“Una de las principales características del ego humano es la necesidad
de ser amado exclusivamente. El niño nace amando y, al mismo tiempo,
queriendo ser amado. Entonces, con el paso del tiempo, el amor es
eclipsado por creencias y shocks adquiridos, que hace que la necesidad
de recibir amor sea mayor que la necesidad de amar. La persona termina
desconectándose de su núcleo interior y se conecta a la superficie, a
las máscaras - un falso centro se crea a partir de la carencia. Esta es
la causa de gran parte de eso que conocemos como sufrimiento.”
“One of the main characteristics of the human ego is the need to be exclusively loved. A child is born loving and, at the same time, wanting to be loved. Then, with the passing of time, love is eclipsed by acquired beliefs and shocks, which makes the need to receive love greater than the need to give love. As adults, we wind up disconnected from our core and connected to the superficial layer called masks, which is a false center created out of our neediness. This disconnection is the cause of so much of what we experience as suffering.”
“One of the main characteristics of the human ego is the need to be exclusively loved. A child is born loving and, at the same time, wanting to be loved. Then, with the passing of time, love is eclipsed by acquired beliefs and shocks, which makes the need to receive love greater than the need to give love. As adults, we wind up disconnected from our core and connected to the superficial layer called masks, which is a false center created out of our neediness. This disconnection is the cause of so much of what we experience as suffering.”