Friday, December 11, 2009

Twelve Men Face Execution for Sodomy in Iran

Ten young Iranian men, including eight teenagers, are currently awaiting execution for sodomy, and two more are being re-tried on the same capital charge. And, in an exclusive interview with Gay City News, an Iranian student gay rights activist confirmed for the first time the existence of queer organizing on multiple university campuses throughout Iran.

The information about the ten youths currently under sentence of death for sodomy (lavaat in Persian) was released on November 25 in a joint appeal by the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), the Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO), and COC of the Netherlands, the world’s oldest LGBT rights group, founded in 1946. The three organizations called on Western countries “with significant diplomatic and economic ties to Iran, including Germany, France, Canada, as well as the European Union, to pursue diplomatic efforts to cease these executions.”

jump to read the rest of the article here

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rachel Maddow-The Familys Uganda ties

Another gem from JMG

HomoQuotable - Christopher Muther

"If the FCC is going to investigate anything it should be that Lambert may be compromising the reputation of gay men everywhere. Gay men have proudly worked hard for centuries to cultivate the appearance of having good taste. Tom Ford, fashion designer and the living embodiment of homo-sexy refinement, is even bringing his mission to movie theaters this month with "A Single Man.’’ And then comes Lambert with his Mystic Tan, makeup, and eyeliner to steamroll it all back dozens of years.

"Even more offensive than the bump, grind, and kiss is that Lambert is now taking it upon himself to explain why folks had a difficult time digesting his American Music Awards performance. 'People aren’t used to seeing gay men portrayed that way on TV,' he told Ellen DeGeneres last week. 'The gay male image in the media tends to be very cliché.’ So, let me get this straight. Lambert, who dresses like the immaculately conceived love child of Siegfried and Roy, is not a cliché? Cut to me giving the TV the side eye and scratching my head. He’s a bundle of clichés, and represents a very outdated image of the flamboyant gay performer. Freddie Mercury and his stretch unitards were more groundbreaking, and definitely sexier."- Boston Globe style columnist Christopher Muther.

Lifted from JMG

Austria Approves Civil Unions

The Austrian parliament approved a civil unions bill today, bringing the number of EU member nations with such a law to ten.
The bill, slated to become law Jan. 1., will give same-sex couples a series of rights enjoyed by their heterosexual counterparts, including access to a pension if one partner dies and alimony in the event of a split. It bans the adoption of children or artificial insemination. "We are living in the 21st century and I'm very glad this step is being taken today," Justice Minister Claudia Bandion-Ortner said during parliamentary debate leading up to the vote. Christian Hoegl, co-president of the Homosexual Initiative Vienna, Austria's oldest group of gays and lesbians, agreed. "It's a relief, a big success and a reward for two decades of lobbying," Hoegl said. Earlier in the day, Hoegl and co-president Jona Solomon passed out pink rum-filled cupcakes to parliamentarians, along with a letter that urged them to vote yes.
As we saw with Ireland yesterday, some LGBT advocates opposed the bill, arguing that it was too limiting.

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a great heads up from JMG

Prop. 8 Opponents To Tell Judge Lawsuit Is Irrational

SAN FRANCISCO -- Two couples who challenged California's ban on same-sex marriage have told a federal judge in San Francisco that they plan to prove at a January trial that the measure is "irrational, indefensible and unconstitutional."

Jump here to read the rest of the article

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Same sex marriage & the Baha'i Faith

Another great find from JMG

JMG says:

Via the Economist: In 2008 Maine had the second highest concentration of gay households, with over eight in every 1,000 households said to be headed by partners of the same sex, according to research based on census data by the Williams Institute, a gay rights think-tank at UCLA. Those states where gay marriage is legal or where same-sex partnerships are recognised have a higher proportion of same-sex couples than the national average of 4.7. The District of Columbia is home to most gay households with over 14 for every 1,000

Another great find on JMG

Straight New York Woman Auctions Her Right To Marry On eBay

JMG reader Scott tips us to this eBay auction:
I'm an unmarried heterosexual woman, and since I probably won't be using my right to get married, I would like to give it away. I would like to sell it to the highest bidder and donate the proceeds to an organization that supports LGBT rights since the government designed to protect all of us is picking and choosing based on what they think is icky, weird, or unkown to them.

Bid now, and you can have my super wonderful privilege and legal ability to get married as many times as you want in a classy place like the one pictured. You don't have to know the person, you don't have to like them, you don't have to think through your decision to get married or anything - you can just do it! Because you can! Come on, it's cool to get married, and think of the pictures you'll have to show people of this person that they will definitely think is so wrong for you and probably is! But heavens to BETSY, do NOT marry someone of the same gender because that would be a mockery of the institution of marriage. And if it doesn't work out, just get divorced. Half the cool people who get married do that anyway.
If eBay somehow allows the auction to remain, Jamie is donating the proceeds to the Point Foundation, a scholarship fund for LGBT students. Jamie Frevele, our straight ally hero for the day!

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Courtesy of JMG

From JMG: HomoQuotable - John Corvino

"I have long advocated using the term 'bigot' sparingly when referring to gay-rights opponents. It’s not that I don’t think bigotry is a serious problem. On the contrary, it’s vital to identify bigotry for what it is and to expose its tragic effects. It’s also important to learn the lessons of history, including the ways in which bigotry can hide behind religion, concern for children’s welfare, and other seemingly benign motives.

"But there’s a difference between identifying bigotry, on the one hand, and labeling any and all people who disagree with us as bigots, on the other. Such labeling tends to function as a conversation-stopper, cutting us off from the 'moveable middle' and ultimately harming our progress. It’s also unfair to the many decent people who genuinely strive to understand us even where, for sincere and complex reasons, they cannot accept our position. [snip]

"Many of our opponents are fundamentally decent people. For both principled and pragmatic reasons, we don’t want to saddle them with an identity that suggests their being beyond redemption. In other words, we don’t want to label them 'bigots' prematurely. At the same time, we don’t want to shrink from identifying the evil of anti-gay bigotry, wherever and whenever it occurs. And so, we can distinguish. We can point out the sin of bigotry forcefully while using the epithet of 'bigot' sparingly (though that epithet, too, has its uses). Because, in the end, we do know it when we see it." - John Corvino, writing for Independent Gay Forum.

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courtesy of JMG

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

National Organization for Marriage Faces IRS Probe

Looking Into Questions About NOM’s New York PAC

WASHINGTON, DC – Right on the heels of last week’s vote on gay marriage in the New York State Senate, Maggie Gallagher’s National Organization for Marriage could well be facing its 3rd investigation into its 2 year old operation.

In an IRS letter recently received by Ben Katzenberg on behalf of Californians Against Hate (letter below or CLICK HERE), Sunita Lough, Director, EO Examinations said, “Thank you for the information you submitted regarding the National Organization for Marriage PAC New York. The Internal Revenue Service has an ongoing examination program to ensure that exempt organizations comply with the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code…. Internal Revenue Code section 6103 protects the privacy of tax returns and tax return information of all taxpayers. Therefore, we cannot disclose the status of any investigation.”

NOM is already the subject of investigations in California and Maine. Both complaints were filed by Fred Karger, founder of Californians Against Hate. The California investigation (Case #08/735) is in its 2nd year. That investigation covers the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) and NOM for not reporting in-kind expenditures on behalf of the Yes on Prop 8 campaign.

The Maine investigation began when that state’s Ethics Commission voted on October 1, 2009 to investigate NOM for not filing as a PAC in the recent election there to ban same-sex marriage. NOM should have filed as a PAC when it raised $5,000. It raised well over $1.8 million, and still refused to file as required under Maine elevation law.

“In Maine they refused to release the names of their donors, even after Federal Judge D. Brock Hornby and Maine State Attorney General Janet Mills ordered them to,” said Karger. This type of blatant disregard for the law is inconceivable. NOM is not above the law.”

“Soon Maggie Gallagher and her sidekick, Brian Brown (NOM executive director) are going to get caught.”

“NOM has spent nearly $20 million around the country in the past 2 years in at least 11 states, but apparently does not believe in following either state or federal laws.”

“Additionally, no one has yet to see any federal reporting by NOM of its National Organization for Marriage Educational Fund. This is their 501(c)3 charitable organization. There is no telling how many more millions of dollars they have raised and spent through this entity. It was formed in 2008, and their filings should have been available to the public well before now. We have requested this information from the IRS and have not received it as of today.”

“NOM’s 501(c)4 finally released its required 990 tax filings for 2007 and 2008 over one year late, and only after repeated requests were filed with the IRS by our organization and several other media outlets.”

“The Congress of the Untied States should launch an official investigation of the National Organization for Marriage at once,” concluded Karger.

NOM is believed to be a front group for the Mormon Church. See our web site for details.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Quote of the Day, via JMG

The Definition Of Assholism

"Two adults who are consenting and who are like-minded and within their mental capacities should be allowed to be with each other. I think it's an outrage."

- Anti-marriage equality NY Sen. Hiram Monserrate, clearly oblivious to the meaning of irony, complaining that a court order prevents him from seeing the woman whose face he slashed with a broken glass.

From JMG: Pro-Gay Christians Launch The Affirmation Declaration

In response to the anti-gay Manhattan Declaration, a document calling for the disobedience of LGBT rights laws and co-signed by hundreds of religious leaders, comes The Affirmation Declaration, which calls for pro-LGBT people of faith to sign on as supporters of civil equality. An excerpt from the just-posted document:
We assert that the pain brought upon our GLBTI brethren in the name of God is not an expression of love. It is not love to bring shame and self-loathing upon people. It is not love to tell parents not to accept their gay children because their affirmation will supposedly make their children not want to change. It certainly is not love to teach the damnable heresy that GLBTI people cannot be saved or go to Heaven until they have been delivered from their natural orientation.

We also call attention to the horrible spiritual effect that antigay theology has had on the secular world. We are deeply troubled by the number of people who have been made to despise Christianity because of the oppressive and tyrannical acts of our Christian brethren. However well intentioned they may believe themselves to be, they continue to short-circuit the gospel of Jesus Christ by imposing their religious beliefs upon the general population. Whether homosexuality is sinful or not, opposing same-sex marriage is not only counterproductive to evangelistic ministry, but it is diametrically opposed to the concept of religious freedom—something that the proponents of the Manhattan Declaration claim to cherish. It appears that what they, instead, champion is their freedom to impose their religious beliefs on others. We reject this hypocritical opposition to same-sex marriage, and stand for true religious liberty in the United States of America and the world.

These ever present sins against the GLBTI community are not faithful expressions of God’s love, as is so often claimed. The attestation to the contrary expressed in the Manhattan Declaration only demonstrates the blind religious fervor that so many of our brethren are lost in. Like the Pharisees of old, they continue to believe that such cruelties actually serve the God who is love. But, this is not the type of love that Scripture defines for us.
Read the entire document. If you are a person of faith, consider signing on.

Courtesy of JMG

Christmahanakwanzolstice greetings from JMG:

To My Democratic Friends:
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2010, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere . Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wish.
To My Republican and Independent Friends:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ 2010.

Jump here to read the oroginal and comments at JMG

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Corvino: Whom should we call a bigot?

, columnist,

“We all know what bigotry is,” a friend said to me recently. But do we?

I mean, most of us have experienced it, and we can point to clear historical examples. But can we define it, articulating what those examples all have in common? Or is it more like Justice Potter Stewart’s grasp of pornography: “I know it when I see it”?

jump here to read the article

From JMG: Full-Page Ad Against "Ex-Gay" Preacher Donnie McClurkin Runs In NYC

The Black Gay Men's Network today published a full-page ad in the NYC daily newspaper Metro in reaction to attacks on the LGBT community by black clergy and in response to "ex-gay" preacher Donnie McClurkin's recent outrageous and hateful rantings, which were posted to YouTube. It reads in part:
Pastor Donnie McClurkin -We love you brother and in ways the traditional church cannot because we understand your pain. You are not a man who loves men because of being molested as a child. That grave and despicable tragedy broke your spirit and damaged your mind; however it did not have the capacity to change your DNA. There is so much love in our community for you. We want to see you healed and whole. Whenever you are ready, come home and we'll love you until it doesn't hurt anymore. That's how we do!
Read the entire ad at the above link.

(Tipped by JMG reader Jeff)

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thanks to JMG

An example as to why JMG is so great....


A silly story in the Wall Street Journal announces that baring one's chest hair with a plunging neckline, a phenomenon mostly associated with the gold-chain laden disco era, is apparently back. The paper calls the fad "heavage." SRSLY.
Vik Mohindra, a 27-year-old graduate student from Toronto, confesses that his guy friends sometimes tease him about his heavage. "I would not recommend it to someone who isn't confident with their body and overall sense of style," says Mr. Mohindra, who says he works out three to four days a week and has a "defined" chest. Male cleavage, particularly on the silver screen, has long played a prominent role in popular culture. Douglas Fairbanks Sr. had his chest on display throughout the 1920s in films like 1924's "The Thief of Bagdad" and "The Iron Mask" in 1929. A dashing Errol Flynn showed man cleavage in the 1930s, most memorably in 1938's "The Adventures of Robin Hood." These actors made skin-flashing practically de rigueur for certain swashbuckling roles. The aesthetic continued well into the 1950s and the 1960s, says menswear historian Robert Bryan, author of the new book "American Fashion Menswear." Among those celebrated for their heavage were Marlon Brando (in the 1951 film version of "A Streetcar Named Desire") and Sean Connery as James Bond in the 1960s. The last time man cleavage was so prevalent in the U.S. was in the 1970s -- "the golden age of male chest hair," says Mr. Bryan. Epitomized by John Travolta in 1977's "Saturday Night Fever," the convention back then was to skip enough shirt buttons to show off a thick forest of hair, perhaps topped with a gold medallion as a sign of virility.
When gay men want to show off their chest, they just take their shirt off. Unless I'm missing out on some big gay heavage scene.

Lifted from JMG

You may recall Ted Cox, the straight, formerly Mormon, reporter who went undercover at an "ex-gay" conversion therapy retreats in two states. Cox was unable to tell his story because his publisher feared legal reprisals if Cox were to break the confidentiality agreement the "ex-gays" made him sign. This week Cox has broken the agreement in an interview with Alternet.

Read the rest of the article at JMG

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wow! Thanks so Much Supporters!

Current Country Totals
From 1 Jun 2009 to 2 Dec 2009

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NYS Senator Diane Savino speaks on the Marriage Equality bill

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

From JMG: American Right-Wing Christians Behind Uganda's "Kill Gays" Bill

Last month we learned that Uganda, where being gay can already bring a life sentence, was considering a death penalty for homosexual acts in certain situations. The proposed new law is now before Uganda's parliament.
Life imprisonment is the minimum punishment for anyone convicted of having gay sex, under an anti-homosexuality bill currently before Uganda's parliament. If the accused person is HIV positive or a serial offender, or a "person of authority" over the other partner, or if the "victim" is under 18, a conviction will result in the death penalty. Members of the public are obliged to report any homosexual activity to police with 24 hours or risk up to three years in jail – a scenario that human rights campaigners say will result in a witchhunt. Ugandans breaking the new law abroad will be subject to extradition requests. "The bill is haunting us," said Mugisha, 25, chairman of Sexual Minorities Uganda, a coalition of local lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex groups that will all be banned under the law. "If this passes we will have to leave the country."
The bill has been denounced by the Swedish government and by UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has condemned the bill as well.

Over at Box Turtle Bulletin, Timothy Kincaid and Jim Burroway have been tracking the connection to the bill by American right-wing Christians, in particular by the secretive "Family," which includes as members prominent GOP politicians like Sen. John Ensign and SC Gov. Mark Sanford. The push for the "kill gays" bill in Uganda is being promoted and funded by the Family. Go to Box Turtle Bulletin for an exhaustive recounting of the ties between Uganda, the Family, and the Christianist right.

Among those with close ties to Ugandans promoting the "kill gays" bill is Saddleback megachurch Pastor Rick Warren, who has hosted many appearance by Ugandan Pastor Martin Ssempa, one of the bill's leading advocates. Warren has since denounced Ssempa's extreme anti-gay stance. But yesterday on Meet The Press, Warren refused to distance himself from "kill gays" bill itself, saying, "I never take sides." Of course, we know differently from Warren's endorsement of Proposition 8.

What we are seeing in Uganda is a vivid depiction of what some on the Christian right would like to see in America. They are testing the waters there, dipping their vile toes into Uganda's government, seeing just how far they can take an anti-gay pogrom. Watch closely.

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Courtesy of JMG

2010 California Marriage Protection Act PSA (#2)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Five for Fred - Please Donate!


Five for Fred is asking its supporters to spread awareness and donate $5.00 (the priceof a latte + tip) to help with Fred's costly legal battle. He's a citizen activist fighting against a team of high-priced lawyers from the National Organization for Marriage and the Christian Right legal organization, the Alliance Defense Fund. They want to silence him.

Log onto and get involved today!


  1. Fred filed complaints in California and Maine with their State Ethics Commissions that have led to investigations of the Mormon Church and NOM!
  2. The National Organization for Marriage and their team of lawyers has subpoenaed Fred, trying to destroy and silence him.
  3. Please donate $5.00 right now and spread the word about Fred’s legal battle. He needs our help.
  4. The fight for equal rights is now. Plese give to Fred's Legal Defense Fund.
  5. Visit today for more information and to make a donation.

From JMG

Los Angeles Times Condemns The Manhattan Declaration

In an editorial published yesterday, the Los Angeles Times strongly condemned the anti-gay Manhattan Declaration, calling it "irresponsible and dangerous" and warning that the document may embolden anti-abortion terrorists.
The impression left is that the legal environment in which churches must operate is reminiscent of the Roman Empire that threw Christians to the lions. Never mind that advocates of same-sex civil marriage and legal abortion have made significant concessions to believers or that religious groups have recourse to courts, which have aggressively protected the free exercise of religion guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. In 1993, Congress passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, exempting believers in some cases from having to comply with applicable laws.

This apocalyptic argument for lawbreaking is disingenuous, but it is also dangerous. Did the Roman Catholic bishops who signed the manifesto consider how their endorsement of lawbreaking in a higher cause might embolden the antiabortion terrorists they claim to condemn? Did they stop to think that, by reserving the right to resist laws they don't like, they forfeit the authority to intervene in the enactment of those laws, as they have done in the congressional debate over healthcare reform? They need to be reminded that this is a nation of laws, not of men -- even holy men.
Meanwhile Bill O'Reilly complains on Townhall that the "secular media" has given the Manhattan Declaration little attention and wonders "are people of faith as upset as some of their leadership with the secularism of America?"

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courtesy of JMG

Saturday, November 28, 2009

World AIDs Day - December 1

Started on 1st December 1988, World AIDS Day is about raising money, increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving education. The World AIDS Day theme for 2009 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights'. World AIDS Day is important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.
According to UNAIDS estimates, there are now 33.2 million people living with HIV, including 2.5 million children. During 2007 some 2.5 million people became newly infected with the virus. Around half of all people who become infected with HIV do so before they are 25 and are killed by AIDS before they are 35.
Around 95% of people with HIV and AIDS live in developing nations. But HIV today is a threat to men, women and children on all continents around the world

AIDS attacks the body…
Prejudice attacks the spirit…
One is caused by a virus.
One is caused by ignorance.

PLEASE WEAR RED ON TUESDAY 1ST DECEMBER, 2009 to show support for people who have AIDS, those who have died from it and those who are working towards a cure.

One love

Hockey Dad, Gay Son

Filed by: Dana Rudolph

November 27, 2009 12:00 PM

This ESPN story is breaking all over the sporting news. hockey_skates.jpgBrian Burke, president and general manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs, "a most public example of hockey machismo," has a gay son, and accepts him. Not only that, but the son, Brendan, plays hockey for Miami University. As an out player, he is helping break down the walls of homophobia in sports.

Here's what Brian Burke had to say about his son

Bil Browning sent a message to the members of The Bilerico Project.

Subject: Weekly Reader: iPhone apps, hockey dads, & a San Francisco mixer

Bilerico is coming to San Francisco! On Friday, Dec 4, we'll be hosting a mixer at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. Stop by and say hello to Jerame and me plus tons of other contributors and readers! You can tell us what you thought of posts like these:

In Honor of our Fallen Brothers and Sisters on this Day of Remembrance
Filed by: Kelley Winters;

GayCities iPhone App Review Redux
Filed by: Jerame Davis;

Outing Catholic Priests Is a Fair Game at;
Filed by: Father Tony;

If S/he Were Positive, Would You Stay?
Filed by: Betty Greene Salwak;

The Horrible Truth About Gay Marriage
Filed by: Diane Silver;

FOUND: Strangest beauty contest ever
Filed by: Gloria Brame Ph.D.;

Chairman Miller, Don't Reach For That Turkey Yet!
Filed by: Dr. Jillian T. Weiss;

Sympathy fatigue
Filed by: Alex Blaze;

The 2nd Thanksgiving: A Personal Story On Conflict Resolution
Filed by: Bil Browning;

Hockey Dad, Gay Son
Filed by: Dana Rudolph;

Anatomy of a furry convention
Filed by: Austen Crowder;


A Bilerico Mixer in San Francisco!
Filed by: Bil Browning;

Don't forget:

Subscribe to the Bilerico Project Report to get all of the previous day's posts sent to you every night at midnight.;

Follow Bilerico Project on Twitter for links to new posts, breaking news and contest opportunities.;

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Gay Star Trek

jump to the explanation here

Friday, November 27, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Love is a feeling, marriage is a contract, and a relationship is work."

- Lori Gordon

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This message from the Courage Campaign

Courage Campaign

Dear Daniel --

I want to tell you about a heartfelt conversation I recently had with a family member who opposed marriage equality. I hope it will motivate you to have one of your own with someone you care about this holiday season.

I'm a straight ally, a community organizer, and a volunteer photographer for Camp Courage. Those experiences showed me that the best way to build momentum for marriage equality is by having a conversation with those you know best about why you personally support marriage equality. And there is no better time to do that than during the holidays, when we gather with our friends, family, co-workers and neighbors.

I know that is true because I helped my mother-in-law open her mind to marriage equality by having my own "Courageous Conversation" with her earlier this year.

Elinor, my mother-in-law, voted for Proposition 8. And it was really hard for me to talk with her about her decision. I felt like we were going in circles -- she thought gay marriage was "wrong" and a threat to "traditional" marriage -- and there was nothing I could say to her to change her mind. But one day I had an idea. I opened up my photo album.

See, I've taken thousands of photographs at Camp Courage workshops, Meet In The Middle in Fresno, and the National Equality March in DC, to document the marriage equality movement since Proposition 8 was passed last year.

So I asked her to look at the people in these photos. I told her how I recognized the love in their eyes, their souls, and their hearts because I saw it in myself and in my husband. I told her that I look at the man I married 13 years ago -- her son -- and think about all we've shared and done, suffered and celebrated. I told her I can't imagine a world where society and the law says our love isn't as equal as any other couple in a committed relationship.

The conversation that followed was the most open one we'd ever had about gay marriage. I don't think I've changed her mind -- yet. But I do know we aren't talking in circles any more, and that the door is open to many more conversations to come.

It took courage to have that conversation. But that is how we will win marriage equality -- by being courageous.

That's why the Courage Campaign is asking you to have a "Courageous Conversation" this holiday season. Make your pledge here and share with us the name and location of the person with whom you'll be having a "Courageous Conversation." Help us build momentum and inspire thousands of Courage Campaign members to join you. Bring equality and joy one conversation at a time:

Sometimes the most courageous act is a simple conversation with someone you know and love. I know these conversations are not easy. But that is why they are so important. Our research shows that the most effective way to change someone's opinion about marriage equality is to have someone they know and trust explain to them why it matters.

We'll help you make these conversations a success. We will offer support and advice about where and when to start the conversation. We'll also help you tell your "story-of-self" with a guide on our website.

And we'll let you turn your "Courageous Conversation" into a gift -- we'll send an online card to an LGBT friend or family member of your choice, letting them know that for this holiday season, you will pledge to help win equality for them by having a "Courageous Conversation." Click here to get started:

One "Courageous Conversation" at a time we can change the hearts and minds of those in our lives about marriage equality. Thank you for giving the gift of equality.

Marta Evry
Community Organizer and Camp Courage volunteer photographer

The Courage Campaign is an online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country.

To support our innovative campaigns for full equality, please chip in what you can today:

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mrs. Betty Bowers: Less is Mormon!

"Its a good thing"

Quote Of The Day from JMG - Billy Arnone

"If they were put in front of me I’d probably watch it." - Billy Arnone, the brother of Miss Ladyfingers USA, telling Radar Online that he'd watch her sex tape. What IS it with that family? (And note Billy's "Loose Lips" t-shirt.) He goes on to slam same-sex unions, saying, "I’m all the way against gay marriage. I don’t feel that it’s right that a man and a man should raise a kid. That’s just how I was raised and how Carrie was raised. We’ll stick by that ‘til the day we die." So hate IS a family value.

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Courtesy of JMG

Bush Lied. Soldiers keep Dying.

4,365 U.S. Military Fatalities in Iraq
927 U.S. Military Fatalities in Afghanistan
31,557 U.S. Military Maimed in Iraq (source: DoD Update as of October 31, 2009)
102,844 Iraqis Reported Killed (source: Iraq Body Count)
1,339,771 Iraqis Reported Killed (source:

Here are the original content stories featured on the BuzzFlash for Today

Faced With Video of Fear-Mongering Anti-Government Groups, a Majority Think Armed Militias Should Be Illegal -- BuzzFlash News Analysis

Greatest Healthcare? Has Anyone Tried Calling for a Nurse When Hospitalized? -- BuzzFlash Editor's Blog

Third World Women Suffer the Most from Climate Change While Bloggers Use Sex to Save the Earth -- Green Is Good

A Few Thoughts On FOX's Latest 'Apology' -- Verse-Case Scenario by Tony Peyser

Jacqueline Marcus: Cheney & Rumsfeld Are Still Running the War, The Wall Street Boys Get Rich -- BuzzFlash Guest Commentary

Bill Corcoran: Do Republicans Know What It's Like in the ER? -- BuzzFlash Guest Commentary

Barbara's Daily BuzzFlash Minute for November 23, 2009

BuzzFlash Mailbag for November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rainbow Panthers

Wolf Mc Intosh sent a message to the members of I Support The Dallas Principles.

Subject: Please Take A Moment To Join Our New Facebook Group


I would like to thank you for taking the time to support the Dallas Principles.

There is exciting news tonight of the creation of a new facebook group called the "Rainbow Panthers." This group will advocate the support of our LGBTQI youth who are painfully harassed, abused, and murdered all for being SELF.

This past week, as you may have heard in the news, 2 gay teenagers were brutally murdered.

A third gay teenager in Texas was assaulted after his pleas for help to his school principal, and school bus driver, were ignored.

The goal of the Rainbow Panthers is to offer assistance and support to LGBTQI youth who are often marginalized and targets for violence.

I would like to invite you to join our group, and as it is still in the beginning stages of creation, we welcome any and all input from you.


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Saturday, November 21, 2009

LGBT Lessons for Right Wing Christians: How Hate Crime Laws Silenced the Church

Gay EducationThe hardcore religious (they are anything but) right has become so paranoid that their twisted logic has led them to believe that they are the victims. Their solution? The Manhattan Declaration, a statement of Christian convictions on the matters of life, family, and religious liberty. Let’s go through parts of it.

The preamble to the declaration reads, “While the whole scope of Christian moral concern, including a special concern for the poor and vulnerable, claims our attention, we are especially troubled that in our nation today the lives of the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly are severely threatened; that the institution of marriage, already buffeted by promiscuity, infidelity and divorce, is in jeopardy of being redefined to accommodate fashionable ideologies; that freedom of religion and the rights of conscience are gravely jeopardized by those who would use the instruments of coercion to compel persons of faith to compromise their deepest convictions.

jump to read the rest here

Keith Olbermann: Sarah Palin's Fans Turn On Her At Book Signing

Gay Marriage Gets Boost From 9th Circuit

The Recorder

November 23, 2009

Not one to be left out of a constitutional thicket, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Alex Kozinski granted health benefits Thursday to the same-sex partners of court employees.

Kozinski's order comes a day after his colleague, Judge Stephen Reinhardt, issued his own published directive that a federal public defender be awarded back pay because his same-sex partner's benefits had been denied.

Jump to the full article here

Weekly Reader: Hugs, Honduras, & Grandma's Dress

Bil Browning sent a message to the members of The Bilerico Project.

Subject: Weekly Reader: Hugs, Honduras, & Grandma's Dress

While this week brought news that ENDA has been delayed for a few weeks, we didn't let that stop us from bringing you a ton of popular posts about almost every aspect of our community. Here are the best from this week.

The sexual politics of a hug
Filed by: Cassandra Keenan;

The DC Catholic Church's red herring
Filed by: Nancy Polikoff;

LGBT Resistance to the Coup in Honduras
Filed by: Jessica Hoffmann;

Toward a better understanding of age in the gay community
Filed by: Alex Blaze;

Don't Ask, Don't Tell: "Jess, Bend, Oregon, 2009"
Filed by: Jeff Sheng;

Needed: A Better Definition of Bigotry
Filed by: Patricia Nell Warren;

Jorge and Will: Tragedy and Hope
Filed by: Kate Kendell;

Simon LeVay and the Biology of Sexual Orientation
Filed by: Betty Greene Salwak;

In My Grandmother's Dress
Filed by: Father Tony;

What will President Obama do about that pesky federal Prop 8 suit?
Filed by: Phil Reese;

Irene Vilar's Impossible Motherhood: Testimony of an Abortion Addict
Filed by: Paige Schilt;

Historic Declaration of Christian Conscience?
Filed by: Donna Pandori;


Filed by: Dr. Jillian T. Weiss;

Don't forget:

Subscribe to the Bilerico Project Report to get all of the previous day's posts sent to you every night at midnight.;

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Statement from Judy Shepard on the Murder of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado


Statement from Judy Shepard on the Murder of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado

Dennis and I, and the entire board and staff of the Matthew Shepard Foundation, stand with all who are grieving the loss of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado in one of the most shockingly brutal hate crimes in Puerto Rico’s history.

While we are grateful to the local law enforcement officials for their swift work to apprehend the suspect in this terrible crime, we remain deeply saddened that yet another family should have to suffer the pain of such a tragedy, and that such breathtaking violence continues to be directed at gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people who are simply trying to live their lives honestly and openly.

For another young person to lose their life and be taken from their family and community due to fear, prejudice and hatred is simply unacceptable. Each of us who believe in freedom and equality must remain vocal, active, and unrelenting in calling for justice.

Our thoughts are with Mr. Lopez, all who knew and loved him, the members of his community and the millions worldwide who have been touched by his senseless death. Our family and the Foundation will continue to work to prevent similar tragedies in any way we can.

Grey Line

MSF Logo

Bilerico News

Good news or bad ideas? KY, MI, OH, TX re-examine marriage amendments

Filed by: Bil Browning

November 19, 2009 7:30 PM

The marriage equality drumbeat has rumbled on with news that several states will be attempting to re-examine their state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage and/or civil unions. Surprisingly, this hasn't received as much attention as I assumed it would in the LGBT blogosphere.

read the rest here

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Decorating hints... via JMG

Gay-Friendly GOP San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders To Testify For Olson/Boies

Thank you JMG for sharing this...

Republican San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, who in 2007 changed his mind on same-sex marriage in a tear-filled press conference with his lesbian daughter, will testify in the federal suit to repeal Prop 8 being brought by superstar lawyers Ted Olson and David Boies.
San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders will be a witness in the upcoming federal court trial over the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8, according to San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera. Herrera announced Sanders’ participation today at a San Diego fundraiser for Herrera’s reelection. Herrera said he traveled to San Diego last week to meet with Sanders and that Sanders readily agreed to testify in the case, which seeks to overturn the constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage narrowly approved by California voters last year.
The City of San Francisco has been allowed to join the lawsuit, hence Herrera's involvement. In August a judge ruled in favor of Olson and Boies' request to block the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights from joining the suit after the groups' earlier denouncement of the attempt.

FLASHBACK: Here is Sanders' beautiful 2007 speech. If you haven't seen it, get out a hankie first.

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Courtesy of JMG

That's Gotta Hurt...