Friday, November 20, 2009

Statement from Judy Shepard on the Murder of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado


Statement from Judy Shepard on the Murder of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado

Dennis and I, and the entire board and staff of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, stand with all who are grieving the loss of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado in one of the most shockingly brutal hate crimes in Puerto Rico’s history.

While we are grateful to the local law enforcement officials for their swift work to apprehend the suspect in this terrible crime, we remain deeply saddened that yet another family should have to suffer the pain of such a tragedy, and that such breathtaking violence continues to be directed at gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people who are simply trying to live their lives honestly and openly.

For another young person to lose their life and be taken from their family and community due to fear, prejudice and hatred is simply unacceptable. Each of us who believe in freedom and equality must remain vocal, active, and unrelenting in calling for justice.

Our thoughts are with Mr. Lopez, all who knew and loved him, the members of his community and the millions worldwide who have been touched by his senseless death. Our family and the Foundation will continue to work to prevent similar tragedies in any way we can.

Grey Line

MSF Logo

Bilerico News

Good news or bad ideas? KY, MI, OH, TX re-examine marriage amendments

Filed by: Bil Browning

November 19, 2009 7:30 PM

The marriage equality drumbeat has rumbled on with news that several states will be attempting to re-examine their state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and/or civil unions. Surprisingly, this hasn't received as much attention as I assumed it would in the LGBT blogosphere.

read the rest here

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Decorating hints... via JMG

Gay-Friendly GOP San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders To Testify For Olson/Boies

Thank you JMG for sharing this...

Republican San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, who in 2007 changed his mind on same-sex marriage in a tear-filled press conference with his lesbian daughter, will testify in the federal suit to repeal Prop 8 being brought by superstar lawyers Ted Olson and David Boies.
San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders will be a witness in the upcoming federal court trial over the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8, according to San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera. Herrera announced Sanders’ participation today at a San Diego fundraiser for Herrera’s reelection. Herrera said he traveled to San Diego last week to meet with Sanders and that Sanders readily agreed to testify in the case, which seeks to overturn the constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage narrowly approved by California voters last year.
The City of San Francisco has been allowed to join the lawsuit, hence Herrera's involvement. In August a judge ruled in favor of Olson and Boies' request to block the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights from joining the suit after the groups' earlier denouncement of the attempt.

FLASHBACK: Here is Sanders' beautiful 2007 speech. If you haven't seen it, get out a hankie first.

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Courtesy of JMG

That's Gotta Hurt...

Equal Benefits for Equal Work:

Support the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act

Dear Friend of NCLR,

Yesterday the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a committee vote on the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act (DPBO), legislation that would provide equal benefits to the domestic partners of federal employees. The committee passed DPBO at 23-12, an important step in securing federal protections for the LGBT community. We must secure this victory and work to pass other crucial pieces of legislation pending in Congress.

DPBO moves to the House floor for consideration, and it’s up to us to make sure that it passes and protects the thousands of devoted, hard-working LGBT government employees.

Equal work demands equal compensation. We must speak up and remind Congress about this basic principle of fairness, to ensure that the domestic partners of government employees are able to receive their partners’ benefits, including health insurance and access to pensions.

Please take a minute and call your representative at (202) 224-3121. We must make sure that a House vote on DPBO will happen soon and that our representatives support DPBO. We need to stand together as a community and urge our representatives to fight for the rights of the domestic partners of federal employees.

President Obama is ready to sign DPBO into law but we need to make sure that it passes in Congress. Call your representative today and ask them to vote for equality and fairness. Ask them to pass the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act.

In Solidarity,

kate signature
Kate Kendell, Esq.
Executive Director

Quote of the Day

“I would say respectfully to my fellow Christians that people who deny others the blessings they claim for themselves should not assume they speak for the Almighty."

-- Rev. John Bryson Chane, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, quoted in today's Washington Post announcing his support for legislation legalizing same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

California Petition Drive Launched For 2010 Proposition 8 Repeal

Love Honor Cherish has launched an internet drive to gather one million petition signatures in California to place the repeal of Proposition 8 on the 2010 ballot.
The signature-gathering drive will use social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter, organizers said in a statement. “We’re taking names,” said John Henning, who is heading the effort launched to collect the signatures. "People throughout California can now help us win marriage back by the simple act of signing and collecting signatures.” Prop. 8 was approved by California voters a year ago, reversing a California Supreme Court decision, which held that same-sex couples were guaranteed equal marriage rights under the state Constitution.
The group has until April 12th to gather the names. Visit their site here.

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another gem courtesy oif Joe

Say Cheese! Flash Mob On Bondi Beach

Another great find from JMG

A Moment Of Light At DC's Hate Rally

Now THIS will give you a smile. When the guy hired to provide the sound system for yesterday's Power Rangers For Jeebus hate rally in DC found out what his customers stood for, he donated his fee back to the gay activists counter-protesting the event and even let them use the haters' own microphone! The Washington Post cannot restrain its glee:
Instead of getting arrested, the ministers got something else: A couple of dozen gay activists, surrounding them with rainbow flags and signs announcing "Gaga for Gay Rights" and "I Am a Love Warrior." By the end, the gay rights activists had taken over the lectern and the sound system and were holding their own news conference denouncing the ministers. "We're here to say, my love is legit!" announced David Valk, an organizer of the National Equality March for gay rights. Another speaker, Ian Thomas, went to the microphone and announced: "I was created a bisexual male. Just like many figures in the Christian Bible, I like boys and girls!" [Organizer Gary] Cass turned angrily to the AV guy. "We're not on the clock, are we?" He turned with equal anger to Valk. "You guys gonna help us pay for the microphones?" The gay activist smiled. "God," he said, "works in mysterious ways."

In this case, God took the form of Chuck Fazio, from DC Podiums. Fazio was hired by the religious conservatives to provide the sound system for the event, but upon learning of their cause, he decided to donate his proceeds to the gay rights activists and to give them a chance at the microphone before shutting down the amplifiers. "I don't want bad karma," he explained, noting with some pride that the lectern they were using was the same one used by Borat on a recent Washington visit. The conservative activists could not have anticipated this unusual turn of events when they arrived, some wearing "Fear God" T-shirts and one carrying a sign spelling AIDS from the biblical phrase "the wages of sin is death."
Our hero for the day, Chuck Fazio! Event planners, activists, party promoters: please consider giving your future business to DC Podiums. And Chuck Fazio might be the guy to hire for your Washington DC wedding. FTW!

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courtesy of JMG

Monday, November 16, 2009

Marriage Equality For Buenos Aires

After a gay couple won their lawsuit charging that a city law banning same-sex marriage was illegal, the mayor of Buenos Aires says he won't challenge the court's ruling, bringing marriage equality to the capital of Argentina.
The court ruled that two articles in the city's civil code that say only people of different sexes can get married are illegal. The court decision applies only to Buenos Aires. Same-sex unions in most of the rest of Argentina remain illegal. The legal challenge was initiated by a gay couple, Alejandro Freyre and Jose Maria Di Bello. Judge Gabriela Seijas ordered the city's civil registry department to honor their union. "The law should treat each person with equal respect in relation to each person's singularities without the need to understand or regulate them," the judge said in her ruling. The city code prevents people from "enjoying the rights that couples who enter into matrimony are entitled to," she said. Those rights include inheritances, pensions and the ability to make decisions for the other person when he or she is incapacitated. Macri called the ruling a "very important step," adding that "we have to live together and accept reality. ... The world is headed in that direction."
And soon, our own nation's capital! Congratulations Alejandro and Jose!

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great news courtesy of JMG

Mr. And Mr. Name Hyphen Name

This from JMG

We've discussed this here a couple of times, but today the New York Times tackles the issue of the difficulties and expense in trying to change your name after a same-sex marriage.
Couples who live in states that don’t allow or recognize same-sex marriage or its equivalents (civil unions, for instance) generally can’t just rely on a marriage certificate as proof of a name change and instead have to go through the in-court name change process. This means they will have to pay a $100 to $400 fee to file a petition at court, publish a notice in a local newspaper and get a court order officially changing their name and that they can use to change everything else (just one more area where being gay can cost you more). Even more, couples who live in states that do allow or recognize same-sex marriage and civil unions often in practice don’t have it that much easier. While changing a name on a driver’s license can be done without a problem in such states, changing federal documentation can be trickier.

Since the federal government doesn’t recognize the right to same-sex marriage, even if you get married in a state that allows it, whether you can get the name change processed by Social Security or the passport office merely with the marriage certificate and required forms currently tends “to be hit and miss,” said Emily Doskow, an attorney in California who specializes in same-sex and transgender family issues and writes about marriage and divorce issues for the legal information publisher Nolo. “It depends on what local office you are going to, what the opinion is at the moment and whether you get a staff person who cares or doesn’t care,” she said.
The above article doesn't address the issue of why gay people might wish to assume a new married name, which I think is far more interesting.

thanks again to JMG

Ten Year-Old Boy Won't Say Pledge Of Allegiance Until Gays Can Marry

A hero to us, a brainwashed victim of the homo-nazi agenda to others.

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thanks to JMG

Sunday, November 15, 2009

HomoQuotable - Sir Ian McKellen

"I increasingly see organized religion as actually my enemy. They treat me as their enemy. Not all Christians, of course. Not all Jews, not all Muslims. But the leaders. . . . Why should I take the judgment of a declared celibate about my sexual needs? He's basing his judgment on laws that would fit life in the Bronze Age. So if I'm lost to God, organized religion is to blame." - Sir Ian McKellen, speaking to the Los Angeles Times. McKellen appears in the remake of the 1960s classic series The Prisoner, which debuts tonight on AMC.

thanks to JMG for this find


Ali Hili sent a message to the members of SOS: Support Iraqi LGBT.


IRAQI LGBT – November 2009 – The rise of fundamentalist groups in Iraq since the 2003 U.S. led invasion has proven deadly to LGBT Iraqis, who are now being forced to either hide or face the consequences.

Using the internet as a means to track down new victims, militia members are now employing computer analysts to monitor traffic on gay dating and networking websites in the region. They work with internet café owners to single out people who frequent these sites and set up fake profiles in the attempt to lure them out.

On the 28th of August, police raided the houses of Asad Galib and Faeq Ismail, both 24 years old, and took them into custody. They were held and questioned for about four hours, accused of viewing gay websites in an internet café on the 21st of July. Both men denied the accusations and explained that the websites had already been open when they had begun using the computers. They were later released and are now in contact with Iraqi LGBT, a London based organization working to support and protect LGBT individuals in Iraq.

Others who have been accused or are suspected of such activities have not been as lucky.

On the 2nd of September, the body of 21-year-old student Mizher Hussien was discovered in Al Najaf, a city south of Baghdad. His head and genitals had been severed, and he had the word “pervert” written in black across his chest. The details of his murder are unknown, and Iraqi police have refused to launch an investigation into the cause or motivation of the crime.

On the 18th of September in Al Shatra Amara, two bodies were found exhibiting signs of torture. They had both been decapitated and left with a paper stating, “This is the end of all pervert homosexuals”.

Iraqi LGBT has been working since 2003 to raise awareness of the abuses being committed against LGBT people in Iraq, as well as provide protection to those who have been targeted. The organization currently funds a number of safe houses in the region, with nearly 100 individuals in Iraq directly benefitting from their work. In addition, Iraqi LGBT has been involved in securing asylum for Iraqi refugees who have been forced to flee the country.

Unfortunately, Iraqi LGBT has not been able to help everyone. The organization estimates that over 720 LGBT men and women have been murdered by these extremist militias in the last six years. The Iraqi government has largely been absent in pursuing the roaming death squads who carry out these acts, likely due to the influence of extremist Shia religious parties that are calling for a moral cleansing of Iraq.

With extremist militias threatening all those known to support LGBT rights, including the 2006 raid of an Iraqi LGBT planning meeting in which five activists were arrested, there is little hope for Iraqis suffering under the new socio-political climate. Once the most liberal and secular of the Arab nations, nowadays a religious extremism has taken hold of the country to the detriment of its people.

Iraqi LGBT calls for immediate international action to prevent the further torture and execution of LGBT people in Iraq. More information and details on making donations to the safe houses effort can be found at the Iraqi LGBT blog:;

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bil Browning sent a message to the members of The Bilerico Project.

Weekly Reader: Fruit Bat Fellatio, Las Vegas, & Scaring Our Elders

While I took a few vacation days this week to travel to NYC, the Editorial Team kept things plugging right along and the great contributor content didn't stop for an instant. These posts really stood out this week:

Fellatio in fruit bats
Filed by: Gloria Brame Ph.D.;

Are you normal?
Filed by: Michele O'Mara;

Is Violence Inevitable In Our Fight For Equality?
Filed by: Father Tony;

Vegas still casts desert mirage of equality
Filed by: Cassandra Keenan;

About that LGBT boycott of the Obama Campaign, the DNC, and Organizing for America....
Filed by: Alex Blaze;

Zenyatta: Why Should We Care About a Horse?
Filed by: Patricia Nell Warren;

Why I'm So Damn Frightened of You
Filed by: Diane Silver;

Counterpoint: trans-inclusion is distracting to LGB legislation
Filed by: Austen Crowder;

For marriage victories, we must face and use religion
Filed by: Matt Comer;

I've signed on to Don't Ask, Don't Give (and you should too)
Filed by: Bil Browning;

When Its Not Your Fight
Filed by: Antonia D'orsay;

Video WH 'held for review': Obama official Melody Barnes' support for marriage equality
Filed by: Pam Spaulding;


Bloggers honored at 2009 Courage Awards - The NYC Anti-Violence Project
Filed by: Pam Spaulding;

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Catholic church trying to 'blackmail' D.C. in attempt to erode lgbt equality

After pouring a huge amount of money into defeating same-sex marriage in California and Maine, the Catholic church is now jumping into the D.C. argument with a little blackmail:

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said Wednesday that it will be unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the District if the city doesn't change a proposed same-sex marriage law, a threat that could affect tens of thousands of people the church helps with adoption, homelessness and health care.

make the jump to the rest of the article here

Gay Rights Go Global

Gay Rights Go Global

by: Peter Tatchell | GlobalPost

London - A new bill before the Ugandan parliament proposes the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” and “serial offenders.” A sentence of life imprisonment will be imposed for touching a person with homosexual intent. Membership in gay organizations, advocacy of gay human rights and the provision of condoms or safer sex advice to gay people will result in seven years jail for “promoting” homosexuality. Failing to report violators to the police within 24 hours would incur three years behind bars. The new legislation will also apply to Ugandans who commit these "crimes" while living abroad, in countries where such behavior is not a criminal offense.

Jump here to read the rest

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mormons Endorse Not Leaving the Gays To Rot.

Mormons Endorse Not Leaving the Gays To Rot.

Stop the presses! The LDS church, via spokesman Michael Otterson, held a special news conference today to announce to every soul in the entire universe that they support "the right of people (gays) to have a roof over their heads and the right to work without being discriminated against."

Wow... what a stance.

A truly groundbreaking day in the progression of civil rights. Gays can now have a roof over their heads and not be fired from their jobs thanks to the stamp of approval from the Mormons.

C'mon, really? How is this even news? Did gay folks really need the church's nod of approval to have what Otterson himself admitted are "common-sense rights"?

jump to read the rest here

SHOCKER: Salt Lake City Passes LGBT Rights WITH Support Of Mormon Church

Last night the city council of Salt Lake City unanimously passed an ordinance outlawing discrimination against gays in employment and housing, the first such law in the entire state of Utah. Very surprisingly, among those speaking in support of the bill were official representatives of the LDS Church.
Hours after the LDS Church announced its support Tuesday night of proposed Salt Lake City ordinances aimed at protecting gay and transgender residents from discrimination in housing and employment, the City Council unanimously approved the measures. "The church supports these ordinances," spokesman Michael Otterson told the council, "because they are fair and reasonable and do not do violence to the institution of marriage." They also are consistent with Mormon teachings, he said. "I believe in a church that believes in human dignity, in treating people with respect even when we disagree -- in fact, especially when we disagree." Normally more deliberate, the council opted to vote after dozens of residents in the overflowing crowd expressed their support. "Guaranteeing a right to fair housing and fair employment is not an issue of compromise," Councilwoman Jill Remington Love said. "We are a stronger, better city this evening. I'm proud to serve on a City Council where this isn't even controversial."

The LDS Church's endorsement was hailed by leaders of Utah's gay community -- some of them stunned -- who called it a historic night they hope will set the stage for statewide legislation. "This is a great step," said Will Carlson, director of public policy for the advocacy group Equality Utah. But, he noted, four out of five gay Utahns live outside the capital and should be afforded protection as well. "Equality Utah will continue to work for that." Councilman J.T. Martin said some will dismiss the church's move, arguing LDS leaders blinked or caved to pressure. "That's not the case," he said. "I can tell you they do have compassion. They have church members who have gay sons and daughters, and they know this is an issue that touches everyone's life."
Do you think this is penance for Prop 8? Damage control? Does it matter?

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thanks to Joe

HomoQuotable - Lee Daniels

"Precious is really not a black story. I told it originally for a black audience, and I'm a black, gay filmmaker. So I told it with a gay sensibility, and I gave a black sensibility to it, because I'm African-American. But I think it's a universal story, and it goes beyond sex and/or culture to be universal.

"I met this lady who was 60 or 70 years old and attending the Sundance Film Festival, and the day after our first screening, she started sobbing in my arms. It was the most beautiful moment in all of this for me. I realized that it didn't matter if you were gay, black or from Philadelphia. This woman, who could barely speak my language, had embraced the moment and understood Precious." - Director Lee Daniels, whose film Precious shattered box office records for a limited release last weekend when it opened on 18 screens. The most Oscar-hyped film of the season, Precious opens nationwide on November 20th.

(I know I should see it, but it looks soooo depressing.)

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Courtesy of JMG

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! !

Australian territory becomes first to legalise gay unions

SYDNEY — An Australian territory became the first to legalise civil partnership ceremonies for same-sex couples, in a move supporters hoped would spark national momentum.

Under the new laws, gay couples will be able to hold a legally recognised civil union ceremony in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), home to the nation's parliament.

The region's legislators approved the bill on Wednesday, moved by the ACT Greens party, after an amendment banning heterosexual couples from being recognised under the system.

The amendment means the law will not go against national legislation that says civil unions must not mimic marriage.

"We understand that this is not same-sex marriage," said Greens MP Shane Rattenbury, who drafted the bill.

jump here to read the full article

From Bilerico

About that LGBT boycott of the Obama Campaign, the DNC, and Organizing for America....

Filed by: Alex Blaze

November 10, 2009 5:00 PM

I have the following problems with the LGBT boycott of the DNC that a few bloggers launched yesterday:

1. I thought we were already boycotting the DNC. Am I the only who thought that the gAyTM was already supposed to be shut down?

2. The list of charges against the DNC, in its current form, contains some half-truths and unconfirmed rumors on it. According to MLK, self-purification was an entire step when it came to executing a social justice action, and it should be instinctively obvious as to why. If we're seeking justice, we have to base our actions in truth.

3. They say the boycott ends once ENDA is passed and DOMA and DADT are repealed, but they don't specify whether they mean a transgender-inclusive ENDA or not. Since a known and unapologetic transphobe is organizing this, it's a very appropriate question. (And, yes, I would say the same thing if a homophobic transsexual person were organizing something like this.)

4. There has been some movement forward on LGBT issues. Hate crimes legislation passed, discrimination against trans folks in government was banned, a slew of LGBT people were appointed to high-ranking positions, LGBT-specific health care provisions were included in the House bill, an inclusive ENDA's plugging along, the HUD opened up their definition of family to include LGBT families, the Census Bureau will release data on same-sex couples who put themselves down as "married," the HUD will study LGBT housing discrimination for the first time ever, increased HIV/AIDS treatment funding through the Ryan White CARE Act was proposed in the House, the DHHS lifted the HIV travel ban, abstinence-only education is most likely gone, and the DHHS has promised to create an LGBT senior resource center.

These are important changes for lots of people in the community, and if the biggest thanks the DNC can expect to get is a boycott, then what motivation do they have to move on more issues?

Continue reading "About that LGBT boycott of the Obama Campaign, the DNC, and Organizing for America...." »

Shelly Goldstein -- Stupid Callous Homophobic Hateful Legislation

'Don't Ask' repeal likely part of 2011 defense budget bill Action expected soon on ENDA, federal DP benefits

U.S. Rep. Barney Frank says action on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ the Employment Non-Discrimination act and a bill providing partner benefits to LGBT federal employees could come in the months ahead. (Photo by AP)

'Don't Ask' repeal likely part of 2011 defense budget bill
Action expected soon on ENDA, federal DP benefits The effort to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” will likely come next year as an amendment to the Defense Department spending bill, rather than through a standalone bill, according to gay Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.).

Frank said in an interview with the Blade that repealing the 1993 law barring gays from serving openly in the military would happen as part of the fiscal year 2011 defense authorization bill.

Jump to the article here

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dan Savage on What the Institution of Marriage Means


A Message from Geoff Kors

It has been a tumultuous week since last Tuesday’s elections. Maine voters stripped their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender friends and neighbors of the right to marry. Meanwhile, Kalamazoo residents voted to preserve anti-discrimination protections, and Washingtonians said “yes” to domestic partnerships. Now that the votes are in, it’s time to reflect on what is next in the push for full equality.

So now what? What does the path forward look like?

  1. Federal courts are considering a challenge to Prop. 8 on the grounds that it violates the United States Constitution. EQCA strongly supports this case and has filed a powerful brief urging the court to overturn Prop. 8. The Obama Administration needs to join the fight and stop the abhorrent abuse of the initiative process to eliminate the rights of any targeted minority. I strongly encourage you to sign our petition asking the Administration to file a brief in support of this case, and ask your friends and family to sign it, too.

  2. We must continue to come out and tell our stories to the people that matter. We need to gain support for marriage and that means talking to people who are not yet supportive. EQCA is going door to door with our coalition partners in neighborhoods across the state. Join our next canvass or volunteer at one of our local field offices.

  3. We must stop endorsing and giving money to candidates for office who do not support full and complete equality. Until the politicians who take our community for granted realize that they can no longer count on our votes unless we can count on theirs, they will not change. EQCA’s Political Action Committee has always endorsed only those candidates who support our equality 100 percent. We must emphasize that there is no middle ground. Either you support equality or you don’t.

  4. We must also make clear that there is nothing wrong with children learning that there are LGBT people. Our children should grow up in a world where they know they are safe and can fall in love and get married regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. That is why we worked so hard to pass a bill in California establishing Harvey Milk Day, and we will continue to work for an inclusive curriculum. Those who oppose marriage equality are simply relying on blatant scare tactics. By working to ensure an inclusive curriculum we can take this argument away from them.

While I remain sad and angry about what happened in Maine, the results in Washington and Kalamazoo and the election of LGBT candidates throughout our nation demonstrate the progress we have made. Add these victories to the passage of federal hate crimes legislation, the signing of the Harvey Milk Day bill, marriage victories in Vermont and Iowa and the many other gains our community has made this year alone, and there is much reason for hope.

We are making tremendous progress, and while there will continue to be setbacks along the way, we will prevail.

With hope,

Geoff Kors
Executive Director
Equality California

From Bilerico

Everyone has to do the Wal-Mart cheer now

Filed by: Alex Blaze

November 9, 2009 1:00 PM

Do walmart-evil-2.jpgyou still shop at Wal-Mart? If you do, you might want to read this story about two gay dads getting kicked out.

Thomas Hitchcock and Joe Paolucci were there buying groceries, and Hitchcock used the self-scan lane. As he was leaving, a security officer approached him and accused him of stealing about $15 worth of lighters. People started shouting, the kids started freaking out, and the police were called. They promptly put the gays in squad cars and the kids were taken to a detention room.

The police reviewed the security tape and found that they hadn't stolen anything. The Wal-Mart manager then presented the two dads with a letter saying they were banned for life for "being uncooperative." Wal-Mart is also asking them for $150-some dollars, not for stealing, of course, but for creating a scene.

Continue reading "Everyone has to do the Wal-Mart cheer now" »

Thanks Mad Professah!

The boycott has been endorsed by such progressive luminaries as Daily Kos, Jane Hamsher of FireDogLake, Dan Savage, Michelangelo Signorile, David Mixner, Andy Towle and Michael Goff of Towle Road, Paul Sousa (Founder of Equal Rep in Boston), Pam Spaulding, Robin Tyler (ED of the Equality Campaign, Inc.), Bil Browning for the Bilerico Project, among others.

Here is a list of their "beefs" with the Democrats in general and President Obama in particular:

Can you give examples of how the President and Democrats have not been fierce advocates for the civil rights of gay and lesbian Americans?
  1. Asking a religious right activist who claims to have been “cured” of his homosexuality to headline campaign events in South Carolina. Then letting the anti-gay bigot spend half an hour, on stage, haranguing gays at the Obama event.
  2. Refusing for months to interview with LGBT newspapers during the campaign, while his opponent did repeatedly.
  3. Flubbing question on whether gays are immoral.
  4. Inviting anti-gay activist Rick Warren, who helped pass Prop 8 in California, to give the invocation at the inaugural.
  5. Inviting a gay bishop to the inaugural festivities, then not beginning the TV broadcast until the gay bishop has finished and left.
  6. Refusing to appoint an openly gay Cabinet member.
  7. Abolishing the LGBT outreach position at the DNC and never reinstating it.
  8. Refusing to re-establish the White House Office of LGBT Outreach and the White House LGBT Liaison (which was a Special Assistant to the President at one point).
  9. Continuing to discharge two gay servicemembers a day, even though he could stop it immediately by issuing a stop-loss order immediately.
  10. Asking for a study on “whether” repealing DADT would hurt national security, rather than a study on how to repeal it, as promised.
  11. Deleting his gay civil rights promise from the White House Web site.
  12. Changing his commitment to “repeal” Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, to “changing DADT it in a sensible manner.”
  13. Repeatedly defending DOMA in court, including just a few weeks ago, even though he didn’t have to.
  14. Making jokes about marriage equality, which President Obama claims he doesn't support, even though he once did.
  15. Comparing gay relationships to incest and pedophilia in a Justice Department brief.
  16. Joking about gay protesters upset about the DOMA brief.
  17. Refusing to provide health care benefits to the partners of gay employees, and then claiming that DOMA precludes it, when it does not.
  18. Refusing to meet with gay legal groups to discuss how to provide such health benefits within the confines of DOMA.
  19. Claiming that health benefits for partners of federal employees were new, then being caught in a lie.
  20. Showing visible discomfort when asked about gay civil rights.
  21. Suggesting he won’t get to DADT, DOMA or ENDA until his second term, if ever.
  22. Refusing to suspend implementation of anti-gay laws, like DADT and DOMA, while suspending laws that hurt others.
  23. White House staffers worked against amendment proposed by Rep. Alcee Hasting (D-FL) to defund Don't Ask, Don't Tell investigations
  24. Saying won’t repeal DADT until wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have finished.
  25. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid had to beg President Obama to help on DADT repeal.
  26. A White House official referring to gay civil rights advocates, marching on Washington, as part of “the Internet left fringe” whose opinions don’t matter.
  27. Saying he won’t touch DOMA in his first term.
  28. Refusing to release list of gay attendees at hate crimes reception.
  29. Refusing to mention Maine or Washington state, or anything of substance, in his speech to the Human Rights Campaign dinner.
  30. Saying gays are “naïve” for wanting the president to keep his promise.
  31. Refusing to issue a statement specifically opposing anti-gay ballot measures in Maine and Washington state.
  32. Attorney General Eric Holders flubs question on Maine, twice -- once while in Maine.
  33. DNC/OFA emailed supporters in Maine and Washington state, but didn't ask them to vote against anti-gay ballot measures, then lied about it.
  34. Senator Durbin (D-IL), a very close ally of Obama, says Senate probably won’t repeal DADT in 2010, as promised.
  35. Senior DNC official accuses gays and lesbians of “helping Republicans” by simply asking Democrats to keep their gay civil rights promise.
  36. Refusing to publicly endorse marriage equality for gays.
  37. Continuing to dawdle over DADT.
  38. Refusing to this day to interview with the gay press.
  39. Refusing to apologize for any of these slights.

Public Opinion and Policy in the States: Gay and Lesbian Rights

Monday, November 9, 2009

From JMG

HomoQuotable - Dan Savage

"Twenty-five years ago, at the height of the AIDS crisis, there were hundreds—thousands—of gay men walking around with two or three T cells and six-months-or-less to live. The religious right was doing what it always does: it's worst, demonizing gay people, kicking us when we were down, attacking us on the airwaves and in Congress, and neglecting us to death at the White House. Those were dark days. And yet no gay man—none of those gay men with just a few months to live and nothing left to lose—picked up a gun and took at shot at Jesse Helms or Jerry Falwell. The only political assassination attempt during the Reagan years was on Reagan, of course, and it was made by a deranged straight boy who wanted to impress a girl.

"If gay people didn't shoot our political enemies during the AIDS crisis, Peter, it seems highly unlikely that a gay assassin is coming to kill you, despite the loose talk of one anonymous commenter. No need to make a federal case out of it.

"And we all know it's not a cap you want popped in your ass, Peter." - Dan Savage, reacting to Peter LaBarbera and Matt Barber calling the FBI about JMG commenters.

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courtesy of JMG

Sign this Petition

Don't Ask, Don't Give

Joe and I are launching today a donor boycott of the DNC. The boycott is cosponsored by Daily Kos, Dan Savage, Michelangelo Signorile, Paul Sousa (Founder of Equal Rep in Boston), Pam Spaulding, Robin Tyler (ED of the Equality Campaign, Inc.), Bil Browning for the Bilerico Project, Jane Hamsher and soon others.

It's really more of a "pause," than a boycott. Boycotts sounds so final, and angry. Whereas this campaign is temporary, and is only meant to help some friends - President Obama and the Democratic party - who have lost their way. We are hopeful that via this campaign, our friends will keep their promises.

So please sign the Petition and take a Pledge to no longer donate to the DNC, Organizing for America, or the Obama campaign until the President and the Democratic party keep their promises to the gay community, our families, and our friends.

jump to the full post here

Portugal To Approve Marriage Equality

Sources in the administration of Portuguese Prime Minister José Sócrates say that one of the first plans for his new government will be to approve marriage equality. Via Bay Windows:
"The measure is part of the official program of the party and according to government sources, the move will be done as soon as [formation of] the government is complete," writes correspondent João Paulo from Sócrates’ Socialist Party captured 97 of Parliament’s 230 seats. With 31 additional votes from members of the Left Bloc and the Communist Party, both of which support gay marriage, Sócrates should be able to pass the bill easily.
Since 2001 Portugal has had a civil unions law for gay and straight couples that have lived together for at least two years.

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great news lifted from JMG

Important post from JMG: Please read Joe's advice when posting

Peter LaBarbera: The Liberty Counsel Has Called The FBI Over JMG Commenters

According to arch homophobe Peter LaBarbera, the Christianist legal firm Liberty Counsel has called the FBI to report "terrorist threats" made by JMG commenters.

Dear Readers,

Homosexual activist blogger Joe Jervis of “Joe.My.God” website contains a post attacking AFTAH founder Peter LaBarbera followed by a reader comment suggesting that “domestic terrorism” against pro-family leaders who oppose the homosexual agenda is justifiable.

In the post, titled “Haters vs. Haters: Peter LaBarbera Attacks Maine’s Stand for Marriage” — which has been live online since last Wed., Nov. 4 — a reader named “Fritz” writes:

“What I fear is that once gay and lesbian people give up hope of achieving equality through nonviolent means, there will be radicals who will begin to hunt down haters like LaBarbera and [National Organization for Marriage founder Maggie] Gallagher.

“All [it] will take is a small group of radical zealots who are willing to kill for their cause….”

Responding to Fritz’s suggestive “warning,” “Tex” writes:

“Fritz … you say this like it’s a bad thing?

“Maybe a bit of well-organized terrorism is just what we need, er, I mean ‘civil disobedience.’”

More coming …. We will reproduce all the offensive comments on our website. The pro-family Christian defense organization Liberty Counsel has contacted the FBI regarding the threatening post.
The two comments excerpted by LaBarbera don't pass the laugh test as a "terrorist threat." The first, by Fritz, expressed concern that any violence against anti-gay activists would HURT our cause. Which it would. The second, by Tex, is clearly a joke. Nevertheless, I've taken that post down for the time being.

But please let this obvious attempt to intimidate me and my readers serve as a warning to you all. The Christianist right monitors this blog and what we all say very closely. They read every post and every comment, clearly. Please don't post anything, even in jest, that you wouldn't mind saying in a signed letter to your local newspaper. Nothing is truly anonymous on the internet, ever.

Courts have held that bloggers, newspapers, and other online forums are not responsible (PDF) for libelous or threatening comments made on their sites. But cases have been brought, although rarely successfully, against commenters whose identities can be determined. Especially, you must never post the home addresses or personal phone numbers of any public or private persons. Calls to action that include links, addresses, and phone numbers for government agencies, advocacy groups, and businesses are perfectly legal.

According to figures provided by JS-Kit, the commenting service provider for this blog, the volume of commenting here is in the hundreds of thousands per year. Obviously, I cannot monitor them all, so I ask that if you see a comment posted here on JMG that you feel incites to violence, violates someone's personal privacy, or otherwise puts its author in legal jeopardy, please email me at and I'll investigate.

UPDATE: Raw Story has posted an email from Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber, in which he compares the Fort Hood massacre to "terrorist threats" from JMG commenters.
A prominent social-conservative activist group is using comments made by readers on a gay-rights Web site as "evidence" that the LGBT movement is mulling using "organized terrorism" against Christians. The Liberty Counsel released a statement on Monday linking Nidal Malik Hasan, the alleged shooter in last week's Fort Hood massacre, to the gay-rights movement.

"In the wake of the horrific act of Islamic domestic terrorism at Fort Hood Texas, it has been learned that militant homosexual activists recently made similar online postings to those of Nidal Malik Hasan, threatening additional acts of terrorism against Christians," stated an email from Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel's director of cultural affairs, as well as an associate dean at Liberty University Law School. Barber's email continued:
In response to Maine’s natural marriage victory last Tuesday, “gay” activists have directly threatened to retaliate with “terrorism” and the “killing” of Christians on the popular homosexual activist JoeMyGod weblog. Liberty Counsel notified the FBI which is investigating the matter. As of this morning, the offending blog entry had been removed. Matt Barber commented: “All potential threats of terrorism and murder are very serious business. As we learned just last week, there are ideologically driven terrorists who walk among us. After passage of Proposition 8 in California we saw that many homosexual activists are capable of threats, vandalism and even violence. Those who either threaten or attempt to incite terrorism must be immediately brought to justice. Churches and Christian leaders around the country need to be on high alert. These threats of homosexual activist terrorism must be taken very seriously."
I guess Barber is really upset about his book reviews. So like any dissed author, he called the FBI.

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a heads up from JMG

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Proud! Play it Loud!

Interactive Map

Go the Wall Street Journal article for an interactive map displaying the status of legally recognized same-sex relationships in each state.

Sir Ian McKellen's Grudge with Leviticus

Sir Ian McKellen's Grudge with Leviticus

Ian McKellenHow's this for the premise of X-Men 4: Magneto decides that instead of seeking world domination, he's just going to wage battle against radical right-wing religious folks who use the Bible as a means of beating up on LGBT people.

Jump here to the article

Sugar-Coated Homophobia

Sugar-Coated Homophobia

Pastor Joel Osteen is one of the most popular preachers in the country, and the author of several best-selling books that help people achieve "their best life now." Gay Rights blogger Michael Jones writes that while Pastor Osteen has made a name for himself selling a friendlier version of religion, there's still a sour dose of homophobia that lies at the core of his sugar-coated message. It reared its ugly head this week, when Pastor Osteen boldly claimed that "homosexuality is not God's best." On the contrary, we humbly suggest to Pastor Osteen that homophobic preachers are not likely to be a loving God's best. (Read more)

Bil Browning sent a message to the members of The Bilerico Project.

Weekly Reader: Gay Geeks, Election Night, & Equality March Controversy

Thanks to this week's election night open thread and our liveblog of the Senate ENDA hearing, this was the highest traffic week ever on Bilerico Project. While those two posts were two of our highlights this week, out of the many posts published this week, here are some of the best:

Guess Who Just Played the Gay Card?
Filed by: Adam Bink;

Apples and Androids [Gay Geeks]
Filed by: Nathan Strang;

Why gay marriage IS the End of the World (or the queer world, at least)
Filed by: Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore;

Lessons for the marginalized
Filed by: Amy Hunter;

Equality March Co-Directors Resign; Group Reorganizes Amid Controversy
Filed by: Bil Browning;

How Do You Just Watch a Rape?
Filed by: Terrance Heath;

The Day After a Hard Night
Filed by: Kate Kendell;

Update: Statement on Gender Identity Disorder and Transvestic Fetishism in the DSM-V
Filed by: Kelley Winters;

Speaker Pelosi (and all your Democratic friends): I'm not waiting anymore.
Filed by: Kip Williams;

Marriage after Maine
Filed by: Nan Hunter;

The Top 10 Best Ballot Questions Ever
Filed by: Alex Blaze;

WWJD? Incite Hate Crimes Against LGBT People, according to this "Pastor"
Filed by: Waymon Hudson;

Election Night Results Open Thread: Maine, WA State, Kalamazoo & Beyond
Filed by: Waymon Hudson;

Liveblogging the Senate ENDA Hearing
Filed by: Dr. Jillian Weiss;

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