Monday, August 10, 2009

Virtually the entire political conflict in America today is over who will control our government: entrenched wealth and corporations or the people?

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"Corporate Dominance of Every Aspects of Our Lives Is Suffocating us." Rescue Our Society: "Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take It Back" (Hardcover) By Douglas Rushkoff's Review (excerpt)
Remember, virtually the entire political conflict in America today is over who will control our government: entrenched wealth and corporations or the people.

The Dittoheads and Hannity Head Bangers are just tools used by corporate wealth to create a distraction and sense of victimhood that helps entrenched wealth achieve their legislative goals.

This is an important book to get your thinking to rise above the maelstrom of day-to-day politics and media.


Since the Renaissance, the corporation—the operating system of the market—has formed and controlled people, and Rushkoff describes how it has infiltrated all aspects of American life. In the twenty-first century, we continue to consider corporations as role models and saviors but engage other people as competitors to be beaten or resources to be exploited. The author bemoans extreme networking (called buzz marketing), which makes our personal, social interactions become promotional opportunities and the lines between fiction and reality and friends and market become blurred. Our lives are overextended, and there is no time, energy, or commitment to do anything but work and perhaps consider family. Rushkoff recommends that we fight back by “de-corporatizing” ourselves. His suggestions include thinking locally by participating directly with our neighbors in community activities and using various Internet sites that provide opportunities to contribute directly to a particular school or to extend a “micro loan” to a specific entrepreneur in the Third World. This is an excellent, thought-provoking book.

In an interview posted on Alternet, the author notes:

Doug Rushkoff: What happens is corporations like automobile industry have a need for roads or the energy industry has a need for regulation that doesn't let people use solar. So they go to government and get laws written that change -- they get laws written to get the things they want. So they basically steer the rail road through the real estate that they want to own or the automobile industry wants more people to use cars, so they get their guy in to be Secretary of Defense and he builds roads for cars and develop suburbs that require people to use cars to get to work. The next generation that grows up with things being that way, thinks that things just are that way. So the way we internalize corporate values is by assuming that the rules that are in place are pre-existing conditions of the universe rather than rules made by certain people at certain times....

Convincing people to stop outsourcing all of their economic activity, consumption and production to extremely inefficient long distance corporations that extract the human value without creating any values. You lose all your leverage. That's not to say that everyone has to do everything in some protest against every corporation out there but what if you reclaim the 90% of stuff that you can do locally or with friends and just give corporations 10% of what they need? It's the most activist thing you can do. Just the idea that people are now going to save maybe eight percent instead of three percent of their money has people shuddering in finance...

It persisted because kings rewrote laws to preserve corporations whenever I mean corporation. Corporations were invented by kings as a way they could make money by having money and creating no value themselves. So they granted monopoly charters to their friends in return for shares in those companies. And it persisted because the kings were able to write laws that gave corporations unfair advantage at every term. So whenever corporations have been threatened by some form of competition or another, the king or in our era government ends up rewriting the laws to favor corporate activity over competitive local, small business activity. It's just corruption.

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Read The Full Review >>>

Tel Aviv stands proud with the gay community 8/8/09

heads up and images courtesy of JMG

Saturday, August 8, 2009

To the members of The Bilerico Project

Bil Browning sent a message to the members of The Bilerico Project.

Subject: Bilerico Weekly Reader 8/2-8/7

Without a doubt, Projectors - instead of contributors - gave us the best content of the week. If you haven't had a chance to read the moving and beautiful comment thread on my post, "Do you know someone who died of AIDS?", you're missing heartbreaking and yet uplifting threads in Bilerico history. (Link in the Bonus section.)

Bilerico Nation
If You Work for a Private Employer in DC, You Want to Know This
Filed by: Nancy Polikoff (Bilerico-DC);

Transgender Comics: Interview with Erin Lindsey
Filed by: Austen Crowder (Bilerico-Indiana);

Jesse's Journal: Do We Need "Role Models"?
Filed by: Jesse Monteagudo (Bilerico-Florida);

A Road Trip, Told as a Series of Pit Stops
Filed by: Paige Schilt;

Michelle's Garden: The Big Oops
Filed by: Patricia Nell Warren;

What Were You Doing 25 Years Ago?
Filed by: Nadine Smith;

Gay Self Hate
Filed by: Michael Buckley;

LGBT Challenges: True Leadership
Filed by: Phil Reese;

A Supremely Ridiculous Argument
Filed by: Dana Rudolph;

Barbed Walls
Filed by: Sara Whitman;

Why "Sex Change" Surgery is Medically Necessary
Filed by: Mercedes Allen;

How A Feminist Found Her Sexism
Filed by: Guest Blogger Helen Boyd;

He's in love with a GRAMP! (Gay, Rich, Alone, Middle-aged, Positive)
Filed by: Father Tony;

La orientaciĆ³n sexual no se puede cambiar
Filed by: Pedro Julio Serrano;

Queer music Friday - Matt Alber
Filed by: Alex Blaze;

Do you know someone who died of AIDS?
Filed by: Bil Browning;

Don't forget:

Subscribe to the Bilerico Project Report to get all of the previous day's posts sent to you every night at midnight.;

Follow Bilerico Project on Twitter for links to new posts, breaking news and contest opportunities.;

Subscribe to the Bilerico Project RSS feed to read posts via a feedreader like Google Reader or Bloglines, or include the feed in a customized homepage like My Yahoo! or iGoogle.;

To reply to this message, follow the link below:

Elizabeth Bishop - One Art

Elizabeth Bishop - One Art

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

--Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.

Thanks folks!

Current Country Totals
From 1 Jun 2009 to 7 Aug 2009

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Korea, Republic of (KR)1

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Bedfellows

Old Politics, New Bedfellows: The Olson/Boies Challenge to Prop 8
Jesse Lava

When two attorneys from opposing sides of the political spectrum argue that some issues transcend the differences between liberals and conservatives we must remember that, as nice as it sounds, none of us can afford the luxury of imagining ourselves above the political fray. Full article

Marriage Equality USA Wants You to Weigh In Today...

David Janis-Kitzmiller sent a message to the members of Marriage Equality USA.

Subject: Marriage Equality USA Wants You to Weigh In Today...

The Courage Campaign has issued a call for organizations to partner in an effort to finalize the wording for a 2010 ballot initiative to restore marriage equality using the most effective messaging for moving conflicted voters in support of marriage equality. Marriage Equality USA would like to be a part of any collaboration moving ahead and today, we want to see what our collective organizational interest is in participating in this venture.

In May, Marriage Equality USA polled our members and 64% expressed a desire to go back to the ballot box in 2010, 23% said 2012 and the remainder were undecided. Marriage Equality USA has also just finished organizing over 40 Get Engaged Tour events across California and feedback indicated passion on both sides of the timing debate, but no clear consensus on when to move ahead. What did come across loud and clear is that our community wants our movement to come together and collectively plan how we can WIN a marr! iage equality campaign in the future.

As demonstrated advocates for the grassroots community, Marriage Equality USA would like to ensure your voices are heard as we move ahead in the next campaign. Whatever you donate today through August 13th will be targeted and offered in support of this collaborative effort.

No matter when we collectively decide to go back to the ballot box, Marriage Equality USA is committed to empowering our local communities to be active partners in the next campaign. We invite you to continue to engage and reach out to fair-minded Californians by getting involved with your local chapter's ongoing efforts to change hearts and minds by organizing canvassing, tabling, public speaking, and other public education efforts. Together we CAN. Weigh in today in support of the 2010 effort by making a targeted donation today.

For more information, contact

To make a donation;visit

To reply to this message, follow the link below:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I can tell when the summer break is about to end... these things seem more real to me...

another gem from JMG

Wise Latina Confirmed

Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice today in a partisan vote of 68-31. All Democrats approved, as well as nine Republicans. Sen. Ted Kennedy was too ill to be in the chamber. The GOP's ugly smear campaign against Sotomayor may have repercussions in the next election.

From the moment Mr. Obama chose her in May, many political strategists warned Republicans that opposing the first Latina nominated to the Supreme Court would jeopardize the party in future elections. In the waning days of the debate, some Democrats sought to portray Republican opposition as a grave insult to Latinos. “Republicans will pay a price for saying ‘no’ to this judge,” Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, said in Spanish at a news conference Wednesday.

Party in the Bronx tonight!

Lifted from JMG

Census plans to count same-sex marriages

The Washington Post is reporting that the U.S. Census Bureau plans to count same-sex marriages in the 2010 decennial census. Up to now a same-sex partner that identified him/herself as a husband/wife was counted as an "unmarried partner". The policy change follows a recent legal opinion by Commerce Department lawyers that the Defense of Marriage Act does not prohibit the Bureau from publicly releasing such data.

from the

DNC Calls Out GOP Wingnuts

thanks to JMG for the heads up

today's pretty good quote

"Suspect each moment, for it is a thief, tiptoeing away with more than it brings."
John Updike

thanks WollieBear

Friendly Voices - Brad Pitt

"I have love in my life, a soul mate--absolutely. When someone asked me why Angie and I don't get married, I replied, 'Maybe we'll get married when it's legal for everyone else.' I stand by that, although I took a lot of flak for saying it--hate mail from religious groups. I believe everyone should have the same rights. They say gay marriage ruins families and hurts kids. Well, I've had the privilege of seeing my gay friends being parents and watching their kids grow up in a loving environment." - Brad Pitt, speaking to Parade Magazine.

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posted by Joe

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Psychologists repudiate gay-to-straight therapy

Psychologists repudiate gay-to-straight therapy

NEW YORK – The American Psychological Association declared Wednesday
that mental health professionals should not tell gay clients they can
become straight through therapy or other treatments. Instead, the APA
urged therapists to consider multiple options — that could range from
celibacy to switching churches — for helping clients whose sexual
orientation and religious faith conflict.

In a resolution adopted on a 125-to-4 vote by the APA's governing
council, and in a comprehensive report based on two years of research,
the 150,000-member association put itself firmly on record in
opposition of so-called "reparative therapy" which seeks to change
sexual orientation.

No solid evidence exists that such change is likely, says the report,
and some research suggests that efforts to produce change could be
harmful, inducing depression and suicidal tendencies.

The APA had criticized reparative therapy in the past, but a six-member
task force added weight to this position by examining 83 studies on
sexual orientation change conducted since 1960. Its comprehensive
report was endorsed by the APA's governing council in Toronto, where
the association's annual meeting is being held this weekend.

The report breaks new ground in its detailed and nuanced assessment of
how therapists should deal with gay clients struggling to remain loyal
to a religious faith that disapproves of homosexuality.

Judith Glassgold, a Highland Park, N.J., psychologist who chaired the
task force, said she hoped the document could help calm the polarized
debate between religious conservatives who believe in the possibility
of changing sexual orientation and the many mental health professionals
who reject that option.

"Both sides have to educate themselves better," Glassgold said in an
interview. "The religious psychotherapists have to open up their eyes
to the potential positive aspects of being gay or lesbian. Secular
therapists have to recognize that some people will choose their faith
over their sexuality."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Jeff Campagna sent a message to the members of The Power.

Subject: Major Endorsements Announced


It's been a while since we last reported to you. In the meantime, so much has happened! On June 29th, the 40th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, The Power was joined at the Stonewall Inn by prominent activists and elected officials for the the launch of our nationwide petition drive to expand the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include LGBT Americans.

Since then The Power petition has been endorsed by a growing list of activists, businesses, organizations, media, elected officials, and individuals.

To read more you can visit a web archive of our latest newsletter at;

Headlines from our newsletter:

-- Chairman of House Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties responds to Power Petition by announcing intention to draft legislation including LGBT people in all federal Civil Rights legislation

-- Action: Be a Power Tweeter

-- Action: Post A Power Banners On Your Site

-- SoulForce Founder's Endorsement

-- National Black Justice Coalition Endorses Power

-- Major Don't Ask Don't Tell Opponents Endorse Power

-- Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand Endorses Power

-- Abzug and Power Join Forces

-- Special Offer for Power Petition Supporters from Steele Luxury Travel

-- Transgender Leaders Voice Support

-- Mandy Carter Says Time is Right

-- Maloney: Equality Extends Beyond Workplace

-- The Power is Blade's Last Cover Story

Again, you can read details of all these stories at;

We can make full LGBT equality a reality!

1. Sign the petition at;
2. Invite everyone you know to sign the petition
3. Invite your friends to join us on Facebook
4. Follow The Power on Twitter
5. Sign your business up to become a Power Affiliate. For more information see;

Our goal is in our grasp. If we all take some of these steps to involve our friends, family, and colleagues, we can change the world. Now is our time.


To reply to this message, follow the link below:

Soulforce Founder Rev. Dr. Mel White Endorses Petition to Include LGBT People in Civil Rights Act

Soulforce Founder Rev. Dr. Mel White Endorses Petition to Include LGBT People in Civil Rights Act

The Rev. Dr. Mel White, the best-selling author of Stranger at the Gate: To be Gay and Christian in America, and founder of Soulforce, joined The Power, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, and other activists at the Stonewall Inn on June 29th, the 40th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, to launch the Power Petition. This is is statement.


Here at Stonewall, we stand in the shadow of giants who refused to accept their second class citizenship. They would be outcasts no more! Now with their voices echoing in our hearts, we have come to take our stand as well. In a 1965 interview, Dr. King made it clear that it is far past time to liberate African Americans from their second class citizenship. These are his words. I’ve edited them simply to call for the liberation of LGBT Americans as well.

“Why do straight people find it so difficult to understand that LGBT Americans are sick and tired of having reluctantly parceled out to them those rights and privileges which all others receive upon birth or entry in America? We never cease to wonder at the amazing presumption of much of straight society, assuming that they have the right to bargain with LGBT Americans for their freedom. This continued arrogant ladling out of pieces of the rights of citizenship has begun to generate a growing discontent in the LGBT community. What LGBT Americans want is absolute and unqualified freedom and equality here in this land of our birth. LGBT Americans no longer will be tolerant of anything less than our due right and heritage. We are pursuing only that which we know is honorably ours.

“Most straight Americans support the struggle to eradicate injustice; nevertheless they feel that LGBT Americans should be more patient, that only the passage of time – perhaps generations – will bring about the sweeping changes we demand…

“We say, with Dr. King, that the time is always right to do what is right…Increasingly we realize that time has been used destructively by people of ill will much more than it has been used constructively by those of good will…We wonder at straight Americans who dare to feel that they have some paternalistic right to set the timetable for the liberation of LGBT Americans. We are often inclined to think that our moderate “friends” are more of a stumbling block to the progress of LGBT Americans than Pat Robertson, James Dobson and other leaders of the Christian right.”

We have a growing concern that our new President is listening to those same “moderates” who counsel that it is too early to take on ENDA or DOMA or Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. These are difficult times, they whisper. LGBT Americans have waited this long. They are amazingly patient. They will understand if we ask them to wait a little longer.

We are here to say to our President and to members of the House and Senate that we do not understand. That we cannot “wait a little longer.” Our sisters and brothers have suffered injustice, intolerance and discrimination far too long: harassed, hunted down and hounded out of the military; denied employment and housing, refused the rights of marriage and ordination; left out of hate crime legislation all the while being primary victims of hate in all its vicious forms. We are second class citizens at best. Worse, we are outcasts in the nation we love and serve. (Page 353, Testament of Hope).

It is time to do what is right and including LGBT Americans in the Civil Rights Legislation of 1964 is right. We hope and pray that this time truth will prevail and justice will flow down like a mighty stream.

Monday, August 3, 2009

U.S. Vigils Planned For Tel Aviv Victims

Memorial vigils for the victims of the shooting at an LGBT center in Tel Aviv will take place around the U.S. this week.

San Francisco: Tonight. Monday, from 530-6 @ Congregation Sha'ar Zahav (16th/Dolores -- the largely LGBT Synagogue) and marching to the LGBT Center by 6:30 p.m. for a vigil (Market/Octavia). (Via SF Supervisor Bevan Dufty)

Washington DC: Tonight. Dupont Circle, 8:15pm - 9:15pm. Facebook page.

Los Angeles: Thursday. Location TBD. 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Facebook page.

I'll update this post with more details and locations as they come in.

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thanks to JMG

Want Marriage Equality? Follow the Money

Want Marriage Equality? Follow the Money
Candace Chellew-Hodge

No matter what Welton Gaddy might hope, anti-gay religious groups are not interested in finding common ground on marriage equality - they need the conflict to fill their coffers.

Support Iraqi LGBT

Ali Hili sent a message to the members of SOS: Support Iraqi LGBT.

Subject: Iraqi officer 'behind bank heist';

An Iraqi army captain, possibly helped by presidential bodyguards, is believed to have been behind a major bank robbery in Baghdad, officials say.

Tuesday's robbery, in which eight people were killed and millions of dollars stolen, was among the biggest in Baghdad's history.

The money has since been recovered from inside a government compound in the city centre.

Two people have been arrested but another is still at large, police say.

A tip-off on Friday led police to the compound, close to the bank where the robbery took place in the district of Karrada.

Police believe that presidential bodyguards may have been involved in the robbery, which netted about $7m (£4m) worth of Iraqi dinars.

The BBC's Natalia Antelava in Baghdad says this theory matches a widespread suspicion that the robbers had some inside help.

The gunmen stormed the bank at dawn just after it had received a large transfer of cash.

They got through five heavily armed checkpoints and no doors or windows were broken.

They then fired at security guards before using dynamite to open the vault where the money was kept.

Security officials say there are links between the armed insurgency and organised crime in Iraq, but our correspondent says that the alleged involvement of the presidential bodyguards shows that law enforcement agencies could also be part of the problem.

A few months ago, Iraq's own anti-corruption agency said the police and army were among the country's most corrupt institutions.

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Amsterdam's Mayor Weds NY Couples To Send Message To U.S.

Yesterday the mayor of Amsterdam married five bi-national couples on a gay Pride party boat to send a message to the United States about marriage equality and immigration reform.
The mayor of Amsterdam married five American-Dutch gay couples on Saturday in an implicit criticism of the lack of same-sex marriage in many U.S. states. Tens of thousands of spectators cheered as Mayor Job Cohen performed the ceremony on a cruise around the city's canals to celebrate the high point of the city's gay pride festival. Eight years ago Cohen presided over the first legal Dutch gay marriage. All five couples had at least one partner from New York, where a battle over the legalization of gay marriage rages on.

"For me it's a message to New York, the most liberal state, the most hip state, to get with it," said Ira Siff, an opera professional from New York who was about to marry his partner, opera singer Hans Heijnis. The New York-Amsterdam connection is much in the news this year, with the cities celebrating a 400-year relationship in 2009. Cohen called the couples a "figurehead" for that bond. "Your transatlantic love is proof of the lasting connection between old and new Amsterdam," Cohen said in the service.
Very nice.

posted by JMG

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Let Scientists Speak Out

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the petition: "Let Scientists Speak Out".

Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 15000 signatures - please sign here:

Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.

Thank you! Daniel

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bilerico Weekly Reader 7/26-7/31

Bil Browning sent a message to the members of The Bilerico Project.

Subject: Bilerico Weekly Reader 7/26-7/31

You know, these Weekly Reader posts are one of my favorite posts to do each week; I get a chance to go back over the previous week's posts and see how the discussions continued once the post has fallen off the front page. This week we had three clear winners for the best posts of the week: Karen Ocamb's three part series on "What Really Happened at the Repeal Prop 8 Leadership Summit" (links in the Bonus section)

Bilerico Nation
What Does an Inclusive ENDA Really Mean?
Filed by: Keri Renault (Bilerico-DC);

Under White House Pressure, Hastings Withdraws DADT Amendment
Filed by: Father Tony (Bilerico-Florida);

Out of the Minneapolis airport and into the Mainstream Media
Filed by: Don Sherfick (Bilerico-Indiana);

Let's Call it a "Queer Quilt Across America"
Filed by: John Shields;

Nurse Jackie
Filed by: Dana Rudolph;

Gay Generation Gap: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Filed by: Jason Tseng;

Mental: Prime time goes trans-friendly
Filed by: Bil Browning;

Federal civil unions?
Filed by: Alex Blaze;

Caption This: Gays Gone Wild
Filed by: Waymon Hudson;

Anti-Gay Bombing at World Outgames
Filed by: Patricia Nell Warren;

Lifting the Veil off Mental Health: The Art of Negotiation
Filed by: David Castillo;

David: A Story of Hope, Faith and Love
Filed by: Betty Greene Salwak;

DADT and the Democratic finger trap
Filed by: Sean Bugg;

Teach What You Learn: The Straight Guy's Primer on Gender Identity
Filed by: Don Davis;

Here Come the Eye-Rollers: Milk, King Honored by Obama
Filed by: Dustin Kight;

What Really Happened at the Repeal Prop 8 Leadership Summit
Filed by: Karen Ocamb;

Repeal Prop 8 Leadership Summit: The Expert Point of View
Filed by: Karen Ocamb;

The Unnoticed Power Player at the Repeal Prop 8 Leadership Summit
Filed by: Karen Ocamb;

To reply to this message, follow the link below:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

This from JMG!

The Victory Fund reports that Harvey Milk will be posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal Of Freedom, the highest civilian honor of the United States. Stuart Milk, Harvey's nephew, will accept the award at a White House ceremony to take place on August 12th.
“We are thrilled President Obama is honoring Harvey Milk with the Medal of Freedom. He’s an American hero and trailblazer whose election more than 30 years ago triggered a political awakening that inspires us still today. This recognition sends an important message about how critical political leadership will be in making all Americans equal in the eyes of the law,” said Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Victory Fund.

Stuart Milk echoed Wolfe’s praise, saying, “The President’s action today touches the core of our very human hearts and my uncle would be so proud of this high honor. His election was, for him, a beginning–a chance to make real change. That change is happening, but we still have so far to go. I hope this recognition inspires LGBT Americans everywhere to heed Harvey’s call to run for office, to serve openly, to live proudly with authenticity and to demand the equality that we all deserve.”
Also receiving the Medal Of Freedom that day will be famed lesbian tennis player Billie Jean King and Sen. Ted Kennedy, both longtime advocates for LGBT rights.

UPDATE: The National Gay & Lesbian Task Force responds:
"Today's White House announcement of Medal of Freedom awards to the late Harvey Milk and to Billie Jean King honors two openly gay and lesbian people for their outstanding contributions to the nation. We applaud and cheer that Harvey Milk and Billie Jean King's dedication to freedom and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and for women and girls is at last being recognized with our country's highest civilian honor. Harvey Milk and Billie Jean King are trailblazers whose courage, commitment and perseverance have brought our country to a better place. How utterly appropriate that they will receive an award named the 'Medal of Freedom.'

"We also applaud the inclusion of Sen. Edward Kennedy, who has been a longtime advocate and leader in the U.S. Senate on a host of legislative initiatives pertaining to HIV/AIDS and LGBT equality; and of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Rev. Joseph Lowery, two faith leaders who have been outspoken on and supportive of LGBT issues. Each of these recipients has indeed made important contributions toward equality and justice."

Thanks JMG!

15 Billboards That Don’t Belong Next To Each Other

Thanks to JMG

Tres links, Duas no "World's Most Beautiful Language"

and of course:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

An vital news item from JMG

The Magic Of Blue

Urban legend says the green M&Ms make you horny, but there's something in the blue ones that really might prove useful.
The food dye that gives blue M&M's their colour can help mend spinal injuries, researchers say. The compound Brilliant Blue G blocks a chemical that kills healthy spinal cord cells around the damaged area - an event that often causes more irreversible damage than the original injury. BBG not only reduced the size of the lesion but also improved the recovery of motor skills, tests on rats showed. Those treated with BBG were later able to walk, although with a limp. Rats that did not receive the BBG solution never regained the ability to walk. On the downside, the treatment causes the skin to temporarily turn bright blue and BBG needs to be injected soon after the trauma. The test injections were given within 15 minutes.
Human trials will not begin until more animal testing has been done, but researchers say they are optimistic that acute spinal cord injuries could be treated with the compound within a few years.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Bil Browning sent a message to the members of The Bilerico Project.

Subject: Bilerico Weekly Reader

One of the best parts of my job running the Bilerico sites is that I get to see so much great content before it's published. Usually I can spot a post that'll generate controversy or spur a big discussion. A couple of posts surprised me this week: Alex's post on the Larry King trial didn't get nearly the attention on TBP that it deserves (he was quoted in the Advocate for it) while Karen Ocamb's memories of working with Walter Cronkite should be required reading for any journalism fan. Be sure to check them out along with all the other fantastic posts we ran this week.

Bilerico Nation
South Bend Councilman Oliver Davis Responds to Bilerico-Indiana
Filed by: Donna Pandori (Bilerico-Indiana);

"I Would Not Have A Homosexual On My Staff"
Filed by: Father Tony (Bilerico-Florida);

Richmond Newspaper Regrets Role in Support of Segregation
Filed by: Michael Hamar (Bilerico-DC);

Are there any warriors in Charlotte?
Filed by: Matt Comer;

Beary Fashionable: Wonde® by Walter Van Beirendonck
Filed by: Nathan Strang;

Gay is not the new black
Filed by: Guest Blogger LZ Granderson;

Health care in the U.S. - stop bickering and fix it
Filed by: Pam Spaulding;

(s)EXcapades: to hear or not to hear
Filed by: Michele O'Mara;

A Day in the Life of a Caretaker
Filed by: Sara Whitman;

Living while Black in Cambridge
Filed by: Rev Irene Monroe;

Meet the Anti-Gay NYU Professor of Human Rights: "Diversity is not a License for Perversity"
Filed by: Waymon Hudson;

Pumping Parties in the Heartland
Filed by: Austen Crowder;

Barbara Walters on "Bruno": "I Don't Like Seeing Closeups of Anal Sex"
Filed by: Prince Gomolvilas;

AAA South Pledges Family Memberships to Same-Gender Spouses
Filed by: Nadine Smith;

Wisconsin domestic partnership law under attack
Filed by: Nancy Polikoff;

Walter Cronkite and the Player Piano
Filed by: Karen Ocamb;

Calling Brandon "obsessed with Nazis" seems restrained now
Filed by: Alex Blaze;

Friday, July 17, 2009

Weekly Bilerico Reader

Subject: Weekly Bilerico Reader

When I crossposted the video of Michael's Steele's "fried chicken and potato salad" quip on Huff Po this week, the nation went nuts. The post's popularity led to double our normal traffic on Bilerico Project and we ended the week with another high note - word that Michael Savage's wife quit working for him over her gay-positive stance with Rockstar Energy Drink! Check out the best of this week's Bilerico sites:

Bilerico Nation
Where's My Gay Tennis Player?
Filed by: Sean Bugg (Bilerico-DC);

"Well I'll be damned"
Filed by: Nadine Smith (Bilerico-Florida);

Young Republicans elect racist middle-aged woman President
Filed by: Bil Browning (Bilerico-Indiana);

Lifting the Veil off Mental Health: Life with a Bipolar Partner
Filed by: David Castillo;

Fig Trees, Transliminal Criminals, and Other Plural Nouns: Dispatch from Outfest 2009
Filed by: Jessica Hoffmann;

Where is the Senate on ENDA?
Filed by: Dr. Jillian T. Weiss;

Judge Sotomayor for the Supreme Court
Filed by: Kate Kendell;

A straight contributor to TBP?
Filed by: Bil Browning;

Gay Republican cat-fight!
Filed by: Alex Blaze;

Florida Judge Who Struck Down Gay Adoption Ban Demoted
Filed by: Waymon Hudson;

The Politics of Comedy: What's Off Limits?; Plus, "The Goods" Wants You to Laugh at a Hate Crime
Filed by: Prince Gomolvilas;

First the Abortionists, Then the "Homosexuals": TheCall Declares War
Filed by: Patricia Nell Warren;

Where To Find Sex And Love
Filed by: Father Tony;

Rockstar Energy Drink CFO breaks ties with Savage Productions
Filed by: Bil Browning;

The F-22 v. The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Bill
Filed by: John Shields;

Steele: I'll Woo Blacks To GOP With "Fried Chicken And Potato Salad"
Filed by: Bil Browning;

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Long-Sought Hate Crimes Measure added to Defense Bill

Democrats Add Long-Sought Hate Crimes Measure to Defense Bill

Halimah Abdullah, McClatchy Newspapers: "Just days after Arizona Sen. John McCain forged an unusual bipartisan alliance with the White House to cut $1.75 billion in increased spending for the F-22 jet fighter, congressional Democratic leaders on Wednesday added a hate-crimes measure to the must-pass bill."


Monday, July 13, 2009

Workation Update

Having a grand time in Ouro Preto. I am doing some work for CEAD (Centro de EducaĆ§Ć£o Aberta ea DistĆ¢ncia) at the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto here in Brasil. As well it is the Festival do Inverno which means a lot of plays, film and art... since it is Carmen Miranda's 100th birthday this year, I feel obliged to see all her films that are being shown... actually very fun.

here in a town that is a sculpture in itself. All this allows me to catch up on what is going on with my amigos and to walk about with my camera.

Life is good.

More details and pictures are at Notorious.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Homosexuality and Hinduism

Google News Alert for: "sri sri ravi shankar"
Homosexuality, Hinduism and Section 377
GlobalPost - USASri Sri Ravi Shankar (born 1956), founder of the international movement, Art of Living, when asked about homosexuality, stated, “Every individual has both ...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I've got some bad news.

Dear Daniel --

I've got some bad news.

After 10 years of service to our country -- including leading combat patrols, rebuilding schools and translating Arabic in Iraq for 15 months -- the Federal Recognition Board issued its recommendation on Tuesday that I be discharged from the Army for "moral and professional dereliction" under the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

The board's decision to fire me is not the end. Now that this panel of four officers has recommended my discharge, it still must be approved by senior officials in the Army, a process that could take a few weeks to a year. Unless something unexpected happens, it may be just a matter of time before the Army officially fires me.

I will not give up, no matter the odds. Because I know that the only way we will win this fight to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is by facing it head on. And I need your help again to keep up the fight.

I've made my case to President Obama -- supported by more than 140,000 of your signatures. I've made my case to the Army -- supported by more than 160,000 of your signatures. And I will continue to make my case until they fire me for good.

Now we need to make our case to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Will you join me in asking Speaker Pelosi to strongly support legislation currently in Congress that would repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"? Please sign on to our letter and I'll personally deliver your signatures to the Speaker ASAP:

At West Point, I recited the Cadet Prayer every Sunday. It taught me to "choose the harder right over the easier wrong" and to "never be content with a half truth when the whole can be won." The Cadet Honor Code demanded truthfulness and honesty. It imposed a zero-tolerance policy against deception, or hiding behind comfort.

That's why I can't give up now. I've got to keep fighting. My fellow servicemembers -- and the 70 fellow West Point graduates who have also come out of the closet to join Knights Out, the organization I co-founded to push for repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" -- would expect nothing less.

The only way we can win this fight for the truth is if the political cost of discrimination eventually becomes too great for the system to operate successfully. We need to raise the political cost in Congress so that Speaker Nancy Pelosi understands that, as Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall once said, "justice too long delayed is justice denied."

Speaker Pelosi needs to make "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" a priority now and come out strongly in support of legislative action to repeal this discriminatory law. Will you stand by my side now and sign our letter to the Speaker? You have my word that I will deliver your signatures to Speaker Pelosi personally:

As I said a few days ago, national security means many things, but the thing that makes us secure in our nation and homes is love. What makes me a better soldier, leader, Christian and human being is love. And I'm not going to hide my love.

Love is worth it.

Thank you for your support.

Daniel W. Choi
New York Army National Guard

Monday, July 6, 2009

Colin Powell: Time to Review Policy on Gays in US Military

Reuters: "American attitudes have changed and the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy toward gays serving in the U.S. military should be reviewed, former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Colin Powell said on Sunday. President Barack Obama favors overturning the policy, which bars gay troops from serving openly in the military."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Its my birthday...

Ok Folks –

Just a note to say I am going to spend my birthday flying to Brasil. The blog will change somewhat while abroad, it’s a little bit of a hassle to post stuff, and I find that I like to share things I see and do there… keep the faith, enjoy my vacation (via the blog).

Ate jĆ”!


P.S. for the record the Ponderosa has a house sitter or two, the alarm system is functioning with in all acceptable parameters, and there neighbors be a watch’n… yo!

Quote of the Day

"Hope has never trickled down. It has always sprung up."

~~ Studs Terkel, from _Hope Dies Last_

Now it's time to empower and inspire Californians to win these rights back.

Courage Campaign
We would like to share this special message from Gavin Newsom as well as share some exciting news that we just got a few minutes ago.

Lt. Dan Choi, who is facing trial today under the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, is coming to Camp Courage Sacramento on July 11-12. Lt. Choi would like to meet some of the folks who added their name to our letter of support, signed by 158,118 people.

If you would like to meet Lt. Choi, please RSVP here now:

Rick Jacobs
Chair, Courage Campaign

Dear Daniel --

For many Californians, November's celebration of the election of Barack Obama as our next president was tempered by sadness and anger at the passage of Proposition 8.

That night, we became the first state in the nation to use our constitution to strip rights away from our fellow citizens. Our lesbian and gay friends, family members and neighbors woke up the morning after the election with fewer rights than they had enjoyed the night before.

Now it's time to empower and inspire Californians to win these rights back.

That's exactly what my friends at the Courage Campaign are doing. Since that historic setback eight months ago, the Courage Campaign has worked with groups and activists across the progressive political spectrum to help build a people-powered movement to restore marriage equality to California.

The heart of the Courage Campaign's commitment to equality is Camp Courage -- a transformative two-day training event for marriage equality activists of all kinds, experienced or new to the movement. Modeled after "Camp Obama," Camp Courage has received amazing reviews from participants -- most rating it a 9 (on a scale of 1 to 10) -- following recent trainings in Los Angeles, Fresno, San Diego and Oakland.

Now, on the weekend of July 11-12 in Sacramento, you have an opportunity to go to Camp Courage. If you want to experience this inspiring event, time is running out to register. Sign up now to reserve your spot:

I haven't seen this much energy in the marriage equality movement since the "Winter of Love" in 2004, when Del Martin, Phyllis Lyon and more than 4,000 other couples said "I Do" following our announcement that the City of San Francisco would begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

This country took a significant step toward securing equality for every American five years ago in San Francisco. While some feel that what we did was too much, too fast, too soon, we stand firm in the belief that our actions were not only just, but legal and constitutional.

Now we need to take a stand and secure these fundamental rights for all Californians. For good.

On July 11-12, "Camp Courage Sacramento" will be ground zero in the marriage equality movement. You don't want to miss it. Please register now before time runs out:

Thanks for helping the Courage Campaign bring full equality to California and our country.

Gavin Newsom
Mayor of San Francisco

Obama Speaks At WH Gay Cocktail Party

Pam Spaulding has the complete transcript of the president's remarks. At one point Obama was interrupted by somebody's cell phone. The offender's ringtone? A duck call. Hmm. The president quacked up.

thanks JMG for this...

Obama promises progress to gay community

Leading The News

Obama promises progress to gay community
Posted: 06/29/09 05:43 PM [ET]

President Obama worked to assuage tension between his administration and the gay community Monday, telling them that he remains committed to their most important issues.

Speaking to a group in the East Room of the White House representing the gay community, Obama reiterated his pledge to overturn both the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the military's Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell rule.

Monday's event was the administration's first event honoring Gay Pride Month for a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender audience and it came amid growing tension between Obama's White House and the gay community.

The president has come under intense fire from a loyal demographic that has accused his administration of dragging its feet on those two issues. Last week, some high-profile gay Democrats boycotted a fundraiser attended by Vice President Biden.

Obama said Monday he is aware that many in the gay community "don't believe progress has come fast enough," comparing their struggles to those of blacks during the civil-rights movement.

"It is not for me to tell you to be patient any more than it was for others to counsel patience to African-Americans who were petitioning for equal rights a half century ago," Obama said. "But I say this, we have made progress and we will make more."

The president said that he expects and hopes "to be judged not by words, not by promises I've made, but by the promises that my administration keeps."

"We've been in office six months now, and I suspect that by the time this administration is over I think you guys will have pretty good feelings about the Obama administration," the president said.

The rift between the administration and the gay community was exacerbated by a Department of Justice (DOJ) brief defending DOMA and comparing gay marriage to incest.

In defending the DOJ's brief, Obama also sought to clarify his goal of reversing DOMA.

"I've called on Congress to repeal the so-called Defense of Marriage Act to help end discrimination against same-sex couples in this country," Obama said. "Now I want to add we have a duty to uphold existing law, but I believe we must do so in a way that does not exacerbate old divides. And fulfilling this duty in upholding the law in no way lessens my commitment to reversing this law. I've made that clear."

On Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell, the president said he believes "preventing patriotic Americans from serving their country weakens our national security."

"I know that every day that passes without a resolution is a deep disappointment to those men and women who continue to be discharged under this policy, patriots who often possess critical language skills and years of training and who've served this country well," Obama said.

The president said he has asked the joint chiefs and Congress to find what the White House has called an "enduring" solution to overturning the law.

The president also promised to push for an employee nondiscrimination law and a hate-crimes law named after Matthew Shepard, a gay college student who was tortured and murdered in Wyoming.