“La espiritualidad puede ser traducida como una experiencia de la
realidad - un proceso de despertar de un sueño. La iluminación
espiritual comienza cuando la imaginación cesa. Imaginación quiere decir
fantasías creadas por la mente. En un ejemplo clásico utilizado por el
Vedanta: una persona que mira hacia un trozo de cuerda ve una serpiente,
y a partir de esta visión, crea toda una historia alrededor de la
serpiente. Cuando comienzas a ver la cuerda en lugar de la serpiente, tu
proceso de despertar comenzó.”
"Spirituality can be translated as the experience of reality. It is a process of awakening from a dream. Spiritual enlightenment begins when one ceases to imagine things, meaning the mind stops fantasizing. A classic example used in Advaita Vedanta is that a rope seen in dim light is mistaken for a snake, and with this image in mind, the rope affects the person as much as an actual snake would. When the person begins to realize it was a rope rather than a snake, their process of awakening begins."
"Spirituality can be translated as the experience of reality. It is a process of awakening from a dream. Spiritual enlightenment begins when one ceases to imagine things, meaning the mind stops fantasizing. A classic example used in Advaita Vedanta is that a rope seen in dim light is mistaken for a snake, and with this image in mind, the rope affects the person as much as an actual snake would. When the person begins to realize it was a rope rather than a snake, their process of awakening begins."