Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Via PFAW: Arnold Schwarzenegger's long list of past indiscretions

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Dear Daniel,

Arnold Schwarzenegger's long list of past indiscretions -- including the recent revelation that he fathered a child with a member of his household staff -- shouldn't be any of our business. As long as he didn't break the law, nobody beyond his immediate family should be concerned with his private affairs. But is it too much to ask that Schwarzenegger, and other politicians who have found themselves caught up in messy family situations, extend to all Americans what they say they want for themselves: to not have others meddle in their private lives?

I am still angry at Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not because he hid a personal secret from the public and from his own family, but because he did so while working to deny thousands of California citizens the right to have legal families at all.

Sure, Schwarzenegger was not one of those politicians who regularly use inflammatory anti-gay rhetoric, but nobody in state office has done more to hold back marriage equality for more people. Despite Schwarzenegger's often gay-friendly tone, he is the only governor ever to have vetoed marriage equality legislation twice...twice! Now, Schwarzenegger wants to be known for his refusal to defend the discriminatory Proposition 8 in court. But while he was in office, he had the chance to do the right thing and failed...twice. This is what Americans should remember about Schwarzenegger's gay rights record. A friendly tone doesn't mean a thing when it's paired with hateful policies.

Schwarzenegger, despite his purported unwillingness to join the ranks of the fire breathing gay-bashing Right, has placed himself with the likes of John Ensign and Newt Gingrich on the long and growing list of GOP officials who accused gay people of ruining the institution of marriage while they themselves flouted their wedding vows.

No politician, however squeaky clean his or her personal record is, should be in the business of telling grown adults who they can love and marry, or demonizing people who are trying to achieve the financial and emotional security of marriage. But the people who make my blood boil are those who accuse gay people of harming the institutions of marriage and the family while causing real harm to their own marriages and families. These men expose the real hypocrisy behind efforts to stop gay equality. They insist that family is a personal matter and beg for privacy in their personal affairs. We should all expect -- no, demand -- that they extend that belief to their public policy when and where it really matters.

Michael B. Keegan signature
Michael Keegan, President

This piece also published on The Huffington Post.

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Via Change.Org:
Sign the Petition
Dear Daniel,
We have some wonderful news -- a breakthrough moment that could catalyze a cultural shift in America.
The San Francisco Giants have just committed to becoming the first team in professional sports to produce an “It Gets Better” video against anti-gay bullying, opening up a broader conversation in America about homophobia in the sports world and in our society.  
The Giants will join President Obama, corporations like Google and Apple, and more than 10,000 people who have uploaded poignant and powerful videos supporting kids struggling with sexual orientation and gender identity. 
Inspired by the It Gets Better Project and heartsick about recent homophobic incidents in sports, Giants fan Sean Chapin decided to start a petition on reaching out to his favorite team. More than 6,000 Giants fans signed on in support of Sean’s petition, including four San Francisco mayoral candidates.
The San Francisco Giants are now taking a courageous stand on behalf of gay kids, and those perceived to be gay, perhaps changing sports forever. Click here to join Sean Chapin in thanking the Giants for their amazing leadership.
This fantastic news comes in the aftermath of incidents involving basketball star Kobe Bryant and Atlanta Braves pitching coach Roger McDowell, who was suspended for calling a group of Giants fans a “homo couple” and making lewd gestures before a recent game in San Francisco.
With role models like Bryant and McDowell, it’s no wonder homophobia is rampant in sports, from high school to the pros -- and it’s no wonder that there are zero openly gay men in the four major American sports leagues.
By taking a stand against anti-gay bullying, the Giants are striking a big blow to homophobia -- and giving a big boost to gay youth across America, especially kids who seek to one day play professional sports. 
Please add your name to join Sean Chapin in thanking the Giants and letting them know how much you appreciate their courage:
Thanks for joining thousands of fans across America who support equality. Together, we’ll make sure the sports world is no longer a home for homophobia.
- Eden and the team

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Via JMG: JMG Reader Sean Chapin Convinces SF Giants To Create "It Gets Better" Video

JMG reader Sean Chapin has convinced the San Francisco Giants to become the first professional sports team to create an "It Gets Better" video. Chapin's petition to the team on had drawn over 6000 signatures.
In an interview Monday, Chapin, a 35-year-old accountant who lives in San Francisco and works in Oakland, described the team's decision, announced Monday, as a "breaking bubble" that will have profound reverberations. Giants spokeswoman Staci Slaughter said that the team had been thinking of joining the campaign before Chapin started his petition drive, but that his efforts speeded things up. She said the exact content of the video and which, if any, players or members of the coaching staff will participate have not been determined. Originally, the plan was to produce the video for the Giants LGBT Night home game in August, Slaughter said, "but now we're trying to get it done sooner than later."
Congratulations, Sean!

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Hillary Clinton Issues Statement Supporting International Day Against Homophobia

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has issued a statement supporting today's International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO). Via press release:
In every part of the world, men and women are persecuted and attacked because of who they are or whom they love. Homophobia, transphobia and the brutal hostility associated with them are often rooted in a lack of understanding of what it actually means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). So to combat this terrible scourge and break the cycle of fear and violence, we must work together to improve education and support those who stand up against laws that criminalize love and promote hate. As we mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia this May 17, let us resolve to redouble our efforts.

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am proud to reaffirm our support for LGBT communities at home and abroad, and to call for an end to discrimination and mistreatment of LGBT persons wherever it occurs. Whether by supporting LGBT advocates marching in Belgrade, leading the effort at the United Nations to affirm the human rights of LGBT persons, or condemning a vile law under consideration in Uganda, we are committed to our friends and allies in every region of the world who are fighting for equality and justice. These are not Western concepts; these are universal human rights.

Despite these gains and hard work, there is more to do to turn the tide of inequality and discrimination against the LGBT community. If you are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, know that the United States stands with you and we are unwavering in our commitment to ending this cycle of hate.
And we stand with YOU, Madame Secretary.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: PhoboQuotable - Bingu Mutharika

"If as human beings created in the image of God, we fail to appreciate the difference between males and females and start marrying man-to-man and woman-to-woman, are we not worse than dogs that appreciate nature's arrangement? Have you ever seen a he-goat getting attached to another he-goat? Or a male dog to another male dog? Think about these things." - Malawi president Bingu Mutharika, speaking at a rally against the proposed decriminalization of homosexuality in his country.

(Tipped by JMG reader David)

reposted by Joe

Via JMG: Ted Olson & NY AG Eric Schneiderman Editorialize Against Civil Unions

Former U.S. Solicitor General Ted Olson and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman today published an op-ed piece in the New York Daily News explaining why civil unions are an unacceptable compromise in the marriage equality battle. Olson, as you doubtlessly know, was the co-lead attorney in the battle to overturn Prop 8. An excerpt from today's essay:
A civil union is not a marriage, nor is it an adequate substitute for one. To suggest otherwise is a cruel fiction. Even if all of the inherent confusion and complexities could be resolved and civil unions could somehow provide couples with the same rights and responsibilities of a true marriage, the separation of the two institutions creates a badge of inferiority that forever stigmatizes the relationships of committed same-sex couples as different, separate, unequal and less worthy. Time and time again, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that marriage is one of the most fundamental rights that we enjoy as Americans under the Constitution. It's a right older than the Bill of Rights and older than our political parties. It is the foundation of society. The time to grant the right of marriage to all New Yorkers is now.
Read the entire article.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Phoenix Suns President Comes Out

The president of the Phoenix Suns NBA franchise has come out. Rick Welts is the first such professional sports leader to publicly declare his gayness.
Welts talked separately to NBA commissioner David Stern, Suns guard Steve Nash, Hall of Famer Bill Russell and founding WNBA president Val Ackerman to discuss the message he wished to convey in making his sexual orientation public. The 58-year-old Welts, who began his career as a ball boy for the Seattle SuperSonics, spent several years with Stern in the league office. He was the architect of the All-Star Weekend and helped raise the NBA's profile before leaving for the Suns' front office. Stern was not taken aback or even surprised by the conversation, though he did assume beforehand that Welts had wanted to meet to discuss career advice, according to The Times. "What I didn't say at the time was: I think there's a good chance the world will find this unremarkable," Stern told The Times. "I don't know if I was confusing my thoughts with my hopes."

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Dan Savage

"There are gay organizations with multi-million-dollar budgets, and none of them can seem to scrounge up an executive director who can string a few persuasive lines together and win an argument on basic cable. Why is that every time someone from the Human Rights Campaign is on TV, you just know that we already lost the fight? Whatever the argument is, whatever the question is, it’s over. Some people will say to me, 'Who made you spokesperson?' You know what? Nobody. I’m a spokesperson by default." - Dan Savage, who says he's "appalled" with his role as the go-to gay on television news.
reposted from Joe

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Via JMG: NEW YORK: Wealthy GOP Donors Are Backing Marriage Equality Campaign

The New York Times reports that the bulk of new money coming into the latest push for marriage equality in New York is coming from wealthy GOP donors usually known for backing conservative causes.
Their behind-the-scenes financial support — about $1 million in donations, delivered in recent weeks to a new coalition of gay rights organizations — could alter the political calculus of Albany lawmakers, especially the Republican state senators in whose hands the fate of gay marriage rests. The donors represent some of New York’s wealthiest and most politically active figures and include Paul E. Singer, a hedge fund manager and top-tier Republican donor, as well as two other financiers, Steven A. Cohen and Clifford S. Asness. At the same time, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, a billionaire businessman and philanthropist who has been a major contributor to Senate Republicans in New York, plans a significant push for same-sex marriage: giving at least $100,000 of his own money, hosting a fund-raiser at an Upper East Side town house, traveling to Albany to lobby lawmakers and giving a speech on the issue.
File this one under surprising and welcome.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Hero Collision: Rugby Star Ben Cohen Meets Champion Wrestler Hudson Taylor

Read this NYT profile on the two most well-known straight allies in the world of sports. The article begins:
Ben Cohen is a world-class English rugby star, and Hudson Taylor is a three-time college all-American wrestler. They live on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean. They barely know each other. But they have something quite unusual in common. They may be the only two high-profile heterosexual athletes dedicating their lives to the issues of bullying and homophobia in sports.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Concerned Women Are Concernstipated About The It Gets Better Project

"Thank you for cleaning up the Viagra commercials Fox, but PLEASE what’s with the new tolerance for homosexuals campaign disguised as anti-bullying? Bullying is wrong. It is wrong for any reason. Apparently, American Idol with the help of Woody from Disney’s Toy Story, thinks that my 4th grader needs to be fully aware of the plight of teens who view themselves as 'gay.' I am sorry, but he doesn’t even know about heterosexual sex yet. Can you give me some room here? I am ticked because I feel tricked. Fox blew it last night. The point is parents felt secure in allowing our entire families watch this show. They lured us into a false sense of security and broke trust with us last night." - Concerned Women president Penny Nance, angry about this week's airing of Google's It Gets Better ad during American Idol.

reposted from Joe

Friday, May 13, 2011

Via JMG: Our First Openly Gay U.S. Senator?

Openly gay Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) is reportedly mulling a run to replace the retiring Sen. Herb Kohl, who leaves office in 2012. If successful, Baldwin would become the first openly gay U.S. Senator in history. The Victory Fund is already promising Baldwin their full support.
“This would obviously be a top priority for us. Tammy Baldwin has been an outstanding congresswoman, and she’d be an outstanding senator,” said Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, which has endorsed Baldwin repeatedly. In 1998, when Baldwin became the first openly LGBT candidate to win election to the U.S. Congress as a freshman, the Victory Fund raised nearly a quarter million dollars for her campaign.

reposted from Joe

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Message about Amendment 10-A to the Constitution of the PC(USA)

Via JMG: Bill Donahue Rips Presbyterian Church

"The Presbyterian Church now joins the United Church of Christ, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and the Episcopal Church in allowing practicing homosexuals and lesbians to become members of the clergy. It also has something else in common with these mainline Protestant denominations: it is collapsing. In the case of the Presbyterian Church, it has lost more than half its members since the 1960s; the other denominations are also in free-fall.

"Liberal Christians, including liberal Catholics, have no explanation for this outcome. They never tire of saying how we need to relax the strictures for ordination—allow women clergy, ban celibacy, permit practicing homosexuals—and bingo, watch for a sharp increase in both vocations and membership. Well, they won on policy, but they got their clock cleaned on numbers. Orthodoxy works, both theologically and sociologically, but that’s not something liberals will ever figure out." -Catholic League blowhard Bill Donahue, on the Presbyterian Church's move to allow openly gay clergy.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: MN Sen. Barb Goodwin, Our Hero

The Minnesota Senate today rejected Goodwin's snarky amendment to ban divorce. We appreciate the effort.


reposted from Joe

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Via JMG: Minneapolis Vs. San Francisco

Last night's Daily Show included the below segment comparing the gay scene in San Francisco to that of Minneapolis, which recently topped a survey as the country's "gayest city." The clip includes a visit to San Francisco's legendary kink emporium, Mr. S. Leather.

Urgent Appeal via All Out:

Dear friend,

We have 72 hours to stop the
"Kill the Gays" bill in Uganda.

No one should face death because of who they love.  Can you take 1 minute to add your voice?

Amazing! In 24 hours more than 200,000 people from every corner of the world have joined our campaign calling on President Museveni to veto the Ugandan bill that could sentence lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens to death.

But there are just 24 hours left before it could pass the Ugandan parliament. 

We need to make an unmistakable impact on President Museveni when we deliver the petitions with our Ugandan allies tomorrow.  Can you help out by sending this petition to your friends and colleagues?

You can also share it on Facebook, using this link:

Andre, Erika, Guillaume, Jeremy, Joseph, Prerna, Nita, Oli, Tile, Wesley and the rest of the team at All Out

P.S. In case you missed it, here is the original email:


Dear friend
Conservative lawmakers in Uganda are working to advance a bill that would sentence LGBT people to death. That’s right, death for countless lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Uganda.  We just learned the “kill the gays” bill could come up for a vote in the next 72 hours (1) if we don’t act now.  A conservative leader recently presented the Ugandan parliament with 2 million signatures in support of the law (2). They are trying hard to push the bill forward before the millions like us who oppose it have a chance to speak out. We need to create an international outcry to stop this bill and we need to do it fast.

We have 72 hours to act: can you sign this petition to President Museveni demanding that he publicly vow to veto this hateful bill?  As soon as you sign, please pass it on to everyone you know. Our best chance at stopping the bill is each other—if thousands of us spread the word we can make clear that the world is watching and we will not allow this to stand.
While some conservative members of parliament have staked their political careers on this bill (3), Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni has shown himself to be sensitive to international pressure.  Last year, a massive response from people around the world pushed him to stop the bill in its tracks.
A broad coalition of human rights activists, including Bishop Christopher Senyonjo (4), an internationally respected religious leader and outspoken supporter of LGBT equality in Uganda, will deliver our petitions directly to the President.  Will you please take a moment to speak up for what's right:

This terrible bill is part of a pattern from conservatives in Uganda to marginalize pro-democracy forces - in recent weeks, opposition activists have been beaten, teargassed, jailed and even killed (5).   And In the last year LGBT Ugandans have been repeatedly targeted, attacked, and murdered—like beloved activist David Kato (6), murdered just months after a local tabloid published his picture under the headline, “Uganda’s Top Homos: Hang Them.”(7). Others have been driven out of the country as refugees, and sometimes even threatened abroad by the government (8).

Enough is enough.  Please sign this petition to Ugandan president Museveni, demanding that he veto the bill should it be passed in Parliament--and then pass it on to all of your friends.  
This is so important.  Thank you.
All best and All Out,
Andre, Erika, Guillaume, Jeremy, Joseph, Prerna, Nita, Oli, Tile, Wesley and the rest of the team at All Out
PS - The bill won’t just target LGBT Ugandans - Nurses and doctors could be jailed for failing to “turn in” their patients. And neighbors would be obliged to “report gay activity.” (9) Please sign and share the petition now:

1a. Uganda Antigay Bill Going Forward - 6 May 2011
1b. IGLHRC Shocked at Possible Passage of Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill - 6 May 2011
2. Anti-gay activists call for passing of Bill against homosexuality - 7 April 2011
3. Americans’ Role Seen in Uganda Anti-Gay Push
4b. Bishop Christopher Senyonjo's St. Paul Foundation for International Reconciliation
5. Uganda protests 'only the beginning,' leader says (AP) - 7 May 2011
6a. David Kato, Uganda Gay Activist, Brutally Slain
6b. EU tells Uganda to protect gays
7. Outcry as Ugandan paper names 'top homosexuals'
8.  Fears for safety of Ugandan lesbian due to be deported
9. Anti-Homosexuality Bill - Original Text
All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of every identity - lesbian, gay, straight, transgender and all that’s between and beyond - to build a world in which everyone can live freely and be embraced for who they are.
Our mailing address is:
Purpose Foundation
224 Centre St, 6th Fl
New York, NY 10013

Copyright (C) 2011 Purpose Foundation. All rights reserved.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Via JMG: Anti-Gay Groups To Ramp Up Spending

The Colorado Independent reports that anti-gay groups are planning to dramatically step up their spending and activities through the 2012 elections. And no one is saying where all the money is coming from. The plan has already earned the endorsement of major GOP officials around the country.
Anti-gay rights groups around the country will see a cash infusion over the next two years through a plan called “Ignite an Enduring Cultural Transformation.” And the groups are remaining mum about who is responsible. The campaign, which largely targets states where Republicans won control of legislatures or governorships, has garnered the support of Republican political superstars such as former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.), Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Jon Kyl (Ariz.), and Rep. Trent Franks (Ariz.). The groups intend to pass anti-gay marriage amendments, curtail abortion rights and, in at least one case, ban “transgender bathrooms.”

Family policy councils — a creation of Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family in the 1980s — have launched the Ignite plan in 15 states. Each family policy council has a three-prong plan to achieve their legislative goals over the next two years: lobbying for legislation, mobilizing pastors and social conservatives and supporting candidates that have backed their initiatives. Each group has used a stock brochure containing nearly identical wording to explain their plan and to solicit funds. In many cases, an Ignite plan was launched with an anonymous matching-grant donor.
Read the full story, which breaks down the spending plans of numerous anti-gay groups.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: NEW JERSEY: Judge Temporarily Halts Deportation Of Gay Man

A New Jersey immigration judge today temporarily halted the deportation of Henry Velandia, who is legally married to a U.S. citizen. This follows yesterday's move by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who vacated the decision to deport another gay man in the same situation.
Henry Velandia, who faces deportation to Venezuela, is petitioning to be allowed to remain in the U.S. as the spouse of U.S. citizen Josh Vandiver. Judge Alberto Riefkohl granted an adjournment of the case Friday in a Newark immigration court. At issue is who can be considered a spouse under federal law. Velandia is a 27-year-old professional salsa dancer and Vandiver is a 29-year-old graduate student at Princeton University. They were married last year in Connecticut, where same-sex marriage is legal.
GetEQUAL had staged a protest against the deportation outside the Newark courtroom.

reposted from Joe

Friday, May 6, 2011

Via JMG: Brazil Approves Civil Unions

The Associated Press reports:
Brazil's Supreme Court ruled Thursday night that civil unions between same-sex couples must be allowed in this nation with more Roman Catholics than any other. In a 10-0 vote, with one abstention, the justices said gay couples deserve the same legal rights as heterosexual pairs when it comes to alimony, retirement benefits of a partner who dies, and inheritances, among other issues. The ruling, however, stopped short of legalizing gay marriage. In Latin America, that is legal only in neighboring Argentina and in Mexico City.
The National Conference of Brazilian Bishops argued against the bill before the court.

reposted from Joe

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cut Copy - Need You Now

Google Chrome: It Gets Better

Via JMG: Heather Knows Punctuation

From the New Yorker. Tipped by JMG reader Sean.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Two Gay Dads, Twelve Adopted Kids

Go read this amazing story from the Arizona Republic.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Queerty Relaunches "Without Snark"

Several weeks after announcing its own demise, Queerty has relaunched this morning with the below promise.
While we are committed to maintaining the best of Queerty, we also recognize that you have demanded change. In recent months the Queerty patented wit devolved into predictable snark, eviscerating everyone and everything in its path. Some of the comments simply piled on. We will maintain the independent voice at all cost, going after with a vengeance the powerful, the hypocritical and the just plain foolish. But now we’ll also strive for a better sense of journalistic balance and fairness. In other words we’re going to keep afflicting the comfortable; only now we’ll take care to comfort the afflicted as well.
More on the relaunch from departing owner David Hauslaib.

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reposted from Joe

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2ª Marcha Nacional contra a Homofobia - 2º Grito Nacional pela Cidadania LGBT e Contra a Homofobia

A Direção da Associação Brasileira de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais - ABGLT, convoca todas as pessoas ativistas de suas 237 organizações afiliadas, assim como organizações e pessoas aliadas, para a 2ª Marcha Nacional contra a Homofobia, vinda de todas as 27 unidades da federação, tendo como destino a cidade de Brasília. No dia 18 de maio de 2010, será realizado o 2º Grito Nacional pela Cidadania LGBT e Contra a Homofobia, com concentração às 9 Horas, no gramado da Esplanada dos Ministérios, em frente à Catedral Metropolitana de Brasília.

Saiba mais, leia o MANIFESTO 

“Nada é mais forte que uma ideia cujo tempo chegou”. Vitor Hugo
Igualdade de direitos. Fim da discriminação. Fim da violência. Cidadania plena. Reconhecimento. Respeito. Essas são as nossas reivindicações. Somos milhões de brasileiras e brasileiros, ainda excluídos da democracia e  sem seus direitos garantidos pelas leis do país.
Exigimos a aprovação imediata do PLC 122 que punirá na forma da Lei, os crimes resultantes de discriminação ou preconceito de raça, cor, etnia, religião, origem, condição de pessoa idosa ou com deficiência, gênero, sexo, orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero no âmbito nacional. Exigimos também Leis Estaduais e Municipais de proteção pessoas LGBT contra a discriminação, coerção e violência sofrida por nossa população.
Somos lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais (LGBT), de todos os cantos do país, de todas as profissões, de todos os credos, de todas as raças, de todos os sotaques, de todas as opiniões, de todas as etnias, de todos os gostos e culturas. Mas temos algo em comum. Não usufruímos nossos direitos pelo simples fato de termos orientações sexuais ou identidades de gênero diferentes da norma sexual dominante. Somos milhões de cidadãos/ãs de “segunda classe”  em nosso Brasil.
Faz 22 anos que o Brasil se democratizou e promulgou a “Constituição Cidadã”. Entretanto, em todo esse período, nossa jovem democracia não foi capaz de incorporar a população LGBT. Até hoje não existe sequer uma lei que assegure nossos direitos civis. Não existem leis que nos protejam da violência homofóbica.
A homofobia não é um problema que afeta apenas a população LGBT. Ela diz respeito também ao tipo de sociedade que queremos construir. O Brasil só será um país democrático de fato se incorporar todas as pessoas à cidadania plena, sem nenhum tipo de discriminação. O reconhecimento e o respeito à diversidade e à pluralidade constituem um fundamento da democracia. Enquanto nosso país continuar negando direitos e discriminando lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais não teremos construído uma democracia digna desse nome.
Por essa razão é que a Associação Brasileira de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais - ABGLT, convoca e coordenará todos os/as ativistas de suas 237 ONGs afiliadas e pessoas e organizações aliadas à II MARCHA NACIONAL CONTRA A HOMOFOBIA PELA APROVAÇÃO IMEDIATA DO PLC 122, a ser realizada na cidade de Brasília, em 18 de maio de 2011, com concentração às 9h, na Esplanada dos Ministérios, em frente à Catedral Metropolitana.
O dia 17 de maio é comemorado como o dia internacional contra a homofobia (ódio, agressão, violência, discriminação e até morte de LGBT). A data marca uma vitória histórica do Movimento LGBT internacional. Foi quando a Organização Mundial de Saúde retirou a homossexualidade do Código Internacional de Doenças. O Decreto Presidencial de 04 de junho de 2010 incluiu o Dia Nacional de Combate à Homofobia no calendário oficial federal.
Vamos a Brasília, novamente, para denunciar a homofobia, o racismo, o machismo e a desigualdade social. Temos assistido nos últimos meses ao recrudescimento da violência homofóbica em todas as Unidades da Federação. Chama a atenção o fato de que muitos dos agressores não pertencem a grupos de extermínio e envolvidos em crimes de  ódio, mas são jovens de classe média, o que demonstra como a homofobia está amplamente difundida em toda a sociedade.
O Brasil é um país plural e diverso, que respeita todos os credos e religiões, contudo nosso Estado é laico – separamos a religião da esfera pública, isso está garantido constitucionalmente. O movimento LGBT defende a mais ampla liberdade religiosa. Respeitamos todos os credos e opiniões, mas, entendemos que crenças religiosas pertencem à esfera privada - individual ou comunitária. Religião é uma escolha, a cidadania não! A Cidadania é um direito fundamental!
Não aceitamos que argumentos de religiosos homofóbicos sejam usados como justificativas para o preconceito e negação de direitos aos LGBT. É preciso assegurar a laicidade do Estado e garantir o respeito à diversidade.
A II Marcha Nacional Contra a Homofobia é, portanto, um grito, um protesto, uma exigência para a aprovação imediata ao PLC 122, um manifesto de respeito aos direitos individuais e coletivos.
Queremos igualdade de direitos e políticas públicas de combate à homofobia. Reivindicamos que o Estado brasileiro, de conjunto (ou seja, os três poderes), e em todas as esferas da federação (União, Estado e Municípios) incorporem a diretriz de combater a homofobia e promover a cidadania plena para a população LGBT.
Reivindicamos que:
o Congresso Nacional aprove a criminalização da homofobia (PLC 122), a união estável / casamento civil; a alteração do prenome das pessoas transexuais, o reconhecimento do nome social das travestis;
o Estado laico seja assegurado, sem interferência de religiosos homofóbicos;
o Governo Federal acelere a implementação do Plano Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos Humanos e Cidadania de LGBT, garantindo recursos orçamentários e o necessário controle social na sua execução, promovendo a diminuição da homofobia;
todos os governos estaduais e municipais instituam : coordenadorias LGBT, Conselhos LGBT e Planos de Combate à Homofobia;
o Judiciário, em todos os níveis, faça valer a igualdade plena entre todas as pessoas, independente de sua orientação sexual e/ou identidade de gênero;
o Superior Tribunal de Justiça reconheça como entidades familiares as uniões entre pessoas do mesmo sexo;
o Supremo Tribunal Federal julgue favoravelmente às Ações que pleiteiam a união estável / casamento civil entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e o direito das pessoas transexuais alterarem seu prenome;

as instituições nacionais ou locais de saúde pública estabeleçam ou fortaleçam regulamentações que retirem dos sistemas de saúde público ou privado as pessoas que pratiquem ou promovam práticas de cura da homossexualidade;

os  governos municipais, estaduais e  federal acelerem a implementação  dos Planos Nacionais de Enfrentamento da AIDS para gays e outros HSH, Travestis, Lésbicas e Transexuais, garantindo recursos orçamentários e o necessário controle social na sua execução, promovendo a diminuição da  infecção  do  HIV   em nossa   comunidade;
sejam tomadas medidas concretas pelas autoridades competentes para diminuir os casos de assassinato e violência contra as pessoas LGBT.
Março de 2011
ABGLT – Associação Brasileira de Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais

Assinam também este manifesto:
Associação de Homossexuais do Acre - Rio Branco - AC
Sohmos Gays, Lésbicas, Bissexuais e Transgêneros de Arapiraca - AL
Grupo de Gays, Lésbicas da Cidade de Delmiro Gouveia – GLAD - Delmiro Gouveia - AL
Afinidades – GLSTAL – Maceió - AL
Associação de Homossexuais de Complexo Benedito Bentes – AHCBB – Maceió - AL
Associação de Jovens GLBTs de Alagoas – ARTJOVEM – Maceió - AL
Filhos do Axé – Maceió - AL
Grupo Gay de Alagoas – Maceió - AL
Pró-Vida – LGBT – Maceió - AL
Grupo Enfrentar – Viçosa - AL
Grupo Ghata -  Grupo das Homossexuais Thildes do Amapá – Macapá - AP
MGLTM - Movimento de Gays, Lésbicas e Transgêneros de Manacapuru  - AM
Associação Amazonense de GLT – Manaus - AM
Associação das Travestis do Amazonas – ATRAAM – Manaus - AM
Associação Homossexual do Estado do Amazonas – Manaus - AM
Associação Orquídeas GLBT – Manaus - AM
Organização Homossexual Geral de Alagoinhas – OHGA – Alagoinhas - BA
Grupo Gay de Camaçari – Camaçari - BA
Fund e Assoc de Ação Social e DH GLBT de Canavieiras e Região – Canavieiras - BA
Grupo Gay de Dias D'Ávila - BA
Grupo Liberdade, Igualdade e Cidadania Homossexual – GLICH - Feira de Santana - BA
Transfêmea - Feira de Santana - BA
Eros – Grupo de Apoio e Luta pela Livre Orientação Sexual do Sul da Bahia – Ilhéus - BA
Grupo Humanus – Itabuna - BA
Grupo Gay de Lauro de Freitas - Lauro de Freitas - BA
Associação da Parada do Orgulho LGBT de Mata de São João – GRITTE - Mata de São João - BA
Movimento de Articulação Homossexual de Paulo Afonso - Paulo Afonso - BA
Grupo Fênix - Movimento em Defesa da Cidadania LGBT de Pojuca - BA
Associação Beco das Cores - Educação, Cultura e Cidadania LGBT (ABC-LGBT) – Salvador - BA
Associação das Travestis de Salvador – ATRÁS – Salvador - BA
Associação de Defesa e Proteção dos Direitos de Homossexuais - PRO HOMO – Salvador - BA
Grupo Gay da Bahia – Salvador - BA
Grupo Homossexual da Periferia – Salvador - BA
Grupo Licoria Ilione – Salvador - BA
Quimbanda Dudu – Salvador - BA
Grupo de Resistência Flor de Mandacaru – Caucaia - CE
Associação de Travestis do Ceará – ATRAC – Fortaleza - CE
Grupo de Resistência Asa Branca – GRAB – Fortaleza - CE
Movimento Arco-Iris da Sociedade Horizontina – MAISH – Horizonte - CE
Grupo de Amor e Prevenção pela Vida - GAP - Pela Vida – Maracanaú - CE
Ações Cidadãs em Orientação Sexual – Brasília - DF
Estruturação – Grupo d Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais, Travestis e Trans de Brasília - DF
ELOS - Grupo de Lésbicas, Gays, Travestis e Trans. do Dist. Federal e Entorno – Sobradinho - DF
GOLD - Grupo Ogulho Liberdade e Dignidade – Colatina - ES
Associação Gabrielense de Apoio à Homossexualidade – AGAH - São Gabriel da Palha - ES
Associação das Travestis do Espírito Santo – ASTRAES - São Mateus - ES
AGTLA - Associação de Gays, Transgêneros e Lésbicas de Anápolis – Anápolis - GO
Sociedade Oasis – Anápolis - GO
AGLST-RAQ - Associação de Gays, Lésbicas e Transgêneros da Região Águas Quentes - Caldas Novas - GO
Associação Desportiva de Gays, Lésbicas, Travestis e Transgêneros de Goiás – Goiânia - GO
Associação Goiana de Gays, Lésbicas e Transgêneros – AGLT – Goiânia - GO
Associação Ipê Rosa –Goiânia - GO
ASTRAL-GO – Goiânia - GO
Fórum de Transexuais do Goiás – Goiânia - GO
Grupo Eles por Eles – Goiânia - GO
Grupo Lésbico de Goiás – Goiânia - GO
Grupo Oxumaré- Direitos Humanos Negritude e Homossexualidade – Goiânia - GO
Associação Jataiense de Direitos Humanos - Nova Mente – Jataí - GO
Grupo Flor de Bacaba – Bacabal - MA
Associação Gay de Imperatriz e Região – Imperatriz - MA
GAPDST - Grupo de Apoio e Prevenção – Imperatriz - MA
Grupo Passo Livre - Paço do Lumiar - MA
Grupo Solidário Lilás - São José de Ribamar - MA
Grupo Expressão - São Luis - MA
Grupo Gayvota - São Luis - MA
Grupo Lema - São Luis - MA
Organização dos Direito e Cidadania de Homossexuais do Estado do Maranhão - São Luis - MA
Associação de Gays, Lésbicas e Travestis de Cáceres – Cáceres - MT
GRADELOS - Grupo Afro-descendente de Livre Orientação Sexual – Cuiabá - MT
Grupo Livre-Mente – Cuiabá - MT
LIBLES - Associação de Direitos Humanos e Sexualidade Liberdade Lésbica – Cuiabá - MT
Associação GLS- Vida Ativa – Rondonópolis - MT
Associação das Travestis do Mato Grosso – ASTRAMT - Várzea Grande - MT
Associação das Travestis e Transexuais do Mato Grosso do Sul - Campo Grande - MS
Grupo Iguais - Campo Grande - MS
Movimento de Emancipação Sexual, Cidadania, Liberdade e Ativismo do MS - Campo Grande  - MS
Movimento Gay e Alfenas e Região Sul de Minas – Alfenas - MG
Movimento Gay de Barbacena – MGB – Barbacena - MG
ALEM - Associação Lésbica de Minas - Belo Horizonte - MG
Associação de Transexuais e Travestis de Belo Horizonte – ASSTRAV - Belo Horizonte - MG
Centro de Luta pela Livre Orientação Sexual – CELLOS - Belo Horizonte - MG
Instituto Horizontes da Paz - Belo Horizonte - MG
Centro de Luta pela Livre Orientação Sexual de Contagem- CELLOS – Contagem - MG
MGD - Movimento Gay de Divinópolis – Divinópolis - MG
MGS - Movimento Gay e Simpatizantes do Vale do Aço – Ipatinga - MG
GALDIUM - Grupo de Apoio Luta e Defesa dos Interesses das Minorias – Itaúna - MG
MGM - Movimento Gay de Minas - Juiz de Fora - MG
MGG - Movimento Gay dos Gerais - Montes Claros - MG
Movimento Gay de Nanuque – MGN – Nanuque - MG
Movimento Gay da Região das Vertentes – MGRV - São João Del Rei - MG
Shama - Associação Homossexual de Ajuda Mútua – Uberlândia - MG
Libertos Comunicação - Belo Horizonte - MG
APOLO - Grupo Pela Livre Orientação Sexual – Belém - PA
Cidadania, Orgulho e Respeito – COR – Belém - PA
Grupo Homossexual do Pará – Belém - PA
Movimento Homossexual de Belém – Belém - PA
Associação dos Homossexuais de Campina Grande, Estado da Paraíba - AHCG/PB - Campina Grande - PB
Gayrreiros do Vale do Paraíba – GVP – Itabaiana - PB
Associação das Travestis da Paraíba – ASTRAPA - João Pessoa - PB
Movimento do Espírito Lilás – MEL - João Pessoa - PB
Grupo Expressões - direitos humanos, cultura e cidadania – Cascavel - PR
Associação Paranaense da Parada da Diversidade – APPAD – Curitiba - PR
Dom da Terra – Curitiba - PR
Grupo Dignidade – Curitiba - PR
Grupo Esperança – Curitiba - PR
Inpar 28 de Junho- Instituto Paranaense 28 de Junho – Curitiba - PR
Transgrupo Marcela Prado – Curitiba - PR
Grupo Renascer - Ponta Grossa - PR
Grupo União pela Vida – Umuarama - PR
TABIRAH - Associação de Homossexuais, Lésbicas, Travestis... – Tabira - PE
Grupo Homossexual do Cabo - Cabo Santo Agostinho - PE
Articulação e Movimento Homossexual de Recife – AMHOR – Jaboatão - PE
SHUDO - Associação de Articulação de Defesa e Promoção dos Direitos Humanos – Olinda - PE
Grupo Gay de Pernambuco – Recife - PE
Movimento Gay Leões do Norte – Recife - PE
Satyricon- Grupo de Apoio e Defesa da Orientação Sexual – Recife - PE
Atos de Cidadania - São Lourenço da Mata - PE
Grupo Unificado de Apoio à Diversidade Sexual de Parnaíba – O GUARÁ – Parnaíba - PI
Associação de Travestis do Piauí – ATRAPI – Teresina - PI
Grupo Triângulo Rosa - Belford Roxo - RJ
Grupo Cabo Free de Conscientização Homossexual - Cabo Frio - RJ
Grupo Iguais - Conscientização Contra o Preconceito - Cabo Frio - RJ
Grupo Esperança - Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ
Grupo Pluralidade e Diversidade - Duque de Caxias - RJ
ONG Movimento da Diversidade Sexual – Macaé - RJ
Associação de Gays e Amigos de Nova Iguaçu – AGANI – Mesquita - RJ
Grupo Atividade EN'atividade – GAEN – Natividade - RJ
GDN - Grupo Diversidade Niterói – Niterói - RJ
Grupo Sete Cores – Niterói - RJ
Amores- Organização Não Governamental de Apoio à Diversidade Sexual - Nova Friburgo - RJ
Grupo 28 de Junho- pela Cidadania Homossexual - Nova Iguaçu - RJ
ATOBÁ- Movimento de Afirmação Homossexual - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
CHARLATHS - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Grupo Arco-Íris de Conscientização Homossexual - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Instituto Arco-Íris de Direitos Humanos e Combate à Homofobia - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Movimento D´ELLAS - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Turma OK - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Cidadania Gay - Sao Gonçalo - RJ
Associação das Travestis do Rio Grande do Norte – ASTRARN – Natal - RN
Grupo de Afirmação Homossexual Potiguar – GAHP – Natal - RN
Grupo Habeas Corpus Potiguar – Natal - RN
Grupo Igualdade de Guaíba – Guaíba - RS
Igualdade - Associação de Travestis e Transexuais do Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre - RS
Outra Visão – Grupo GLTB - Porto Alegre - RS
Somos - Comunicação, Saúde e Sexualidade - Porto Alegre - RS
Grupo Igualdade de Tramandaí – Tramandaí - RS
GAYRO - Grupo Arco-Íris de Rondônia – Cacoal - RO
GGR - Grupo Gay de Rondônia - Porto Velho - RO
Tucuxi- Núcleo de Promoção da Livre Orientação Sexual - Porto Velho - RO
Grupo Beija-flor Organização em Defesa da Livre Orientação e Expressão Sexual – Vilhena - RO
Associação Roraimense Pela Diverrsidade Sexual - Boa Vista - RR
ADEH-Nostro Mundo – Florianópolis - SC
Associação Arco-Iris – Joinville - SC
GATA - Associação de Transgêneros da Amurel Tubarão - SC
Identidade - Grupo de Luta pela Diversidade Sexual – Campinas - SP
Grupo Gay de Guarujá – Guarujá - SP
Lésbicas Organizadas da Baixada Santista – LOBAS – Guarujá - SP
ONG Reintegrando Vidas – REVIDA – Jacareí - SP
CASVI - Centro de Apoio e  Solidariedade à Vida – Piracicaba - SP
Grupo Rosa Vermelha - Ribeirão Preto - SP
Ação Brotar pela Cidadania e Diversidade Sexual - ABCD'S - Santo André - SP
Lésbicas e Gays do Litoral – LEGAL – Santos - SP
ONG Visibilidade LGBT - São Carlos - SP
Associação de Populações Vulneráveis – APV - São José do Rio Preto - SP
Associação Rio-Pretense de Travestis, Transexuais e Simpatizantes - ARTT'S - São José do Rio Preto - SP
Grupo de Amparo ao Doente de Aids – GADA - São José do Rio Preto - SP
Associação da Parada do Orgulho GLBT de São Paulo - São Paulo - SP
Associação de Pessoas GLSBT – Ser Humano - São Paulo - SP
CFL - Coletivo de Feministas Lésbicas - São Paulo - SP
Instituto Edson Néris - São Paulo - SP
CORSA - Cidadania, Orgulho, Respeito, Solidariedade, Amor - São Paulo - SP
Associação Vida Esperança - São Vicente - SP
Associação de Defesa Homossexual de Sergipe – ADHONS – Aracajú - SE
ASTRA – Direitos Humanos e Cidadania GLTB – Aracajú - SE
Unidas de Travestis – Aracajú - SE
Associação Grupo Ipê Amarelo pela Livre Orientação Sexual – GIAMA – Palmas - TO
Categoria: Organizações Colaboradoras
GAAC- Grupo Anti-aids de Camaçari – Camaçari - BA
Centro Anti-aids de Feira de Santana - Feira de Santana - BA
Associação dos Moradores do Pontal – AMOP – Ilhéus - BA
Centro Baiano Anti-Aids – Salvador - BA
Centro de Cidadania Sexual do GAPA-BA – Salvador - BA
Grupo Palavra de Mulher Lésbica – Salvador - BA
Associação das Prostitutas do Ceará – Fortaleza - CE
Rede Solidariedade Positiva – CE
Campanha Nacional pelo Fim da Exploração, violência e turismo sexual contra crianças – Brasília - DF
Sociedade Oásis – Anápolis - GO
Grupo Amor e Vida – Ceres - GO
Associação de Negros do Estado de Goiás – Goiânia - GO
Centro de Valorização da Mulher – Goiânia - GO
Comunidade Asha – Goiânia - GO
GOS - Grupo de Orientação ao Soropositivo HIV+ - Goiânia - GO
Centro de Protagonismo Juvenil - Campo Grande - MS
Grupo Assistencial Experiência e Vida Ivandro Reis de Matos – GAE-Vida - Três Lagoas - MS
GAPA-PA - Grupo de Apoio à prevenção à Aids do Pará – Belém - PA
Associação de Luta  pela Vida – PR
Grupo Semente da Vida – Colombo - PR
CEPAC - Centro Paranaense da Cidadania – Curitiba - PR
Rede Solidariedade – Curitiba - PR
RNP+ Curitiba e Região Metropolitana – Curitiba - PR
Núcleo de Ação Solidária à Aids – NASA - Foz do Iguaçu - PR
Voz pela Vida – Maringá - PR
ABDS- Associação Afro-Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Social - São José dos Pinhais - PR
GRUVCAP- Grupo de Voluntário de Cajueiro da Praia - Cajueiro da Praia - PI
Assistência Filantrópica a Aids de Araruana – AFADA – Araruana - RJ
Associação Irmãos da Solidariedade – Campos - RJ
Associação Viver – Itaperuna - RJ
Grupo Pela Vidda Niterói – Niterói - RJ
Movimento Acorda Cabuçu - Nova Iguaçu - RJ
AMOLP - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
GCC- Grupo de Convivência Cristã - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Grupo Água Viva de Prevenção à Aids - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Grupo de Mulheres Felipa de Sousa - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Grupo Pela Vidda/ RJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Programa Integrado de Marginalidade – PIM - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
RNP+ Núcleo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
STVBrasil - Sociedade Terra Viva – Natal - RN
Grupo Esperança – Alegrete - RS
FAPA- Frente de Apoio e Prevenção da Aids - Caxias do Sul - RS
APROSVI- Associação dos Profissionais do sexo do Vale do Itajaí - Balneário Camboriu - SC
Instituto Arco-Íris – Florianópolis - SC
GAIVP – Grupo de Apoio e Incentivo à Vida Positiva - Campo Limpo Paulista - SP
GASA- Grupo Ap. Sol. Paciente com AIDS – Catanduva - SP
Centro de Convivência Joanna d'Arc – Guarujá - SP
Grupo de Apoio Amor à Vida - São Bernardo do Campo - SP
APRENDA- Associação Paulista de Redutores de Danos - São José do Rio Preto - SP
GADA - Grupo de Amparo ao Doente de Aids - São José do Rio Preto - SP
Grupo de Amparo ao Doente de Aids – GADA - São José do Rio Preto - SP
GAPA SJC –  Grupo de Apoio à prevenção à Aids- São José dos Campos - SP
APTA - Associação para Prevenção e Tratamento da Aids - São Paulo - SP
Associação Civil Anima - São Paulo - SP
Associação de Incentivo à Educação e à Saúde de São Paulo – AIESSP - São Paulo- SP
Grupo Prisma - São Paulo - SP
Articulação Nacional das Travestis e Transexuais - ANTRA
Articulação Brasileira de Lésbicas - ABL
ABRAGAY - Associação Brasileira de Gays
   GPH - Associação Brasileira de Pais e Mães de Homossexuais


© ABGLT - Associação Brasileira de Gays, Lésbicas e Transgêneros - 2006 ©

Via JMG: "Untraditional" Households On Rise

These demographic nuggets appear in a Miami Herald story about just-released census data:
Preliminary census numbers show that unmarried partners made up 6.5 million, or nearly 6 percent of U.S. households. Those figures include roughly 581,300, or a half-percent of households, composed of same-sex unmarried couples. Measured by shares, the District of Columbia ranked highest for same-sex unmarried households at 2 percent. [snip] The decreases in traditional families were seen in 42 states plus the District of Columbia, while the remaining eight - Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, North Carolina and Georgia - saw increases. Those eight states generally have a higher number of either immigrants or Mormon residents. In contrast, non-family households made up of single people such as seniors living alone, or opposite-sex or same-sex partners without children, jumped 13 percent to roughly 38 million. Married couples with no kids, which include younger couples and older empty-nesters, rose 9 percent to more than 32 million.
Married opposite-sex couples with children now make up fewer than 20% of households, an all-time low. Cue the cries of "the end of American culture."

reposted from Joe