality summer tour, the president of the far-right National Organization for Marriage (NOM) had the gall to compare their bigoted cause to that of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"What if Martin Luther King, Jr. would have listened to those who tried to silence him and tell him that his faith has no place in the public square?" he asked. He then told the crowd they were "part of a new civil rights group."
It's revolting. But last week's ruling that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional has them angrier than ever, and they'll only ratchet up their hypocrisy as the 2010 election approaches. The next big fight for marriage is on, and they know it.
So do we. That's why we're well on our way to raising $100,000 by Wednesday for a campaign to beat back the right-wing challenge by voting out NOM's cronies. Can we count on you at this pivotal moment?
Groups like NOM have a new strategy: to cloak their bigotry in the guise of a "civil rights" movement – to claim that they're being persecuted for their views, and saying they're for "fairness" and "equality." Just look at the photo below from the same NOM rally in New Jersey where they invoked Dr. King's legacy:
Equality = 1 man + 1 womanUnless we're there to answer every charge and expose every shred of propaganda, we give them the upper hand. And then everything we've fought for is in jeopardy.
Here's just one example of how HRC's rapid-response team and our huge grassroots force can make a difference. When Target and Best Buy (despite their solid records as leaders in workplace equality) donated to support a rabidly anti-equality candidate, we ran a full-page ad and mobilized almost 100,000 people asking them to make it right.
This campaign is one of the most urgent we’ve undertaken. The 2010 election will have a major impact on every single issue we work on – not just marriage and relationships, but our efforts in the workplace, schools, hospitals, houses of worship... Your donation today could make the difference.
We're well underway, with staff already placed in key states and volunteers trained and mobilized. And throughout the lead-up to the election, we’ll be firing on all cylinders, funding full-time grassroots organizers, supporting door-to-door programs and phone banks, turning out volunteers, running ads, and striking back against right-wing lies.
The outcome in November will be with us for years, perhaps decades: Equality or discrimination. Dignity or denigration. Which will it be?
The weight of history is on our shoulders. Thank you for doing your part.
Joe Solmonese
Joe Solmonese

P.S. If you've recently donated through the mail or by any other means, please disregard this message and accept our sincere thanks. If not, I hope you'll donate now and support this fight.
This link is specific to you, so please make your own gift before you forward to your friends. Having trouble clicking on the links above? Simply copy and paste this URL into your browser's address bar to reach the donation form:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Via Bill Moyers: What's Next in the Marriage Wars: Olson and Boies on Prop 8

What's Next in the Marriage Wars: Olson and Boies on Prop 8

In February 2010 Bill Moyers talked with lawyers Ted Olson and David Boies. Once adversaries in 2000's Bush v. Gore Supreme Court case, now two of the nation's premier lawyers -- one conservative and one liberal -- teamed up to make the constitutional case for same-sex marriage. The duo has just finished presenting their arguments to the court against California's Proposition 8 -- the 2008 ballot initiative that put an end to same-sex marriage in that state. Find out what brought these two together over the issue and more about the case below. Also, in a Web exclusive, Olson and Boies talk about Bush v. Gore. and Citizens United v. FEC

jump here to watch Bill:
After the Supreme Court prevented video of the trial from being distributed on the internet, two filmmakers hired actors to reenact the entire trial transcript, and posted the videos and the original transcripts.

Perry et al v. Schwarzenegger et al
The American Foundation for Equal Rights hosts all related documents and transcripts of the case on their Web site.

American Foundation for Equal Rights
The group that has brought the lawsuit challenging Proposition 8. Action Fund
A group formed to promote and defend Proposition 8.

Coverage of the Case
"CA gay marriage trial to resume after long break," Lisa Leff, AP, June 12, 2010.

California gay marriage trial ends dramatically, Reuters, Peter Henderson, June 16, 2020.

"A Risky Proposal: Is it too soon to petition the Supreme Court on gay marriage?"
By Margaret Talbot, THE NEW YORKER, January 18, 2010.

"Boies At Play"
By Margaret Talbot, THE NEW YORKER, January 26, 2010.

Special Report: Same-Sex Marriage
The SAN JOSE MERCURY-NEWS provides full coverage of Proposition 8 and the trial. Free subscription required to view some articles.

Additional Background on Same-Sex Marriage
"Amid Small Wins, Advocates Lose Marquee Battles"
By Kate Zernike, THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 2, 2009.

"The High Price of Being a Gay Couple"
By Tara Siegel Bernard and Ron Lieber, NEW YORK TIMES, October 2, 2009.


Via JMG: Ted Olson On Fox News Sunday

Ted Olson appeared on Fox New Sunday this morning to defend Judge Vaughn Walker against the tired old claims of "judicial activism." Watch as Olson schools host Chris Wallace on the Constitution and the Supreme Court's history on marriage cases. "Would you like Fox News' right to free press put up to a vote?" ZING.

reposted from  Joe

via sacbee:

ViaSacbee: Justice Kennedy's the one to watch in Proposition 8 case

WASHINGTON – Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy will have something to say about California's gay marriage ban.
That's when the landmark case will really get interesting.
Kennedy's the one to watch, even if his name appears nowhere in a trial judge's 136-page opinion issued Wednesday striking down California's Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriages.

Read more:

Todays Best Repost:

Charter for Compassion

The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Compassion impels us to work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, to dethrone ourselves from the centre of our world and put another there, and to honour the inviolable sanctity of every single human being, treating everybody, without exception, with absolute justice, equity and respect.

It is also necessary in both public and private life to refrain consistently and empathically from inflicting pain. To act or speak violently out of spite, chauvinism, or self-interest, to impoverish, exploit or deny basic rights to anybody, and to incite hatred by denigrating others—even our enemies—is a denial of our common humanity. We acknowledge that we have failed to live compassionately and that some have even increased the sum of human misery in the name of religion.

We therefore call upon all men and women ~ to restore compassion to the centre of morality and religion ~ to return to the ancient principle that any interpretation of scripture that breeds violence, hatred or disdain is illegitimate ~ to ensure that youth are given accurate and respectful information about other traditions, religions and cultures ~ to encourage a positive appreciation of cultural and religious diversity ~ to cultivate an informed empathy with the suffering of all human beings—even those regarded as enemies.

We urgently need to make compassion a clear, luminous and dynamic force in our polarized world. Rooted in a principled determination to transcend selfishness, compassion can break down political, dogmatic, ideological and religious boundaries. Born of our deep interdependence, compassion is essential to human relationships and to a fulfilled humanity. It is the path to enlightenment, and indispensible to the creation of a just economy and a peaceful global community.

Quote of the Day

"Freedom from discrimination based upon sexual orientation is surely a Fundamental Human Right in any great democracy, as much as racial, freedom from religious, gender, or ethnic discrimination." 
 -- Coretta Scott King  

Randy Rainbow is dating Mel Gibson

Gay Games Bodybuilder - Age 62!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Media Contacts:       
Molly McKay, Media Director (510) 332-0872, 
Pamela Brown, Policy Director (510) 384-3655,

Oakland, California:   Same-sex couples are making preparations this weekend to tie the knot on Monday if Judge Vaughn Walker lifts the stay of his historic ruling finding Proposition 8 unconstitutional.  Couples are busy picking out wedding rings, planning ceremonies and celebrations, and filling out marriage license applications.

Eric Ross, who hopes to marry his fiance, said, "We are shopping for wedding rings this weekend that will symbolize our love and commitment to each other.  We are very hopeful that the Judge will lift the stay." 

Vanessa Judicpa, will exchange vows with her partner Maria Ydil in a long-planned wedding ceremony with friends and family on Sunday evening.  She and Maria had hoped to marry immediately after Judge Walker's decision was issued and received an application prior to the Stay being issued.  She hopes to be able to marry Maria legally on Monday.  "Our dearest family and friends will join us Sunday to celebrate our lives together.  Maria and I could imagine no better wedding gift than to marry legally in California on Monday."

Teresa Rowe, and Kristen Orbin, from Solano County will receive a blessing of hope that they can marry soon from MCC Church in San Francisco where they are regular attendees.  MCC Church is located at 150 Eureka St in San Francisco and services are at 11am. "We will head straight to City Hall the second the stay is lifted but it is really important to us to also have a ceremony at our church afterwards.  We thought for a second the stay might be lifted this weekend and my entire retail store where I work was ready to shut down and go with us."

Thom Watson, who hopes to legally marry his life partner Jeff Tabaco next week, stated, "Last year we had what otherwise would have been a perfect wedding celebration at the historic Cliff House, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, but we couldn't marry legally because of Proposition 8.  This weekend we are filling out our marriage license application so if the stay is lifted we can have a fully legal marriage just as everyone else can." 

There are several more couples available to share their lives and speak to press as well.

"My wife, Davina and I have enjoyed wedded bliss for the last two years of our 14 years together- it was awful when Proposition 8 slammed the door behind us.  We are so happy that all couples who are ready to make the commitment of marriage will be able to legally marry again in California and don't have to fly to Iowa or Argentina to be married.  We are so grateful to our Governor and our Attorney General for encouraging Judge Walker to lift the stay of his ruling quickly so that all loving, committed couples in California can live out their dream of legally marrying the one they love," said Molly McKay, MEUSA Media Director, "It's great being just an old married couple."

"Marriage is a fundamental right and while everyone is free to express their personal opinion, no one should ever be able to vote to take that fundamental right away," said Pamela Brown, MEUSA Policy Director. "Eighteen thousand same-sex couples married and the defense presented no credible evidence to show the State suffered any harm as a result, because only good comes from allowing loving couples the right to marry.  As we wind through the lengthy legal process, same-sex couples should not have to continue to suffer the denial of this fundamental right.  Let freedom ring and let marriage equality return."

Founded in 1998, Marriage Equality USA is a national grassroots organization whose mission is to secure legally recognized civil marriage equality for all, at the federal and state level, without regard to gender identity or sexual orientation.  For more information go to

50 pts to Mrs Boxer!

Dear Friend,
On Wednesday, in a long-awaited and historic decision, Judge Vaughn Walker struck down Proposition 8, ruling that the Constitution protected the fundamental right of marriage for all couples in California.
When Judge Walker's ruling was announced, Barbara Boxer declared:
"This historic decision is a step forward in the march toward equal rights and reflects a growing legal consensus that marriage equality is protected by the U.S. Constitution."
But we know that there is so much more work to do to ensure equality.
Thank you for standing with me and supporting marriage equality in California.

"Prop 8 - The Musical" starring Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and many more...

Via Belirico: The War on Intellectualism

It seems there is a new threat to our country- an insidious danger that is seeping into our homes and everyday lives that must be stopped at any cost. That threat is intellectualism.

We have heard some of the buzzwords of this political season- Folksy, Joe Six-pack, Elitist, and Arugula Eating. It seems the new "culture war" or wedge issue is intelligence. The Vice-Presidential debate only solidified the lines in this war. On one side, you had Palin- full of "folksy charm" and "you betcha" language. Then you had Biden, who had a command of the issues, but was called "boring" and (gasp!) "professorial" by the pundits.

Via Mother Jones:

Sesame Street: Grover discusses What Is Marriage?

Via Belirico: Will Judge Walker's Decision Hold Up In the Supreme Court?

As has been reiterated by every single commentator on this case, ad nauseam, Judge Walker's decision is the first step on a long road that will culminate in the United State Supreme Court.
But no one is taking much of a position on the real question: Will Judge Walker's decision hold up in the Supreme Court?
That's a question that requires a crystal ball, but there are some indicators that we can use to try to begin to get a handle around this question.
I distrust any analysis that is based solely on the perceived political preferences of the Justices.
While the politics of a judge is one factor to be considered, legal analysis is much, much more than that.

Continue reading "Will Judge Walker's Decision Hold Up In the Supreme Court?" »

via JMG: Target Gets 240,000 Boycott Petitions

From this clip's description:
Irate activists visited Target HQ to extend the boycott of Target Stores for the $150,000 contribution the corporation made to a group supporting Republican Tom Emmer. Emmer is seen as an enemy of LGBT people, immigrants and other groups. Randi Reitan, the woman seen on YouTube last week cutting up her Target charge card to protest Target's action was joined by her husband Phillip and Son Jacob to deliver signatures of 240,000 people across the nation to the Target CEO. Target security blocked the public skyway entrance leading to the 2nd floor lobby forcing the group to deliver their petitions to the foot of the frozen escalator. Later, a Minneapolis police Lt said that Target was very happy to have you here.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Right Wing Attacks Judge Walker & Gay Rights

Posted on Comments in Sac Bee:

Via SacBee: Schwarzenegger urges judge to let gay marriages resume at once

By Kevin Yamamura and Susan Ferriss
In a surprising court filing, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger asked Friday that gay marriages be allowed to resume immediately in California after a federal ruling that the state's voter-approved ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional. - Read More


Friday, August 6, 2010

A Message from Marriage Equality USA

Dear Love Warriors -

Woo hoo - what a WEEK!  Now we march gaily forward as the sun comes out from behind the clouds and Prop 8 is declared unconstitutional!
As Karen Carpenter sang "We've Only Just Begun"


1. Marriage Equality USA Wedding March Across the Golden Gate Bridge - Sunday September 26, 2010, 9am - Noon

2. Marriage Equality USA VIP reception with Margaret Cho and Cho Dependent Show at Uptown Theater in Napa -  Sunday September 26, 2010,  6:30pm -10pm 

Wedding March across Golden Gate Bridge - SF

Please join us for our annual SF Wedding March across the Golden Gate Bridge on Sunday, September 26, 2010 - this is a fun, upbeat, social event for the whole family (including parents, kids and brave doggies)  that raises awareness and funds for the cause.    We meet at the Western End of Crissy Field and walk together across the bridge.   We ask for a $25 contribution that gets you a Marriage Equality USA t-shirt to walk in - and/or invite you to make this a walk-a-thon event to raise funds for our critical grassroots work.  Go to and create your online fundraising page for the Wedding March at the Bridge - feel free to cut, paste and modify the text  from and send it out to your friends and encourage them to do the same. But if you only have the time and not the money -come anyway and we are happy to have you with us.  

Margaret Cho VIP Reception and Show - Napa   

That evening, we have 48 tickets left for the Cho VIP event and Cho Dependent Show on Sunday, September 26, 2010 in Napa.  The  VIP tickets are $115 each and include excellent seats to the show and a small VIP gathering with Margaret Cho.  The regular ticket price for the show is $72  - so  for an additional $38 tax deductible donation to MEUSA you meet Margaret in a small gathering and get great seats for the show - what a deal!  The VIP Cho tickets can be purchased on-line at  Many of us are going to the Wedding March  in the morning then caravaning to Napa for some lunch/wine tasting before the reception so join us for one or both if you can!

Viva Maria Shriver!

Shriver against a ban on gay marriage

California's first lady says she is voting against a ballot initiative that would prohibit same-sex couples from getting married in California.

Maria Shriver said in an interview with KNBC-TV in Los Angeles that she is voting no on Proposition 8.

Shriver said, "I believe in people's right to choose a partner that they love, and that's a decision that I have come to, and I have felt that way for a long time."

an OMG via JMG!

BREAKING: Schwarzenegger Files Motion To Immediately Resume Gay Marriages

WOW. The governator has totally done the unexpected.
In an extraordinary court filing, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger asked Friday that gay marriages be allowed to resume immediately in California after a federal ruling that the state's voter-approved ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional. The Republican governor filed his brief with U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn R. Walker before a Friday deadline to submit arguments on whether to continue a stay of Walker's decision against Proposition 8. "The Administration believes the public interest is best served by permitting the Court's judgment to go into effect, thereby restoring the right of same-sex couples to marry in California," wrote Kenneth C. Mennemeier, an attorney representing Schwarzenegger, in the brief. "Doing so is consistent with California's long history of treating all people and their relationships with equal dignity and respect."
UPDATE: Attorney General Jerry Brown has filed a motion opposing an extension of Judge Walker's stay.
2010.08.06 AG. Opp to Def Mtn for Stay

UPDATE II: Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights has posted the below explanation of what might happen next.

Minter notes that several California counties have indicated their readiness to begin issuing marriage licenses and performing civil ceremonies at once.

reposted from Joe

via sacbee:
Read Sacramento news, including local and breaking Sacramento news at The Sacramento Bee


August 6, 2010
Equality California |
Dear Daniel,
Moments ago, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown filed motions opposing a stay of Judge Walker’s decision to overturn Prop. 8.
This is the kind of extraordinary leadership we need from the next governor and attorney general—the kind Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris will deliver.
Thank you to everyone who has signed our petition to Meg Whitman and Steve Cooley, urging them not to defend Prop. 8 in Court.
If you haven’t yet, please sign our petition. Demand they refuse to defend Prop. 8 in court.
And urge everyone you know to do the same.
Having a governor and attorney general on our side is critical to restoring the right to marry for same-sex couples—either in court or at the ballot box.
In solidarity,

Geoff Kors
Executive Director
Equality California


Via colbert report: armagaydon!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
How to Ruin Same-Sex Marriages
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

Via JMG: 2 Gay Tea Partiers Discuss Gay Marriage And Bigotry

reposted from Joe


Joe's Weekly Message
Dear Daniel, 

Our community is the target of many hateful laws and policies, but one law has come to symbolize the anti-gay cause at its most crass, ruthless and dishonest: Proposition 8. That showdown in California in 2008 pitted a right-wing lie machine against ordinary couples who just wanted to stay married. The lies won out that day. In fact, months later polls would show that many voters still believed them. Proposition 8 was built on lies.

This week, United States District Judge Vaughn Walker issued a ruling concluding that California has no legitimate basis for denying marriage to same-sex couples. The court concluded that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. This ruling followed a trial during which every false justification for Prop 8 came under scrutiny. The opinion ticks through each false premise-same-sex couples are not good parents; marriage equality threatens opposite-sex couples-and rejects them all. In the end, all that is left is truth: "plaintiffs ask California to recognize their relationships for what they are: marriages." We are all grateful to the brave couples, their acclaimed counsel and the American Foundation for Equal Rights for standing up for equality. 

Of course, our opponents at the National Organization for Marriage were screaming injustice before the ink on the decision had dried. The group, which is already on a 20-city tour to argue against our equal rights and to prove that they are persecuted (really), has a new message: this court has threatened the voting rights of every American. That’s right-if the gays can get married, then you are disenfranchised. It makes sense if your idea of "right to vote" is "right to discriminate." Good luck with that, NOM.  

Our opponents do have one thing right: our right to vote is important. Legislators enact the laws that protect us or those that restrict our rights. Some have the power to set public workplace policies and others are responsible for appointing and confirming judges. That’s why HRC works in state and federal elections. It is also why we spoke out again this week against Target and Best Buy-100% CEI companies-who donated an astonishing $250,000 to a political committee that supports a rabidly anti-equality candidate for Minnesota governor. Over 100,000 of you responded to our call to action, asking the companies to make it right. Target's CEO has issued an apology, but has not yet indicated how the company will rectify the situation or prevent future donations to anti-LGBT candidates.  

When anti-LGBT lawmakers take office and our opponents get laws like Proposition 8 on the books, the federal courts can bring justice and prevent the majority from trampling minority rights. HRC has long been involved in promoting a fair-minded judiciary. Most recently, we endorsed Solicitor General Elena Kagan's nomination to be the 112th justice of the United States Supreme Court. On Thursday, the Senate confirmed her by a vote of 63-37. In the judicial nominations process, you always hear the refrain "elections have consequences." This thoughtful proponent of equal rights is a welcome consequence indeed.
Joe Solmonese
Joe Solmonese
President, Human Rights Campaign

Via JMG: Who At Target Donated To Yes On 8?

Abe Sauer writes at The Awl:
The truth is not that Target and its leadership have suddenly turned on their commitment to gay rights. It's more that it never really existed to begin with. Further research shows that Target has funneled significant funding to the most socially conservative of Republicans and that it boasts a frightening culture of anti-gay candidate support from Target's own stable of top executives. We have already noted that CEO Gregg Steinhafel and his wife both maxed out their personal contributions this year to Michele Bachmann and Tom Emmer. But Steinhafel is just the captain of the crew. Target's current group of top corporate officers have supported a murderers row of anti-gay politicians. Even more confusing, some of those anti-gay candidates supported by Target's PAC and its executives don't even represent Minnesota.
Read Abe Sauer's complete expose. 
reposted from Joe

Via JMG: One Step Forward

(Via - Andrew Sullivan)
reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Will The GOP Turn Prop 8 Into A Midterm Election Wedge Issue?

Probably not, at least according to some GOP flacks speaking to the New York Times.
Republicans said that dwelling on the issue could become a distraction in the effort to win back the House or Senate from Democrats this fall. At a meeting of the Republican National Committee in Kansas City, Mo., several party leaders and strategists said it would be a mistake for the midterm election campaign to suddenly become focused on gay marriage, immigration or other hot-button issues. The only path to winning control of Congress, they said, rested on making an economic argument. “This election needs to revolve around five issues: taxes, spending, the economy, jobs and debt,” said Ron Nehring, chairman of the California Republican Party. “That doesn’t mean that other issues aren’t important — they are important — but the first issue on the minds of people is the economy.”

Likewise, Murray Clark, chairman of the Indiana Republican Party, said Republicans were acting at their own peril if they suddenly starting focusing on the ruling. A protracted discussion about social issues, he said, could play into Democratic hands. “Can we declare a truce on some of the other issues unrelated to the economy?” Mr. Clark said in an interview in Kansas City, Mo.
Also quoted in the above-linked article is NOM's Brian Brown, who vows to make Prop 8 an election issue whether the GOP likes it or not. "I definitely think it’s going to have an effect on the 2010 elections. You’re going to see ads, you’re going to see folks standing up on this issue, and the people that support Walker’s decision are going to pay a price." 
reposted from Joe