A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Na véspera da Parada, Igreja Católica lança nota em apoio à comunidade gay
1 de maio de 2014 às 11:13
"Não podemos nos calar diante da realidade vivenciada por esta população, que é alvo do preconceito e vítima da violação sistemática de seus direitos fundamentais, tais como a saúde, a educação, o trabalho, a moradia, a cultura, entre outros", afirma, em nota, a entidade da Igreja Católica.
A comissão diz também que LGBTs "enfrentam diariamente insuportável violência verbal e física, culminando em assassinatos, que são verdadeiros crimes de ódio".
A entidade convida "pessoas de boa vontade e, em particular todos os cristãos, a refletirem sobre essa realidade profundamente injusta das pessoas LGBT e a se empenharem ativamente na sua superação, guiados pelo supremo princípio da dignidade humana".
Ainda de acordo com a nota, o posicionamento da entidade, "fiel à sua missão de anunciar e defender os valores evangélicos e civilizatórios dos direitos humanos, fundamenta-se na Constituição Pastoral Gaudium et Spes, aprovada no Concílio Vaticano II: "As alegrias e esperanças, as tristezas e angústias dos homens de hoje, sobretudo dos pobres e de todos aqueles que sofrem, são também as alegrais e as esperanças, as tristezas e as angústias dos discípulos de Cristo", diz o documento.
O diretor da Comissão Justiça e Paz da arquidiocese, Geraldo Magela Tardelli, afirmou que esta é a primeira vez que a comissão escreve "formalmente" a favor dos homossexuais. "A comissão tem uma missão, segundo D. Paulo Evaristo Ars: 'temos que dar voz aqueles que não tem voz'. Neste momento, o que estamos percebendo é que há um crescimento de violência contra homossexuais, então a gente não pode se omitir em relação a essa violação dos direitos humanos", afirmou o diretor.
Segundo ele, a realização da Parada Gay determinou a divulgação da nota. "Nós achamos que esse era o momento correto de colocar essa nota em circulação. Nós da Igreja estamos engajados na defesa dos direitos humanos e não compactuamos com nenhuma violação, independentemente da cor e da orientação sexual das pessoas", disse Tardelli.
Via Daily Dharma
Links of a Chain | September 5, 2014
When we are young, we should look at
and reflect on old people. This is karma, isn’t it? I tried to explain
this to the Westerners, that if you discard people, you will also be
discarded. When we are old, we should think about young people. When we
see old people, we should think about young people. They are connected,
like links of a chain.
- Ajahn Chah, "The Gift of Gratitude"
Flower of the Day: 09/05/14
human race is undergoing a profound change. It is often difficult to
know what is personal and what is collective, especially since
separation is only an illusion. Some people are already able to see the
changes without getting identified with them, since they have already
given up control. Suffering is generated by control, which is an
instrument of fear. Fear comes from a lack of faith in existence.”
Sri Prem Baba
Thursday, September 4, 2014
JMG Quote Of The Day - Carl Siciliano
"I feel like the LGBT movement has been asleep at the wheel when it comes to this. We've been so focused on laws – changing the laws around marriage equality, changing 'don't ask, don't tell,' getting adoption rights – that we haven't been fighting for economic resources. How many tax dollars do gay people contribute? What percentage of tax dollars comes back to our gay kids? We haven't matured enough as a movement yet that we're looking at the economics of things. There is a psychological reality that when you're an oppressed group whose very existence is under attack, you need to create this narrative about how great it is to be what you are. It's like, 'Leave the repression and the fear behind and be embraced by this accepting community, and suddenly everyone is beautiful and has good bodies and great sex and beautiful furniture, and rah-rah-rah.' And, from day one of the Stonewall Riots, homeless kids were not what people wanted to see. No one wanted to see young people coming out and being cast into destitution. It didn't fit the narrative." - Ali Forney Center founder Carl Siciliano, in a Rolling Stone article on the epidemic of homeless LGBT youth.
Via Jean Wyllys ; FBÇ
Jean Wyllys's photo.
A partir de hoje, o PSOL 50 - Partido Socialismo e Liberdade começa a divulgar o programa de governo de Luciana Genro, candidata à presidência da República. O programa foi construído coletivamente a partir das diretrizes programáticas lançadas no dia do anúncio da candidatura da Luciana, e será divulgado por eixos.
A Luciana pediu
especialmente que o primeiro eixo a ser divulgado fosse o capítulo sobre
cidadania e direitos da população LGBT. Esse eixo é apenas um dos
vários aspectos, em diferentes temáticas, que estão presentes no plano
de governo da Luciana e que vão ser divulgados por ela ao longo dos
próximos dias; o fato de eu estar divulgando esteja divulgando este eixo
não significa eu me importe apenas com esse aspecto dos programas de
governo dos candidatos e das candidatas à presidência..
Eu tenho muito orgulho de ter participado da elaboração desse texto e poder dizer a todos e todas vocês, com absoluta certeza, que o programa de governo da Luciana é o que melhor responde às demandas e necessidades de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e trans e o que melhor entende a importância da luta contra todas as formas de preconceito, contra o fundamentalismo e pelo estado laico e a igualdade de direitos.
Para Luciana, os direitos humanos não se negociam!
Não deixem de ler o texto completo aqui:
Eu tenho muito orgulho de ter participado da elaboração desse texto e poder dizer a todos e todas vocês, com absoluta certeza, que o programa de governo da Luciana é o que melhor responde às demandas e necessidades de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais e trans e o que melhor entende a importância da luta contra todas as formas de preconceito, contra o fundamentalismo e pelo estado laico e a igualdade de direitos.
Para Luciana, os direitos humanos não se negociam!
Não deixem de ler o texto completo aqui:
Via Daily Dharma
Present to Rage | September 4, 2014
Meditation is recommended here not as a
way to eradicate our rage but as a way to become fully present to its
energies. When you become uncomfortable or frightened, remember that
difficult emotions are your most profound teachers. The more we can
witness our experiences without judgment, the less suffering we will
experience in our lives.
- Ruth King, "Soothing the Hot Coals of Rage"
Flower of the Day: 09/04/14
some point along your journey, you will need to turn within. In the
beginning, you will face many challenges, just as you did when you first
made the move to go out into the world. The main challenge during this
phase is dealing with loneliness. This can be quite challenging. Still,
just like Siddhartha Gautama got frustrated with life in the palace with
all of his wealth and left everything behind, when you become
frustrated enough with the world, you will find that you are already
moving towards the truth.”
Sri Prem Baba
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Via Daily Dharma:
Stinking Bones | September 3, 2014
To stop the mind and contemplate
stillness is a sickness, not Chan meditation. Constant sitting restricts
the body—how could it help towards discovering truth? Listen to my
You can sit without lying down from the moment you're born,
But when you die, you'll lie down, never again to sit.
How could you build a solid practice
On a set of stinking bones?!
But when you die, you'll lie down, never again to sit.
How could you build a solid practice
On a set of stinking bones?!
- Master Huineng, "Direct and Gradual"
Flower of the Day: 09/03/14
time you create one thing to run away from another, sooner or later
what you created will have to undergo some form of transformation. If
you generated wealth to flee from poverty, you might need to lose this
wealth to free yourself from the fear of being poor, so that you may
become truly rich. True wealth comes from trust and plenitude – not from
fear. When this transformation knocks on your door, you will start
being tested greatly, until you succeed in developing the virtue of
trust and move towards surrender.”
Sri Prem Baba
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Via Begin with Yes / FB:
there was ever a time when the world needed the light of good, kind,
compassionate, and loving people, it’s right this very moment. Those
around you need your comforting touch, your kind smile of understanding,
and your willingness to share what you have with those who have less.
The world needs your compassion, your kindness and even your hope. Now
is not the time to hold back. Tell the people you love that you love
them and do whatever you can to make the world a little less hostile and
a little kinder. It’s not just the least we can do; it’s probably all
we can do.
- Paul Boynton "Begin with Yes"
(Photo credit Tod Stevenson)Via Daily Dharma
Flower of the Day: 09/02/14
can try to understand love through theories, and you can even create
your own theories about it. But you will only know what love is by
loving, by allowing yourself to experience love. If you try to use your
mind to understand love on an intellectual level, you may even acquire
some knowledge, but it will be nothing more than a bunch of thoughts.
Knowledge serves to place you on the path, but at some point you need to
give up knowledge in order to create space to experience love. The goal
of knowledge is to serve as a bridge to wisdom; when it is not serving
this goal, it starts to poison you.”
- Sri Prem Baba
Monday, September 1, 2014
Flower of the Day: 09/01/14
you progress in the process of purifying and transforming the lower
self, you naturally begin to transcend the idea of ‘me’. Transcending
means being above or going beyond: it is when you start to identify with
the spiritual self. But you won’t be able to do this if you are still
trying to avoid dealing with your lower self.”
- Sri Prem Baba
Via Daily Dharma
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Via Daily Dharma
Flower of the Day: 08/31/14
went driving once on a rainy day and it ended up hailing, so my car got
all scratched up. But who decided to take the car out on this rainy
day? I did. Therefore, it is my responsibility alone. I never get tired
of saying that you are not a helpless victim of the harmful influences
of outer space. I know it is hard to hear this, and you can even get
angry with me, but I have to tell the truth: you are where you put
Sri Prem Baba
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Via Daily Dharma
Dharmic Darwinism | August 30, 2014
The Buddha intuited some type of
evolutionary process that creates our bodies, and his essential point is
that they are neither formed nor owned by us. We now have evidence that
our bodies arise from the forces and elements that make up the entire
universe, through a complex chain of interdependent events.
Internalizing this understanding can help liberate us from the powerful
sense of ownership and attachment we have to the body.
-Wes Nisker, “Evolution’s Body”
Flower of the Day: 08/30/14
"Your entire day can become a sadhana,
a spiritual practice, when everything you do transforms into selfless
service. Each minute of action is turned into a prayer, and as such your
life becomes yoga. Presence must permeate your actions, which is only
possible when you are whole in your actions. In this way, your actions
will become a puja, an offering to the Divine. Little by
little, you will go beyond your self-interest and egotistical motives,
and will surrender yourself to service."
- Sri Prem Baba
Friday, August 29, 2014
Via LGBTQ Nation: A gay dad’s open letter to the homophobic parents who threw away their gay son
Another young person has been thrown out of his home for coming out as gay.
I have written about this on a number of occasions covering such events in the United States, Nigeria and Uganda.
This time the event was recorded. Trying to imagine the evil some people can impart on their children is no longer necessary. Now we can hear them in their own self righteous voices
It started when the family called 20-year-old Daniel Pierce to an “intervention.” He left his phone recorder going during the confrontation and was later posted online as “How not to react when your child tells you he is gay.” It has now gone viral.
In the video, Daniel explains to what sounds like his mother, step-mother and father that he is gay. The choices this set of parents makes as a reaction are almost as bad as they possibly could be.
His mother makes a statement at the outset that becomes increasingly shocking as the video proceeds and the parenting adults collectively verbally attack and physically abuse the young man.
The mother’s statement is: “I have known since you were a young boy that you were gay.” If there was ever clear pointed evidence that Daniel was “born that way,” her comment would be it.
She knows who her child is, yet due to her own personal agenda she pretends he is making a choice and coldly rejects him as a result.
I have written about this on a number of occasions covering such events in the United States, Nigeria and Uganda.
This time the event was recorded. Trying to imagine the evil some people can impart on their children is no longer necessary. Now we can hear them in their own self righteous voices
It started when the family called 20-year-old Daniel Pierce to an “intervention.” He left his phone recorder going during the confrontation and was later posted online as “How not to react when your child tells you he is gay.” It has now gone viral.
In the video, Daniel explains to what sounds like his mother, step-mother and father that he is gay. The choices this set of parents makes as a reaction are almost as bad as they possibly could be.
His mother makes a statement at the outset that becomes increasingly shocking as the video proceeds and the parenting adults collectively verbally attack and physically abuse the young man.
The mother’s statement is: “I have known since you were a young boy that you were gay.” If there was ever clear pointed evidence that Daniel was “born that way,” her comment would be it.
She knows who her child is, yet due to her own personal agenda she pretends he is making a choice and coldly rejects him as a result.
Via JMG: Religion Maps
Via Pew Research:
Earlier this summer, on World Population Day, we explained that half of the world’s population lives in just six countries. In many cases, the world’s major religious groups are even more concentrated, with half or more of their followers living in one or a handful of countries. For several years, demographers at the Pew Research Center have been studying the demographic characteristics of eight groups: Buddhists, Christians, adherents of folk religions, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, the religiously unaffiliated and followers of other religions. While Christians and Muslims are more widely distributed around the world, the other groups have a majority of their populations in just one or two nations, according to 2010 estimates from our Global Religious Landscape report.More maps are at the link.
While there continues to be much attention paid to the growth of the religiously unaffiliated population in Europe and North America, more than half (62%) of the world’s 1.1 billion unaffiliated people live in one Asian country: China. China also is home to 50% of the world’s 488 million Buddhists and 73% of the 405 million global adherents of folk religions. Since China is the world’s most populous nation, it may not be altogether unexpected that it has a lot of people in a variety of categories. While China accounts for 19% of the world’s overall population, it is home to majorities of all Buddhists, unaffiliated people and adherents of folk religions.
Via JMG: Donations Pour In For Daniel Pierce
Early yesterday morning I posted the video of 20 year-old Georgia resident Daniel Pierce, who recorded his family as they verbally and physically abused him for being gay. Since then the clip has gone wildly viral with over 2 million views. The story has been picked up by the national press, fueling donations that stand at over $52K at this writing.
Pierce confirmed the video's details to the Huffington Post on Thursday, adding that he initially came out to his parents in October. But when his father, stepmother and grandparents attempted to stage a "delayed intervention" on Wednesday, things quickly went awry, which resulted in Pierce being attacked, disowned and thrown out of his house. "You're full of shit," Pierce's stepmother can be heard saying in the video. "You told me on the phone that you made that choice. You know you wasn't born that way. You know damn good and well you made that choice. You know that [your father] has done everything he can to raise you. ... He didn't need to blame himself." "Their reaction was pretty much expected [once] I chose to leave instead of pray because they have always been very vocal about not supporting the gay lifestyle," Pierce told the Huffington Post. "My [stepmother's] reaction was the most surprising and hurtful." Sadly, Pierce's story is not unique. While Pierce has confirmed that he is now safely staying with supportive friends and family members, there are many LGBT youths in America who face even more unfortunate circumstances. A 2012 study by UCLA's Williams Institute found that around 40% of homeless youths identify as LGBT, many of them having been rejected or abused by their family members over their gender or sexual orientation.While Pierce appears to be in safe hands now, countless other LGBT youth remain in peril. Please consider supporting the Ali Forney Center or a similar organization near you.
Flower of the Day: 08/29/14
you can look into the eyes of each member of your family constellation
and sincerely thank them for everything, you will be ready to forget
that you were ever born. This means that you will be ready to go beyond
your personality and beyond human consciousness, and thus anchor divine
consciousness. You will finally be able to remember your true identity,
which is beyond your story, your body and your name."
Sri Prem Baba
Far from Dharma | August 29, 2014
At this moment in human history, the
unrestrained extraction and burning of fossil fuels has brought us, in
the industrialized nations, to the point where we are contaminating and
pillaging the Earth to such an extreme that we are endangering all life
on this planet. Nothing could be further from the intention and practice
of dharma.
-Ven. Santussika Bhikkhuni, “Dharma in Action”
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