Thursday, April 7, 2011

Via AmericaBlogGay: The President wants gay support. Here's what we want first.

An excellent, and lengthy, piece by Kerry Eleveld at Equality Matters. My excerpts are long, her piece is longer - so please do read it:
[N]or should we feel compelled to surrender our basic humanity to the whims of the election cycle. That type of thinking is a relic of days past when politicians held firmly to the notion that addressing LGBT concerns would undoubtedly be a drag on their electability. What we have witnessed over the past couple years is just the opposite. The repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" scored huge points with President Obama's target voters -- independent, moderate, and progressive alike - and his declaration that the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional reestablished his ability to show bold leadership.

Here's our new reality: The right thing to do is also the popular thing to do.
At the outset of the Obama administration, both the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the Human Rights Campaign provided the Obama transition team with a lengthy list of recommendations -- mostly for actions by individual agency level -- that would vastly improve the lives of LGBT Americans and could be accomplished entirely at the discretion of the president via executive action.
The documents were thorough and exhaustive, with HRC's running around 25 pages and NGLTF's coming in at over 200 pages and, while some of the initiatives outlined in these policy papers have been accomplished, the vast majority of them remain either untouched or only partially addressed. In fact, after laying out approximately 80 initiatives in its New Beginnings Initiative, NGLTF lists only nine accomplishments on its success tracker page, which was set up to follow how many administrative actions have been taken by the administration.
We did not achieve "don't ask, don't tell" repeal by being satisfied with White House Easter Egg roll invitations and passing mentions in a handful of speeches. Now is the time for the president to employ his considerable executive powers to effect a government-wide culture change that will trickle down to every corner of America. Let's not squander this opportunity to squeeze as much goodness out of this administration as possible, which in turn will help President Obama secure four more years in office.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Today's NSFW post: Aides - Clever Dick

MSNBC - Married Same-Sex Couples Refusing To Lie On Tax Returns

Brazil inaugurates its National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Persons Council / Brasil tem Conselho Nacional de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais

Brazil inaugurates its National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Persons Council

(Versão em português abaixo)

The Brazilian National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Persons Council held its first ordinary meeting on March 30th and 31st in the country’s capital city Brasília. Human Rights Minister, Maria do Rosário, installed the council members.

The Council’s purposes and attributes were defined by Presidential Decree No. 7.388, dated December 9th 2010<>. It is a collegiate body of both a consultative a deliberative nature and forms part of the basic structure of the Human Rights Secretariat (HRS), directly linked to the Office of the President of the Republic. Its principal purpose is to formulate and propose guidelines for government actions at national level aimed at combating discrimination and promoting the defence of the rights of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Trans persons – LGBT. In addition, the Council will ensure dialogue between organized civil society and the Federal Government, monitoring and performing a watchdog role over public policies.

The Council is comprised of thirty members, divided equally between the Government and civil society, as listed below. The Council’s civil society members were indicated through a selection and qualification process undertaken in accordance with criteria set by Ministerial Ordinance No. 76, dated February 1st 2011.

In her speech, the Human Rights Minister further stressed what she has been stating publicly since she was appointed to the post at the end of last year, namely that fighting homophobia is a priority of both the Human Rights Secretariat and the Dilma Rousseff Government.

The Council elected Ramais de Castro Silveira as its first president. Silveira is the HRS’s  Secretary for Human Rights Defence and Promotion. Irina Bacci, representing the Brazilian Articulation of Lesbians, was elected Vice-President. Igo Martini (HRS) will be the Council’s Executive Secretary.

One of the principle points discussed during the meeting was the organization of the 2nd National LGBT Conference, expected to be held on December 15th to 18th 2011, having as its theme “For a country free from poverty and discrimination: promoting LGBT citizenship”. The 1st LGBT Conference was held in June 2008.

Another highlight of the meeting was the approval of a public statement condemning racist and homophobic remarks made this week by Federal Representative Jair Bolsonaro (PP-RJ). The Council requested that the Federal Solicitor General begin investigations into the alleged crimes of racism and slander against the LGBT population.

The Council also discussed the School Without Homophobia project, within the sphere of the Ministry of Education, and approved a motion manifesting its support for the project.

The Council approved the creation of three internal Technical Committees (TC) and a working group, as follows:

·         the Permanent TC for the Institutional Articulation, Planning, Budget and  Monitoring of the National Plan for the Promotion of LGBT Citizenship and Human Rights;

·         the Permanent TC for the Monitoring, Prevention and Combating of violence against the LGBT population;

·         the Permanent TC on Legislation and Norms; and

·         the Council’s Internal Regulations Working Group, reporting to the TC on Legislation and Norms.

According to Toni Reis, a member of the Council and president of the national civil society organization ABGLT, “this is a fundamental initiative for accompanying and monitoring the implementation of the decisions of the 1st National LGBT Conference. It also completes the ‘tripod of LGBT citizenship’, which ABGLT has pushed for nationally and is pushing for in all Brazil’s states, state capitals and large cities, namely: Plans for the Promotion of LGBT Citizenship and Human Rights, LGBT Coordinations within the governments’ structures, and LGBT Councils as a watchdog body. By instating this Council, Brazil has taken a quality step forward in the fight to reduce violence, discrimination and stigma against the LGBT community”, Reis added.

The entire meeting was broadcast live via internet ( and drew a lot of attention, reaching the maximum capacity of spectators (500), which is not usually the case with the majority of other council meetings broadcast in this way. The broadcasting of the meeting was made possible by a partnership between the Human Rights Secretariat and the Ministry of Health’s Department of STD, Aids and Viral Hepatitis.

In addition to the Council members, other participants at the meeting were Federal Representative Jean Wyllys (PSOL/RJ), representing the Parliamentary Front for LGBT Citizenship, and representatives of the Federal Public Prosecution Service and the Federal Labour Inspectorate.

The Council’s next meeting will be held on May 19th and 20th. The date marks the week in which ABGLT will hold for the second consecutive year the National March Against Homophobia, as well as being the week in which May 17th will be commemorated as National Day Against Homophobia. In 2009, former president Lula decreed the official recognition of May 17th on the national calendar as the day against discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Photo: Tamires Kopp

Further information:
Toni Reis – President ABGLT:
Irina Bacci – Brazilian Lesbian Articulation:
Carlos Magno – ABGLT Communications Secretary:
Igo Martini – LGBT Council Executive Secretary:

Composition of the National LGBT Council:

Civil Society

Brazilian Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Association – ABGLT
Full Member: Keila Simpson
Full Member: Yone Lindgren
Full Member: Toni Reis
1st Substitute: Julian Vicente Rodrigues
2nd Substitute: Rafaelly Wiest
3rd Substitute: Vinicius Alves da Silva

National Articulation of Tranvestites, Transsexuals and Transgenders – ANTRA
Full Member: Jovanna Baby
Full Member: Chopelly Glaudystton Pereira dos Santos
1st  Substitute: Milena Passos
2nd Substitute: Tathiane Araújo

National Black LGBT Network - Rede Afro LGBT
Full Member: Janaína Oliveira
Substitute: Milton Santos

E-Youth Group of Gay and Lesbian Teenagers and Allies
Full Member: Lohren Beauty
Substitute: Samara Soares Carneiro

Brazilian Lesbian League – LBL
Full Member: Marinalva Santana
Substitute: Leo Ribas

Brazilian Lesbian Articulation – ABL
Full Member: Irina Bacci
Substitute: Anahi Guedes de Mello

Workers’ Central Labour Union – CUT
Full Member: Marcus de Abreu Freire
Substitute: Janete Costa Santana

Peoples’ Movements Network – CMP
Full Member: Carlos Alberto Monteiro Alves
Substitute: Givanilde de Jesus Santos

Federal Council of Psychology – CFP
Full Member: Celso Francisco Tondin
Substitute: Ana Luiza de Souza Castro

National Confederation of Education Workers – CNTE
Full Member: Zezinho Prado
Substitute: Marco Antonio Soares

Brazilian Association of Homoculture Studies – ABEH
Full Member: Leandro Colling
Substitute: Djalma Rodrigues

Association of Brazilian Federal Judges - AJUFE
Full Member: Roger Raupp Rios
Substitute: to be defined

Federal Government
Human Rights Secretariat – Office of the President of the Republic
Full Member: Ramais de Castro Silveira
Substitute: Lidiane Ferreira Gonçalves

Chief of Staff – Office of the President of the Republic
Full Member: Ivanildo Tajra Franzosi
Substitute: Carolina Nogueira Lannes

General Secretariat – Office of the President of the Republic
Full Member: Severine Macedo
Substitute: Joana Zylbersztajn

Women’s Policy Secretariat – Office of the President of the Republic
Full Member: Luciana Mendelli
Substitute: Elizabeth Saar de Freitas

Racial Equality Policy Promotion Secretariat – Office of the President of the Republic
Full Member: Cristina Fátima Guimarães
Substitute: Nilo Sérgio Nogueira

Ministry of Health
Full Member: Kátia Maria Barreto Souto
Substitute: Ana Gabriela Nascimento Sena

Ministry of Justice
Full Member: Marcelo Veiga
Substitute: Carlos Hugo Suarez Sampaio

Ministry of Education
Full Member: Misiara Cristina Oliveira
Substitute: Ricardo Allan de Carvalho Rodrigues

Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger
Full Member: Francisco Antonio de Souza Brito
Substitute: ZoraYonara Torres Costa

Ministry of Labour and Employment
Full Member: Sérgio Araújo Sepúlveda
Substitute: Ângela Cristina Casal Regasso

Ministry of Culture
Full Member: Thaís Borges da Silva Pinho Werneck
Substitute: Angélica Salazar Pessoa Mesquita

Ministry of Social Security
Full Member: Rose Mary Oliveira
Substitute: Maria Alves dos Santos

Ministry of Tourism
Full Member: Patric Lottici Krahl
Substitute: Fernanda Maciel M. A. Carneiro

Ministry of External Relations
Full Member: Carlos Eduardo da Cunha Oliveira
Substitute: Bruna Vieira de Paula

Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management
Full Member: Maria do Rosário de Holanda Cunha Cardoso
Substitute: Mara Helena Souza


Brasil tem Conselho Nacional de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais

O Conselho Nacional de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais fez sua primeira reunião ordinária nos dias 30 e 31 de março de 2011 em Brasília. A Ministra da Secretaria de Direitos da Presidência da República, Maria do Rosário, deu posse aos/às conselheiros/as.

As finalidades e competências do Conselho foram definidas pelo Decreto Presidencial nº 7.388, de 9 de dezembro de 2010<>, sendo um órgão colegiado de natureza consultiva e deliberativa, integrante da estrutura básica da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República (SDH). Sua finalidade principal é formular e propor diretrizes de ação governamental, em âmbito nacional, voltadas para o combate à discriminação e para a promoção e defesa dos direitos de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais – LGBT. Além disso, o Conselho deve fazer o diálogo entre a sociedade civil organizada e o governo federal, monitorando e realizando  o controle social das políticas públicas.

O Conselho é composto por trinta membros, sendo quinze governamentais e quinze da sociedade civil, conforme consta abaixo. Os/as conselheiros/as da sociedade civil foram indicados/as por meio de processo de inscrição e habilitação de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pela Portaria nº 76, de 01 de fevereiro de 2011.

Em seu discurso, a Ministra da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos reforçou o que vem declarando publicamente desde que foi nomeada para o cargo no final do ano passado, que o combate à homofobia é uma das prioridades da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos e do Governo Dilma Rousseff.

O Conselho elegeu como seu primeiro presidente Ramais de Castro Silveira, Secretário de Promoção e Defesa dos Direitos Humanos da SDH,  e como  vice-presidente Irina Bacci (representante da Articulação Brasileira de Lésbicas  no Conselho). Igo Martini, da SDH, será o Secretário Executivo.

Um dos principais pontos discutidos na reunião do Conselho foi a organização da II Conferência Nacional LGBT, cuja realização está prevista para 15 a 18 de dezembro de 2011, e que terá o lema “Por um país livre da pobreza e da discriminação: promovendo a cidadania LGBT”. A I Conferência LGBT foi realizada em junho de 2008.

Outra ponto de destaque foi a aprovação de uma nota pública condenando as  declarações racistas e homofóbicas do deputado Jair Bolsonaro (PP-RJ). O Conselho solicitou ao Procurador Geral da República instauração de investigação para apurar os crimes de racismo e injúria contra a população LGBT.

O Conselho também discutiu o Projeto Escola Sem Homofobia, do âmbito do Ministério da Educação, e aprovou uma moção manifestando seu apoio ao mesmo.

O Conselho decidiu pela criação de três  Câmaras Técnicas (CT) e um grupo de trabalho, sendo:

·         a CT Permanente de Articulação Institucional, Planejamento, Orçamento e  Monitoramento do Plano Nacional de Promoção da Cidadania e Direitos Humanos de LGBT;

·         a CT Permanente de Monitoramento, Prevenção e Combate da violência contra a população LGBT;

·         a CT Permanente de Legislação e Normas; e

·         o Grupo de Trabalho do Regimento Interno do Conselho, sendo este vinculado à Câmara Técnica de Legislação e Normas.

Segundo Toni Reis, integrante do Conselho e presidente da ABGLT, “essa é uma iniciativa fundamental para o acompanhamento e monitoramento do cumprimento das decisões da I Conferência Nacional LGBT. Também completa o ‘tripé da cidadania LGBT’, reivindicado pela ABGLT, para que seja implantado em todos os estados, nas capitais e nas grandes cidades: o Plano de Promoção da Cidadania e Direitos Humanos de LGBT, a Coordenação LGBT na estrutura dos governos, e o Conselho LGBT como instância de controle social. Com a posse desse conselho, o Brasil dá um salto de qualidade na luta pela diminuição da violência, da discriminação e do estigma contra a comunidade LGBT”, acrescentou.

A reunião foi transmitida na íntegra ao vivo por internet ( e atraiu muita atenção, atingindo a capacidade máxima de espectadores/as (500), o que não costuma acontecer com a maioria das reuniões dos conselhos transmitidas dessa forma. A transmissão o foi possibilitada graças a parceria entre a SDH e o Departamento de DST, Aids e Hepatites Virais do Ministério da Saúde.

Além dos/das conselheiros/as, também participaram da reunião o deputado federal Jean Wyllys (PSOL/RJ), representando a Frente Parlamentar Mista pela Cidadania LGBT, e representantes do Ministério Público Federal  e do Ministério Público do Trabalho.

A próxima reunião será realizada em 19 e 20 de maio, a data marcará a semana em que a ABGLT realizará pelo segundo ano consecutivo a 2ª Marcha Nacional Contra Homofobia. Também é a semana em que se comemorará o dia de 17 de maio como o Dia Nacional de Combate a Homofobia. Em 2009, o ex-presidente Lula por meio de decreto, tornou oficial o reconhecimento da data no calendário nacional como o dia de luta contra a discriminação por orientação sexual e identidade de gênero.

Foto: Tamires Kopp

Informações adicionais:
Toni Reis – Presidente da ABGLT:
Irina Bacci – Articulação Brasileira de Lésbicas:
Carlos Magno – Secretário de Comunicação da ABGLT:
Igo Martini – Secretário Executivo do Conselho Nacional LGBT:

Composição do Conselho Nacional LGBT:

Sociedade Civil

Associação Brasileira de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais – ABGLT
Titular: Keila Simpson
Titular: Yone Lindgren
Titular: Toni Reis
1º Suplente: Julian Vicente Rodrigues
2ª Suplente: Rafaelly Wiest
3º Suplente: Vinicius Alves da Silva

Articulação Nacional de Travestis, Transexuais e Transgêneros – ANTRA
Titular: Jovanna Baby
Titular: Chopelly Glaudystton Pereira dos Santos
1ª Suplente: Milena Passos
2ª Suplente: Tathiane Araújo

Rede Nacional de Negras e Negros LGBT - Rede Afro LGBT
Titular: Janaína Oliveira
Suplente: Milton Santos

Grupo E-Jovem de Adolescentes Gays, Lésbicas e Aliados
Titular: Lohren Beauty
Suplente: Samara Soares Carneiro

Liga Brasileira de Lésbicas – LBL
Titular: Marinalva Santana
Suplente: Leo Ribas

Articulação Brasileira de Lésbicas – ABL
Titular: Irina Bacci
Suplente: Anahi Guedes de Mello

Central Única dos Trabalhadores – CUT
Titular: Marcus de Abreu Freire
Suplente: Janete Costa Santana

Central de Movimentos Populares – CMP
Titular: Carlos Alberto Monteiro Alves
Suplente: Givanilde de Jesus Santos

Conselho Federal de Psicologia – CFP
Titular: Celso Francisco Tondin
Suplente: Ana Luiza de Souza Castro

Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação – CNTE
Titular: Zezinho Prado
Suplente: Marco Antonio Soares

Associação Brasileira de Estudos da Homocultura – ABEH
Titular: Leandro Colling
Suplente: Djalma Rodrigues

Associação dos Juízes Federais do Brasil - AJUFE
Titular: Roger Raupp Rios
Suplente: a definir

Governo Federal
Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República
Titular: Ramais de Castro Silveira
Suplente: Lidiane Ferreira Gonçalves

Casa Civil – Presidência da República
Titular: Ivanildo Tajra Franzosi
Suplente: Carolina Nogueira Lannes

Secretaria-Geral da Presidência da República
Titular: Severine Macedo
Suplente: Joana Zylbersztajn

Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres da Presidência da República
Titular: Luciana Mendelli
Suplente: Elizabeth Saar de Freitas

Secretaria de Políticas de Promoção da Igualdade Racial da Presidência da República
Titular: Cristina Fátima Guimarães
Suplente: Nilo Sérgio Nogueira

Ministério da Saúde
Titular: Kátia Maria Barreto Souto
Suplente: Ana Gabriela Nascimento Sena

Ministério da Justiça
Titular: Marcelo Veiga
Suplente: Carlos Hugo Suarez Sampaio

Ministério da Educação
Titular: Misiara Cristina Oliveira
Suplente: Ricardo Allan de Carvalho Rodrigues

Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome
Titular: Francisco Antonio de Souza Brito
Suplente: ZoraYonara Torres Costa

Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego
Titular: Sérgio Araújo Sepúlveda
Suplente: Ângela Cristina Casal Regasso

Ministério da Cultura
Titular: Thaís Borges da Silva Pinho Werneck
Suplente: Angélica Salazar Pessoa Mesquita

Ministério da Previdência Social
Titular: Rose Mary Oliveira
Suplente: Maria Alves dos Santos

Ministério do Turismo
Titular: Patric Lottici Krahl
Suplente: Fernanda Maciel M. A. Carneiro

Ministério das Relações Exteriores
Titular: Carlos Eduardo da Cunha Oliveira
Suplente: Bruna Vieira de Paula

Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão
Titular: Maria do Rosário de Holanda Cunha Cardoso
Suplente: Mara Helena Souza

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Via JMG: ILLINOIS: Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Anti-Gay Walmart Employee

The Seventh Court of Appeals has upheld a lower court's ruling against an Illinois woman who sued Wal-Mart for religious discrimination. According to the woman, she has a God-given right to scream anti-gay epithets at her coworkers. Gay City News reports:
According to the unsigned ruling, Tanisha Matthews, who describes herself as an Apostolic Christian, worked as an overnight stocker at a Wal-Mart store in Joliet, Illinois. While on a break, she took part in a heated conversation with other employees about God and homosexuality. Another employee who participated reported to management that Matthews was "screaming over her" that God does not accept gays, they should not "be on earth," and they will "go to hell" because they are not "right in the head." During a company investigation of the incident, five other employees confirmed that Matthews said gays are sinners who are going to hell. Wal-Mart managers considered these remarks to be "serious harassment" in violation of the company's "Zero Tolerance" harassment policy, which bars any conduct that could be interpreted as harassment on the basis of categories that include sexual orientation. Serious harassment is considered "gross misconduct" that is grounds for dismissal.
The ruling observes: "If Matthews is arguing that Wal-Mart must permit her to admonish gays at work to accommodate her religion, the claim fails. Wal-Mart fired her because she violated company policy when she harassed a co-worker, not because of her beliefs, and employers need not relieve workers from complying with neutral workplace rules as a religious accommodation if it would create an undue hardship." The above-linked article notes that Christian legal groups have been ramping up claims of the right to proselytize in the workplace. Courts, so far, have largely disagreed.

Read the entire ruling.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: NEW ZEALAND: A Man May Not Marry...

My pal Leif Wauters points out New Zealand's rather exhaustive and confusing list of who a man may not marry. Daughter's son's wife? Wait, what? Same-sex marriages don't appear on the banned list, possibly because New Zealand offers civil unions. Leif and his husband were forced to emigrate to New Zealand last year because of DOMA. They are watching the developments on that front very closely.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: BRAZIL: The Deadliest Place In The World To Be Transgender

Reeling from the murders of numerous transgender people, Brazilian activists have launched a petition campaign to the nation's president.
President Dilma Rousseff, You have said that human rights are at the “center of your politics.” In the face of a dramatic rise in attacks and murders of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Brazilians, we need your immediate support for the passage of the Anti-Homophobia law (PLC122) that will ensure that ALL Brazilians have equal protection under the law.
Organizers of the international activist group All Out write us today to request your signatures on the petition. They hope to gather 100,000 names and generate media attention when delivering the petitions to the president.

posted by Joe

Via JMG: RNC thinks gays shouldn't be permitted to visit their partners' death bed

Wow. And you'd have thought the Republican National Committee would have gotten over the gay-baiting, what will all the senior level gays working Republican Hill offices, the RNC, and considering that the former head of the RNC, Ken Mehlman, was himself gay. You'd think with all of that, the RNC would know better than to start gay-baiting yet again. But the Republican party just can't help itself. Hate, intolerance and bigotry is what they know best, whether it's racism against blacks and Latinos, sexism against women, or homophobia against gays. If it's not about who you're supposed to hate today, the Republican party just isn't interested in hearing about it.

Check out this site run by the RNC. Attacks regarding DOMA, DADT repeal (which Colin Powell and Dick Cheney are fine with), marriage equality (which Dick Cheney supports), civil unions (which George Bush said he was in favor of all the way back in 2004), and the RNC now appears to be endorsing California's hideous Prop 8 to boot. Oh but it gets better. The RNC is outright criticizing Obama for trying to eliminate discrimination against gays in housing, and for helping gay partners visit their dying loved ones in hospitals.

There is one glaring omission on the RNC Web site. They failed to take a position on stoning gays to death. I'm sure it's a typo that will be corrected in short order.

PS And Mr. President, note that the RNC is still accusing you of supporting gay marriage, even though you now claim you don't. You don't get credit for this stuff, they're still going to accuse you of being the next Hitler regardless of what you do. Why not just do the right thing on marriage equality, and everything else gay and otherwise.

(H/t to HRC for finding out this site existed.)

Monday, April 4, 2011

OM (aum)

om mani padme hum

Lama Michel | o budismo,o Centro de Dharma e a comunidade

Who We Really Are & What We Appear To Be

Vipassana Meditation - by Ram Dass

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Tobias Wolff

"The attempt by the Republican party to overreach following last November's elections and cripple the ability of workers to organize -- and, incredibly, to roll back protections like child labor laws, as in Maine, where Republicans are seeking to create a rotating, vulnerable and underpaid workforce that will further disempower low-wage household earners -- has generated a backlash unlike anything we have seen in half a century. Liberal and progressive forces have an opportunity to use this fight to reclaim the political agenda in America and to reframe the political narrative. LGBT advocates and the LGBT community need to be a part of this urgently important moment. We need to be visibly showing up and contributing our efforts, so that our allies in labor, in state legislatures, and in political parties and organizing committees around the country will know that we were there when it mattered. And, in putting skin in the game, we will be able to play a part in defining the agenda and narrative that will emerge from this reawakening of the American worker." - Activist and UPenn law professor Tobias Wolff, calling on the LGBT community to rise up against anti-union forces.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Equality California: Should We Take Proposition 8 Back to The Ballot In 2012?

Equality California says that since it may be years before Prop 8 is resolved in federal court, it's time to talk about attempting its repeal on next year's ballot. Via press release:
Because legal experts are advising that the Proposition 8 federal challenge could take years to resolve, Equality California is launching a community engagement initiative to start a discussion on whether to return to the ballot in 2012 to repeal the marriage ban or whether to wait for a final decision by the courts. Before making any recommendation, Equality California will survey its membership, hold 10 town halls across the state and an online town hall, conduct a poll of likely 2012 voters, consult with political experts, coalition partners and engage with its members and the LGBT community. Equality California will announce results of polling and analysis by Labor Day. Details and a complete schedule for community town halls are forthcoming with initial meetings scheduled for San Francisco on May 19, West Hollywood on May 25 and San Diego on June 2.
A small but dogged campaign to place a repeal of Prop 8 on the 2010 ballot ultimately collapsed without the support of major groups like Equality California.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: IRS Ombudsman Predicts No Penalties For Married Gay Couples Filing Joint Returns

The anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund is quite unhappy with the IRS ombudsman who says that married gay couples can expect little retribution for filing joint returns.
Nina E. Olson, the national taxpayer advocate who acts as an ombudsman for the I.R.S., acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding federal taxation of same-gender spouses in an annual report to Congress. In the report, she said that taxpayers may take a filing position without penalty if there is “substantial authority” to do so, such as a court case that hasn’t been overruled by the United States Court of Appeals. And there happen to be two such cases, which are currently on appeal.
Last week the Refuse To Lie campaign launched with the warning for gay couples to seriously consider the possible ramifications.

posted by Joe

Via Barack Obama 2012:

Today, we are filing papers to launch our 2012 campaign.

We're doing this now because the politics we believe in does not start with expensive TV ads or extravaganzas, but with you -- with people organizing block-by-block, talking to neighbors, co-workers, and friends. And that kind of campaign takes time to build.

So even though I'm focused on the job you elected me to do, and the race may not reach full speed for a year or more, the work of laying the foundation for our campaign must start today.

We've always known that lasting change wouldn't come quickly or easily. It never does. But as my administration and folks across the country fight to protect the progress we've made -- and make more -- we also need to begin mobilizing for 2012, long before the time comes for me to begin campaigning in earnest.

As we take this step, I'd like to share a video that features some folks like you who are helping to lead the way on this journey. Please take a moment to watch:

Watch the video

In the coming days, supporters like you will begin forging a new organization that we'll build together in cities and towns across the country. And I'll need you to help shape our plan as we create a campaign that's farther reaching, more focused, and more innovative than anything we've built before.

We'll start by doing something unprecedented: coordinating millions of one-on-one conversations between supporters across every single state, reconnecting old friends, inspiring new ones to join the cause, and readying ourselves for next year's fight.

This will be my final campaign, at least as a candidate. But the cause of making a lasting difference for our families, our communities, and our country has never been about one person. And it will succeed only if we work together.

There will be much more to come as the race unfolds. Today, simply let us know you're in to help us begin, and then spread the word:

Thank you,

Paid for by Obama for America
Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Via AmericaBlogGay:

John reported on the NIH report here. Another report has surfaced via the Center for Health Policy Research at the University of California, Los Angeles. The report's empirical data proves there are some major health concerns for our aging LGBT community. Not surprisingly, our elders are showing the negative signs of the stress from having to suffer through living in an unwelcoming and hateful American anti-gay culture.
Older lesbian, gay and bisexual adults in California are more likely to suffer from chronic physical and mental health problems than their heterosexual counterparts, a new analysis has found. They also are less likely to have live-in partners or adult children who can help care for them.
Also, there is this:
Older gay and bisexual men — ages 50 to 70 — reported higher rates of high blood pressure, diabetes and physical disability than similar heterosexual men, according to the researchers. Older gay and bisexual men also were 45 percent more likely to report symptoms of psychological distress and 50 percent more likely to rate their health as fair or poor. In addition, one in five gay men in California was living with H.I.V. infection, the researchers found.

Yet half of California’s older gay and bisexual men lived alone, compared with 13.4 percent of older heterosexual men.
The problem is a complicated one with several time sensitive and social variables. First, our older LGBT citizens have had to deal with a far more negative and pervasively discriminatory society. Secondly, our gay culture needs to learn how to honor and embrace our elders and thirdly, we lost a core generation of gay men who succumbed to HIV who might have been instrumental in making the older generation's transition to their golden years easier. Our community needs to remember we all participate in the aging process and honor and support our elderly.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Today's "We are one of our own worst enemies" Post: VIA JMG

Queers Against Equality

Apparently they've been around for a couple of years, but I've only just learned about them via Slog. From the Against Equality about page:
Against Equality is an online archive, publishing, and arts collective focused on critiquing mainstream gay and lesbian politics. As queer thinkers, writers and artists, we are committed to dislodging the centrality of equality rhetoric and challenging the demand for inclusion in the institution of marriage, the US military, and the prison industrial complex via hate crimes legislation. We want to reinvigorate the queer political imagination with fantastic possibility.
On marriage equality:
Gay marriage apes hetero privilege and allows everyone to forget that marriage ought not to be the guarantor of rights like health care. In their constant invoking of the “right” to gay marriage, mainstream gays and lesbians express a confused tangle of wishes and desires. They claim to contest the Right’s conservative ideology yet insist that they are more moral and hence more deserving than sluts like us. They claim that they simply want the famous 1000+ benefits but all of these, like the right to claim protection in cases of domestic violence, can be made available to non-marital relationships.
Against Equality also opposes the repeal of DADT, because nobody should be in the military.
Is it the uniforms? The always flattering navy blue of a seaman’s uniform? The adventurous khaki of a soldier in the desert? Or might it be the rituals of military life, the sado-masochistic infliction of rules and tortuous drills, which drive today’s gays and lesbians to insist that they ought to be allowed to serve freely and openly in the military?
There's a Facebook page for an upcoming speaking engagement by the group at Seattle's Cornish College.

reposted from Joe

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lançada a Frente Parlamentar Mista pela Cidadania LGBT

O salão nobre do Congresso Nacional, no dia 29/03/2011, foi palco de um dos momentos mais significativos na luta pelo reconhecimento dos direitos de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais-LGBT e a efetivação da cidadania da comunidade homossexual. Numa bela cerimônia, aconteceu o lançamento da Frente Parlamentar Mista pela Cidadania LGBT.

A Frente de caráter supra-partidário, tem como objetivo reunir todos os parlamentares comprometidos com os direitos humanos, com o combate à discriminação e ao preconceito de todos os tipos. E que, independente de suas crenças religiosas, reafirmam o caráter laico e republicano do Estado brasileiro.

A Frente apóia e articula a apresentação e aprovação de proposições legislativas de interesse da comunidade LGBT, assim como trabalha para colaborar na garantia de recursos para a execução do Plano Nacional de Política LGBT. E, neste novo momento, é composta por 175 parlamentares, incluído deputados federais e senadores.

Para Carlos Magno, secretário de comunicação da ABGLT, a Frente LGBT é uma grande iniciativa, pois os parlamentares poderão atuar no Congresso, no Senado e defender os interesses da comunidade LGBT. “ Além de leis que nos proteja, precisamos de porta-vozes que possam garantir o debate prol-LGBT no congresso. Precisamos de vozes para denunciar os crimes, a violência homofóbica e, fundamentalmente, a falta de leis”, comemora Magno.

Um dos deputados de destaque na Frente é o Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ).
Carlos Magno e Jean Wyllys no lançamento da Frente Mista pela Cidadania LGBT( foto)

Carlos Magno
Supervisor do CRLGBT-BH
Sec. de Comunicação da ABGLT
Militante do CELLOS-MG
Pós- Graduando em Mídias Sociais e Comunicação Digital
Que a gente viva feliz mesmo sem permissão ( Mário Benedetti)

Reposted from JMG: Clique Chart


reposted from Joe

It Gets Better: Columbus Children's Choir and the Columbus Gay Men's Chorus

Via AMERICAblog Gay: GOP Homophobia was on display at hearing on DADT repeal implementation

As we mentioned earlier this week, the House Armed Services Committee's Subcommittee on Military Personnel was holding its first hearing on DADT repeal today. It was supposed to be about the implementation process. But, these GOPErs can't help themselves. Their homophobia was on full display. And, they wanted another debate over whether DADT should be repealed.

Keep in mind that 80% of the American people support repeal. But, you wouldn't know that from the way the Republicans today. It was pretty clear these GOPers still don't want repeal to happen. At this point, any opposition to DADT repeal is based on bigotry.

SLDN blasted the hearing:
“Today’s hearing represents a shameless and transparent attempt by a few repeal opponents to delay, defund, and derail the timely certification and full repeal of the discriminatory ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ law.

“Mr. Wilson knows better. There was nothing undemocratic about last year's vote to repeal ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell.’ The measure passed both houses of Congress on a strong bi-partisan vote.
Alex Nicholson took a swipe at the hearing organizers, but sees progress:
"Despite the transparent intentions behind the scheduling of today's oversight hearing on the progress toward 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal, the hearing went very well and revealed smooth sailing for ongoing training and certification preparation. Under Secretary Stanley and Vice Admiral Gortney thoroughly answered all questions regarding the progress of repeal training, and opponents of repeal noticeably struggled to try to get in digs about this inevitable change in policy. Overall, the Department of Defense continues to do an admirable job in deliberately moving forward toward certification and finality on this issue."
At Think Progress, Zack Ford report on the hearing is titled, "GOP Digs For Dirt At Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Oversight Hearing." Chris Johnson from the Washington Blade live-tweeted the hearing. Rep. Joe "You Lie" Wilson chaired the hearing:
WIlson (R-S.C.) says he was "troubled" by the process that led to #DADT repeal and thought it was rushed through lame duck session
Yeah, the House only voted on repeal twice, in May and December. The Senate only debated repeal three times. That's a real rush job. But, I think this is my favorite:
Hartzler you have a "double-standard" by not requiring men and women to shower together, but requiring gays to shower with straight troops
Hartzler is Rep. Hartzler (MO) is the sponsor of the resolution on DOMA that's given us the list of the biggest homophobes in the House. Now, why she puts so much thought into people showering together is intriguing. Clearly, she thinks about it a lot. She's vying to be the next Marilyn Musgrave.

We're just seeing more and more evidence that a lot of these House Republicans don't really care what the American people think. They're trying to impose their warped, homophobic views on the country.

Guess it's a good thing we didn't wait to push the repeal bill in 2011, which was part of the original plan.

Via AmericablogGay: More on America's unfair gay immigration policy

More on America's unfair gay immigration policy

ABC News has a story that provides some concrete examples of just how devastating the decision to continue with "business as usual" is destroying gay American bi-national couple's lives.

Vandiver and Velandia, who have been together since 2006, have been recognized by Princeton, New Jersey as domestic partners in 2007, and married in Connecticut. Unfortunately for Velandia, he is Venezuelan and is now in danger of deportation.
"I started from zero in this country -- new language, new culture," said Velandia. "It's been like the American Dream."

But when his visa expired, an application for a green card was denied. In 2009, Velandia received a notice of deportation. If deported, he could be barred from entering the U.S. for 10 years.
Nice, huh? Next we have an example of a bi-national lesbian couple, Carry Tucker, 55, of Sacramento, CA, and her LEGAL wife, Claire Pollar, 49, of the United Kingdom. Thanks to our nation's inhumane policies justified by politicians who serve conservative theocratic Talibangelicals, their daughter has missed the support of two loving mothers.
The couple was prepared to move to Canada where Pollard had applied for legal residence under the skilled-worker program, but the economy went sour in 2008.

Under Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, California recognized legal same-sex marriages, but DOMA stood in their way.

They have now been separated for five years. Tucker says her 18-year-old daughter is a "stranger" to Pollard.

"All of her teen years, my daughter did not have her loving stepmother in her life," said Tucker. "They are the two loves of my life, and they don't know each other. That is the most painful part for me."
Wonderful family values, America. And hardly liberty for all.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Words are worse than Sticks and Stones

Stand Up! - Don't Stand for Homophobic Bullying

Via JMG: Gay Sailor Wins Discharge Hearing

Petty Officer Derek Morado today won his discharge hearing with the Navy after being told he faced ejection due to a MySpace photograph that was turned in anonymously. In the photo, Morado is seen kissing another man. Morado's lawyer told KMPH News that even though DADT has been repealed, that doesn't mean the military's investigations are over.
"There's nothing illegal about what the Navy is trying to do to this man right now as I understand it," Attorney Mark King said. King says that's because the law, is the law. "If someone does something in January that by June is no longer a crime, there's nothing unconstitutional about prosecuting them in September over what happened in January, because in January it was against the law," King said. A Navy spokesperson tells KMPH News, the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy has to be certified by the Secretary of Defense, Chairman and President. After that, it will take another 60 days before it goes into effect. "We have to treat them all with dignity and respect. At the same time there is a law and we have to maintain that law," Navy Commander Danny Hernandez said. But for Derek Morado, it wouldn't matter. On Thursday the board voted against discharging him, which means he can continue his dreams of a decorated military career.
According to a press release from GetEQUAL, the Navy's panel voted 3-0 in favor of Morado's retention.

reposted from Joe