“Este nuevo ciclo del tiempo trae raras oportunidades de crecimiento.
Es un momento en el que tenemos la oportunidad de activar nuestros
potenciales y de poner nuestros dones al servicio del amor, como nunca
antes fue posible. Sin embargo, no estando alineado con tu propósito,
con tu misión en la Tierra, te sentirás limitado. Por eso, quiero
proponer una reflexión: te invito a tomar consciencia de lo que estás
haciendo con tus dones. ¿Al servicio de qué estás poniendo tus
habilidades y tu inteligencia? ¿De la unión, de la construcción, del
amor y de la cooperación? ¿Estás trabajando para que este mundo sea
mejor o estás siendo canal de la discordia y de la separación, usando tu
repertorio para instigar la guerra? No podemos seguir descuidando el
poder que nos fue dado. No podemos seguir siendo canales del odio.”
“This new cycle of time brings with it rare opportunities for growth. We can now activate our potential and put our gifts at the service of love like never before. However, if we are not aligned with our purpose and our mission on earth, we will be tested. Therefore, I propose that we each become aware of what we are doing with our gifts. Are you putting your skills and intelligence at the service of union, construction, love and cooperation? Are you working to make this world a better place, or are you being a channel of discord and separation, using your ways to instigate conflict? We can no longer neglect the power that we were given. We cannot continue being channels of hatred.”
“This new cycle of time brings with it rare opportunities for growth. We can now activate our potential and put our gifts at the service of love like never before. However, if we are not aligned with our purpose and our mission on earth, we will be tested. Therefore, I propose that we each become aware of what we are doing with our gifts. Are you putting your skills and intelligence at the service of union, construction, love and cooperation? Are you working to make this world a better place, or are you being a channel of discord and separation, using your ways to instigate conflict? We can no longer neglect the power that we were given. We cannot continue being channels of hatred.”