June 8, 2016
The curriculum of service provides us with information about our
strengths as well, and we discover how these contribute to genuinely
help-full service. Each time we drop our masks and meet heart-to-heart,
reassuring one another simply by the quality of our presence, we
experience a profound bond which we intuitively understand is nourishing
everyone. Each time we quiet our mind, our listening becomes sharp and
clear, deep and perceptive; we realize that we know more that we thought
we knew, and can reach out and hear, as if from inside, the heart of
someone's pain. Each time we are able to remain open to suffering,
despite our fear and defensiveness, we sense a love in us which becomes
increasingly unconditional.
A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 08/06/2016
“Ao se deixar ser guiado pela mente condicionada, você inevitavelmente é
lançado ao sofrimento. A mente condicionada te leva para o caminho
oposto daquele que o seu coração determina; ela te leva a classificar o
que é certo e o que é errado e te faz agir a partir dessa classificação.
Então você aprende a fazer o que julga ser o correto apenas para
receber recompensas, mas isso não quer dizer que você está feliz com isso.”
“Al dejarte guiar por la mente condicionada, eres inevitablemente
lanzado al sufrimiento. La mente condicionada te lleva hacia el camino
opuesto al que tu corazón determina; te lleva a clasificar lo que es
correcto y lo que está equivocadoy te hace actuar desde esta
clasificación. Entonces aprendes a hacer lo que juzgasque escorrecto
solo para recibir recompensas, pero eso no quiere decir que estás feliz
con ello.”
“If we allow ourselves to be guided by the conditioned mind, we inevitably are catapulted into suffering. Our conditioned mind takes us to the complete opposite path of our heart; it makes us classify what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ and makes us act from this set of rules. Then we learn to act according to what we believe to be correct in order to fulfill an expectation, but this is not what makes us happy.”
“If we allow ourselves to be guided by the conditioned mind, we inevitably are catapulted into suffering. Our conditioned mind takes us to the complete opposite path of our heart; it makes us classify what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ and makes us act from this set of rules. Then we learn to act according to what we believe to be correct in order to fulfill an expectation, but this is not what makes us happy.”
Via Daily Dharma / June 8, 2016: A Living Offering
cut a bloom is to destroy a living thing. The best flowers to offer are
those that have not been picked at all but fall from the tree and are
gathered in a cloth before they reach the ground.
—Hans Georg Berger, "The Most Suitable Offerings"
—Hans Georg Berger, "The Most Suitable Offerings"
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 07/06/2016
“Uma das principais características do ego humano é a necessidade de
ser amado exclusivamente. A criança nasce amando e, ao mesmo tempo,
querendo ser amada. Então, com o passar do tempo, o amor é eclipsado por
crenças e choques adquiridos, o que faz com que a necessidade de
receber amor seja maior do que a necessidade de amar. A pessoa acaba se
desconectando do seu núcleo interior e se conecta à superfície, às
máscaras - um falso centro é criado a partir da carência. Essa é a causa de grande parte disso que conhecemos como sofrimento.”
“Una de las principales características del ego humano es la necesidad
de ser amado exclusivamente. El niño nace amando y, al mismo tiempo,
queriendo ser amado. Entonces, con el paso del tiempo, el amor es
eclipsado por creencias y shocks adquiridos, que hace que la necesidad
de recibir amor sea mayor que la necesidad de amar. La persona termina
desconectándose de su núcleo interior y se conecta a la superficie, a
las máscaras - un falso centro se crea a partir de la carencia. Esta es
la causa de gran parte de eso que conocemos como sufrimiento.”
“One of the main characteristics of the human ego is the need to be exclusively loved. A child is born loving and, at the same time, wanting to be loved. Then, with the passing of time, love is eclipsed by acquired beliefs and shocks, which makes the need to receive love greater than the need to give love. As adults, we wind up disconnected from our core and connected to the superficial layer called masks, which is a false center created out of our neediness. This disconnection is the cause of so much of what we experience as suffering.”
“One of the main characteristics of the human ego is the need to be exclusively loved. A child is born loving and, at the same time, wanting to be loved. Then, with the passing of time, love is eclipsed by acquired beliefs and shocks, which makes the need to receive love greater than the need to give love. As adults, we wind up disconnected from our core and connected to the superficial layer called masks, which is a false center created out of our neediness. This disconnection is the cause of so much of what we experience as suffering.”
Via Daily Dharma / June 7, 2016: What the World Is Made Of
I have come to understand slowly over my lifetime is that nature,
earth, the world—whatever you call it—is not simply something I am on but something I am. It is not outside of me: it is me, and I am it. There is no outside.
—Paul Kingsnorth, "The Witness"
—Paul Kingsnorth, "The Witness"
Monday, June 6, 2016
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 06/06/2016
“Estamos trabalhando para ressignificar as nossas vidas e para que
todos encontrem e realizem o programa da sua alma. Trabalhamos para que
possamos cumprir nossa missão. Porque, ao realizar essa missão, nos
sentimos encaixados e ficamos em paz - nós nos realizamos. Então, nós
descobrimos que a felicidade é a causa da felicidade, ou seja, ao nos
realizarmos, criamos um círculo benigno no qual felicidade gera
“Estamos trabajando para resignificarnuestras vidas y para que todos
encuentren y realicen el programa de su alma. Trabajamos para poder
cumplir con nuestra misión. Porque, al realizar esta misión, nos
sentimos encajadosy estamos en paz - nos realizamos. Entoncesdescubrimos
que la felicidad es la causa de la felicidad, es decir, al realizarnos,
creamos un círculo benigno en el cual felicidad genera felicidad.”
“We are working to give new meaning to our lives so that we all may discover and fulfill the program of our souls. We are working so that we can complete our mission. When we are able to accomplish our mission, we feel as if we belong, and we are at peace; we become self-realized. We discover that happiness breeds even more happiness. As we become self-realized, we create a healthy circle in which happiness fosters even more happiness.”
“We are working to give new meaning to our lives so that we all may discover and fulfill the program of our souls. We are working so that we can complete our mission. When we are able to accomplish our mission, we feel as if we belong, and we are at peace; we become self-realized. We discover that happiness breeds even more happiness. As we become self-realized, we create a healthy circle in which happiness fosters even more happiness.”
Via Daily Dharma / June 6, 2016: The Bodhisattva’s Commitment
May I become an island for those seeking dry land
A lamp for those needing light,
A place to rest for those who desire one,
And a servant for those needing service.
—Shantideva, "May I Become an Island"
A lamp for those needing light,
A place to rest for those who desire one,
And a servant for those needing service.
—Shantideva, "May I Become an Island"
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Ban Ki-moon: Discrimination can never be justified We must right these wrongs!
“We should all be outraged when people suffer discrimination, assault or even murder simply because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. We should all speak out when someone is arrested and imprisoned because of who they love or how they look. This is one of the great neglected human rights challenges of our time. We must right these wrongs! […] Some may oppose change. They may invoke culture, tradition or religion to defend the status quo. Such arguments have been used to try to justify slavery, child marriage, rape in marriage and female genital mutilation. I respect culture, tradition and religion, but they can never justify the denial of basic rights. My promise to the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender members of the human family is this: I’m with you. I promise that as Secretary-General of the United Nations I will denounce attacks against you and I will keep pressing leaders for progress.”
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the International Conference on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (Oslo, 15-16 April 2013).
Via Ram Dass:
June 5, 2016
Acting with compassion is not doing good because we think we ought to. It is being drawn to action by heart-felt passion. It is giving ourselves into what we are doing, being present in the moment — no matter how difficult, sad or even boring it feels, no matter how much it demands. It is acting from our deepest understanding of what life is, listening intently for the skillful means in each situation, and not compromising the truth. It is working with others in a selfless way, in a spirit of mutual respect. |
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 05/06/2016
Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente
“Se você quer ver um mundo melhor, vá atrás da sua felicidade. Uma pessoa feliz não destrói, não rouba, não engana, não polui, não degrada a natureza. A infelicidade em nós é o que tem causado tanto sofrimento e destruição, para nós e para a natureza.
“Se você quer ver um mundo melhor, vá atrás da sua felicidade. Uma pessoa feliz não destrói, não rouba, não engana, não polui, não degrada a natureza. A infelicidade em nós é o que tem causado tanto sofrimento e destruição, para nós e para a natureza.
Día Mundial deMedio Ambiente
“Si quieres ver un mundo mejor, persiguetu felicidad. Una persona feliz no destruye, no roba, no engaña, no contamina, no degradala naturaleza. La infelicidad en nosotros es lo que ha causado tanto sufrimiento y destrucción, a nosotros y a la naturaleza.
World Environment Day
“If we want to see a better world, we have to first take an honest look at our own happiness. A truly happy person does not destroy, doesn’t rob, doesn’t lie, doesn’t pollute, and doesn’t treat nature with disrespect. Our unhappiness is what has caused so much suffering and destruction, both in ourselves and to the environment.
“Si quieres ver un mundo mejor, persiguetu felicidad. Una persona feliz no destruye, no roba, no engaña, no contamina, no degradala naturaleza. La infelicidad en nosotros es lo que ha causado tanto sufrimiento y destrucción, a nosotros y a la naturaleza.
World Environment Day
“If we want to see a better world, we have to first take an honest look at our own happiness. A truly happy person does not destroy, doesn’t rob, doesn’t lie, doesn’t pollute, and doesn’t treat nature with disrespect. Our unhappiness is what has caused so much suffering and destruction, both in ourselves and to the environment.
Via Daily Dharma / June 5, 2016: Action Without a Cause
True mindfulness has arisen when there is only the action but no doer.
—Ayya Khema, "No Satisfaction" |
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 04/06/2016
“Muitas vezes você quer chegar ao final do curso sem ter passado pelas
etapas e provas necessárias. Isso é absolutamente natural porque, às
vezes, o curso é cansativo, entediante, chato e desgastante - e às vezes
é maravilhoso. É preciso aprender a lidar com essa dualidade. O que
ocorre é que, ao passar por um momento difícil, você quer que o diploma
chegue logo e acaba sofrendo com isso. Porém, nessa universidade da
vida não é possível obter o diploma antes da hora. Não tem como dar um
jeitinho, nem como comprar o diploma. Estando matriculado nessa escola
você será chamado a demonstrar se realmente absorveu os aprendizados ou
se terá que repetir as lições.”
“Muchas veces quieres llegar al final del curso sin haber pasado por
las etapas y pruebas necesarias. Esto es absolutamente natural, porque, a
veces, el curso es cansador, tedioso, aburrido y desgastante– ya veces
es maravilloso. Es necesario aprender a lidiar con esta dualidad. Lo que
sucede es que,al pasar por un momento difícil, quieres que el diploma
llegue pronto y terminas sufriendo con eso. Sin embargo, en esta
universidad de la vida no es posible obtener el diploma antes de tiempo.
No hay manera de negociar, ni cómo comprar el diploma. Al estar
matriculado en esta escuela serás llamado para demostrar si realmente
absorbiste los aprendizajes o si tendrás que repetir las lecciones.”
“Often times, we want a course to be over without having to go through all the necessary subject matter or taking the exams. This is absolutely natural because the course material can often be tiresome, boring, tedious and taxing; but it may also be wonderful at times. It is necessary to learn how to deal with this duality. When we are undergoing a difficult moment, we want to get our diploma immediately and put an end to our suffering. However, in this university of life, it is not possible to get our diploma ahead of time. There is no shortcut, and it’s not possible to bribe our way out of it or to pay money for our diploma. As we are enrolled in this school, we will be called on to demonstrate if we have really absorbed the lessons, or else we will have to repeat the course.”
“Often times, we want a course to be over without having to go through all the necessary subject matter or taking the exams. This is absolutely natural because the course material can often be tiresome, boring, tedious and taxing; but it may also be wonderful at times. It is necessary to learn how to deal with this duality. When we are undergoing a difficult moment, we want to get our diploma immediately and put an end to our suffering. However, in this university of life, it is not possible to get our diploma ahead of time. There is no shortcut, and it’s not possible to bribe our way out of it or to pay money for our diploma. As we are enrolled in this school, we will be called on to demonstrate if we have really absorbed the lessons, or else we will have to repeat the course.”
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