A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 21/01/2016
“A natureza inferior é reencarnante. Alguns aspectos do eu inferior são
como entidades que nos acompanham há milênios. Aspectos do orgulho, da
luxúria, do medo, que se tornaram especialistas em manter-se vivos, e
por conta da lei do karma, seguem nos acompanhando. Quando tem a chance
de disparar uma flecha na direção dessas entidades, você pensa: ‘Poderei
viver sem meu orgulho? Sem minha luxúria?’ Isso porque você acredita
que elas te dão algum poder, e para manter esse suposto poder você faz
um contrato com a maldade. E para rasgar esse contrato é preciso
aprender a lidar com resistências.”
“La naturaleza inferior es re-encarnante. Algunos aspectos del yo
inferior son como entidades que nos acompañan desde hace milenios.
Aspectos del orgullo, de la lujuria, del miedo, que se tornaron
especialistas en mantenerse vivos, y por cuenta de la ley del karma,
siguen acompañándonos. Cuando tienes la oportunidad de disparar una
flecha en dirección de estas entidades, piensas: '¿Podré vivir sin mi
orgullo? ¿Sin mi lujuria?' Eso es porque crees que te dan algún poder, y
para mantener este supuesto poder haces un contrato con la maldad. Y
para romper este contrato es necesario aprender a lidiar con
"The lower self is reborn throughout many incarnations. Some aspects of the lower self are like entities that accompany us for millennia. There are aspects of pride, lust and fear that have become true survival experts, and due to the law of karma, have continued to accompany us throughout our lives. When we finally ‘shoot an arrow’ at these entities, we start to hesitate and ask, ‘Can I even survive without my pride and my lust?’ We doubt ourselves because we believe that they give us some power, and in order to maintain this supposed power we subconsciously make a ‘pact’ with evil. We will need to deal with much internal resistance before we can finally tear up this pact.”
"The lower self is reborn throughout many incarnations. Some aspects of the lower self are like entities that accompany us for millennia. There are aspects of pride, lust and fear that have become true survival experts, and due to the law of karma, have continued to accompany us throughout our lives. When we finally ‘shoot an arrow’ at these entities, we start to hesitate and ask, ‘Can I even survive without my pride and my lust?’ We doubt ourselves because we believe that they give us some power, and in order to maintain this supposed power we subconsciously make a ‘pact’ with evil. We will need to deal with much internal resistance before we can finally tear up this pact.”
Via Daily Dharma: City Living
in a big city, sometimes we feel that we don’t know our neighbors but
actually we know them well. They want pleasure and don’t want pain. This
realization of similarity is not superficial; to know that each of us
has hairs in the nose means we can always know something about others by
reflecting on that fact.
—Jeffrey Hopkins, "Equality: The First Step in Cultivating Compassion"
—Jeffrey Hopkins, "Equality: The First Step in Cultivating Compassion"
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia -Flor del día - Flower of the day 20/01/2016
“É preciso ter coragem para sustentar o êxtase na relação, o que
significa sustentar o coração aberto enquanto o outro também está
aberto. A conexão da energia sexual com o coração pode causar medo, pois
ela gera uma poderosa onda de luz e, estando identificado com a sombra
(com os círculos viciosos do sofrimento), você teme ser tocado pela luz.
A escuridão é somente ausência de luz. Se você acredita ser a
escuridão, quando a luz surge, você teme ser aniquilado.”
“Es necesario tener coraje para sostener el éxtasis en la relación, lo
que significa sostener el corazón abierto mientras el otro también está
abierto. La conexión de la energía sexual con el corazón puede causar
miedo, ya que genera una poderosa ola de luz y estando identificado con
la sombra (con los círculos viciosos del sufrimiento), temes ser tocado
por la luz. La oscuridad es solamente ausencia de luz. Si crees que eres
la oscuridad, cuando la luz surge, temes ser aniquilado.”
"It takes courage to sustain ecstasy in a relationship, which means sustaining an open heart while the other’s heart is also open. When our sexual energy connects with our hearts, it can bring up fear because this connection generates a powerful wave of light. If we are identified with the shadow and its vicious cycles of suffering, then we fear being touched by the light. If we believe that we are the darkness itself, then we fear being annihilated when the light approaches us. Darkness is merely the absence of light.”
"It takes courage to sustain ecstasy in a relationship, which means sustaining an open heart while the other’s heart is also open. When our sexual energy connects with our hearts, it can bring up fear because this connection generates a powerful wave of light. If we are identified with the shadow and its vicious cycles of suffering, then we fear being touched by the light. If we believe that we are the darkness itself, then we fear being annihilated when the light approaches us. Darkness is merely the absence of light.”
Via Daily Dharma: What Giving Is
takes many forms—we may give our time, our energy, our material
possessions, our love. All are expressions of caring, of compassion, of
connection, and of renunciation—the ability to let go. The beauty of
generosity is that it not only brings us happiness in the moment—we feel
good when we give—but it is also the cause for happiness to arise in
the future.
—Joseph Goldstein, "The Evolution of Happiness"
—Joseph Goldstein, "The Evolution of Happiness"
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Via Daily Dharma: Peace of Mind
your mind is trained in self-discipline, even if you are surrounded by
hostile forces, your peace of mind will hardly be disturbed.
—The Dalai Lama, "The Enemy Within"
—The Dalai Lama, "The Enemy Within"
Monday, January 18, 2016
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 18/01/2016
“A mudança climática, que tem afetado diretamente o ciclo das águas,
está anunciando um novo estágio na nossa jornada evolutiva: é tempo de
purificação. Estamos sendo levados a nos desidentificar do ego, com
todas as suas crenças e condicionamentos, de forma que possamos abrir
espaço para uma coisa nova. Esse processo passa pela harmonização do
feminino, o que requer o desenvolvimento de qualidades como aceitação,
cooperação, gentileza, receptividade e confiança.”
“El cambio climático, que viene afectando directamente el ciclo de las
aguas, está anunciando una nueva etapa en nuestro camino evolutivo: es
tiempo de purificación. Estamos siendo llevados a des-identificarnos del
ego, con todas sus creencias y condicionamientos, para que podamos
abrir espacio para algo nuevo. Este proceso pasa por la armonización de
lo femenino, que requiere el desarrollo de cualidades como aceptación,
cooperación, gentileza, receptividad y confianza.”
"Climate change has directly affected the planet’s water cycles, and is thus announcing a new stage in our evolutionary journey: a time for purification. We are being led to de-identify from the ego and all of our beliefs and conditioning, so that we can make room for something new. This process also involves harmonizing ourselves with the feminine, which requires us to develop qualities such as acceptance, cooperation, kindness, receptivity and trust.”
"Climate change has directly affected the planet’s water cycles, and is thus announcing a new stage in our evolutionary journey: a time for purification. We are being led to de-identify from the ego and all of our beliefs and conditioning, so that we can make room for something new. This process also involves harmonizing ourselves with the feminine, which requires us to develop qualities such as acceptance, cooperation, kindness, receptivity and trust.”
Via Daily Dharma: Personality Transformation
can change the personality, yes, and hopefully for the better. That’s
the idea of spiritual training, of what we call in Tibetan lojong,
attitude-transformation or mind-training. All the practices—ethical
training, meditation or mindfulness training, wisdom and love
training—are to be a better person, but it is also to realize who we are
as we are.
—Lama Surya Das, "Old Wine, New Bottles"
—Lama Surya Das, "Old Wine, New Bottles"
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Via On Being: Stephen Batchelor — The Limits of Belief, The Massiveness of the Questions
Stephen Batchelor’s “secular Buddhism” speaks to the mystery and vitality of spiritual life in every form. For him, secularism opens to doubt and questioning as a radical basis for spiritual life. Above all, he understands Buddhism without transcendent beliefs like “karma” or “reincarnation” to become something urgent to do, not to believe in.
To hear the full discuss go here
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 17/01/2016
“Nas esferas emocional e mental, o sofrimento nasce do conflito entre duas forças opostas agindo no nosso sistema. Com isso, podemos deduzir que esse mesmo cabo de forças contrárias também se manifesta no nível coletivo. Os conflitos e desastres que estamos vendo e vivendo são sintomas de um grande expurgo interno. E tudo isso é para que possamos trazer à superfície o nosso melhor, ou seja, são oportunidades reais de crescimento. Mas para que isso aconteça, precisamos ter coragem de resolver nossos problemas que, no mais profundo, são dores existenciais. Essa é a única maneira de nos libertarmos do apego à guerra e à destruição.”
“En las
esferas emocional y mental, el sufrimiento nace del conflicto entre dos
fuerzas opuestas actuando en nuestro sistema. Con esto, podemos deducir
que este mismo cable de fuerzas contrarias también se manifiesta a nivel
colectivo. Los conflictos y desastres que estamos viendo y viviendo son
síntomas de una gran purga interna. Y todo esto es para que podamos
traer a la superficie lo mejor de nosotros, es decir, son oportunidades
reales de crecimiento. Pero para que esto suceda, necesitamos tener el
coraje de resolver nuestros problemas que, en lo más profundo, son
dolores existenciales. Esta es la única manera de liberarnos del apego a
la guerra y a la destrucción.”
"In the emotional and mental spheres, suffering is born out of the conflict between two opposing forces acting within our systems. This same tug-of-war also occurs in the collective sphere. The conflicts and disasters we are seeing and experiencing in the world are symptoms of a large internal cleansing. This is all happening so that we can bring our best to the surface, meaning that these are in fact opportunities for growth. In order for this growth to take place, however, we must have the courage to solve our problems, which carry an existential pain at their core. This is the only way we can free ourselves from our attachment to conflict and destruction."
"In the emotional and mental spheres, suffering is born out of the conflict between two opposing forces acting within our systems. This same tug-of-war also occurs in the collective sphere. The conflicts and disasters we are seeing and experiencing in the world are symptoms of a large internal cleansing. This is all happening so that we can bring our best to the surface, meaning that these are in fact opportunities for growth. In order for this growth to take place, however, we must have the courage to solve our problems, which carry an existential pain at their core. This is the only way we can free ourselves from our attachment to conflict and destruction."
Via Daily Dharma: An Awakening Brew
Each of you—not separately, but in the cauldron with all beings, cooking and being cooked—is realizing awakening.
—Reb Anderson, "In It Together"
—Reb Anderson, "In It Together"
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 16/01/2016
"O karma é uma dívida de aprendizado. Quando apreende a lição, você se
liberta da teia karmica. E se libertar significa mover-se em direção ao
dharma e à compreensão do propósito da sua alma. Dharma é a lei
universal, o caminho do coração; é a ação correta que te leva à morada
sagrada. Tudo o que nasce dessa compreensão é bênção. São impulsos de
construção, união, amor, saúde e prosperidade.”
"El karma es una deuda de aprendizaje. Cuando aprendes la lección, te liberas de la tela kármica. Y liberarse significa moverse en dirección al dharma y a la comprensión del propósito de tu alma. Dharma es la ley universal, el camino del corazón, es la acción correcta que te lleva a la morada sagrada. Todo lo que nace de esta comprensión es bendición. Son impulsos de construcción, unión, amor, salud y prosperidad.”
"El karma es una deuda de aprendizaje. Cuando aprendes la lección, te liberas de la tela kármica. Y liberarse significa moverse en dirección al dharma y a la comprensión del propósito de tu alma. Dharma es la ley universal, el camino del corazón, es la acción correcta que te lleva a la morada sagrada. Todo lo que nace de esta comprensión es bendición. Son impulsos de construcción, unión, amor, salud y prosperidad.”
"Karma is a debt of learning. When we learn the lesson, we are freed
from the karmic web. Freeing ourselves means moving towards our dharma
and understanding our soul’s purpose. Dharma is the universal law – the
path of the heart. It is the correct action that takes us to the sacred
abode. All that is born from this understanding is a blessing. Dharma
manifests as constructive actions that bring union, love, health and
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