“Necesitamos ir más allá de cualquier vestigio de discriminación, de
cualquier resquicio de separación, por más sutil que sea. Necesitamos
aprender a mirar hacia adentro y no hacia afuera, comprendiendo que cada
grupo de almas tiene su papel en el proceso evolutivo de la humanidad.
Este es el trabajo que he propuesto: la cura de las heridas ancestrales y
la armonización con nuestras raíces, lo que representa un rescate de
nosotros mismos, porque somos Uno – una sola familia. Pero hemos cerrado
nuestros ojos para algunos de nuestros familiares.”
"We need to go beyond any vestige of discrimination and any trace of separation, however subtle it may be. We must learn to look inward rather than outward, understanding that each group of souls plays a role in the evolutionary process of humanity. The work I propose involves healing our ancestral wounds and harmonizing with our roots. This in turn means rescuing our selves, because ultimately, we are one and the same. We are one family, but in one way or another we have turned out backs on some of our family members.”
"We need to go beyond any vestige of discrimination and any trace of separation, however subtle it may be. We must learn to look inward rather than outward, understanding that each group of souls plays a role in the evolutionary process of humanity. The work I propose involves healing our ancestral wounds and harmonizing with our roots. This in turn means rescuing our selves, because ultimately, we are one and the same. We are one family, but in one way or another we have turned out backs on some of our family members.”