Para ler o Satsang completo, acesse:
“Es importante que podamos enseñar a nuestros niños sobre la
impermanencia. Ellos necesitan saber que el envejecimiento y la muerte
son fenómenos inherentes a este plano. Desde temprano ellos pueden
comprender que el cuerpo tiene plazo de validez y que solamente aquél
que habita el cuerpo es permanente.”
"It’s important that we teach our children about impermanence. They need to know that aging and death are inherent phenomena of this world. From early on, they can understand that the body has an expiration date, and that only the Being that inhabits the body is permanent."
"It’s important that we teach our children about impermanence. They need to know that aging and death are inherent phenomena of this world. From early on, they can understand that the body has an expiration date, and that only the Being that inhabits the body is permanent."