Thursday, April 28, 2011

Em Ouro Preto, conheça o Templo Zen Pico de Raios

Por Maria Pignata

Foto: Danilo Avelar

O silêncio das montanhas e a história de Ouro Preto

É como se o silêncio tivesse um som e as montanhas e nuvens escrevessem uma paisagem repleta de poesia. Esta é a sensação que se tem ao subir no mirante do Templo Zen Pico de Raios, em Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. Do local, a quase 1,5 mil metros de altitude é possível ter a visão de 360 graus de toda a área, que abrange o cenário barroco da cidade de Ouro Preto e o Pico Itacolomy de um lado e, do outro, o Parque Municipal das Andorinhas e a imponente Serra do Caraça.

Pico de Raios foi fundado em 1984 pelo Mestre Zen Ryotan Tokuda ( para a divulgação e a prática do Budismo, tendo sido o local de formação de monges e um dos principais centros de desenvolvimento do Zen no Brasil. Situa-se numa área de cerca de 4 hectares, com jardins, esculturas de Buda( feitas pelo Monge Tabajara Bushi), e um mosaico com a imagem do Buda Shakyamuni, feito de presente pelo consagrado artista mineiro Inimá de Paula.

Nas escadarias, é possível encontrar também desenhos com pedras coloridas e, nas paredes, frases budistas desenhadas em placas de madeira, expressando a pura essência do Zen, como esta do Mestre Obaku (séc 8): “todos os Budas e todos os seres vivos são nada mais que a mente além do qual nada existe. Esta mente é sem começo, é indestrutível e não tem fim. É aquela que você está vendo agora na sua frente. Comece a pensar sobre isso e você imediatamente a perde”.

Não só os ensinamentos budistas, como também a história de Ouro Preto está impregnada em todo ar do Templo Pico de Raios, que está localizado na divisa entre o Morro São Sebastião e o Morro São João, local onde se iniciou a construção de Vila Rica, há mais de 300 anos, e onde se preserva e reverencia a memória dos escravos massacrados na exploração nas minas de ouro. Em homenagem a eles, o templo mantém, a pedido do Mestre Tokuda, a imagem de um Buda Negro, compondo o altar na entrada de uma mina desativada, um dos pontos mais visitados.

A área, principalmente a do mirante do Templo, foi uma das escolhidas pelo Departamento de Geologia da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP - para desenvolver o Projeto Rocha Amiga, coordenado pela professora Adivane Teresinha Costa. “O objetivo é mostrar aos alunos das escolas públicas o patrimônio geológico, cultural e histórico da cidade, uma vez que ali podemos detectar, entre outros, veios auríferos e toda consequente exploração de minérios, através da qual se deu a formação de Ouro Preto”, explica.

O Templo Zen Pico de Raios funciona diariamente com meditação (Zazen)às 6h, seguida de cerimônia budista. É realizado também samu (trabalhos de limpeza de casa e jardim, e à noite, a prática do Zazen é as 19h30. Nos feriados e finais de todos os meses se realizam seshins( retiros) onde é intensificada a meditação. O local oferece hospedagem, destinada a quem deseja conhecer a prática budista. Os hóspedes devem aderir às atividades do templo.


Rua Rio Piracicapa, 390 Morro São Sebastião - Ouro Preto - MG

Meditação diária às 6h, seguida de cerimônia budista, e as 19h30.

Visitação aos sábados e domingos, das 14h30 às 17h. Taxa: R$ 5,0

Hospedagem destinada à pratica da meditação

Atendimento de shiatsu e acupuntura

Responsável: Monja Maria Pignata:


tel: 31 – 92324238

Como chegar:
De ônibus: da rodoviária, tomar o que vai para o Morro São Sebastião.
Táxi custa em média R$ 15,00
De carro: subir a ladeira João de Paiva (entre a Escola de Minas e a Rodoviária), e na pracinha do Morro São Sebastião, dobrar à direita em direção ao Morro Santana.
ou partir da praça Tiradentes em direção à Mariana, ir pela av. 15 de Agosto, passando pelo Morro de Santana em direção ao Morro São João e Morro São Sebastião.

Via JMG: MSNBC Interviews Binational Gay Couple Facing Deportation

reposted from Joe

Gaga Break: Lady Gaga - Ellen Judas Show

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Couples Torn Apart by the Government: April 24 Marriage News Watch

Bad beer, nice commercial...

STF analisa ações sobre união homossexual no próximo dia 4

STF analisa ações sobre união homossexual no próximo dia 4


O STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) deve analisar no próximo dia 4, quarta-feira, dois processos relativos à união homossexual. Um deles é a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade, da Procuradoria-Geral da República, que pede o reconhecimento do casal gay como entidade familiar; o outro é uma ação do governo do Rio de Janeiro que pede que seja aplicado a casais homossexuais o mesmo regime jurídico das uniões estáveis.

STJ adia decisão sobre união de casal homossexual
Justiça do RS nega pensão a companheiro gay
Previdência formaliza pagamento de pensão a gays

Caso a decisão seja favorável, os mesmos direitos e deveres de companheiros nas uniões estáveis poderão ser estendidos aos casais do mesmo sexo. Um poderá ser considerado dependente do outro, por exemplo.
Segundo explica Maria Berenice Dias, desembargadora aposentada e especialista em direito homoafetivo, há indicativos que de a decisão do Supremo deve ser favorável aos pedidos. Não há previsão, no entanto, de quando a decisão final sairá. Para Dias, é certo que será feito algum pedido de vistas, o que deve atrasar o andamento dos processos.

No STJ (Superior Tribunal de Justiça), a decisão sobre o tema foi adiada no último dia 7 pela terceira vez este ano.

"O significado muito importante dessas decisões é que esse tema vem avançando no poder Judiciário, já que no Legislativo há uma omissão injustificável", diz Dias. Para ela, o reconhecimento da união homossexual é "um caminho sem volta".

A decisão do STF não é vinculante --que precisa ser acatada--, mas finaliza a orientação aos tribunais do país e influencia as decisões em instâncias inferiores.

Dentre as entidades que devem se manifestar no julgamento das duas ações no Supremo estão grupos de direitos humanos e a CNBB (Conferência Nacional dos Bispos).

Via SacBee: Editorial: Prop. 8 backers get desperate, go after judge

During their 2008 campaign to pass an initiative banning same-sex marriage, Proposition 8 proponents insisted they weren't attempting to demonize or marginalize gays and lesbians. They were only standing up for "family values."

Read more:

Via AmericaBlog: Should judges be excused from cases based on their skin color, their politics, their marital status?

As a follow on to Joe's earlier post that the religious right is now trying to have the courts overturn our recent Prop 8 victory in court, based on the simple fact that the judge is gay, I wanted to examine what other court decisions would have to be overturned if we follow this logic.

1. Black judges could not try cases involving civil rights.  Nor could a judge who's a member of any minority.  Of course it wouldn't stop there.  Judges who are white couldn't try cases either, since they're not minorities, but rather, part of the "oppressive majority," as the argument goes. Everyone has a stake in the case, white and black.

2. Judges who are straight couldn't decide sexual orientation cases.  After all, as the religious right keeps telling us, straight marriages are at risk.  So any straight judge who is married, or contemplates possibly ever getting married, would have a personal interest in any gay marriage case, and we can't have that.

3. Female judges couldn't decide any case dealing with gender.

4. Meat eaters couldn't try cases against PETA.  But then again, Vegans couldn't either.

5. And no Republicans or Democrats could ever try any political cases at all.  So basically, no judge could ever try a case brought before it by the Congress or the executive branch.

If anything, the accusation that gay judges are per se unable to be fair and objective judges is prima facie evidence of the bigotry and animus motivating Prop 8 supporters.

Via AMERICAblog: Law firm was reportedly in "mayhem" over decision to take DOMA case

The law firm King & Spalding stunned many observers Monday by abruptly withdrawing from representing the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) -- barely a week after coming under fire for signing on to defend the law on behalf of House Republicans. But the real shockwaves may have taken place within the firm, where, according to one insider, employees were at each other's throats over its decision to take on the case.

A source at the firm described the “mayhem” that ensued after employees learned King & Spalding agreed to defend DOMA.

“Management was divided, people were threatening to quit,” the source said. In addition, it was unclear if members of the firm’s Diversity Committee had been consulted ahead of time about taking on the case.
And for the record, Barack Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder thinks every single one of you is un-American. Unless you're Republicans who are trying to make a fast buck off of stopping gays from get their full and equal civil rights. Then Holder [hearts] you.

It would seem the facts of this case are a tad more complicated than our Attorney General realized when he decided to mouth off in a homophobic burst earlier today (funny how Holder never mouths off with pro-gay comments).  We're still waiting to hear the President disavow his Attorney General's incredibly offensive remarks.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Via Freedom to Marry:

Freedom to Marry header


I was brought up to believe in the Golden Rule: You should treat others as you want to be treated.

So you can imagine my shock when I heard that my Uncle Ron may have to give up the home he shared with my Uncle Tom, who died in March. Ron and Tom were together for 58 years and they married in California in 2008.

But because the Defense of Marriage Act denies gay spouses the Social Security survivor benefits that would be paid to heterosexual widows and widowers, Ron is not getting the Social Security survivor benefits his husband, Tom, earned.

Freedom to Marry has put together a video to highlight this heartbreaking story. Please take a moment to watch:

For as long as I can remember, Ron and Tom were together. It wasn't until I had gotten to be a bit older that I suddenly put two and two together and asked my father if Uncle Ron and Tom were gay. "Yes. Do you have any questions?" my father asked. "No," I responded. Looking back, I realize the exchange was remarkable in how unremarkable it was.

The conversation took place in the '70s, when there was very little access to information about same-sex couples. Only now do I realize that I had access to the best possible information -- my relationship with my two uncles.

They provided me with a real sense of love and commitment within my family. The marriage discrimination imposed by DOMA contradicts everything I was brought up to believe in.

You've already helped shed light on how DOMA harms same-sex couples and their families when you signed the petition asking Congress to end the "gay tax." Thank you. Now can you encourage others to do the same?

Through all the struggles of a committed relationship, my uncles' love for each other triumphed -- for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.

I only hope that, with your support, no other committed couple faces the same challenges as my Uncles Ron and Tom.

Thank you,

Shari Wallen Taylor

© 2003-2011 Freedom to Marry |

Via JMG: OHIO: Eight Horses Burned To Death In Anti-Gay Arson Attack

Eight horses were burned alive in their barn this weekend in an arson attack on a property owned by a gay man. The words "Fags are freaks" were found spray-painted on the side of the barn.
Seven adult horses and one foal died as a result of an arson fire at 874 West Richards Road in McConnelsville just after 11:30 p.m. on Sunday. Owner Brent Whitehouse said he woke to discover the barn engulfed in flames and immediately called 911, but it was too late. "I couldn't get the door open I could still hear the horses kicking and I tried as hard as I could to get them out and I just couldn't get them out in time," he said. Those who know Brent believe this was a hate crime, explicit words relating to his sexuality were spray painted in large white letters on the side of the barn before the fire was started. "They obviously don't know him very well, because he's a sweet-hearted person and how he lives his lifestyle is nobody's business but his own," said friend Bobbie Nelson.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: TN House Votes To Overturn Nashville's Gay-Friendly Business Ordinance

Earlier this month Nashville's city council approved a law banning the city from doing business with companies that discriminate against their LGBT employees. Yesterday the GOP-dominated state House voted to overturn that law.
The measure sponsored by Republican Caucus Chairman Glen Casada of Franklin was approved 73-24 on Monday. The companion bill is awaiting a vote in the Senate State and Local Government Committee. The proposal would void a Nashville ordinance barring companies that discriminate against gays and lesbians from doing business with the city. Under state law it is illegal to discriminate against a person because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, age or national origin. The Nashville ordinance prohibits companies that discriminate because of sexual orientation or gender identity from receiving city contracts. It does not apply to local governments' hiring policies for their own workers.
(Tipped by JMG reader Tim)

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Church Sign Of The Day

The above message is being displayed on an electronic billboard in Toledo, Ohio. The church has issued the below statement in support of their campaign.
This simple statement is intended to be a gift to those who have experienced hurt and discrimination because of their real or perceived sexual orientation. The Church seeks nothing less than the healing of the world, and Central UMC wants to offer words and acts of healing to those hurt and marginalized. Also, declaring that being gay is a gift from God is a prophetic call to the Church to get out of the business of marginalizing gay and lesbian persons from the Church, and to welcome them as full members.
Refreshing and positive religious news! On JMG!

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Prop 8 Proponents Move To Vacate Judge Vaughn Walker's Ruling Because He's Gay

They've been talking about it for weeks and today Prop 8's backers officially filed to vacate Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling overturning the ban of same-sex marriage in California. Because a gay judge cannot possibly be impartial about gay issues.
The sponsors of California's same-sex marriage ban said Monday that the recent disclosure by the federal judge who struck down Proposition 8 that he is in a long-term relationship with another man has given them new grounds to have his historic ruling overturned. Lawyers for the ban's backers filed a motion in San Francisco's U.S. District Court, arguing that Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker should have removed himself from the case or at least disclosed his relationship status because his "impartiality might reasonably be questioned." "Only if Chief Judge Walker had unequivocally disavowed any interest in marrying his partner could the parties and the public be confident that he did not have a direct personal interest in the outcome of the case," attorneys for the coalition of religious and conservative groups that put Proposition 8 on the November 2008 ballot wrote.
Lambda Legal's Jon Davidson reacts:
To say that Judge Walker's should have disclosed his ten-year relationship with another man or that it made him unfit to rule on Proposition 8 is like saying that a married heterosexual judge deciding an issue in a divorce proceeding has to disclose if he or she is having marital problems and might someday be affected by legal rulings in the case. Or that any judge who professes any religious faith is unable to rule on any question of religious liberty or, at a minimum, must disclose what his faith teaches. Much like a suggestion that a female judge could not preside over a case involving sexual harassment or an African American judge could not preside over a case involving race discrimination, Proposition 8's supporters improperly are suggesting that a judge will rule in favor of any litigant with whom he shares a personal characteristic.
American Foundation for Equal Rights reacts:
"This motion is yet another in a string of desperate and absurd motions by Prop 8 Proponents who refuse to accept the fact that the freedom to marry is a constitutional right. They're attempting to keep secret the video of the public trial and they're attacking the judge because they disagree with his decision. Clearly, the Proponents are grasping at straws because they have
NCLR's Shannon Minter reacts:
"This is a desperate and ill-advised move that underscores their inability to defend Prop 8 on the merits. This is not likely to win them any points with the courts, who understandably do not appreciate having the integrity of judges called into question based on such outrageous grounds. This is part and parcel of the underhanded way the Prop 8 campaign itself was run-based on lies, insinuations, and unsupported innuendo."

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Openly Gay Former NBA Player John Amaechi On Kobe Bryant's Fine

Openly gay former NBA player John Amaechi feels Kobe Bryant's "fucking faggot" apology was insincere and that the NBA's fine was appropriate. Amaechi came out in 2007 after his retirement. He remains the only openly gay current or former NBA player.

reposted from Joe

Blog post of the Day:

"Nihilism equals Christianity because Jesus came into the world not to demonstrate what the "natural" order was but to demolish it in the name of charity. Loving one's enemies is not exactly what the natural order prescribes, and more than that, it isn't what naturally happens. so when the Church defends the natural order of the monogamous reproductive family against any act of charity whatever toward (naturally) gay persons or bars women from the priesthood (once again because women are supposed to have a different natural vocation), it shows its preference for the God of the natural order over the message of Jesus. It is no surprise that a church oriented that way is also "naturally" reactionary, always defending the (dis)order in place except when it fringes on the rights of the clergy...Gioacchino da Fiore was a true prophet when he taught in the Middle Ages that the history of salvation passes through moments and phases. Adapting his terminology, we could say that we are living in the age of the Spirit, which is much as to say that we are living in an epoch that through science and technology can dispense with metaphysics and a metaphysical God: a nihilist epoch. An epoch in which our religiosity can finally develop into the form of charity no longer dependent on truth. There is no longer any reason to say, "Plato a friend, but the truth a greater friend." In the past the Church (the Churches, rather) put a whole range of heretics to death for just the reason encapsulated in that phrase. There is not, an not ought to be, anything more than charity, a welcoming toward the other."
  - Gianni Vattimo, A Farewell to Truth, Columbia University Press, 2011  pp 59-60

thanks to BG for this insightful post.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Via JMG: GOP Praises Paul Clement, Disses King & Spalding Over DOMA Withdrawal

"I want to express my gratitude to former Solicitor General Clement. I admire his unwavering commitment to his clients and his dedication to uphold the law – qualities that appear to be inconsequential at King and Spalding where politics and profit now appear to come first. King and Spalding’s cut and run approach is inexcusable and an insult to the legal profession. Less than one week after the contract was approved engaging the firm, they buckled under political pressure and bailed with little regard for their ethical and legal obligations. Fortunately, Clement does not share the same principles. I’m confident that with him at the helm, we will fight to ensure the courts – not the President – determine DOMA’s constitutionality." - Rep. Dan Lungren, chairman of the House Republicans Study Committee.

reposted from Joe

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Larry Kramer

"Please know that AIDS is a worldwide plague. Please know that no country in the world, including this one, especially this one, has ever called it a plague, or dealt with it as a plague. Please know that there is no cure. Please know that after all this time the amount of money being spent to find a cure is still miniscule, still almost invisible, still impossible to locate in any national health budget, and still totally uncoordinated.

"Please know that here in America case numbers continue to rise in every category. In much of the rest of the world — Russia, India, Southeast Asia, Africa — the numbers of the infected and the dying are so grotesquely high they are rarely acknowledged. Please know that all efforts at prevention and educations continue their unending record of abject failure. Please know that there is no one in charge of this plague. This is a war for which there is no general and for which there has never been a general. How can you win a war with no one in charge?" - Larry Kramer, from a letter handed to patrons attending the revival of his landmark play, The Normal Heart.

Read Kramer's entire letter

reposted from Joe

"Tale of Two Cities" from SFGMC's "Words" Spring 2011 Concert

Via JMG: The Sisters Fire Back At Porno Pete

San Francisco's Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have fired back at hate activist Porno Pete LaBarbera, who yesterday circulated a press release denouncing the Sisters' annual "Hunky Jesus" contest. An excerpt:
First of all the Sisters would like to thank Peter La Barbaria for all the free publicity he is providing for our Hunky Jesus Contest. Even in the most reactionary communities and families there are brilliant young queer children aching for something truly revolutionary, a chance to be utterly glamorous, and to royally piss off their uptight, puritanical parents. The Sisters often declare their love for Peter and especially appreciate Mr. LaBabar's effectiveness in getting news and images of the Sisters to those children. Of course we don't hate anybody, but his saying we do is a great way to grab the interest of angry resentful children, and we have much experience in helping GLBT youngsters work through their anger to find a more joyous spiritual path.

However, as much as Mr. La Barbarella is promoting our appeal to rebellious youth, it is not really our intention or purpose to offend Christians. Many of our friends and fans are Christians as are some of the Sisters. It's not even our intention or purpose to offend uptight, humorless prigs, though we often do so by suggesting that the Deity has a sense of humor. After all, God created a garden of paradise for us, declared His/Her love for us, and created such laughably bizarre creatures as the platypus, the naked mole rat, and Sarah Palin. But our mission is not to offend. Rather we are dedicated to the expiation of stigmatic guilt and the promulgation of universal joy. Still, we do understand that any sort of liberating theology is offensive to those who want to keep others under their thumbs. Offending prudes and tyrants is not our purpose, but we consider it a bit of a bonus.
Read the Sisters' full message.

reposted from Joe

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Via JMG: Kobe Bryant: Word Can Be Hurtful

As penance for last week's "fucking faggot" incident, the below PSA featuring Kobe Bryant and members of the Los Angeles Lakers will be played at the stadium during home games.

reposted from Joe

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Via JMG: NEW JERSEY: Roommate Charged With Hate Crime In Suicide Of Rutgers Student

The roommate of Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi (left) was today indicted on hate crime charges stemming from the secret webcasting of Clementi having sex with another man. Clementi leaped from the George Washington Bridge last year after learning about the broadcast.
Dharun Ravi, a former Rutgers University student, was indicted on 15 counts including charges of invasion of privacy, bias intimidation and tampering with evidence by a grand jury in Middlesex County, N.J. Prosecutors allege that not only did Ravi invade Clementi's privacy, but he tried to cover it up. Both Ravi and his alleged accomplice, former Rutgers student Molly Wei, are accused of filming Clementi during a "sexual encounter" in his dorm room with a man and then streaming it live on the Internet. Evidence against Wei has not yet been presented to a grand jury. Prosecutors allege that on Sept. 19 of last year, Ravi filmed Clementi with the purpose of intimidating him because of his sexual orientation. Ravi "disclosed a photograph, film, videotape, recording or other reproduction of the image of [Clementi]...whose intimate parts were exposed," the indictment reads. When Ravi became worried about being charged with a crime, he sent false tweets in an attempt "to mislead a public servant who was engaged in such proceeding or investigation," the indictment reads.
Clementi's parents have released a statement applauding today's charges.

reposted from Joe

MSNBC - Same-Sex Immigration Bill Proposed In The Senate

Via JMG: Marriage Opponents Now In Minority

Nate Silver looks at the latest polling trends on same-sex marriage.
Republican candidates, who have placed less emphasis on gay marriage in recent years, probably cannot expect their opposition to it to be a net electoral positive for them except in select circumstances. If support for gay marriage were to continue accelerating as fast as it has in the past two years, supporters would outnumber opponents roughly 56-40 in the general population by November 2012. Past trends, of course, are no guarantee of future ones, and it’s always possible that the momentum toward increasing support for gay marriage could flatten out or even reverse itself. But this does put Republicans in a tricky position. Their traditional position on gay marriage is becoming less popular. But to the extent they disengage from the issue, they may lose even more ground. One way to read the trends of the past few years is that we have passed an inflection point wherein it is no longer politically advantageous for candidates to oppose same-sex marriage, which in turn softens opposition to it among the general public, creating a sort of feedback loop and accelerating the trend.

reposted from Joe

MSNBC - Teen Suicide Attempts Higher In Conservative Areas

Via The Scariest Gay Marriage Chart Ever

Via AmericaBlogGay:

I wonder if King & Spalding would defend anti-miscegenation laws for $900/hour

I wonder what King & Spalding, the law firm that was willing to debase itself by working with John Boehner to defend DOMA, wouldn't do for a fast buck?

Even more disgusting, the firm has the temerity to brag about its diversity policy on its Web site.  Yes, quite the diverse firm.  They offer domestic partner benefits to their employees, then expect those same employees to work to deny similar rights to millions of gay and lesbian Americans nationwide.  The firm is listed near the top of HRC's list of pro-LGBT firms.  I think that listing needs to be tweaked, because any law firm that's willing to do the bidding of the modern day Bull Connor's of the world should have an automatic "fail" in front of their names on any civil rights index.

If you work for King & Spalding, you are no better than someone who worked for firms that helped enforce discrimination against blacks and other minorities during the 50s and 60s and beyond.  I hope all of you $900/hour lawyers can live with yourselves, because your firm shouldn't be permitted on any law school campus in this country.

Perhaps now that DADT is supposedly coming to an end, some enterprising young law students can prepare King & Spalding a queen's welcome next fall when they try to recruit at the nation's top law schools.  Imagine interviewing for a job with a long line of students standing outside the door holding signs that read "HATE," "BIGOT," and "I am a man."  I suspect it might prove embarrassing.  (Though there's no reason King & Spalding's offices can't be greeted by protests now.)

Then again, is anything embarrassing to a law firm that would work to deny millions of Americans their civil rights?  And again, before anyone trots out the old "everyone and every case deserves representation, how would you feel if your law firm was working for, oh, Fred Phelps?  Or David Duke?  Or the Ku Klux Klan?  Still feel that everyone deserves their day?


PS About King & Spalding being so diverse, I decided to take a look at their stats. According to stats available online, King & Spalding reportedly has 0.65% gay attorneys. Yeah, pretty diverse.

Via AMERICAblogGay:

Poll: More than half of all Americans now support marriage equality

A lot of polls are showing this recently. And it matters.  First, because it does in fact show that there's a trend in our favor.  Second, the courts aren't immune from news, and trends, like this.  Maggie Gallagher can spew her bigotry all she wants, and she'll even win in the short-term because her bigots are well-motivated and well-financed by the Catholics and the Mormons.  But in the long-run, Maggie, the Catholic Church and the Mormons will be listed in the history books alongside the people who turned fire hoses on African-American civil rights marchers.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Gospel According to Betty (Part I)

Via JMG: US Sodomy Map

Despite Lawrence Vs. Texas, laws specifically against gay sex remain on the books in four states. Ten other states continue to outlaw all acts of sodomy. Last month the GOP blocked an attempt to delete such a law in Montana.

(Via - Matt Yglesias)

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: $500,000 To Defend DOMA

According to a press release from the Human Rights Campaign, the GOP's contract with the law firm hired to defend DOMA stipulates a maximum payment of $500,000. Oh, but it could be more.
In order to defend discrimination by any means necessary, House Republican leaders have contracted with the law firm King & Spalding at the rate of $520 an hour to argue that they’re right to deny recognition to legally married couples, according to the contract made public today. The document caps the cost at $500,000 but can easily be increased upon further negotiations with the firm. “DOMA inflicts a great cost on same-sex couples but now its defense is burdening taxpayers to the tune of $520 per hour,” said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. “The firm of King & Spalding and their attorney Paul Clement should be ashamed at every penny earned in trying to justify discrimination against American families.” There are currently at least nine cases challenging the constitutionality of section 3 of DOMA which bars federal recognition of marriages between same-sex couples. If the House were to intervene in all nine that would mean less than 100 billable hours would be spent per case in order to hit the $500,000 cap.
Where are the jobs?

reposted from Joe

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Via JMG: Frothy Mix To Glenn Beck: States Should Be Allowed To Criminalize Gay Sex

Former Sen. Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum went on Glenn Beck's radio show yesterday to renew his call to criminalize gay sex. Santorum was responding to former Sen. Alan Simpson's epic denouncement of homophobic Republicans.
There were no “cruel, cruel” remarks. All I can ponder is that Alan Simpson is talking about a comment that I made, which I paraphrased, almost word for word, but paraphrased a Supreme Court justice in a case called Lawrence v. Texas, before that case came out, which had to do with, as you know, a Supreme Court case on the issue of sodomy, and I said that if you have -- if the Supreme Court changes the legal standard to say that sexual -- consensual sexual activity is now a constitutional right, then we open up the gates for all sorts of consensual activity. It’s not homophobic. It’s a legal argument, and it’s a correct legal argument. In fact, that’s exactly what’s happening. We went from Lawrence v. Texas to now a constitutional right to same-sex marriage and they’re going into a constitutional right to polyamorous relationships. This is the slippery slope that we’re heading down, and I stand by it.
Click over to Equality Matters for an audio file.

reposted from Joe

Friday, April 15, 2011

Via Asterisk: Presbyterian Church (USA) Turns Gays Away from Active Ministry | Asterisk

April 27, 2009
presbyterian-crossSix weeks ago, I brought your attention to Presbyterian Amendment 08-B, which would open ordination to all called Presbyterians, including lesbian and gay members of the church. There had been an early indication of record numbers of Presbyteries voting to in favor of the amendment, but More Light Presbyterians, the denomination’s LGBT advocacy group, announced Saturday that the “no” votes have won the day.

Martha Wash - I've Got You (Official music video)

Via JMG: Military Chaplains Forum Revealed, Takes on Religious Bigotry

Tom Carpenter, LGBT POV: "It is about time there is a strong voice for people of faith who can no longer stand by and see religion used as a weapon against patriotic Americans who want to serve their country. In the brief, the Forum argues that DADT represents no threat to the religious liberty of anti-gay clergy, who will continue to be able to preach their beliefs within their congregations."
Read the Article

Via JMG: NBA To Partner With GLAAD

GLAAD and the NBA today announced a joint effort to quell homophobia in professional basketball. This new partnership arises out of an incident in which Los Angeles Laker star Kobe Bryant was captured by network television as he called a referee a "fucking faggot." Bryant is appealing the $100K fine imposed by the NBA for his outburst. Via press release:
“In light of this slur, there is a real opportunity to build support for our community and educate fans of Kobe Bryant, the Los Angeles Lakers, and the NBA about the use of such words,” said GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios. “The Los Angeles Lakers have taken a positive step and we look forward to working with them to create messages from players and coaches that combat bullying. We also suggested and will continue to advocate for zero tolerance policies for anti-gay slurs at home games, similar to what the New York Yankees adopted last year.” In addition to the LA Lakers, NBA executives have agreed to meet with GLAAD to discuss ways to send a message about the power of such words to the league’s audience, many of whom are young people, parents or educators.
Lakers spokesman John Black: "We appreciate the input we've received from GLAAD the past two days and will look forward to working with them on ways to help educate ourselves and our fans, and to help keep language like this out of our game."

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Photo Of The Day - Pink Thundersticks

Thousands of Brazilian volleyball fans showed up with pink "thundersticks" emblazoned with the name of an openly gay player after he'd been taunted with chants of "Faggot, faggot!" by fans of an opposing team. Visit Matt Algren's Asterisk for video and more amazing photos.

reposted from Joe

Fred Karger challenges Romney to stand up to the Mormon's homophobia

Joe posted the video earlier of gay GOP presidential candidate Fred Karger's appearance on MSNBC. Well, the boys over at AMERICAblog Elections: The Right's Field got more from Karger's campaign:
I followed up with Karger's campaign about this appearance to get a better understanding of how he thinks he can pressure Romney and the Mormon Church. I was provided with this statement from Fred Karger:
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) is extremely sensitive about it's image. Polls showed it plummeted because of all their activities - some found to have been illegal - to pass Prop 8. As the leading candidate for President, Mitt Romney could easily use his vast influence with Mormon Church leadership to get them to back away from their continuing campaign to stop gay marriage throughout this country."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Via JMG: DELAWARE: Civil Unions Pass House!

Tonight the Delaware House passed its civil unions bill by a vote of 26-15. The bill passed last week in the state Senate and is now expected to be signed by Gov. Jack Markell, after which it will go into effect on January 1st, 2012.

The Human rights Campaign notes via press release:
SB 30 will allow same-sex couples to enter into civil unions giving them all of the rights, benefits, and obligations of marriage under state law, but would not allow same-sex couples to obtain marriage licenses. Religious institutions may choose not to solemnize civil unions. Delaware will be the 8th state to offer civil unions or comprehensive domestic partnerships. After the bill is signed into law, it will take effect on Jan. 1, 2012. Currently, five states have laws providing an expansive form of state-level relationship recognition for gay and lesbian couples, without offering marriage. California, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington provide same-sex couples with access to almost of all the state level benefits and responsibilities of marriage, through either civil unions or domestic partnerships. Earlier this year, the governors of Hawaii and Illinois signed into law civil unions bills. Couples in Illinois can begin applying for civil union licenses on June 1, 2011 and in Hawaii couples can begin applying on Jan. 1, 2012. Same-sex couples do not receive federal rights and benefits in any state.

reposted from Joe

Lawrence O'Donnell - NOM Defector Louis Marinelli Turns Gay Marriage Advocate

Via JMG: ia JMG: Kobe Bryant To Appeal "Faggot" Fine

Los Angeles Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant announced today that he intends to appeal the $100K fine imposed by the NBA yesterday for his calling a referee a "fucking faggot" during Tuesday night's game.
Bryant, talking from Sacramento on the Mason & Ireland show on ESPN 710 Radio in Los Angeles, said the appeal is "standard protocol," but also took responsibility for his choice of words said "out of frustration during the heat of the game." "The comment that I made, even though it wasn't meant in the way it was perceived to be, is nonetheless wrong, so it's important to own that," Bryant said. He added, "The concern that I have is for those that follow what I say and are inspired by how I play or look to me as a role model or whatever it is, for them not to take what is said as a message of hate or a license to degrade or embarrass or tease. That's something I don't want to see happen. It's important for me to talk about that issue because it"s OK to be who you are, and I do'n't want this issue to be a part of something or to magnify something that shouldn't be."

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Quote Of The Day - Ben Cohen

"It is disappointing to see this. As a professional athlete and rugby World Cup champion, I understand the heat and passion of competition at the highest levels. But we must all remember that strong bodies must be balanced with strong characters, and works toward that end. Our positions as role models demand it." - Straight ally Ben Cohen, saying he's disappointed with Kobe Bryant.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: The Verizon Guy Comes Out

Now that the long run of Verizon's "Can You Hear Me Now?" campaign is over, actor Paul Marcarelli has come out and is talking about the anti-gay abuse he endured while playing the character known as Test Man.
Marcarelli has a home in Guilford, Connecticut, and five summers ago, kids in an SUV began driving past at night, yelling, “Can you hear me now?” Later, says Marcarelli, “they started screaming ‘faggot’ up at my house. It got progressively more profane as the years went by.” One night, it happened while some friends were over, and he decided to call the police. “As soon as I hung up the phone,” he says, “I realized that in order for them to do anything about it, it would have to become a report that would go into a police log.” Worried about the publicity—and the questions that might ensue if it came out that the actor playing Test Man was gay—he declined to file a report.
Marcarelli has produced and written a film titled The Green, which "centers on how a small town slowly turns against a gay couple when one of the men, a schoolteacher, gets ensnared in scandal." His movie is currently being pitched to film festivals.

reposted from Joe

Dan Savage says to religious bigots: "You've got to get over it"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Via JMG: People For The American Way Issues Report On Christianist Campaign To Keep Anti-Gay Bullying Legal And Frequent

People For The American Way today issued an extensive expose of the tactics used by the Christianist right to keep anti-gay bullying legal and frequent. An excerpt:
Rather than recognize and address the problem of bullying against students who are gay or perceived to be gay, Religious Right groups want schools to embrace a policy of inaction. Many resort to repeating discredited lies about sexual orientation and vilifying the LGBT community and its allies to back up their opposition to anti-bullying programs that mention anti-gay bullying. Concerned students, families, teachers, education professionals, and public officials should not be fooled by the far-right’s attempt to smear anti-bullying programs, and should instead ensure that schools address bullying with a direct, honest and comprehensive approach.
Read the full report.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Hetero Woman Murders Three Children

Once again, we see the brutal fallout of a God-ordained one man/one woman marriage.
The woman apparently had just had a fight with her husband, Jean Pierre, and loaded into her four children into the vehicle, driving a short distance into the river, police said Wednesday. Lashandra Armstrong, 25, and three children, ages 5, 2 and 11 months, died, submerged in about 10 feet of water. Armstrong's 10-year-old son, Lashaun, squeezed through a minivan window and swam to shore
Obviously, the purpose of this post is to underscore how, if this had been a gay parent, our enemies would right this moment be rushing to the state legislatures with renewed calls to outlaw our families.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: NBA Fines Kobe Bryant $100,000

In a move the Human Rights Campaign calls "unprecedented," the NBA has fined superstar Kobe Bryant $100,000 for calling a referee a "fucking faggot" during last night's game. Via press release:
While Bryant acknowledged the outburst earlier today and said in a statement it did “not reflect my feelings toward the gay and lesbian communities,” he failed to apologize or to take full responsibility for the homophobic slur. This afternoon, the NBA and Commissioner Stern issued a strong condemnation of Bryant’s action and in an unprecedented move, fined the Lakers’ superstar $100,000. “We applaud Commissioner Stern and the NBA for not only fining Bryant but for recognizing that slurs and derogatory comments have no place on the basketball court or in society at large, “ said Joe Solmonese, HRC President. “We hope such swift and decisive action will send a strong and universal message that this kind of hateful outburst is simply inexcusable no matter what the context.”

reposted from Joe

Via Freedom to Marry

Freedom to Marry header
Tell your governor to support the RFMA On March 8, Ron Wallen lost his husband and partner of 58 years, Tom Carrollo, to leukemia.

Even as he grieves, Ron also faces the loss of the home he and Tom shared. Unfairly denied the Social Security coverage his husband earned -- payments he would receive were it not for the so-called Defense of Marriage Act's "gay exception" -- Ron cannot afford to keep his home.

The sad truth is that Ron's story of discrimination isn't unique. Doug Gentry, married to a Venezuelan citizen named Alex Benshimol, faces the possibility of being torn apart from his husband because DOMA treats their marriage with contempt. If Doug and Alex weren't gay, Doug could sponsor Alex for American citizenship but, because of DOMA, they are treated as strangers under federal law. "It's gut-wrenching," Doug says.

Couples send us stories like these -- each heartbreaking, each infuriatingly unjust -- and the remedy is clear: We must overturn DOMA now.

Freedom to Marry has worked closely with members of Congress on a bill to repeal this discriminatory law, which denies married same-sex couples federal protections that touch every area of life -- from birth to death, with taxes in between.

We stood with congressional leaders a few weeks ago when they introduced the repeal bill, the Respect for Marriage Act, in the Senate and House. But now we need to grow the support, make the case, build momentum, and add co-sponsors to the bill.

Will you take action now? Ask your senators and representative to co-sponsor the Respect for Marriage Act. Send a letter today:

On behalf of couples like Ron and Tom and Doug and Alex, and because discrimination has no place in America, Freedom to Marry will not stop until we've wiped this discriminatory law from the books. But we can only do it with your help.

Thanks for all you do,

Evan Wolfson
President, Freedom to Marry