Friday, June 11, 2010

Via Fred:

Contact: Fred Karger 619-592-2008

Extra, Extra, Read All About It - Extensive Coverage of Mormon Church 13 Count Guilty Finding and Fine!

Below are just some of the many news reports on the unprecedented 13 guilty counts against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) by the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) which was approved yesterday in Sacramento.

I filed the original complaint against the Mormon Church on November 13, 2008 which led to this investigation. Special thanks go out to everyone at the FPPC for all the hard work that this investigation entailed.

The worldwide coverage is still pouring in, so keep checking our web site Californians Against Hate: click here

Here’s the New York Times story by Malia Wollan in its entirety, and links to just some of the other coverage of this happy ending to the FPPC’s 19 month investigation into the Mormon Church’s financial support for California's Proposition 8.

Thank you to Joe Solmonese and the Human Rights Campaign for breaking the story and all their support (release below)!

June 9, 2010, 5:47 pm

Mormon Church Agrees to Pay Campaign Finance Fine By MALIA WOLLAN

SAN FRANCISCO — The Mormon Church has agreed to pay a fine of slightly more than $5,000 for failing to report some campaign staff contributions it made in support of Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot measure that outlawed same-sex marriage.

According to the Fair Political Practices Commission’s Web site, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “failed to timely report making late non-monetary contributions totaling $36,928.” The commission had requested the church pay $5,539 in fines, which it has done, and the commission will meet to vote on finalizing the penalty on Thursday in Sacramento.

In a statement, the church claimed that all the contributions it made in support of Proposition 8, “were reported to the appropriate authorities in California.” But it admitted that in the last two weeks of the highly contested campaign, it “mistakenly overlooked the daily reporting requirement for non-monetary contributions,” which would include things like staff time. The church’s statement called the reporting failure an “oversight” and thanked the commission for its “fairness and consideration” in dealing with the matter.

The commission began their investigation into the Mormon Church’s contributions after a complaint was filed by Fred Karger, founder of the group Californians Against Hate, asserting that the church failed to fully disclose the time and money it spent on Proposition 8, which passed with 52 percent of the vote.

On Wednesday, Mr. Karger — who is openly gay and has expressed interest in running for the 2012 Republican nomination for president — sounded satisfied with the commission’s expected decision.

“The Mormon church has been leading the charge to create constitutional amendments to take away marriage equality from gay and lesbian people all over this country and they’ve been doing it dishonestly and in the dark of night,” said Mr. Karger, who referred to the situation as “Mormon-gate” when reached by phone. “I blew the whistle and they got caught for violating the law,” he said.

The Links:

New York Times


Salt Lake Tribune

Los Angeles Times


HRC News

Washington Blade

San Jose Mercury News

America Blog

Religious Compass Exchange


Edge Boston

California Progressive Report by Dan Aiello

Via Bilerico (facebook):

Bil Browning sent a message to the members of The Bilerico Project.

Bil Browning

Bil BrowningJune 11, 2010 at 7:41am

Subject: We're happy to say our names out loud

To illustrate the best reason why Bilerico Project should win Nuvo alternative newspaper's 2010 Best Of Indy contest as Indianapolis' Best Locally Owned Website, you need look no further than a commercial on our local NPR station that's airing this week. The ad is for Indy Pride, this weekend's gay pride celebration.;

At no point in the ad do they say the words, "gay," "lesbian," "bisexual," or "transgender." It's just full of vague references to showing "your pride" and "come out" to the park. In Indiana, being a part of the LGBT community is something you're supposed to keep hidden; be discreet. We are not discreet about LGBT issues and Indiana needs to see that we won't be pushed back into the closet.

When local Democrats pull shady tricks like paying for anti-gay fliers or make AIDS jokes or vote against legislation critical to our community, they need to know someone will hold them accountable. We're already a thorn in their side, so why not help us out and make it official?;

Please spare a few moments to vote for Bilerico Project as Indy's best locally owned website. It only takes two minutes and, well, it's a big deal for Indianapolis to have a queer site in the running. Voting ends today.;

So by all means, come out and enjoy Pride month - but let's send a message that the LGBT community in Indy is here - and we're happy to say our names out loud.

Via JMG: Friendly Voices - Ben Cohen

"I have had numerous e-mails, mainly from young men who have been inspired by me in some way, and so have had the courage to come out to their friends and families and so live fulfilled lives. I have also been told that I have helped parents come around to the fact that their son is gay. I have no idea how I have managed to do that, I have to confess – but if my openness has done that then it seems that it is the right way to be." - British rugby star and calendar man Ben Cohen, speaking to Compete Magazine. Cohen praises fellow rugby star Gareth Thomas for having come out and says that it's time for gay players in other sports to do the same.

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Yuma AZ Mayor Says "Limp-Wristed" Homos Shouldn't Be In Military

And he says George Washington and Abraham Lincoln would feel the same way.

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Rep. Michele Bachmann Tied To Christian Band That Calls For Gays To Be Executed

A Minnesota-based Christian rock band whose lead singer calls for the execution of homosexuals will appear at this year's state GOP convention and has ties to the reelection campaign of Rep. Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann. Via
The Minnesota Independent notes that a Christian rock band in Minnesota, which has called for LGBT people to be killed and targeted for violence, has built an incestuous relationship with the state's GOP, including intimate ties with the campaigns of Rep. Michele Bachmann, and gubernatiorial candidate Tom Emmer. Moreover, the band -- known as You Can Run But You Cannot Hide -- also received a GOP-sponsored booth at this year's state Republican Convention. Just what does You Can Run But You Cannot Hide have to say about the subject of homosexuality? Well, according to their front man, Bradlee Dean, they believe that gay people should be murdered, much like they are in conservative Muslim countries. "Muslims are calling for the executions of homosexuals in America," Dean said. "This just shows you they themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible of the Judeo-Christian God, but they seem to be more moral than even the American Christians do, because these people are livid about enforcing their laws. They know homosexuality is an abomination."
Bachmann has praised the band, saying, "It a tough job that you do, but someone has to do it. I thank God that he has given you the strength and the resolve to fight for our timeless values." Andy Birkman at the Minnesota Independent has been following the connection between the band and the state GOP since last October. Read his many stories here. Here's a couple of ugly of clips from the band's lead singer, Bradlee Dean, in which he praises countries that execute gays. Listen to Bachmann's hero. At the bottom is a clip advertising a November fundraiser featuring Bachmann and the band.

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reposted from Joe

The Perils of Lesbianity

Via JMG: Rep. Ike Skelton On DADT: Families Shouldn't Have To Talk About Gay People

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Ike Skelton doesn't want DADT repealed because he's afraid that families might have to discuss homosexuality.

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Via jmg: PhoboQuotable - Michael Pakaluk

"It seemed a real danger that the boy being raised by the same-sex couple would bring to school something obscene or pornographic, or refer to such things in conversation, as they go along with the same-sex lifestyle, which--as not being related to procreation-- is inherently eroticized and pornographic. He might expose other children to such things, as he might easily have encountered them in his household." - The Archdiocese of Boston's Pilot newspaper columnist Michael Pakaluk, explaining why he objected to the six year-old son of a gay couple being in the same class with his boy.

Yesterday Pakuluk said he "regretted" that portion of his column after his editor issued an apology, but that he stands by his other objections. Last month the Archdiocese of Boston threatened to cut funding to any Catholic school that barred the children of gay parents. Pakuluk is an evangelical convert to Catholicism and a member of Opus Dei.

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reposted from Joe

via JMG: FDA Hearings On Dropping Ban On Gay Blood Donors Begin Today

The FDA begins hearings today on whether to drop the decades-long ban on gay men donating blood. Numerous LGBT and progressive sites are participating in a blog-swarm, asking their readers to submit comments.
Dr. Jerry Holmberg is the Executive Secretary of the Advisory Committee, and is tasked with accepting formal public comments from both organizations and individuals. He has made his e-mail available for this purpose. Please take a minute to e-mail Dr. Holmberg via and urge him and the committee to revise the ban on blood donations from men who have sex with men.
You can find scientific support for your comment at this link. Among those testifying today is Cliff Kincaid of the virulently anti-gay group, American's Survival. Christian Newswire reveals today what Kincaid plans to say.
"Do you or your loved ones want to die in order to advance the gay rights agenda? Once again, as we have seen in the gays in the military debate, the gays are constantly screaming about their rights, oblivious to the point of madness about the rights of others. In this case, it's our right to be free of infected blood when our loved ones get a blood transfusion. But unless the public quickly offers its comments and raises an outcry with the federal authorities coming under the influence and intimidation of the gay rights lobby, the 'right' to donate blood could soon be extended to a politically-connected special interest group that has a demonstrated propensity to acquire life-threatening and deadly diseases."
Watch the hearing live here.

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reposted from Joe

He said what?

American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: Gay Sex Is Domestic Terrorism

Yesterday Britain's tabloids claimed that the Taliban is planting HIV-laden needles in its bombs in order to infect British and American soldiers. Reportedly, bomb teams have been issued Kevlar gloves to deal with the threat. Cue American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer.
If we connect the dots here, the inescapable conclusion is that gay sex is a form of domestic terrorism. Every time an HIV-infected male has sex with another male, it's essentially the same as plunging an infected heroin needle into his arm. He's passing on a potential death sentence, just as the Taliban seeks to do on a foreign battlefield. It is because of the risk of HIV transmission that the FDA will not allow a male homosexual to donate blood if he has had sex with another male even one single solitary time since 1977. The second riskiest behavior for HIV infection is injection drug use. Now if gays are allowed into the military, they will be inevitably be put in battlefield situations where donated blood from soldiers may be necessary to save the lives of wounded comrades. An HIV-infected American soldier whose blood is used in those circumstances may very well condemn his fellow soldier to death rather than save his life. If open homosexuals are allowed into the United States military, the Taliban won't need to plant dirty needles to infect our soldiers with HIV. Our own soldiers will take care of that for them.
Last month Fischer claimed that repealing DADT would lead to another Holocaust, because gay men are the only people savagely brutal enough to murder millions.

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reposted from Joe

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Via Bilerico: Freedom to Cheat

Via Bilerico: Judge Walker's Interesting Prop 8 Questions

Filed by: Bil Browning

June 9, 2010 12:30 PM

Yesterday Judge Vaughn Walker, the judge overseeing the federal trial on the validity of Prop 8, tkam_atticus1.jpgissued a series of questions he'd like the parties to address in their closing arguments.

Rick Jacobs, chair of the Courage Campaign, wrote on the Huffington Post that, he "can without doubt say that never before has homosexuality been on trial in America in this way." Jacobs has also posted a complete copy of the list of questions Walker sent to the plaintiff and the defendants.

Closing arguments are scheduled to begin next Wednesday, June 16 at 10am Pacific . A sample of some of Walker's questions are after the jump.

Continue reading "Judge Walker's Interesting Prop 8 Questions" »

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Via JMG: Breaking The Law For Love

The SF Weekly's Lauren Smiley has turned in a fascinating (and sad) profile of several gay couples who've been separated due to our nation's inequitable immigration laws. An excerpt:
Now that Arizona's "papers please" law has pushed immigration reform to Washington's front burner, Democrats propose allowing "permanent partners" to be treated the same as spouses under immigration law. While 19 countries have similar policies, it won't be an easy sell: The gay lobby fears they'll be sacrificed as a bargaining chip to get Republicans on board, while pro-immigrant groups worry that adding in gays will ruin any chance for reform for everyone else. While critics say letting permanent partners through the gate invites fraud — how do you validate the relationship without a marriage license? — others say the current system is what encourages people to cheat. So what do you do when the law won't permit you to be with the most meaningful person in your life? Simple. You break it.
Read the entire story.

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: PhoboQuotable - Brian Brown

"Victory in California! With your help, NOM played a central role in defeating pro-gay marriage GOP Senate candidate Tom Campbell yesterday. Back in March, NOM was the first on the air with TV ads highlighting Tom Campbell's liberal record on gay marriage and taxes. In May, we came back with a wildly successful automated phone campaign to 600,000 GOP primary voters, letting them know where Tom Campbell stands on gay marriage.

"Gay marriage advocates used to brag that no politician had ever lost a race because of his (or her) support for same-sex marriage. Certainly political races involve many factors, and it's often difficult to pinpoint one particular factor leading to a political defeat. But today they can no longer make that claim with a straight face. Less than three years after NOM's founding, we have now seen race after race where a candidate's support for gay marriage was significant in leading to that candidate's defeat. Just ask Dede Scozzafava in New York. Or Jon Corzine and Loretta Weinberg in New Jersey. And now Tom Campbell in California, just to name a few." - NOM president Brian Brown, taking credit for Carly Fiorina's win in the GOP Senate primary, which apparently had nothing to do with her $5M in self-funded last minute ads.

RELATED: I just had to point out Brown's usage of "straight face." Snork!

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a repost from Joe