“El verdadero amor solo es posible cuando nos liberamos del pasado. Y
nos liberamos del pasado solo cuando nos armonizamos con él. No es
huyendo o fingiendo que no existe - es mirándolo de frente y
permitiéndose comprender por qué las cosas sucedieron como sucedieron. Y
una forma de hacer eso, es observando y estudiando las repeticiones
negativas y haciendo la relación de causa y efecto, es decir,
relacionando el pasado con el presente.”
“Real love is only possible when we can liberate ourselves from the past. We are only liberated from our past once we have harmonized ourselves with it, which can't happen by running away from it or pretending that it doesn’t exist. We must face our past and allow ourselves to understand why things happened as they did. This understanding dawns as we observe the negative repetitions in our lives, really studying the connection between cause and effect, and thereby relating our past to the present moment.”
“Real love is only possible when we can liberate ourselves from the past. We are only liberated from our past once we have harmonized ourselves with it, which can't happen by running away from it or pretending that it doesn’t exist. We must face our past and allow ourselves to understand why things happened as they did. This understanding dawns as we observe the negative repetitions in our lives, really studying the connection between cause and effect, and thereby relating our past to the present moment.”